Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 109

Abel R. Mead

M, #2701, b. 1841


FatherReuben Mead (b. 13 May 1802, d. 2 February 1886)
MotherSarah Reynolds (b. 15 October 1807, d. 10 December 1878)


Birth1841Abel R. Mead was born in 1841.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.

Allen Mead

M, #2702, b. 7 February 1837


FatherReuben Mead (b. 13 May 1802, d. 2 February 1886)
MotherSarah Reynolds (b. 15 October 1807, d. 10 December 1878)


Birth7 February 1837Allen Mead was born on 7 February 1837.
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Rebecca A Mead

F, #2703, b. 1835


FatherReuben Mead (b. 13 May 1802, d. 2 February 1886)
MotherSarah Reynolds (b. 15 October 1807, d. 10 December 1878)


Birth1835Rebecca A Mead was born in 1835.1
MarriageJames Lockwood and she were married, date unknown2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S242] Spencer P. Mead, History & Genealogy of the Mead Family (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1901), p. 289. Hereinafter cited as History & Genealogy of the Mead Family.

James Lockwood

M, #2704

Family: Rebecca A Mead (b. 1835)


MarriageJames Lockwood and Rebecca A Mead were married, date unknown1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S242] Spencer P. Mead, History & Genealogy of the Mead Family (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1901), p. 289. Hereinafter cited as History & Genealogy of the Mead Family.

Hibbard Mead

M, #2705, b. 1847, d. 10 August 1863


FatherReuben Mead (b. 13 May 1802, d. 2 February 1886)
MotherSarah Reynolds (b. 15 October 1807, d. 10 December 1878)


Birth1847Hibbard Mead was born in 1847.1
Military Enlistment27 August 1862Hibbard enlisted in the military on 27 August 1862 Information on the Regiment from ancestry.com:

Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 2
Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 3
Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 14
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 94

Regimental History
(Nine Months.)


THE Twenty-eighth was the last Connecticut regiment
organized under the call for nine months volunteers. It was
recruited in the Fourth Congressional District, and was
composed of only eight companies: five companies from Fairfield
County and three companies from Litchfield County. Samuel P.
Ferris of Stamford, a graduate of West Point, was commissioned
Colonel, holding the office during the entire service of the
regiment, and was a great favorite with the men.

The Twenty-eighth rendezvoused about September 15, 1862,
at New Haven, and was in tents and barracks at Camp Terry about
two months. November 15th the regiment was mustered into the
service of the United States, and three days later took leave
of New Haven and Connecticut by boat. On the next day,
November 19th, the regiment went into camp at Centerville, on
Long Island, for ten days only, as it broke camp November 29th,
and six companies went on board steamer "Che Kiang," with a
portion of the Twenty-third Connecticut, under command of
Colonel Holmes. The two companies not on the "Che Kiang" were
sent by steamer, and joined the regiment after many
disagreeable experiences.

The "Che Kiang" sailed from New York on the 3d of
December, 1862, and had a very rough passage, encountering a
terrible storm off Hatteras, but reached Ship Island safely on
the 12th. The regiment remained only long enough to recover
from sea-sickness, and then re-embarked and sailed from Ship
Island December 17th. On December 19th it landed at Camp
Parapet at Carrollton, La., but remained there only for a short
time, leaving for Pensacola, Fla., on the 20th, and arriving
there on the 22d.

At Pensacola the Twenty-eighth made a long and pleasant
stay. The various companies were quartered in houses abandoned
by the owners when the Confederates evacuated the place. Drill
and guard duties occupied much of the time, but the work was
just about enough for health, and the salubrious winter climate
added to make the sojourn of the regiment here memorable, and
this the most pleasant of any of its stopping-places.
Expeditions into the interior and along the coast were
occasionally made, serving to break the monotony of camp and
guard duty, and once in a while the cry of "Steamer coming!"
would cause the boys to hurry to the housetops in order to
catch a glimpse of the welcome visitor; but too often the cry
was only raised by some practical joker. When the steamer came
with the mail there was a busy time, reading the "news from
home," and, until the steamer's departure, writing to friends
and loved ones.

