Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 42


F, #1026, b. 1604, d. before 10 March 1689/90

Family: Jonas Weed (b. between 1598 and 1610, d. before 5 June 1676)

DaughterMary Weed (b. about 1635)
DaughterElizabeth Weed (b. about 1637)
DaughterDorcas Weed (b. about 1639, d. 24 December 1692)
SonJohn Weed+ (b. about 1641, d. 1689/90)
SonDaniel Weed (b. about 1643, d. 29 November 1697)
SonSamuel Weed (b. about 1646, d. 1708)
SonJonas Weed, Jr.+ (b. about 1649, d. 19 November 1704)
DaughterHannah Weed+ (b. about 1650, d. 9 November 1711)
DaughterSarah Weed (b. about 1653)


Birth1604Mary was born in 1604.1
Marriageabout 1637Jonas Weed and she were married about 1637 in Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, The Great Migration lists 9 children, possibly of Jonas and Mary, or possibly some of Jonas and a first wife and the rest of Jonas and Mary.

Paul Prindle lists 10 children and does not mention the possibility of a second wife. The 10th child was an unnamed child who died 15 Jul 1656, listed in the Stamford Town Records, 1:19.2,3
Deathbefore 10 March 1689/90She died before 10 March 1689/901,4
Will10 March 1690She signed a will on 10 March 1690 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. The inventory of her estate was taken by Daniel Schofield and Abraham Ambler, and her son Jonas Weed was made administrator.5
Last Edited 9 February 2018


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S640] Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Vols 1-3, 1634-1635, Vols 1-6, ancestry.com (Boston: New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Between 1996 and 2011), Vol 3, p. 1957
  3. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p. 537. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.
  4. [S640] Anderson, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Vols 1-3, 1634-1635, Vols 1-6, Vol 3, p. 1957, citing Fairfield Probate Records
  5. [S813] Julia Locke Frame Bunce, Some of the ancestors of the Reverend John Selby Frame and his wife Clara Winchester Dana (Privately printed, 1948), p. 204ff.; digital images, HathiTrust, hathitrust.org (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89066143041;view=1up;seq=5 : accessed

Susannah Smith

F, #1027, b. about 1597, d. before 1674

Family: Simon Hoyt (b. about 1593, d. 1 September 1657)

SonBenjamin Hoyt+ (b. 2 February 1644/45, d. 26 January 1736/37)
DaughterSarah Hoyt+ (b. about 1646, d. 19 March 1712/13)


Birthabout 1597Susannah Smith was born about 1597.1
MarriageSimon Hoyt and she were married, date unknown Susannah was his second wife. His first wife (possibly Jane Stoodley) probably died in England before his migration. By his first wife he had at least four children (Walter, Nicholas, Alexander, and John. All but Alexander migrated to America.

With Susannah, he had seven children between about 1632 and about 1647.
Mary, b ca. 1630 (m. Thomas Lyon)
Moses, b. ca. 1632 (Dorchester?)
Joshua, b. ca. 1635 (Scituate?)
Sarah , b. ca. 1637 (Scituate?) of whom Great Migration writes "b. say 1647, m. by about 1663 Samuel Finch, son of John Finch [Gillespie Anc 147-51]."
Miriam, b. ca. 1639 (Scituate?) (m. Samuel Ffirman)
Samuel, b. ca. 1642 (Windsor?)
Benjamin, b. 2 Feb 1644/5, Windsor.

After Simon's death, Susannah married Robert Bates, and died before 1 Feb 1674.2
Deathbefore 1674She died before 16741
Last Edited 8 February 2018


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S640] Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Vols 1-3, 1634-1635, Vols 1-6, ancestry.com (Boston: New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Between 1996 and 2011), Vol 2, G-O, p. 1030-31

Simon Hoyt

M, #1028, b. about 1593, d. 1 September 1657

Family: Susannah Smith (b. about 1597, d. before 1674)

SonBenjamin Hoyt+ (b. 2 February 1644/45, d. 26 January 1736/37)
DaughterSarah Hoyt+ (b. about 1646, d. 19 March 1712/13)


