Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 31

Joseph Garnsey

M, #767, b. 1621, d. 11 November 1688

Family: Rose

SonJoseph Garnsey+ (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)


Birth1621Joseph Garnsey was born in 1621.
Marriage11 May 1659He and Rose were married on 11 May 1659 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,
Death11 November 1688He died on 11 November 1688
Last Edited 22 December 2016


F, #768

Family 1: John Waterbury

Family 2: Joseph Garnsey (b. 1621, d. 11 November 1688)

SonJoseph Garnsey+ (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)


Marriage11 May 1659Joseph Garnsey and Rose were married on 11 May 1659 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,
Last Edited 15 January 2018

Joseph Garnsey

M, #769, b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709


FatherJoseph Garnsey (b. 1621, d. 11 November 1688)

Family: Mary Lockwood (b. about 1678, d. 1709)

SonJohn Garnsey
DaughterDeborah Garnsey
DaughterSusannah Garnsey
SonJoseph Garnsey (b. 23 April 1695)
SonJonathan Garnsey+ (b. 14 November 1701, d. 25 December 1749)
DaughterHannah Garnsey (b. 27 January 1702)


Birth30 June 1662Joseph Garnsey was born on 30 June 1662 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1,2
Marriage2 March 1693He and Mary Lockwood were married on 2 March 1693 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, The Lockwood Genealogy lists 7 children of Joseph and Mary:
Mary (1693)
Joseph (1695)
John (1697)
Rose (1699)
Jonathan (1701)
Hannah (1702)
Debro (1704)

The Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy, p. 470, also lists Susannah, b. 1706.3,4

Death1709He died in 1709
Last Edited 15 January 2018


  1. [S796] Frederic A. Holden and E. Dunbar Lockwood, Descendants of Robert Lockwood: Colonial and Revolutionary History of the Lockwood Family in America (Philadelphia: Privately Printed, 1889), p. 15; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsofrob00inhold#page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S736] Lorraine Cook White, Editor, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: In Ancestry.com's Connecticut, Town Marriage Records, pre-1879 database, Vol 1-55 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Between 1994 and 2002), Stamford, p. 87, citing Vol 1, p. 76.
  3. [S736] White, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Stamford Volume, p. 162
  4. [S796] Lockwood, Descendants of Robert Lockwood, p. 50

Mary Lockwood

F, #770, b. about 1678, d. 1709


FatherEdmond Lockwood, III (b. about 1625, d. 31 January 1693)
MotherHannah Scott

Family: Joseph Garnsey (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)

SonJohn Garnsey
DaughterDeborah Garnsey
DaughterSusannah Garnsey
SonJoseph Garnsey (b. 23 April 1695)
SonJonathan Garnsey+ (b. 14 November 1701, d. 25 December 1749)
DaughterHannah Garnsey (b. 27 January 1702)


Birthabout 1678Mary Lockwood was born about 1678 in Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut. I have not been able to view all the material written about Ephraim Lockwood, Edmond Lockwood, and Mary Lockwood. However, from what I have read, the idea that Mary's parents were Ephraim Lockwood and Mercy St. John was propagated by the Lockwood Genealogy by Holden & Lockwood in 1889. That genealogy added the children of Edmond to Ephraim, one of the sons of Robert Lockwood.

The Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy lists Mary Lockwood as the daughter of Edmund/Edmond Lockwood. It references Edmund Lockwood's will which names his children Joseph, Daniel, Edmun, Mary and Abigail.

According to the Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy, it appears to confirm that the three children of Ephraim Lockwood listed in the Lockwood Genealogy without birthdates were children of Edmund Lockwood. That source references the distribution of the estate of Edmond Lockwood, which names children Joseph, Daniel, Mary Garnsy, Abigal, and Sarah.

