Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 17


F, #406
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Zachary Deaver

M, #407


Last Edited 22 December 2016

Tyler Deaver

M, #408


Last Edited 22 December 2016

Trevor Deaver

M, #409


Last Edited 22 December 2016

Andrew Payton Deaver

M, #410


Last Edited 22 December 2016


F, #411
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Kayla Deaver

F, #412


Last Edited 22 December 2016

Edward Lawrence Embree

M, #423, b. 8 August 1850, d. 29 January 1928


FatherEffingham Embree (b. 16 March 1818, d. 28 April 1887)

Family: Matilda Lawson Pearsall (b. 9 November 1852, d. 21 May 1935)

SonRoyal Burdick Embree+ (b. 27 October 1873, d. 27 August 1946)
SonLawrence Embree+ (b. 19 December 1877, d. 29 October 1949)
DaughterPauline Embree+ (b. 4 January 1884, d. 15 July 1967)
DaughterLois Embree+ (b. 6 August 1893)


Birth8 August 1850Edward Lawrence Embree was born on 8 August 1850 in New York City, New York County, New York.
Marriage9 November 1871He and Matilda Lawson Pearsall were married on 9 November 1871 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York,
Census1900He appeared in the census 1900 in Buena Vista, Rockbridge County, Virginia. Edward is listed as: Edward L. Embree (Head, b. Aug 1850, age 49, married 28 years, b. NY and parents also, Treasurer, Columbian Paper Company)
Matilda L. (Wife, b. Nov 1852, age 47, married 28 yrs, 4 children, 4 living. b. NY and parents also. [Note, obviously an error, her mother is listed in the same household as b. New Jersey.] )
Royal B. (son, b. Oct 1873, age 26, single, b. NY, Book keeper, Paper Mill.)
Pauline (Daughter, b. Jan 1886, age 14, single, b. NY.)
Lois (Daughter, b. Aug 1893, age 6, singer, b. in Virginia.)
Pearsall, Catherine M. (Mother, b. Sep 1821, age 78, widowed, 0 children, 0 living [obviously incorrect], born in New Jersey.)
Death29 January 1928He died on 29 January 1928 in Buena Vista, Rockbridge County, Virginia,
BurialHe was buried in Westfield, Union County, New Jersey.1
Last Edited 5 December 2022


  1. [S1] Robert Ambler, Embree Footprints (: Compiled and edited by Robert Ambler, Robbinsdale, Minn), Volume 2 Branch A page 28.

Ella Lydia Ferris

F, #425, b. 3 July 1859, d. 20 October 1930


FatherJames Royce Ferris (b. 7 February 1818, d. 26 October 1908)
MotherHarriet Eliza Hawkins (b. 31 August 1824, d. 26 August 1914)


BurialElla Lydia Ferris was buried at Fairview Cemetery in Westfield, Union County, New Jersey.
Birth3 July 1859She was born on 3 July 1859 in Westfield, Union County, New Jersey.1,2
Death20 October 1930She died on 20 October 1930 at 129 Prospect Avenue in Westfield, Union County, New Jersey,
Obituary21 October 193021 October 1930, Plainfield, Union County, New Jersey, Courier-News Obituary:. Miss Ella L. Ferris, Ill for Year, Dies

Miss Ella L. Ferris, life-long resident of this town, died yesterday afternoon in her home at 129 Prospect street, after an illness of almost a year. Miss Ferris had only been confined to her bed for two weeks. She was born in Westfield on July 3, 1859 and was the daughter of the late James R. and Harriet Hawkins Ferris.

With her sister, Mrs. Mary F. Pearsall, Miss Ferris attended Drew College in Carmel, N.Y., where she was graduated in 1877 and received a degree. Miss Ferris was a member of the First Methodist Church and was organist of the church from 1878 until the present edifice was built. She was also for several years organist of the Presbyterian Church. She was a member of the Woman's Aid Society of the First Methodist Church and had been its secretary for many years and held that office at the time of her death.

Miss Ferris was a teacher in the Sunday School and was interested in the Christ M.E. Church mission work. She was a member of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of the Methodist Church, of the Epworth league and of Willard W. C. T. U.

Miss Ferris was one of the organizers of the old public library and served as trustee. She was formerly prominent in the charity and relief organizations of the town.

Miss Ferris is surveved by one sister, Mrs. Mary Ferris Pearsall, three nephews, five nieces and 12 grand nephews and nieces. Funeral services will be held from the Methodist Church tomorrow afternoon at 2:15 o'clock and will be conducted by the Rev. Roy E. Manne, the pastor, and assisted by Dr. Charles M. Anderson of Elizabeth and Dr. Charles Wright of Nutley, both former pastors of the church and friends of Miss Ferris. Interment will be in the family plot in Fairview Cemetery.
Newspaper Mention13 November 1930The 13 November 1930 edition of the Courier-News, Plainfield, Union County, New Jersey, reported Elizabeth Bureau: The will of Miss Ella L. Ferris of Westfield, probated before Surrogate George H. Johnston in the court house yesterday, names a sister, Mrs. Mary F. Pearsall of Ferris place, Westfield, as principal beneficiary. Miss Ferris died Oct. 20.

Two $1,000 bequests are contained in the will. One is to Mrs. Pearsall and the other to the Women's Aid Society of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Westfield.

The residuary estate is to go in equal parts to the nine children of Mrs. Pearsall. The share of Harriet Pearsall, deceased, is to be used for a suitable monument for Miss Ferris in the Fairview Cemetery.

Bequests of furniture, belongings, were made to Ethel P. Deaver, Helen Pearsall, Eleanor P. Shoemaker, Katherine P. Ligget [sic] and Virginia L. Pearsall.

[Note: The reference to the share of Harriet Pearsall, deceased, may be to her deceased sister, born in 1853, and died at age 6. Or maybe it was to place a suitable monument for her niece, Harriet Wheelock Pearsall, who had died in 1923, and maybe "Miss Ferris" is an error that should have been "Miss Pearsall".]
Last Edited 7 December 2022


  1. [S85] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S881] Katharine Searle McCartney, "Copy of Family Record of the Elias Mulford and Elizabeth Gardiner Families and Descendants", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 43 (Jan 1912), viewed on FindMyPast, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org), p. 61