BiographySummary of information on Simon Hoyt Written by Doug Sinclair, on his website "Doug Sinclair's Archives".
Birthabout 1593Simon Hoyt was born about 1593 in West Hatch, Somersetshire, England. Some places list his birthplace as Dorset but Great Migration lists Somerset. I have seen a birth date of 20 Jan 1590, but Great Migration does not have a date.1,2,3
Immigration1629He immigrated in 1629 to Charlestown, Massachusetts,
Relocationabout 1633About 1633, Simon Hoyt moved to Dorchester, Massachusetts. By 1635 he is recorded in Scituate, by 1639 in Windsor, Connecticut, by 1649 in Fairfield, CT, and by 1657 in Stamford.3
MarriageHe and Susannah Smith were married, date unknown Susannah was his second wife. His first wife (possibly Jane Stoodley) probably died in England before his migration. By his first wife he had at least four children (Walter, Nicholas, Alexander, and John. All but Alexander migrated to America.

With Susannah, he had seven children between about 1632 and about 1647.
Mary, b ca. 1630 (m. Thomas Lyon)
Moses, b. ca. 1632 (Dorchester?)
Joshua, b. ca. 1635 (Scituate?)
Sarah , b. ca. 1637 (Scituate?) of whom Great Migration writes "b. say 1647, m. by about 1663 Samuel Finch, son of John Finch [Gillespie Anc 147-51]."
Miriam, b. ca. 1639 (Scituate?) (m. Samuel Ffirman)
Samuel, b. ca. 1642 (Windsor?)
Benjamin, b. 2 Feb 1644/5, Windsor.

After Simon's death, Susannah married Robert Bates, and died before 1 Feb 1674.4
Relocationabout 1657About 1657, Simon Hoyt moved to Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.3
Death1 September 1657He died on 1 September 16571,5
Burial3 September 1657He was buried on 3 September 1657 at Stamford Burying Ground (Columbus Park) in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Last Edited 10 February 2024


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, CT, Founders' Monument
  3. [S640] Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Vols 1-3, 1634-1635, Vols 1-6, ancestry.com (Boston: New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Between 1996 and 2011), Vol 2, G-O, p. 1028
  4. [S640] Anderson, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Vols 1-3, 1634-1635, Vols 1-6, Vol 2, G-O, p. 1030-31
  5. [S234] Reverend Elijah B. Huntington, compiler, Stamford registration of births, marriages and deaths : including every name, relationship, and date now found in the Stamford registers, from the first record down to the year 1825. (Stamford, Connecticut, Viewed at Fairfield County USGenWeb site, http://www.rootsweb.com/~ctfairfi/stamford/hr_index.htm: WM. W. GILLESPIE & CO., STEAM PRINTERS, 1874), p. 47. Hereinafter cited as REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS OF STAMFORD FAMILIES.

Hannah Scofield

F, #1029, b. about 1652, d. after 1684


FatherRichard Scofield (b. about 1613, d. 1670)
MotherMary (b. about 1627, d. after 1670)

Family: Joseph Webb (b. about 1648, d. 8 March 1684/85)

SonJoseph Webb, Jr.+ (b. 5 January 1674/75, d. 15 November 1743)
DaughterMargery Webb (b. 4 October 1683, d. 2 January 1737)


Birthabout 1652Hannah Scofield was born about 1652.1
MarriageJoseph Webb and she were married, date unknown
Deathafter 1684She died after 16841
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Joseph Webb

M, #1030, b. about 1648, d. 8 March 1684/85


FatherRichard Webb (b. about 1623, d. 15 March 1676/77)
MotherMargery Moyer (b. about 1627, d. after 1676)

Family: Hannah Scofield (b. about 1652, d. after 1684)

SonJoseph Webb, Jr.+ (b. 5 January 1674/75, d. 15 November 1743)
DaughterMargery Webb (b. 4 October 1683, d. 2 January 1737)


Birthabout 1648Joseph Webb was born about 1648.1
MarriageHe and Hannah Scofield were married, date unknown
Death8 March 1684/85He died on 8 March 1684/851
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Richard Webb

M, #1031, b. about 1623, d. 15 March 1676/77

Family: Margery Moyer (b. about 1627, d. after 1676)