"LOCKWOOD, Edman, late of Stamford, died Jan 31, 1692, and Mch. 25, 1692/3, letters of administration on his estate granted to his son Joseph Lockwood and Jonas Weed Sr., the later refused to qualify and Abraham Ambler, mentioned his widow ____, and children, Joseph, Daniel, Edman, Mary and Abigaile, and filed Mch. 15, 1692/3, page 95. "
(from Spencer Mead's Extract of Probate Records at Fairfield, Vol 4, 1690-1702, p. 112, viewed on the Fairfield County USGenWeb page,

Also, there is a land record from 3 Jan 1707, a deed of sale by Joseph and Mary Garnsey, husband and wife, to Edmund Lockwood [Jr.] of "our share of our father, Edman Lockwood, deceased." In Stamford Land Records, Vol. A:436, #3161, pt. 2.

The St. John Genealogy is also confusing. It lists Mercy St. John as marrying Ephraim Lockwood (b. in Watertown, Mass 1 Dec 1641, the son of Robert and Susannah Lockwood) but then asterisks this entry, and at the footnote, proceeds to list the extracts of Edmond Lockwood's will, the above-mentioned land record, and an additional document, the will of Edmond Lockwood Jr, which mentions three sisters, Mary Garnsey, Abigail Clark [the Lockwood Genealogy had her marrying a Cook], and Sarah Lounsbury. Perhaps the St. John Genealogy considered Ephraim and Edmond the same man.
Marriage2 March 1693Joseph Garnsey and she were married on 2 March 1693 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, The Lockwood Genealogy lists 7 children of Joseph and Mary:
Mary (1693)
Joseph (1695)
John (1697)
Rose (1699)
Jonathan (1701)
Hannah (1702)
Debro (1704)

The Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy, p. 470, also lists Susannah, b. 1706.2,1

Death1709She died in 1709
Last Edited 3 February 2021


  1. [S796] Frederic A. Holden and E. Dunbar Lockwood, Descendants of Robert Lockwood: Colonial and Revolutionary History of the Lockwood Family in America (Philadelphia: Privately Printed, 1889), p. 50; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsofrob00inhold#page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S736] Lorraine Cook White, Editor, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: In Ancestry.com's Connecticut, Town Marriage Records, pre-1879 database, Vol 1-55 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Between 1994 and 2002), Stamford Volume, p. 162

Jonathan Garnsey

M, #771, b. 14 November 1701, d. 25 December 1749


FatherJoseph Garnsey (b. 30 June 1662, d. 1709)
MotherMary Lockwood (b. about 1678, d. 1709)

Family: Deborah Finch

DaughterDeborah Garnsey, -- Died Young (b. 13 September 1728)
SonJoseph Garnsey, -- Died Young (b. 13 September 1728)
SonJonathan Garnsey, -- No issue (b. 12 March 1729/30)
SonSilas Garnsey, -- No issue (b. 1733/34, d. 1758)
SonSamuel Garnsey (b. 1736)
DaughterDeborah Garnsey (b. 27 June 1741, d. 14 September 1792)
DaughterThankful Garnsey (b. 1743)
SonZaccheus Garnsey+ (b. 1745, d. 1803)
DaughterAbigail Garnsey (b. 10 June 1747)
DaughterComfort Garnsey (b. about 1748)
SonEzra Garnsey+ (b. 29 March 1750, d. August 1821)
DaughterMary Garnsey (b. 29 March 1750, d. December 1751)


Birth14 November 1701Jonathan Garnsey was born on 14 November 1701 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Marriage1727He and Deborah Finch were married in 1727 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, Jonathan and Deborah reportedly had 12 children between 1728 and 1750. The first two (Deborah and Joseph, both died young) and the last two (Ezra and Mary) were twins.1
Death25 December 1749He died on 25 December 1749 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,
Last Edited 20 January 2018


  1. [S112] Eva Garnsey Card and Howard Abram Guernsey, compiler, Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy An Account of Thirteen Generations of Descendants from Henry Garnsey (-- - 1692) of Dorchester, Mass., and Joseph Guernsie-Garnsey (-- -1688) of Stamford, Conn. with revisions by Judith L. Young-Thayer (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., 1963, 1979), p. 491. Hereinafter cited as Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy.

