Documents and photos related to Pratt's Civil War service and Indian Wars service

RH Pratt, Brevet Commissions 1867

Pratt's Military Career

R H. Pratt, Returns from 10th Cavalry, July 1872

R.H. Pratt, Returns, 10th Cavalry, May 1872

R H Pratt, Returns from 10th Cavalry, Feb 1872

Oldest Barracks, Fort Sill

RH Pratt, Army List and Directory, 1907

Anna Laura's pension application

Fort Sill under construction

Pratt, R.H., Regular Army Returns, Jan 1868

Fort Arbuckle

Pratt RH, Army Returns, 10th Cav, Co. D, July 1867

Fort Sill when Pratt and his wife were there

Fort Sill, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt in Uniform. Photo found on Ancestry, no source listed.

Fort Sill, 1889

Birdseye view of Fort Sill, undated

Distributing goods to the Indians

Fort Sill

The hospital at Ft. Sill

Officer's Quarters, Fort Sill, Indian Territory

Map of Fort Sill

Fort Sill Tour Brochure