SonJoseph Webb+ (b. about 1648, d. 8 March 1684/85)


Birthabout 1623Richard Webb was born about 1623.1
MarriageHe and Margery Moyer were married, date unknown
Death15 March 1676/77He died on 15 March 1676/771
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Margery Moyer

F, #1032, b. about 1627, d. after 1676

Family: Richard Webb (b. about 1623, d. 15 March 1676/77)

SonJoseph Webb+ (b. about 1648, d. 8 March 1684/85)


Birthabout 1627Margery Moyer was born about 1627.1
MarriageRichard Webb and she were married, date unknown
Deathafter 1676She died after 16761
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Richard Scofield

M, #1033, b. about 1613, d. 1670


FatherAlexander Scofield (b. about 1587)

Family: Mary (b. about 1627, d. after 1670)

DaughterHannah Scofield+ (b. about 1652, d. after 1684)


Birthabout 1613Richard Scofield was born about 1613.1
MarriageHe and Mary were married, date unknown
Death1670He died in 16701
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm


F, #1034, b. about 1627, d. after 1670

Family: Richard Scofield (b. about 1613, d. 1670)

DaughterHannah Scofield+ (b. about 1652, d. after 1684)


Birthabout 1627Mary was born about 1627.1
MarriageRichard Scofield and she were married, date unknown
Deathafter 1670She died after 16701
Last Edited 17 August 2017


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Alexander Scofield

M, #1035, b. about 1587


SonRichard Scofield+ (b. about 1613, d. 1670)


Birthabout 1587Alexander Scofield was born about 1587.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Josiah Mead

M, #1036, b. 9 October 1761, d. 28 March 1839


FatherNathaniel Mead, Jr./III (b. about 1731, d. before September 1818)
MotherElizabeth Smith (b. 24 September 1739, d. after 1785)

Family 1: Mercy Burley (b. about 1765, d. before September 1814)

DaughterMercy Mead+ (b. 1795)
SonZaccheus Mead (b. 1797)


Family Search IDHis FamilySearch PID is KG1V-L75.
Birth9 October 1761Josiah Mead was born on 9 October 1761.1
Marriage18 August 1783He and Mercy Burley were married on 18 August 1783 at Second Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2,3
Bequest16 December 1805He was mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 16 December 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.4
Marriageabout July 1814Josiah Mead and Abiah Strickland were married about July 1814 in Saratoga County, New York, Abiah had been married previously, to Eldad Garnsey. On Findagrave, Eldad's death date is given as 12 Apr 1819, and the entry reads "Note: Husband of Abiah Garnsey; Info from C. Durkee's 1878 report. Stone badly weathered, partly buried." I wonder if the year could have been misread, because Abiah is already a widow in guardianship and property documents in the summer of 1814.

If the inscription was hard to read in 1878, 1814 could look like 1819.

By September of 1814, Abiah had remarried, to Josiah Mead. She had eight children by Eldad Garnsey.2
Will15 March 1838He signed a will on 15 March 1838 in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Will Book A., Page 69
Clearfield County, PA:
I, Josiah Mead considering the uncertainly of this mortal life and being of Sound Mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First, I will that all my just debts be fully paid out of my personal property or if that be not sufficient then to be paid out of the proceeds of my real estate, before any division among my children. Secondly, I will that my Executors in this instrument by me appointed shall make such distribution and disposition of my effects, real and personal, as I now relate. My Executors hereinafter appointed are fully authorized and empowered after my death to take into their possession my real and personal estate all and singular and make such disposition of the same as they think most beneficial to the heirs by rent, sale or otherwise at any time they may see fit. I have one cow, one two year old heifer and one yearling. The cow and two year old heifer I will to the use of Amanda Noney (Money?) but leave it to the discretion of the Executors whether they eventually be her property or be divided and they to choose their time for decision. Whenever my Executors may see fit at any time to dispose of my real and personal estate all of which and the title thereto I transfer to them for the benefit of my heirs and I order my deeds to be transferred to said Executors for said benefit. Then I will after all expenses are paid and equal division of the remaining proceeds of my property of which the executors may render an account, be equally divided between all and every of my natural children and share and share alike deducting from each ones portion whatever they may have previously received. Should any of the children have deceased at the time of the division their heirs to receive the portion. The following children are to have deducted from the portion allotted the several sums mentioned. Elisabeth, one hundred and five dollars. Sarah (deceased) fifty eight 50/100 dollars. Anny thirty-six dollars. Mercy sixty five dollars. Amanda forty one dollars. Lucy fifty dollars. And I hereby appoint William J. B. Andrews and Smith Mead my Executors, having full confidence in their integrity and ability and leave at their discretion and judgement the time of dividing the property. I leave it to my Executors to settle as they think right and proper the accounts of the several heirs and their decision shall be final and conclusive and I hereby revoke all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fifteenth day of March Eighteen hundred and thirty eight. Signed Josiah Mead.

