Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 309

Abigail Lockwood

F, #7701


FatherEdmond Lockwood, III (b. about 1625, d. 31 January 1693)
MotherHannah Scott

Family: Clark


MarriageClark and Abigail Lockwood were married, date unknown Her WikiTree entry says she was married to Joseph Clark. Her brother's will refers to her surname as Cook. I don't see any marriage for Abigail Lockwood, to a Cook or a Clark, in Huntingdon's Register or the Barbour Collection of Stamford Vital Records. Also, I wonder if the surname could possibly be Clock, because that was more common in Stamford than either Cook or Clark.
Last Edited 15 January 2018

Sarah Lockwood

F, #7702


FatherEdmond Lockwood, III (b. about 1625, d. 31 January 1693)
MotherHannah Scott
Last Edited 15 January 2018

Michael Lounsbury

M, #7703
Last Edited 15 January 2018


M, #7704


MarriageClark and Abigail Lockwood were married, date unknown Her WikiTree entry says she was married to Joseph Clark. Her brother's will refers to her surname as Cook. I don't see any marriage for Abigail Lockwood, to a Cook or a Clark, in Huntingdon's Register or the Barbour Collection of Stamford Vital Records. Also, I wonder if the surname could possibly be Clock, because that was more common in Stamford than either Cook or Clark.
Last Edited 15 January 2018

Jonathan Garnsey, -- No issue

M, #7705, b. 12 March 1729/30


FatherJonathan Garnsey (b. 14 November 1701, d. 25 December 1749)
MotherDeborah Finch
No entry or Do not enter! traffic sign


Birth12 March 1729/30Jonathan Garnsey, -- No issue, was born on 12 March 1729/30 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 13 September 2023


  1. [S736] Lorraine Cook White, Editor, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: In Ancestry.com's Connecticut, Town Marriage Records, pre-1879 database, Vol 1-55 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Between 1994 and 2002), Stamford Vital Records, p. 87, citing Vol 1, p. 18

John Garnsey

M, #7706


FatherJoseph Garnsey (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)
MotherMary Lockwood (b. about 1678, d. 1709)
Last Edited 16 January 2018

Deborah Garnsey

F, #7707


FatherJoseph Garnsey (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)
MotherMary Lockwood (b. about 1678, d. 1709)
Last Edited 16 January 2018

Susannah Garnsey

F, #7708


FatherJoseph Garnsey (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)
MotherMary Lockwood (b. about 1678, d. 1709)
Last Edited 16 January 2018

Hannah Garnsey

F, #7709, b. 27 January 1702


FatherJoseph Garnsey (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)
MotherMary Lockwood (b. about 1678, d. 1709)

Family: Thomas Potts


Birth27 January 1702Hannah Garnsey was born on 27 January 1702 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage1 January 1735/36Thomas Potts and she were married on 1 January 1735/36 by Samuel Hoit, J.P.2
Last Edited 16 January 2018


  1. [S112] Eva Garnsey Card and Howard Abram Guernsey, compiler, Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy An Account of Thirteen Generations of Descendants from Henry Garnsey (-- - 1692) of Dorchester, Mass., and Joseph Guernsie-Garnsey (-- -1688) of Stamford, Conn. with revisions by Judith L. Young-Thayer (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., 1963, 1979), p. 485. Hereinafter cited as Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy.
  2. [S736] Lorraine Cook White, Editor, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: In Ancestry.com's Connecticut, Town Marriage Records, pre-1879 database, Vol 1-55 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Between 1994 and 2002), Stamford Vital Records, p. 196, citing Vol 1, p. 30

Thomas Potts

M, #7710

Family: Hannah Garnsey (b. 27 January 1702)


Marriage1 January 1735/36Thomas Potts and Hannah Garnsey were married on 1 January 1735/36 by Samuel Hoit, J.P.1
Last Edited 16 January 2018


  1. [S736] Lorraine Cook White, Editor, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: In Ancestry.com's Connecticut, Town Marriage Records, pre-1879 database, Vol 1-55 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Between 1994 and 2002), Stamford Vital Records, p. 196, citing Vol 1, p. 30

Maria Lois Barnes

F, #7711, b. 1813, d. 3 August 1892

Family 1: Norman Bailey (b. 1816, d. 10 November 1857)

Family 2: James Bennett Garnsey (b. 30 August 1812, d. 23 May 1889)


Birth1813Maria Lois Barnes was born in 1813 in Watertown, Litchfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage5 August 1832Norman Bailey and she were married on 5 August 1832 in Watertown, Litchfield County, Connecticut, She was married first to a Mr. Bailey, based on her obituary.

