Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 81

Nancy Ann Barnes

F, #2001, b. 1846


FatherSamuel W. Barnes (b. 1817)
MotherMartha J. Still (b. 1817, d. before 1860)


Birth1846Nancy Ann Barnes was born in 1846 in Missouri.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.

Martha E. Barnes

F, #2002, b. 1848


FatherSamuel W. Barnes (b. 1817)
MotherMartha J. Still (b. 1817, d. before 1860)


Birth1848Martha E. Barnes was born in 1848 in Missouri.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.

Elizabeth Gill

F, #2003, b. 1836, d. 24 January 1918

Family: Peleg Brown (b. 14 July 1836, d. 9 September 1878)

SonAlbert Gill Brown+ (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
DaughterJulia Brown (b. 1866, d. before 9 September 1878)
DaughterLaura E. Brown (b. 1868, d. 1 May 1939)
SonCharles Peleg Brown (b. 1872, d. 22 July 1900)
DaughterNelley Brown (b. 7 July 1876)


Birth1836Elizabeth Gill was born in 1836 in Indiana.1
Marriage18 January 1863Peleg Brown and she were married on 18 January 1863 in Washoe County, Nevada,1,2
Newspaper Mention3 October 1878The 3 October 1878 edition of the Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, reported ADMINISTRATRIX: In the District Court yesterday Mrs. Elizabeth Brown was appointed administratrix upon the estate of Peleg Brown, deceased, with bonds in the sum of $11,000. John Wright, B.G. Clow, A.H. Manning and E. Crane were her bondsmen.3
Census24 June 1880She appeared in the census 24 June 1880 in Huffakers, Washoe County, Nevada. Elizabeth is listed as: Farmer, b. Indiana, Father born Penn, mother b. Tenn., age 45, widowed, with Albert G, 15, Laura E, 12, Chas. P., 8, and Nelley, 3. Three older children attending school. Listed in Dwelling 488, Family 493, which starts with B.H. Clow and family, and 8 laborers, and two cooks, and those are all marked Employee under "Relationship to Head". Elizabeth's record is blank under Relationship, and her occupation is listed as Farmer, not Laborer.4
Newspaper Mention4 March 1882The 4 March 1882 edition of the Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe, Nevada, reported Ervine Crane and M.C. Lake have been appointed guardians of the person and estate of Mrs. Peleg Brown, and have been requested by Judge King to give a bond in the sum of $6,700.5
Newspaper Mention11 March 1882The 11 March 1882 edition of the Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe, Nevada, reported In "Brevities", a column of a sentence about this and a sentence about that, "E. Crane took Mrs. Peleg Brown below last night. She was quite violent while being taken into the car."
Newspaper Mention18 March 1882The 18 March 1882 edition of the Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, reported "This is the way the Sacramento Record-Union mixes it: An insane woman named Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, of Brown's Station, Nev., passed through yesterday, on her way to the asylum at Stockton. She was in charge of P. Brown and Irvin Crane, the former her husband and the latter her son-in-law. She was so violent that she had to be confined with straps, and in her ravings says that her mission on earth is to harmonize the Irish and Chinese." Since Peleg was already dead at this time, that is probably the reason for the comment "mixes it". Ervin Crane may well have taken her to CA.6
Newspaper Mention29 April 1882The 29 April 1882 edition of the Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe, Nevada, reported B. G. Clow, John Wright and A.M. Lamb, have applied to be released as sureties upon the bond of Elizabeth Brown, guardian of the minor heirs of Peleg Brown. Judge King will hear the application on May 8th.
Newspaper Mention3 March 1883The 3 March 1883 edition of the Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe, Nevada, reported Page 4: The Journal understands that Dr. Clark, of Stockton, still retains insane patients committed from Nevada, and that at the time the transfer was made to the State he only turned over the indigent patients, retaining all of the paying patients, among whom are Mrs. Peleg Brown, of this county, and a Mrs. Battles, of Storey. The commissioners should take immediate steps to see that these patients are delivered to Nevada. How they overlooked it in the first place is difficult for the Journal to understand.