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above-named Josiah Mead to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence subscribed our names as witness thereunto: Richar [sic] Gillat , John Mead, David Wheler.
Death28 March 1839He died on 28 March 1839 in Pennsylvania
Probate Record4 December 1839Josiah was listed in probate records on 4 December 1839 in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Clearfield County ss: This 4th day of December 1839 before me James T. Leonard, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the county of Clearfield personally came David Wheler who upon his solemn oath administered according to law doth say that he was present and saw Josiah Mead the testator sign seal publish pronounce and declare the foregoing and within instrument of writing as and for his last will and testament and at the time of so doing he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of his knowledge and belief, Signed David Wheler. Sworn & Subscribed before me 5 Dec’r 1839, James J. Leonard.

Clearfield County Ss:
The seventh day of February 1840 before me James T. Leonard, Register for the probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the County of Clearfield personally came John Mead and Richard Gilatt who upon their solemn oaths and affirmations according to law doth say that they were present and saw Josiah Mead the testator sign seal publish pronounce and deliver the foregoing and within Instrument of writing as and for his testament and last will and at the time of so doing he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of his knowledge and belief. Signed John Mead, Richard Gilat.
Sworn and subscribed before me 7 Feb 1840, James T. Leonard, Reg’r.
Probate Record6 May 1840Josiah was listed in probate records on 6 May 1840 in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Oath of Smith Mead, Executor of Josiah Mead: You, Smith Mead, do swear as Executor of the last will and testament of Josiah Mead deceased that you will well and truly administer the goods and chattels rights and credits which were of said deceased according to law and also will diligently and faithfully regard and well and truly comply with the provisions of the law relative to collateral inheritance. Signed Smith Mead.
Sworn and Subscribed before me 6th May 1840, James T. Leonard, Reg’r.
Last Edited 2 February 2025


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S775] Gail Blankenau, "Some Descendants of Nathaniel Mead of Greenwich, Connecticut: Through his Son Josiah Mead", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 163 (January 2009, April 2009, & July 2009): p. 149
  3. [S776] Frederic W. Bailey, Compiler, Early Connecticut Marriages as Found on Ancient Church Records Prior to 1800, Early Connecticut Marriage database online (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997), Book 4, p. 89, Greenwich; image online, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed
  4. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 536. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

Sally Locke

F, #1037, b. about 1765


Birthabout 1765Sally Locke was born about 1765.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Hannah Mead

F, #1038, b. 28 March 1764


FatherNathaniel Mead, Jr./III (b. about 1731, d. before September 1818)
MotherElizabeth Smith (b. 24 September 1739, d. after 1785)

Family: Joseph Mead (b. 18 December 1760)

SonSeth Mead (b. about 1785)
DaughterHannah Mead (b. 7 May 1793, d. 15 November 1876)
DaughterPolly Mead (b. 1795)
DaughterRolina Mead (b. 1797)
DaughterFanny Mead (b. 1799)
DaughterLaura Mead (b. 1801)


Birth28 March 1764Hannah Mead was born on 28 March 1764.1
Marriage17 March 1784Joseph Mead and she were married on 17 March 1784 at Horseneck in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Bequest16 December 1805She was mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 16 December 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 536. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

Joseph Mead

M, #1039, b. 18 December 1760


FatherSeth Mead (d. 27 September 1766)
MotherDeborah Disbrow

Family: Hannah Mead (b. 28 March 1764)