There is a marriage recorded in Watertown, for a Norman Bailey of Bristol, marrying a Lois Maria Barnes, of Watertown, 5 Aug 1832, by Rev. D. O. Griswold. In her will, 1860 and 1870 censuses, and her death notice, she is called Maria L.

Since she married James Garnsey in 1859, this Norman Bailey would have died before 1859. There is a Norman Bailey in the Spencerport Cemetery, date of death 10 Nov 1857.
Marriageabout 1859James Bennett Garnsey and she were married about 1859 in Monroe County, New York,
Will28 June 1889She signed a will on 28 June 1889 in Spencerport, Monroe County, New York. The last Will and testament of Maria L. Garnsey of the Town of Ogden, County of Monroe and State of New York.
I Maria L. Garnsey aware of the uncertainly of life, do make, ordain, publish and declare this my last Will and testament in the manner and form following, that is to say:
After the payment of my funeral charges, the expenses of Administering my Estate, and my lawful debts, I give, devise and bequesth my property as follows:
First: To my Grandchildren Charles B. Curtis, Frank J. Curtis and Arthur Dill Curtis each One hundred dollars ($100.00).
Second: To my Grandchildren William A. Brigham, Alletta M. Brigham and Hattie E. Brigham each One hundred dollars ($100.00).
Third: To my daughters Hannah E. Brigham and Ellen M. Curtis each one pair of my gold spectacles and all my clothing to be equally divided between them, also six silver teaspoons marked M.L.G, 24 silver plated knives, 12 silver forks marked M.L. G. and all that furniture which was formerly the property of Hannah Jewett now deceased and was given to me by the said Hannah Jewett. To be equally divided between them.
Fourth: To Hanah J. Garnsey, my gold Watch and chain.
Fifth: To Henry W. Garnsey and Lanah J. Garnsey, all the furniture and other articles which I have received from the estate of my late husband James B. Garnsey, now deceased, to be equally divided between them.
Sixth: To my daughters Hannah E. Brigham and Ellen M. Curtis all the residue and remainder of my estate of whatever name and nature to be equally divided between them.

Likewise, I make, constitute and appoint Charles Brigham of Spencerport, Monroe County, N.Y. to be Executor of this my last Weill and testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the Twenty-Eighth day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Eighty Nine.
Signed Maria L. Garnsey L.S.

The above written instrument was subscribed by the said Maria L. Garnsey in our presence and acknowledged by her to each of us and she a the same time declared the above instrument so subscribed to be her last Will and Testament and we at her request, have signed our names as witnesses hereto in her presence and in the presence of each other and written opposite our names our respective places of residency.
James Coddington, Spencerport, N.Y.
Theron H. Coddington, Spencerport, N.Y.2
Death3 August 1892She died on 3 August 1892 in Spencerport, Monroe County, New York, Death notice (attached) in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 5 Aug 18923
Obituary4 August 18924 August 1892, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Obituary:. Mrs. Maria Garnsey, widow of the late J. B. Garnsey, died at her home in Spencerport yesterday morning after a protracted illness of many months, age 79 years. Mrs. Garnsey was born in Watertown, Conn., and came to Monroe county in 1844, where she has since resided. She was married twice, her first husband being Mr. Bailey. She leaves two daughters from her first marriage, Mrs. Charles Brigham of Spencerport and Mrs. Charles Curtis of Ogden. A step-son Henry Garnsey, of Wayland, and a niece, Miss Lena Garnsey of Spencerport also survive her. Mrs. Garnsey was a highly esteemed member of the Spencerport Congregational church, and has been a prominent and valued citizen of Spencerport for many years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the house.
Last Edited 19 January 2018