Page 3: Home Again: Mrs. Peleg Brown returned to her home last Saturday, having been discharged from Dr. Clark's Asylum at Stockton. So the Journal yesterday morning was wrong in still believing her an inmate. Glad to know her reason has resumed its sway.7
Newspaper Mention15 March 1884The 15 March 1884 edition of the Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, reported RESTORED TO HER ESTATE: Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, widow of the late Peleg Brown, who for a time was bereft of reason and sent to an Asylum for the Insane in California, and in the meantime had her property managed by E. Crane, who was appointed for that purpose, appeared in Court yesterday and asked to have the management of her property restored, and the guardian discharged. Upon the testimony of Mr. Crane and the son of Mrs. Brown to the effect that the lady is of sound mind and fully competent to manage her own affairs the Court granted the order dismissing the guardian and restoring the property to the care and custody of Mrs. Brown.8
Census22 June 1900She appeared in the census 22 June 1900 in Brown's Precinct, Washoe County, Nevada. Elizabeth is listed as: Head, b. Mar. 1835, age 65, Widowed, Farmer, married 15 years, 5 children, 4 living, born Indiana, father born Pennsylvania, mother Ohio. Laura E., daughter, b. Oct 1867, age 32, single, bookkeeper. Nellie J, daughter, b. Jul 1876, age 23, single.9
Death24 January 1918She died on 24 January 1918 in Reno, Washoe, Nevada,
Obituary25 January 191825 January 1918, Reno, Washoe, Nevada, Reno Evening Gazette Obituary:. PIONEER RESIDENT OF COUNTY PASSES AWAY:

Mrs. Elizabeth Brown's Death Mourned by Many; Came Across the Plains: The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Pioneer Washoe county resident, is today being mourned by her many friends and relatives living in this vicinity. Mrs. Brown died Wednesday evening, nearly 83 years of age, at a Reno hospital, leaving a large number of relatives to mourn her demise. Death was due to natural causes.

Crossed the Plains: Mrs. Brown had lived in Washoe county more than 56 years, having crossed the plains in 1861. She was among the last of the pioneers in this state who braved the dangers and rigors of the plains to make the perilous journey. Her passing away is of historical interest, not only to the county but to the entire state. She was one of those few who helped pave the way for the establishment of civilization in the west.

Settles at Springs: On her arrival here, after making the journey from Fort Wayne in her native state, Indiana, in company with her sister, brother-in-law and other relatives, she settled in the vicinity of Steamboat springs, where she lived with an uncle.

Married Peleg Brown: On January 20, 1863, she married Peleg Brown, who had come from Boise City, Idaho. She lived with her husband on the Brown ranch until his death in 1878.

Mrs. Brown, for the last few years, had taken a keen interest, despite her age, in all the topics of the day. She would often tell of her experiences here and the times of 1860-70 in this county.

Funeral arrangements, which are in the hands of Perkins & Gulling, undertakers, have not yet been completed. The date of her funeral is expected to be announced today. Mrs. Brown was the mother of A.G. Brown, Susan E. Brown, Mrs. Jas. Wheeler, Santa Cruz, Cal., and the late Prof. Charles P. Brown. Twelve of her grand children are still living.25 Jan 191810
Burial26 January 1918She was buried on 26 January 1918 at Hillside Cemetery in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada. FUNERAL OF PIONEER RESIDENT HELD TODAY: The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, 82, pioneer Washoe county woman, who died Wednesday eveing, will be held from the chapel of the Perkins-Gulling company at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Brewster Adams will officiate at the services and deliver the eulogy. Interment will be at Hillside cemetery. The deceased had lived in Washoe county for more than 50 years. She crossed the plains in 1861 from Fort Wayne in her native state of Indiana. She is survived by a host of friends and relatives.11
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S202] Extracted by Arthur Porter Special Collections dept., online http://abish.byui.edu/specialCollections/index.cfm, (Published online by Brigham Young University, Idaho Family History Center, Rexburg, ID), Vol. A, Page 10, Marriage ID 262329, Washoe County, NV.
  3. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, 15 Mar 1884, 15 Mar 1884
  4. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  5. [S211] Obituary, Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, 4 Mar 1882, 4 Mar 1882
  6. [S211] Weekly Nevada State Journal, 18 Mar 1882, 18 Mar 1882.
  7. [S211] Weekly Nevada State Journal, 3 Mar 1883, pp. 3 and 4., 3 Mar 1883, pp. 3 and 4.
  8. [S211] Weekly Nevada State Journal.
  9. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  10. [S201] Obituary, Reno Evening Gazette, Reno, Nevada
  11. [S210] Nevada State Journal, 26 Jan 1918, 26 Jan 1918.