Deborah Finch

F, #772


FatherSamuel Finch (b. about 1677, d. 1728)
MotherMary Whelply

Family: Jonathan Garnsey (b. 14 November 1701, d. 25 December 1749)

DaughterDeborah Garnsey, -- Died Young (b. 13 September 1728)
SonJoseph Garnsey, -- Died Young (b. 13 September 1728)
SonJonathan Garnsey, -- No issue (b. 12 March 1729/30)
SonSilas Garnsey, -- No issue (b. 1733/34, d. 1758)
SonSamuel Garnsey (b. 1736)
DaughterDeborah Garnsey (b. 27 June 1741, d. 14 September 1792)
DaughterThankful Garnsey (b. 1743)
SonZaccheus Garnsey+ (b. 1745, d. 1803)
DaughterAbigail Garnsey (b. 10 June 1747)
DaughterComfort Garnsey (b. about 1748)
SonEzra Garnsey+ (b. 29 March 1750, d. August 1821)
DaughterMary Garnsey (b. 29 March 1750, d. December 1751)


BirthDeborah Finch was born. The Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy lists Deborah Finch as "dau of Samuel, Sr., and Sarah [dau of Simon and Susannah Hoyt]".

The Descendants of John Finch book lists her as the daughter of Samuel (the grandson of Samuel, Sr., and son of Joseph) and Mary Whelply.1,2
Marriage1727Jonathan Garnsey and she were married in 1727 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, Jonathan and Deborah reportedly had 12 children between 1728 and 1750. The first two (Deborah and Joseph, both died young) and the last two (Ezra and Mary) were twins.2
Last Edited 23 January 2018


  1. [S805] Claude E. Thummel, Compiler, Descendants of John Finch of Connecticut (1 Sep 1965), p. 26; digital images, Family Search Books, ExLibris Rosetta (https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?from=fhd&dps_pid=IE90616 : accessed
  2. [S112] Eva Garnsey Card and Howard Abram Guernsey, compiler, Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy An Account of Thirteen Generations of Descendants from Henry Garnsey (-- - 1692) of Dorchester, Mass., and Joseph Guernsie-Garnsey (-- -1688) of Stamford, Conn. with revisions by Judith L. Young-Thayer (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., 1963, 1979), p. 491. Hereinafter cited as Garnsey-Guernsey Genealogy.

Ezra Garnsey

M, #773, b. 29 March 1750, d. August 1821


FatherJonathan Garnsey (b. 14 November 1701, d. 25 December 1749)
MotherDeborah Finch

Family: Sarah Seekins (b. 27 March 1751, d. August 1821)

SonAsa Garnsey (b. 12 May 1776, d. 1836)
SonSilas Garnsey (b. 8 April 1778)
SonEzra Garnsey, Jr.+ (b. 12 April 1780, d. after 1855)
DaughterSally (Sarah) Garnsey+ (b. 17 March 1782, d. 28 July 1861)
SonSolomon Garnsey (b. 25 May 1787, d. 26 February 1841)


Birth29 March 1750Ezra Garnsey was born on 29 March 1750 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Son of Jonathan, dec'd, and Deborah.