Pensacola was evacuated March 20th, and the Twenty-eighth
moved to Barrancas and into tents. Camp duties were about the
same here as at Pensacola, an occasional expedition serving to
give variety to camp life.

May 10th the regiment left Barrancas by steamer, and on
the 12th landed at Brashear City, La., and left there without
regret on May 23d, arriving at Springfield Landing May 25th,
and at Port Hudson on May 26th. While at this place, and until
the surrender was made by the Confederates, the Twenty-eighth
was continually under fire, and assisted in all the various
siege operations and in the trenches. In the assault on June
14th it furnished one hundred of the two hundred and fifty men
for the storming party or "forlorn hope." Its loss in killed
and wounded was severe in this engagement. At the surrender
the Twenty-eighth moved inside the fortifications and remained
at this place until its departure for home on August 7th.
Several died on the way home, having become enfeebled by the
climate and by disease previous to embarking for Connecticut.
The route home was via Mississippi River to Cairo, and thence
by rail.

On August 28th the survivors were mustered out at New


Siege of Port Hudson, La., May 27 to July 9, 1863.
Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863.

Battles Fought
Fought on 22 Mar 1863 at Pensacola, FL.
Fought on 22 May 1863 at Port Hudson, LA.
Fought on 14 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA.
Fought on 17 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA.
Fought on 21 Jun 1863 at On March To Jackson, LA.
Fought on 4 Jul 1863 at Port Hudson, LA.
Fought on 6 Jul 1863 at Port Hudson, LA.
Fought on 15 Jul 1863 at Port Hudson, LA.
Death10 August 1863He died on 10 August 1863 per Ancestry.com American Civil War Soldiers database.
Last Edited 26 December 2016


  1. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.

Nancy Jane Loder

F, #2706, b. 1 July 1812


FatherJared Loder (b. 15 August 1779, d. 23 June 1867)
MotherNancy Green (b. 18 September 1782)

Family: Alvah Miller (b. 1811, d. 25 December 1892)


Birth1 July 1812Nancy Jane Loder was born on 1 July 1812 in South Salem, Westchester County, New York.1,2
Marriageabout 1848Alvah Miller and she were married about 18481
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S288] Rootsweb WorldConnect jndavis Database, James N. Davis, 2004, email address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Janis B. Ingebrigtsen

F, #2707

Family: Mason Pratt Pearsall (b. 9 March 1921, d. 30 September 2001)

Last Edited 22 December 2016

Genevieve A.

F, #2708
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Nancy Jean Northart

F, #2709

Family: Mason Pratt Pearsall (b. 9 March 1921, d. 30 September 2001)

Last Edited 29 December 2016

Carole F. Schoppe

F, #2710

Family: Mason Pratt Pearsall (b. 9 March 1921, d. 30 September 2001)

Last Edited 22 December 2016

Shirley J. Pope

F, #2711

Family: Mason Pratt Pearsall (b. 9 March 1921, d. 30 September 2001)

Last Edited 9 September 2023

Deborah Leek Miller

F, #2712, b. 19 June 1819


FatherAlvah Miller (b. 12 June 1796, d. 4 January 1852)
MotherLois Holly (b. 10 June 1796, d. 19 October 1866)


Birth19 June 1819Deborah Leek Miller was born on 19 June 1819 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Lydia Ann Miller

F, #2713, b. 13 December 1821


FatherAlvah Miller (b. 12 June 1796, d. 4 January 1852)
MotherLois Holly (b. 10 June 1796, d. 19 October 1866)


Birth13 December 1821Lydia Ann Miller was born on 13 December 1821 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Stephen Holly Miller

M, #2714, b. 16 August 1823


FatherAlvah Miller (b. 12 June 1796, d. 4 January 1852)
MotherLois Holly (b. 10 June 1796, d. 19 October 1866)

