- [S1001] F. G. Emmison, Editor, Bedfordshire Parish Registers: Volume XXVIII, Thurleigh 1562-1812, Riseley 1602-1812, film # 005412710, starting at image 559 of 764 (Bedford: Filmed by Genealogical Society of Utah, online at Familysearch.org, 1943)
- [S1002] George Kemp Ward, Andrew Warde and his descendants, 1597-1910 (New York: A.T. De La Mare Publishing Company, 1910); digital images, archive.org, Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/andrewwardeandh00unkngoog/page/n11/mode/1up : accessed
- [S1009] Jr. Tress E. Pittenger, The Pittenger Families of New Jersey 1665 to 1800: The Descendants of Richard Pewtinger (Palmyra, Virginia: 1999); digital images, familysearch.org, familysearch.org (https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/records/item/545464-redirection : accessed
- [S1010] Ohio County Marriages, 1789 - 2016; County Court Houses, Filmed by Family History Library, FHL Film, Ohio
- [S1011] Ruth Whipple Kapphahn and James Grafton Carter, Genealogy of Whipple, Paddock, Bull Families in America, 1620-1970 (Columbus, OH: 1992); digital images, ( : accessed
- [S1012] Rhode Island Jurisdictions, 1853 - 1937; Rhode Island State Digital Archives, https://sosri.access.preservica.com/home
- [S1013] Rhode Island Jurisdictions, 1853 - 1921; Rhode Island State Digital Archives, https://sosri.access.preservica.com/home
- [S1014] Rhode Island Jurisdictions, 1853 - 1921; Rhode Island State Digital Archives, https://sosri.access.preservica.com/home
- [S1017] Ralph Clymer Hawkins, A Hawkins Genealogy, 1635-1939: Record of the Descendants of Robert Hawkins of Charlestown, Massachusetts (Richmond Hill, New York: Hawkins Association, 1939); digital images, ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/11727/ : accessed
- [S1018] Samuel A. Seaman, Annals of New York Methodism...history of the Methodist Episcopal church in the city of New York from 1766 to 1890 (New York: Hunt and Eaton, 1892); digital images, ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/25737/ : accessed
- [S1019] Henry B. Hoff, Editor, Genealogies of Long Island Families: From the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 1 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1987); digital images, ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/48329/ : accessed
- [S1022] Church of England (Northamptonshire, England), "Church of England (Northamptonshire, England), , ; , Ancestry.com.", Ancestry.com
- [S1023] Green-Wood Cemetery (Brooklyn, Kings County, New York), Green-Wood Cemetery, Green-Wood Cemetery, digital image (https://www.green-wood.com/burial-and-vital-records/)
- [S1024] Moravian Church (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania), "Moravian Church (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania), "," , ; Published on Ancestry.com."; Published on Ancestry.com
- [S1025] Rev. Abraham Reincke, A Register of Members of the Moravian Church, 1727-1754: Transcribed from a MS> in the handwriting of Abraham Reincke by W. C. Reichel (Nazareth, PA: 1873); digital images, archive.org, (https://archive.org/details/jstor-41179549/page/n1/mode/1up : accessed
- [S1026] Frederick County, Maryland; digital images, Maryland State Archives, Archives of Maryland Online, MDLandRec (https://mdlandrec.net/main/index.cfm).
- [S1027] Charles R. Hildeburn, Transcriber, "Baptisms and Burials from the Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1709-1760" (The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, beginning in Vol. 12, No. 3, Oct 1888, p 362 and subsequent issues, 1888, Available online at JSTOR digital journal library (jstor.org), https://www.jstor.org/stable/20083277)
- [S1028] John W. Jordan, "Moravian Immigration to Pennsylvania 1734-1767", Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society, Vol. 5, No.2, pp 51-90 (1896), JSTOR digitial journal library (JSTOR.com)
- [S1029] Augustus Schultze, "The Old Moravian Cemetery of Bethlehem, Pa., 1742-1897", Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society, Vol. 5, No. 3 (1897), JSTOR digital journal library (JSTOR.com)
- [S1031] St. George's Episcopal (1-110), Presbyterian (11-137), Methodist (138-141), Burials, Appendix (142-152), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Microfilm of typescripts at the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York City; FHL microfilm Film 17693, DGS 8200927
- [S1032] New York, "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975", database with images, familysearch, Family Search (familysearch.org); Multiple County Courthouses, New York
- [S1033] Kathryn Hurwitz, e-mail message from ()
- [S1036] St. John's Episcopal Anglican Church (Christiansted, St. Croix, Danish West Indies (from 1917 US Virgin Islands)); digital images, Family Search (https://www.familysearch.org/search/image/index?owc=M6PL-WP6%3A178111601%2C178111602%2C178111603%3Fcc%3D1883386).