Albert Gill Brown

M, #2004, b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934


FatherPeleg Brown (b. 14 July 1836, d. 9 September 1878)
MotherElizabeth Gill (b. 1836, d. 24 January 1918)

Family: Emma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)

DaughterEthel E. Brown+ (b. 8 October 1892, d. 27 January 1979)
SonLeland Earl Brown+ (b. 6 December 1895)
SonOrrin P. Brown+ (b. June 1898)
DaughterDorris Brown (b. 1901)
DaughterVivian Brown (b. 1903)
DaughterBeatrice Brown (b. 1905)
SonIrvin C. Brown (b. 1908)
SonFrancis E. Brown (b. 1913, d. 7 October 1943)
SonGilbert Brown (b. 1916)


Birth1865Albert Gill Brown was born in 1865 in Washoe County, Nevada.1
Newspaper MentionJanuary 1883The January 1883 edition of the Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, reported The following notice appeared for several weeks: ESTRAY NOTICE: One bay house, branded "L" on left shoulder, with two white feet -- one hind and one fore -- weight about 1,100; also one black horse, branded like the other but the brand is not distinct; two white feet; with a white stripe in the face; little lame in near hind leg; weight about 900 pounds. They came to the ranch of Mrs. Peleg Brown last July. The owner is requested to call, pay charges and take them away, or they will be sold at auction, as provided by law. Albert Brown, Foreman.2
Marriage9 December 1891He and Emma P. Ross were married on 9 December 1891 in Washoe County, Nevada,3
Census22 June 1900He appeared in the census 22 June 1900 in Brown's Precinct, Washoe County, Nevada. Albert is listed as: Head, b. Jul 1864, age 35, maried 9 years, Foreman, with Emma, wife, b. Nov 1871, age 28, married 9 yrs, 4 children, 3 living, born in Nevada, father born Massachusetts, mother Calif. Ethel E., daughter, b. Oct 1892. Leland, son, b. Dec 1895, age 4. Orrin P., son, b. Jun 1898, age 2. 5 Farm Laborers. Next to his mother and 2 sisters' household.4
Census30 April 1910He appeared in the census 30 April 1910 in Huffakers, Washoe County, Nevada. Albert is listed as: Head, age 45, married 18 years, Farmer, with Elizabeth, mother, age 75, 5 children, 3 living. Laura E., sister, age 42, single. 3 Hired men, farmers.5
Census14 January 1920He appeared in the census 14 January 1920 at 13th Precinct in Reno, Washoe, Nevada. Albert is listed as: Bert Brown, head, age 54, , farmer, with Emma, wife, 48, and children Orrin, 21, Dorris, 19, Vivian, 17, Beatrice, 15, Irvin, 12, Frank, 8, and Gilbert 4.6
Death6 November 1934He died on 6 November 1934 at Browns Station in Steamboat Springs, Washoe, Nevada,7
Obituary6 November 19346 November 1934, Reno, Washoe, Nevada, Reno Evening Gazette Obituary:. "Albert G. Brown Dies At Ranch Where He Was Born: Albert G. Brown, for many years a farmer and stockman of Steamboat Valley, died this morning at the home of his birth near Steamboat Springs. He was seventy years old.

His father, Peleg Brown, left Rhode Island and came West in 1856, purchasing cattle in Kentucky and driving them west. He settled in Washoe Valley the following year. His mother, Elizabeth Gill, crossed the plains from Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1861, also settling in Washoe Valley. In 1862 they were married at Washoe City and immediately took up the farm near Brown's Station.

In addition to farming, they ran a pony express and change station during the boom days of the Comstock. After his father's death, young Brown took up the active management of his mother's property, and continued in that capacity until his mother's death.

For several years he then operated the estate for the heirs, then disposed of his interests and moved to Reno so his children could attend the Reno schools and the university. In 1918 he entered the employ of the city of Reno in the street department, where he worked until a year ago, when he was compelled by ill health to retire. He was a member of the Nevadans.

Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Ross Brown; eight children, Leland E. Brown, Mrs. Dorris Reed, Mrs. Vivian Schaibley and Mrs. Beatrice Blankenship of Reno, Irvin C. Brown of Sparks, Orrin P. Brown of Markeeville, Cal., Mrs Ethel Carter of Battle Mountain and Ensign Frank E. Brown, now serving on the U.S.S. Texas. He was the brother of Mrs. Laura Wilcox of Reno and Mrs. Nellie J. Wheeler of Santa Cruz, Cal. Funeral services will be announced by the Ross-Burke Company."8
Last Edited 12 June 2019


  1. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Jan and Feb 1883, Jan and Feb 1883
  3. [S202] Extracted by Arthur Porter Special Collections dept., online http://abish.byui.edu/specialCollections/index.cfm, (Published online by Brigham Young University, Idaho Family History Center, Rexburg, ID), Vol B, page 30, ID 263008.
  4. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  5. [S80] , 1910 U.S. Federal Census, Ancestry.com.
  6. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  7. [S201] Obituary, Reno Evening Gazette, Reno, Nevada
  8. [S201] Reno Evening Gazette, 6 Nov. 1934, 6 Nov. 1934.

Julia Brown

F, #2005, b. 1866, d. before 9 September 1878


FatherPeleg Brown (b. 14 July 1836, d. 9 September 1878)
MotherElizabeth Gill (b. 1836, d. 24 January 1918)


Birth1866Julia Brown was born in 1866 in Washoe County, Nevada.1
Deathbefore 9 September 1878She died before 9 September 1878 in Steamboat Springs, Washoe County, Nevada,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S219] National Park Service, Western Region, Dept. of the Interior, Peleg Brown Ranch, Historic American Buildings Survey, HABS-NV25, Prepared by Ana B. Koval and Katherine Boyne, Carson City, NV, http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ (San Francisco, California: National Park Service, Western Region, Dept. of the Interior, June 1994). Hereinafter cited as Peleg Brown Ranch Historic Buildings Survey.

Laura E. Brown

F, #2006, b. 1868, d. 1 May 1939


FatherPeleg Brown (b. 14 July 1836, d. 9 September 1878)
MotherElizabeth Gill (b. 1836, d. 24 January 1918)


Birth1868Laura E. Brown was born in 1868.1
MarriageGeorge E. Wilcox and she were married, date unknown2
Newspaper Item12 February 1918According to the 12 February 1918 edition of the Nevada State Journal, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, , In the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Washoe. No 13173, Dept. 2, In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Brown, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 11th day of February, A.D. 1918, appointed and qualified by the above entitled Court as administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth Brown, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to file the same with the proper vouchers and statutory affidavit attached, with the Clerk of the Court within three months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated February 11th, A.D. 1918. LAURA E> BROWN, Administratrix of the Estate of Elizabeth Brown, Deceased. Robert Richards, Clay Peters Bldg., Reno, Nevada, Attorney for the Estate.3
Death1 May 1939She died on 1 May 1939 at Brown's Station in Steamboat Springs, Washoe, Nevada,2
Burial4 May 1939She was buried on 4 May 1939 at Hillside Cemetery, Brown Family Plot, in Reno, Washoe, Nevada. PIONEER WASHOE RESIDENT DIES: Mrs. Laura Brown Wilcox, pioneer Washoe county resident, died yesterday at her ranch home near Steamboat Springs. She was 72 years old and had been in poor health for several years.

The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peleg Brown who established and conducted Brown's station along the V. & T. tracks, Mrs. Wilcox was born at the family ranch and after attending the district school was graduated from the Reno high school. Her husband, George E. Wilcox, sill operates the family ranch. In addition she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Nellie J. Wheeler of Santa Cruz, Calif., and was the sister of the late Charles Brown, professor of mining at the University of Nevada for a number of years, and the late Albert G. Brown. She was a member of Adah chapter, Order of Eastern Star.

