Mabel Crane was my great-grandmother, on my father's mother's side. These exhibits relate to the Crane family, the Roberts family, and the other families behind Mabel Crane, such as Ives, Lindsley, Hallock, Paddock, and others.

Gerard Crane

Franklin J. Roberts, 1900 Census

Laura Roberts Finch Death Certificate

Gideon Roberts Birth Record

Gideon Roberts, Clockmaker

Amasa Ives Birth Record from

Nehemiah Royce Family

Lois Ives Blakesley, marriage information

Stephen Hallock burial record

Entry on Stephen Hallock in "A Hallock Genealogy"

Family of Joseph Crane and Mary Couch

Laura Crane Brewster

Thaddeus Crane Family

Jones Sausage Factory

Sally Crane Jones

Milo Jones Biographical Entry

Clarinda Crane Brewster Family

James and Clarinda (Hallock) Crane family gravestone

Nathaniel Ives Data, Families of Ancient New Haven

DNA match MRCA James Crane & Clarinda Hallock

Donation of Gerard Crane Farm to Somers Land Trust

Gerard Crane House, Somers, New York

Menagerie business, Somers, NY

Crane Family -- Thomas, Jane, Martha -- families

Huldah Alling Roberts, 1st wife of John E. Roberts, Stone

James and Clarinda (Hallock) Crane family gravestone

Thomas Crane 1850 Census

Crane Family -- Thomas, Jane, Martha -- families

James and Clarinda (Hallock) Crane family gravestone

James Crane, brother of Gerard Crane

James Crane, brother of Gerard Crane

James Crane, brother of Gerard Crane

Crane Family -- Thomas, Jane, Martha -- families

Francis Lindsley Marriage record

List of children of Stephen Ives and Sarah Hart

James and Clarinda (Hallock) Crane family gravestone

Gerard Crane, 1860 Census

Gerard Crane and Wide Awake company

Gerard Crane, 1870 census

James Crane entry from the Crane Genealogy.

James Crane 1800 census

James and Clarinda (Hallock) Crane family gravestone

Clarinda Hallock Crane

John Hallock the 5th

Roxana Barlow Funeral Notice

Jesse Roberts, War of 1812 Pay Record

Roberts, Jesse and Amasa, 1820 Census

Jesse Roberts Census 1840

Jesse Roberts 1850 census

Betsey Ives Roberts in old age

Benjamin Lindsley Family

Thaddeus Crane Gravestone

Betsey Ives Roberts

Elias Roberts, card file entry of American Craftspeople

Elias Roberts Birth Record (Barbour Collection)

Map of Madison County, New York

Roberts, Jesse and Amasa, 1820 Census

Benjamin Roberts Family Photos

Monument of Battle of Wyoming, in which Elias Roberts died