Family: Sarah Jane Lyon (b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921)

DaughterEmma Jane Miller (b. 30 August 1852)
SonAlvah Miller (b. 30 January 1855)
SonCyrus Miller (b. 4 February 1859)
SonStephen Holly Miller, Jr. (b. 25 March 1865, d. 1 May 1872)
DaughterLois Adelia Miller (b. 25 November 1866)
SonArthur Miller (b. 23 March 1869)


Birth16 August 1823Stephen Holly Miller was born on 16 August 1823 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Marriage6 August 1850He and Sarah Jane Lyon were married on 6 August 1850 in Bedford, Westchester, New York,1,2
Census9 October 1860He appeared in the census 9 October 1860 in Bedford, Westchester County, New York. Stephen is listed as: age 37, Farmer, Real estate $6000, personal estate $1800, born in New York. With Sarah J, age 27. Emma J., age 7. Alva, age 5. Cyrus, age 1. All born in New York. James Rodgers, age 26, farm laborer, born in Ireland. Living between Abijah Miller and Benj'n Mead. John B. Holly, Stephen Holly, and Jonah Holly not far away.3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  3. [S85] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Sarah Louise Miller

F, #2715, b. 5 June 1833


FatherAlvah Miller (b. 12 June 1796, d. 4 January 1852)
MotherLois Holly (b. 10 June 1796, d. 19 October 1866)


Birth5 June 1833Sarah Louise Miller was born on 5 June 1833.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Sarah Jane Lyon

F, #2716, b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921

Family: Stephen Holly Miller (b. 16 August 1823)

DaughterEmma Jane Miller (b. 30 August 1852)
SonAlvah Miller (b. 30 January 1855)
SonCyrus Miller (b. 4 February 1859)
SonStephen Holly Miller, Jr. (b. 25 March 1865, d. 1 May 1872)
DaughterLois Adelia Miller (b. 25 November 1866)
SonArthur Miller (b. 23 March 1869)


Birth19 March 1831Sarah Jane Lyon was born on 19 March 1831.1
Marriage6 August 1850Stephen Holly Miller and she were married on 6 August 1850 in Bedford, Westchester, New York,1,2
Death1921She died in 19211
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Emma Jane Miller

F, #2717, b. 30 August 1852


FatherStephen Holly Miller (b. 16 August 1823)
MotherSarah Jane Lyon (b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921)


Birth30 August 1852Emma Jane Miller was born on 30 August 1852 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Alvah Miller

M, #2718, b. 30 January 1855


FatherStephen Holly Miller (b. 16 August 1823)
MotherSarah Jane Lyon (b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921)

Family: Phebe Augusta Sutton (b. 1855)


Birth30 January 1855Alvah Miller was born on 30 January 1855 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Marriage9 February 1876He and Phebe Augusta Sutton were married on 9 February 1876 in Westchester, New York,
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Cyrus Miller

M, #2719, b. 4 February 1859


FatherStephen Holly Miller (b. 16 August 1823)
MotherSarah Jane Lyon (b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921)


Birth4 February 1859Cyrus Miller was born on 4 February 1859 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Stephen Holly Miller, Jr.

M, #2720, b. 25 March 1865, d. 1 May 1872


FatherStephen Holly Miller (b. 16 August 1823)
MotherSarah Jane Lyon (b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921)


Birth25 March 1865Stephen Holly Miller, Jr., was born on 25 March 1865 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Death1 May 1872He died on 1 May 18722
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Lois Adelia Miller

F, #2721, b. 25 November 1866


FatherStephen Holly Miller (b. 16 August 1823)
MotherSarah Jane Lyon (b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921)


Birth25 November 1866Lois Adelia Miller was born on 25 November 1866 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Arthur Miller

M, #2722, b. 23 March 1869


FatherStephen Holly Miller (b. 16 August 1823)
MotherSarah Jane Lyon (b. 19 March 1831, d. 1921)