  1. [S606] , National Archives and Records Administration microfilm, M653, 1438 rolls., 1860 Federal Census (1 June 1860) (.)
  2. [S801] Surrogate Court (New York State), Monroe County Wills, Vol 049, 1886-1893, p. 398; digital images, Ancestry.com ().
  3. [S801] New York Wills and Probate Records, 1659-1999, Monroe County Wills, Vol 049, 1886-1893, p. 399

Todd Michael Mead

M, #7712


FatherWesley Guy Mead (b. 1947)
MotherJanice Susan Hipsak
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Stephanie Daily

F, #7713
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Wesley Guy Mead

M, #7714, b. 1947


FatherHarry Wesley Mead (b. 9 January 1920, d. 28 August 1978)


Birth1947Wesley Guy Mead was born in 1947 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Janice Susan Hipsak

F, #7715


FatherJohn M. Hipsak, Jr. (b. 13 March 1920, d. 8 September 2014)
MotherClara Anna Vargo (b. 4 September 1916, d. 24 April 2006)

Family: Wesley Guy Mead (b. 1947)

SonTodd Michael Mead
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Clara Anna Vargo

F, #7716, b. 4 September 1916, d. 24 April 2006


FatherAndrew Vargo
MotherCarrie Jablonski (b. 29 September 1891)

Family: John M. Hipsak, Jr., (b. 13 March 1920, d. 8 September 2014)

DaughterJanice Susan Hipsak+


Birth4 September 1916Clara Anna Vargo was born on 4 September 1916 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
Death24 April 2006She died on 24 April 2006 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana,
Last Edited 18 January 2018

John M. Hipsak, Jr.

M, #7717, b. 13 March 1920, d. 8 September 2014


FatherJohn Hipsak, Sr. (b. 1892)
MotherKathryn Poza (b. 1893)

Family: Clara Anna Vargo (b. 4 September 1916, d. 24 April 2006)

DaughterJanice Susan Hipsak+


Birth13 March 1920John M. Hipsak, Jr., was born on 13 March 1920 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana. Both his parents were born in Hungary.
Death8 September 2014He died on 8 September 2014 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana,
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Andrew Vargo

M, #7718

Family: Carrie Jablonski (b. 29 September 1891)

DaughterClara Anna Vargo+ (b. 4 September 1916, d. 24 April 2006)
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Carrie Jablonski

F, #7719, b. 29 September 1891


Family: Andrew Vargo

DaughterClara Anna Vargo+ (b. 4 September 1916, d. 24 April 2006)


Birth29 September 1891Carrie Jablonski was born on 29 September 1891 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Frank Jablonski

M, #7720

Family: Anna Gierzynski

DaughterCarrie Jablonski+ (b. 29 September 1891)


BirthFrank Jablonski was born in Germany.
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Anna Gierzynski

F, #7721

Family: Frank Jablonski

DaughterCarrie Jablonski+ (b. 29 September 1891)
Last Edited 18 January 2018

John Hipsak, Sr.

M, #7722, b. 1892

Family: Kathryn Poza (b. 1893)

SonJohn M. Hipsak, Jr.+ (b. 13 March 1920, d. 8 September 2014)


Birth1892John Hipsak, Sr., was born in 1892 in Hungary. Immigrated 1907
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Kathryn Poza

F, #7723, b. 1893

Family: John Hipsak, Sr., (b. 1892)

SonJohn M. Hipsak, Jr.+ (b. 13 March 1920, d. 8 September 2014)


Birth1893Kathryn Poza was born in 1893 in Hungary. Immigrated 1907.
Last Edited 18 January 2018

Kathy Elaine Cornn

F, #7724

Family: Wesley Guy Mead (b. 1947)

Last Edited 18 January 2018

Harry Wesley Mead

M, #7725, b. 9 January 1920, d. 28 August 1978



SonWesley Guy Mead+ (b. 1947)


NoteMarried 3 times 3rd marriage to Willadean VanAntwert, 6 May 1967
Birth9 January 1920Harry Wesley Mead was born on 9 January 1920 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana. He may not be the father of Wesley Guy.
Death28 August 1978He died on 28 August 1978 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana,
Last Edited 18 January 2018