Twins with Mary. Born 3 months after their father's death.1
Christening20 May 1750He was christened on 20 May 1750 at Congregational Church in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Marriage3 March 1771He and Sarah Seekins were married on 3 March 1771 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, by Rev. Samuel West of Dartmouth.2
Military6 May 1775He served in the military on 6 May 1775 serving in Revolutionary War.
Military6 October 1775He served in the military on 6 October 1775 (Revolutionary War).
Census1790He appeared in the census 1790 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Ezra is listed as:
Census1800He appeared in the census 1800 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Ezra is listed as: 1 male 16-25, 1 male 45 & over, 1 female under 10, 1 female 16-25, 1 female 45 & up. Next to Jeremiah Lockwood and a number of other Lockwoods nearby. Isaac Webb nearby.3
Religious Affiliation6 August 1804He was affiliated with listed as Parishoner. on 6 August 1804 at St. John's Church in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Census1810He appeared in the census 1810 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Ezra is listed as: 1 male "45 and over", with 1 female 45 and over. Next to Silas Garnsey, his son, and Silas's 5 boys. Next to Samuel Lockwood.4
DeathAugust 1821He died in August 1821 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, per Stamford Congregational Church records.
Last Edited 9 May 2019


  1. [S736] Lorraine Cook White, Editor, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: In Ancestry.com's Connecticut, Town Marriage Records, pre-1879 database, Vol 1-55 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Between 1994 and 2002), Stamford VR, p. 87, citing Vol 1, p. 95
  2. [S736] White, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Stamford, p. 222, citing Vol 2, p. 28
  3. [S92] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  4. [S90] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com, 3/22 at ancestry.com.

Sarah Seekins

F, #774, b. 27 March 1751, d. August 1821


FatherAaron Seekins, Jr.
MotherHannah Wescott (b. 7 April 1725)

Family: Ezra Garnsey (b. 29 March 1750, d. August 1821)

SonAsa Garnsey (b. 12 May 1776, d. 1836)
SonSilas Garnsey (b. 8 April 1778)
SonEzra Garnsey, Jr.+ (b. 12 April 1780, d. after 1855)
DaughterSally (Sarah) Garnsey+ (b. 17 March 1782, d. 28 July 1861)
SonSolomon Garnsey (b. 25 May 1787, d. 26 February 1841)


Birth27 March 1751Sarah Seekins was born on 27 March 1751 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Marriage3 March 1771Ezra Garnsey and she were married on 3 March 1771 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, by Rev. Samuel West of Dartmouth.1
DeathAugust 1821She died in August 1821 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,
Burial1821She was buried in 1821 at Old North Main Street Cemetery in Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Last Edited 18 January 2018


  1. [S736] Lorraine Cook White, Editor, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: In Ancestry.com's Connecticut, Town Marriage Records, pre-1879 database, Vol 1-55 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Between 1994 and 2002), Stamford, p. 222, citing Vol 2, p. 28
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Old North Main Street Cemetery, Danbury, CT

Aaron Seekins, Jr.

M, #775


FatherAaron Seekins (b. about 1690, d. before December 1747)
MotherLydia Pierce (b. about 1689, d. 1785)

Family: Hannah Wescott (b. 7 April 1725)

SonAaron Seekins, III (b. about 1749, d. before 1840)
DaughterSarah Seekins+ (b. 27 March 1751, d. August 1821)
DaughterMary Seekins (b. about 1752)
SonCaleb Seekins (b. about 1754)
DaughterLydia Seekins (b. about 1756)
SonPaul Seekins (b. about 1759, d. 1810)
SonMartin Seekins (b. 1762, d. 1830)
DaughterMargaret Seekins (b. about 1765)


Marriage17 April 1746Aaron Seekins, Jr., and Hannah Wescott were married on 17 April 1746 in Plymouth, Middleborough County, Massachusetts, The marriage was recorded as "both of Middleborough", married by Benjamin Ruggles.

I have seen her name listed Hannah June, and Hannah Jun. I do not think those are correct. Looking at this record, it looks like Hannah Wescoat Junr with the "r" in superscript. It is spelled just like another Junior further down on the page. Was the term Junior ever used for a woman? Could there have been another Hannah Wescott in Plymouth at that time, that they wanted to differentiate from? Just a thought.

Looking in the Town Clerk Town Records for Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, I see Benjamin Ruggles, son of Mr. Benjamin Ruggles and Dorcas his wife, b. 15 Dec 1726. Probably Senior married them.
Last Edited 18 January 2018