Birth23 March 1869Arthur Miller was born on 23 March 1869 in Bedford, Westchester, New York.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S289] Rootsweb WorldConnect satie00011 Database, Judi Goodwin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S290] Rootsweb WorldConnect :48382 Database, Roger Bredin, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Phebe Augusta Sutton

F, #2723, b. 1855

Family: Alvah Miller (b. 30 January 1855)


Birth1855Phebe Augusta Sutton was born in 1855.
Marriage9 February 1876Alvah Miller and she were married on 9 February 1876 in Westchester, New York,
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Jared Loder

M, #2724, b. 15 August 1779, d. 23 June 1867


FatherJohn Loder (b. 6 August 1739, d. about 1821)
MotherMercy Bouton

Family: Nancy Green (b. 18 September 1782)

SonBenjamin Loder (b. 15 February 1801)
DaughterLizetta Loder (b. 11 December 1802)
SonHenry Loder (b. 2 November 1804)
SonJeremiah Loder (b. 17 March 1807)
DaughterAmy Loder (b. 15 March 1809)
DaughterSarah Wood Loder (b. 6 September 1810)
DaughterNancy Jane Loder (b. 1 July 1812)
SonLewis Benedict Loder (b. 7 April 1815)
DaughterAmy Dickinson Loder (b. 7 April 1818)
SonMoses Jarvis Loder (b. 23 December 1820)
SonNoah Loder (b. 26 March 1825)
SonCyrus Wright Loder (b. 6 October 1827)


Birth15 August 1779Jared Loder was born on 15 August 1779 in South Salem, Westchester County, New York.1
Baptism3 October 1779He was baptized on 3 October 1779 at South Salem Church in South Salem, Westchester County, New York. "son of John Loder."2
Marriage15 December 1799He and Nancy Green were married on 15 December 17991
Census1830He appeared in the census 1830 in South Salem, Westchester County, New York. Jared is listed as: one male under 5, 2 males 5-9, one male in his 50's. One female 10-14, one female in her 40's. Living next to Jeremiah Loder.3
Census1840He appeared in the census 1840 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. Jared is listed as: one male 10-14, one male 15-19, one male in his 60's. One female in her 50's. Living next to Alvah Miller.4
Death23 June 1867He died on 23 June 1867 in Rye, Westchester County, New York,1
Last Edited 16 May 2018


  1. [S288] Rootsweb WorldConnect jndavis Database, James N. Davis, 2004, email address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/
  2. [S230] , South Salem Church, Westchester Cty, NY Records 1752 - 1823, compiled by Betty Matteson Rhodes, South Salem Church Archives, http://the-red-thread.net/south-salem-church.html: Baptisms, page 49., (1752 - 1823). Hereinafter cited as South Salem Church, Westchester Cty, NY Records.
  3. [S88] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  4. [S87] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Nancy Green

F, #2725, b. 18 September 1782

Family: Jared Loder (b. 15 August 1779, d. 23 June 1867)

SonBenjamin Loder (b. 15 February 1801)
DaughterLizetta Loder (b. 11 December 1802)
SonHenry Loder (b. 2 November 1804)
SonJeremiah Loder (b. 17 March 1807)
DaughterAmy Loder (b. 15 March 1809)
DaughterSarah Wood Loder (b. 6 September 1810)
DaughterNancy Jane Loder (b. 1 July 1812)
SonLewis Benedict Loder (b. 7 April 1815)
DaughterAmy Dickinson Loder (b. 7 April 1818)
SonMoses Jarvis Loder (b. 23 December 1820)
SonNoah Loder (b. 26 March 1825)
SonCyrus Wright Loder (b. 6 October 1827)


Birth18 September 1782Nancy Green was born on 18 September 1782 in Pound Ridge, Westchester County, New York.1
Marriage15 December 1799Jared Loder and she were married on 15 December 17991
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S288] Rootsweb WorldConnect jndavis Database, James N. Davis, 2004, email address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/