- [S1038] Non-conformist Presbyterian or Independent (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England); 8 images, Find My Past ($) (https://search.findmypast.com/record?id=TNA%2FRG4%2F4061A%2F0%2F0005&parentid=TNA%2FRG4%2FBAP%2F1306694).
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England); digital images, Find My Past ($) (https://search.findmypast.com/record?id=gbprs%2flincs%2fgainsborough_all_saints_par_1_1_3%2f0873&parentid=gbprs%2flincs%2fgainsborough_all_saints_par_1_1_3%2f0873&highlights=%22%22&_lang=en).
- [S1040] St. Helen's, Church of England, parish of Lea (Lea, Corringham Deanery, Lincolnshire, England); digital images, Find My Past ($) (https://search.findmypast.com/record?id=GBPRS%2FLINCS%2FLEA_PAR_1_2%2F0209&parentid=GBPRS%2FLINCS%2FLEA_PAR_1_2%2F0209).
- [S1041] Various British parishes; findmypast.com
- [S1042] St. Botolph' (Boston, Lincolnshire); digital images on findmypast.com, Find My Past (https://search.findmypast.com/record/browse?id=gbprs%2flincs%2fboston_st_botolph_par_1_5a%2f0419).
- [S1043] St. Michael's Anglican Church (Stamford, Lincolnshire, England); digital images, Find My Past ($) ().
- [S1044] Find My Past and Nottinghamshire Family History Society, "Nottinghamshire Marriages Index 1528-1929", from original parish records and bishop's transcripts, Find My Past ($) (https://search.findmypast.com/search-world-records/nottinghamshire-marriages-index-1528-1929)
- [S1045] Nottinghamshire Family History Society and Julie Gerring, "Nottinghamshire Baptisms 1635-1812", from the original parish registers and bishop's transcripts, Find My Past ($) (https://search.findmypast.com/search-world-records/nottinghamshire-baptisms)
- [S1046] Original parish records and bishop's transcripts at the Nottinghamshire Archives, "Nottinghamshire Burial Index 1539 - 1905", database, Find My Past (4) (https://search.findmypast.com/search-world-records/nottinghamshire-burial-index)
- [S1047] Find My Past, "Yorkshire Baptisms", from the original parish registersheld in yorkshire archives and family history societies, Find My Past ($) (https://search.findmypast.com/search-world-records/yorkshire-baptisms)
- [S1048] Church of England, "Britain, Marriage Licenses, from 16 counties, 1115 - 1906", database, Find My Past ($) (https://search.findmypast.com/search-world-records/britain-marriage-licences)
- [S1049] "Indiana Memory Hosted Digital Collections", Indiana State Library, Indiana Memory (https://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/)
- [S1050] Mercer County Historical Society, : Gathered from matter furnished by the Mercer and Henderson County Historical Societies, interviews with old settlers, county, township and other records, and extracts from files of papers, pamphlets, and such other sources as have been available (Chicago: H.H. Hill and Co., 1882); digital images, Internet Archive, Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/historyofmercerh00merc/page/n5/mode/2up : accessed
- [S1051] Carroll County, Indiana, Unindexed Records, Image Group Number (DGS) 007549046; Family Seach
- [S1052] Carroll County, Indiana; Digital copy, Family Search, Family Search (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/201989?availability=Family%20History%20Library).
- [S1053] Ohio, United States; "Ohio, U.S. Wills and Probate Records, 1786-1998", digital images, Ancestry, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/8801/)
- [S1055] , "Neshanic Reformed Church Baptismal Records: Early Records 1762-1796", Somerset County Historical Quarterly, Vol. 1, Issues 2 - 3 (Between Apr 1912 and Jul 1912) (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=coo.31924087788315&view=1up&seq=151)
- [S1058] ; film 008068648, Family Search, Family Search (familysearch.org).