SonSeth Mead (b. about 1785)
DaughterHannah Mead (b. 7 May 1793, d. 15 November 1876)
DaughterPolly Mead (b. 1795)
DaughterRolina Mead (b. 1797)
DaughterFanny Mead (b. 1799)
DaughterLaura Mead (b. 1801)


Birth18 December 1760Joseph Mead was born on 18 December 1760 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1,2
Marriage17 March 1784He and Hannah Mead were married on 17 March 1784 at Horseneck in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S128] Genealogical Society of Utah, Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848, FHL Film number 185372. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848.

Abigail Mead

F, #1040, b. 26 May 1766


FatherNathaniel Mead, Jr./III (b. about 1731, d. before September 1818)
MotherElizabeth Smith (b. 24 September 1739, d. after 1785)

Family: Daniel Denton (b. about 1762, d. 1823)

SonJohn M. Denton (b. 3 February 1795, d. 26 April 1872)


Family Search IDHer FamilySearch PID is 2S2L-Y2B.
Birth26 May 1766Abigail Mead was born on 26 May 1766 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Marriage14 February 1793Daniel Denton and she were married on 14 February 17931
Bequest16 December 1805She was mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 16 December 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.3
Last Edited 2 February 2025


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S128] Genealogical Society of Utah, Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848, FHL Film number 185372. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848.
  3. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 536. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

Daniel Denton

M, #1041, b. about 1762, d. 1823


FatherHumphrey Denton (b. 1722, d. 1799)
MotherAbigail Smith

Family: Abigail Mead (b. 26 May 1766)

SonJohn M. Denton (b. 3 February 1795, d. 26 April 1872)


Birthabout 1762Daniel Denton was born about 1762.1
Marriage14 February 1793He and Abigail Mead were married on 14 February 17931
Death1823He died in 1823 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Nathaniel Mead

M, #1042, b. 4 November 1768


FatherNathaniel Mead, Jr./III (b. about 1731, d. before September 1818)
MotherElizabeth Smith (b. 24 September 1739, d. after 1785)


Family Search IDHis FamilySearch PID is M28Y-38N.
Birth4 November 1768Nathaniel Mead was born on 4 November 1768 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1,2
Bequest16 December 1805He was mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 16 December 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.3
Last Edited 2 February 2025


  1. [S126] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1640-1848. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934). Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  3. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 536. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

John Mead

M, #1043


FatherNathaniel Mead, Jr./III (b. about 1731, d. before September 1818)
MotherElizabeth Smith (b. 24 September 1739, d. after 1785)


Bequest16 December 1805John Mead was mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 16 December 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.
  2. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 536. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

Betsey Mead

F, #1044


FatherNathaniel Mead, Jr./III (b. about 1731, d. before September 1818)
MotherElizabeth Smith (b. 24 September 1739, d. after 1785)

Family: Palmer


Marriage18 January 1801Palmer and Betsey Mead were married on 18 January 1801 at 2nd Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1,2
Bequest16 December 1805She was mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 16 December 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.
  2. [S113] Abstracted by Spencer P. Mead, Viewed on website of New England Historical and Genealogical Society database., Church Records of Greenwich, CT, 1728-1909, abstracted from the records of 1st and 2nd Congregational, Stanwich Congregational, N. Greenwich Congregational, Christ Episcopal, King Street Baptist, Round Hill Methodist Episcopal, Stanwich Methodist Episcopal.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Churches abstracted by Spencer Mead.
  3. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 536. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.


M, #1045

Family: Betsey Mead


Marriage18 January 1801Palmer and Betsey Mead were married on 18 January 1801 at 2nd Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.
  2. [S113] Abstracted by Spencer P. Mead, Viewed on website of New England Historical and Genealogical Society database., Church Records of Greenwich, CT, 1728-1909, abstracted from the records of 1st and 2nd Congregational, Stanwich Congregational, N. Greenwich Congregational, Christ Episcopal, King Street Baptist, Round Hill Methodist Episcopal, Stanwich Methodist Episcopal.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Churches abstracted by Spencer Mead.