- [S1059] Virginia, Original data Virginia Death Registers, Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia; online images of county death registers by year, Ancestry.com, (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/62152/); Original date Virginia Death Registers, Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
- [S1060] Maryland County Records, Clerk of the Circuit Court; familysearch.org database
- [S1061] Virginia; data extracted by Genealogical Society of Utah, FamilySearch.org, (https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1708698)
- [S1064] Howard County, Indiana, Tract book for Township 24 North, Range 3,4 East., Digitized by Howard County Memory Project; Howard County Court House and online at https://www.howardcountymemory.net/digital/collection/p17337coll11/id/225/rec/117, Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana
- [S1065] Greater New Jersey United Methodist Church Annual Conference Commission on Archives and History, "New Jersey United Methodist Church Records, 1800-1970", database, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/61176/)
- [S1067] Theresa Hall Bristol, "Genealogical Gleanings from Land and Probate Records at White Plains and Rye, New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 49, Issue 3 (July 1918), New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/online-records/nygb-record/566-245/89)
- [S1073] L. Roane Hunt, "Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery", The Family Tree Searcher, Gloucester Genealogical Society of Virginia Newsletter https://sites.rootsweb.com/~vaggsv/, Vol. 24, No. 1 (June 2020); PDF (https://sites.rootsweb.com/~vaggsv/issue46v24n1.pdf)
- [S1074] county courts, Maryland; "Maryland Probate Estate and Guardianship Files, 1796-1940", digital images, Family Search (https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1542664)
- [S1076] Jr. Paul Wilson, The Smalleys: a preliminary history (Galveston, TX: Privately printed, 1961); digital images, Family Search, Family Search Digital Library (https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/viewer/616961/?offset=&return=1#page=1&viewer=picture&o=&n=0&q= : accessed
- [S1077] Sam P. Davis, History of Nevada, Volume II (Reno, Nevada: The Elms Publishing Co., 1913); digital images, Family Search, familysearch.org (https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/viewer/339915 : accessed
- [S1080] Virginia, Original data Virginia Marriage Registers, Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia; online images of county Marriage registers by year, Ancestry.com, (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/62152/); Original date Virginia Death Registers, Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
- [S1084] Methodist Episcopal Church, New York, NY, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (New York City), 13 volumes on 4 films; FHL microfilm 17779 - 82, DGS # 7856452-55
- [S1085] Eva Louise Garnsey Card and Howard A. Guernsey, The Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy: Section III, Descendants of Joseph Guernsie=Garnsey (---1688) of Stamford, Conn., I (1963); digital, Internet Archive, Archive.org (https://archive.org/details/garnseyguernseyg00card/page/534/mode/1up : accessed
- [S1086] Scotland, "Nairnshire Ordnance Survey Name Books, 1869", 7 volumes covering ardclach, cawdor, droy, dalcross, moy dalarossie, auldearn and other parishes, Scotland, Scotland's Places (https://scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital-volumes/ordnance-survey-name-books/nairnshire-os-name-books-1869)
- [S1088] Mason Delano Pratt, Genealogy of Richard Henry Pratt and his wife Anna Laura Mason Pratt (San Francisco, California: Privately Printed, availble online https://archive.org/details/genealogyofricha00prat/page/6/mode/1up, May, 1943). Hereinafter cited as Pratt Genealogy.
- [S1090] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
- [S1091] Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Land Patent Database; BLM GLO Land Patent Database, www.glorecords.blm.gov/.
- [S1092] Elaine Goodale Eastman, Pratt, The Red Man's Moses (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, October 1, 1935). Hereinafter cited as Pratt, The Red Man's Moses.
- [S1093] Carroll County Deed Record Database, Viewed on microfilm at Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Indiana. Hereinafter cited as Carroll County Deed Record Database.
- [S1097] New York City Wills; Family Search, unindexed
- [S1098] New York County Ward Jury Census 1816, 1819, 1821, New York County, New York, 21 Volumes, Collection REC0055 - RG 021, New York County Clerk, New York City Municipal Archives, https://nycma.lunaimaging.com/luna/servlet/view/all?sort=identifier%2Ctitle%2Cdate%2Cvolume_number
- [S1102] Travis Dodge Miscia, "Nowe Lately Gone into New England: The Essex Origins of Jeffery and Mary (_____) Ferris", New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol 177 No. 4 (Fall 2023), digital (Americanancestors.org)
- [S1104] "", digital images, familysearch.org, Family Search (familysearch.org)