Thomas Mead

M, #1046


FatherNathaniel Mead, Jr./III (b. about 1731, d. before September 1818)
MotherElizabeth Smith (b. 24 September 1739, d. after 1785)


Bequest16 December 1805Thomas Mead was mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 16 December 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.2
Witness29 September 1818Thomas Mead was mentioned in the probate record of Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, on 29 September 1818 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut. See Nathaniel Mead, Jr./III, for details. .1
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  1. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.
  2. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 536. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

Seth Mead

M, #1047, d. 27 September 1766

Family: Deborah Disbrow

SonJoseph Mead+ (b. 18 December 1760)
SonSeth Mead (b. 1 October 1762)
DaughterHannah Mead (b. 8 June 1765)
DaughterMary Mead (b. 19 February 1768)


MarriageSeth Mead and Deborah Disbrow were married, date unknown1
Death27 September 1766He died on 27 September 1766 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,
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  1. [S128] Genealogical Society of Utah, Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848, FHL Film number 185372. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848.

Deborah Disbrow

F, #1048

Family 1: William Bush

Family 2: Seth Mead (d. 27 September 1766)

SonJoseph Mead+ (b. 18 December 1760)
SonSeth Mead (b. 1 October 1762)
DaughterHannah Mead (b. 8 June 1765)
DaughterMary Mead (b. 19 February 1768)


MarriageSeth Mead and Deborah Disbrow were married, date unknown1
Probate7 April 1804She had her estate probated on 7 April 1804 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Bush, Deborah, widow, late of Greenwich, 1804, letters of administration on her estate granted to Richard Mead, page 55. Inventory taken Apr. 7, 1804, by Ebenezer Mead and Isaac Weed, and filed Apr. 10, 1804, pages 55 and 57. Feb. 1, 1805, account filed and estate ordered distributed to Joseph Mead, a son; to the legal representatives of Mary, wife of Abraham Hobby, a deceased daughter; to Hannah, wife of Robert Caldwell, page 57. Mar. 18, 1805, estate distributed to Rebecca, wife of John R. Cozine, Hannah, wife of John Caldwell, legal representatives of Mary, wife of Abraham Hobby, a deceased daughter, and to Joseph Mead, page 58.2
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  1. [S128] Genealogical Society of Utah, Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848, FHL Film number 185372. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich CT Town Records 1658-1848.
  2. [S123] Spencer P. Mead, ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848., www.ctgenweb.org, http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/greenwich/greenwich_index.htm. Hereinafter cited as Mead's Abstract of Stamford Probate.

Hannah Mead

F, #1049, b. 7 May 1793, d. 15 November 1876


FatherJoseph Mead (b. 18 December 1760)
MotherHannah Mead (b. 28 March 1764)


Birth7 May 1793Hannah Mead was born on 7 May 1793 in Greenfield, Saratoga, New York.
Marriage1813William Tanner and she were married in 1813
Death15 November 1876She died on 15 November 1876 in Antwerp, Van Buren, Michigan, Based on Rootsweb WorldConnect submission of Susan Adkins.
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William Tanner

M, #1050

Family: Hannah Mead (b. 7 May 1793, d. 15 November 1876)


Marriage1813William Tanner and Hannah Mead were married in 1813
Occupation1813In 1813 William worked as " Col. Tuttle sold out his interest in the Mill property to Judge Clark in 1809 and the business continued on under the name of "Bailey and Clark" until 1813, when Capt. Bailey relinquished his interests to Judge Clark, and moved over to the brewery on this side of the river, where he remained for one year, during which time he formed a co partnership with William Smith and William Tanner in building a distillery and putting it into operation, at the foot of the hill on the center road near the residence of the late Asaph Mather. For some reasons not now known, that distillery did not operate but a couple of years, when the business was discontinued entirely and never afterwards resumed." From "Links in the Chain" written by Solon Massey. Solon was a son in law of Seth Bailey, viewed on http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyjeffer/bailey2p.htm.
Occupation16 September 1823On 16 September 1823 William worked in Plessis, Jefferson County, New York, as First Postmaster of Plessis, posted on http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyjeffer/pmalex.htm
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