Members of the Eastern Star order will conduct funeral services Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the Ross-Burke chapel with burial in the family plot of Hillside cemetery. The Rev. Brewster Adams will officiate.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S201] Obituary, Reno Evening Gazette, Reno, Nevada, Obituary, 2 May 1939, Obituary, 2 May 1939
  3. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, 12 Feb 1918, 12 Feb 1918

Charles Peleg Brown

M, #2008, b. 1872, d. 22 July 1900


FatherPeleg Brown (b. 14 July 1836, d. 9 September 1878)
MotherElizabeth Gill (b. 1836, d. 24 January 1918)

Family: Cora Mae Ede


Birth1872Charles Peleg Brown was born in 1872 in Steamboat Springs, Washoe County, Nevada.1
Marriage16 May 1894He and Cora Mae Ede were married on 16 May 1894 in Washoe County, Nevada,2
Death22 July 1900He died on 22 July 1900 in Reno, Washoe, Nevada, Professor Charles Peleg Brown, in Reno, a native of Nevada.
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S202] Extracted by Arthur Porter Special Collections dept., online http://abish.byui.edu/specialCollections/index.cfm, (Published online by Brigham Young University, Idaho Family History Center, Rexburg, ID), Vol. B, page 85, ID 263021.

Nelley Brown

F, #2009, b. 7 July 1876


FatherPeleg Brown (b. 14 July 1836, d. 9 September 1878)
MotherElizabeth Gill (b. 1836, d. 24 January 1918)


Birth7 July 1876Nelley Brown was born on 7 July 1876 at Brown's Station in Steamboat Valley, Washoe County, Nevada.1,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, July 1876, July 1876

Pardon Brown

M, #2010, b. 1861, d. before 1870


FatherJoshua Coggeshall Brown (b. 27 February 1828, d. 20 July 1901)
MotherJane Elizabeth Smith (b. 24 February 1830, d. 17 April 1870)


Birth1861Pardon Brown was born in 1861.1
Deathbefore 1870He died before 18702
Last Edited 3 May 2019


  1. [S204] , 1862 Census--Microfilmed, Nevada State Archives , Viewed on USGenWeb Census Project.
  2. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Cora Mae Ede

F, #2011

Family: Charles Peleg Brown (b. 1872, d. 22 July 1900)


Marriage16 May 1894Charles Peleg Brown and Cora Mae Ede were married on 16 May 1894 in Washoe County, Nevada,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S202] Extracted by Arthur Porter Special Collections dept., online http://abish.byui.edu/specialCollections/index.cfm, (Published online by Brigham Young University, Idaho Family History Center, Rexburg, ID), Vol. B, page 85, ID 263021.

Emma P. Ross

F, #2012, b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953

Family: Albert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)

DaughterEthel E. Brown+ (b. 8 October 1892, d. 27 January 1979)
SonLeland Earl Brown+ (b. 6 December 1895)
SonOrrin P. Brown+ (b. June 1898)
DaughterDorris Brown (b. 1901)
DaughterVivian Brown (b. 1903)
DaughterBeatrice Brown (b. 1905)
SonIrvin C. Brown (b. 1908)
SonFrancis E. Brown (b. 1913, d. 7 October 1943)
SonGilbert Brown (b. 1916)


BirthNovember 1871Emma P. Ross was born in November 1871 in Nevada.1
Marriage9 December 1891Albert Gill Brown and she were married on 9 December 1891 in Washoe County, Nevada,2
Deathbetween 1946 and 1953She died between 1946 and 1953 in Washoe, Nevada,3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S202] Extracted by Arthur Porter Special Collections dept., online http://abish.byui.edu/specialCollections/index.cfm, (Published online by Brigham Young University, Idaho Family History Center, Rexburg, ID), Vol B, page 30, ID 263008.
  3. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, 13 Jan 1946 Frank Brown Obit, 13 Jan 1946 Frank Brown Obit

Ethel E. Brown

F, #2014, b. 8 October 1892, d. 27 January 1979


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)

Family 1: Clarence Ircel Carter (b. 1897, d. 1962)

SonIrcel Lee Carter (d. 2007)
SonGerald Reed Carter (d. 2010)

Family 2: John C. Tyler (d. 1952)


Birth8 October 1892Ethel E. Brown was born on 8 October 1892 in Washoe County, Nevada.1
MarriageClarence Ircel Carter and she were married, date unknown
Marriage1936John C. Tyler and she were married in 1936 in Elko, Nevada,
Death27 January 1979She died on 27 January 1979 in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada,
Burial29 January 1979She was buried on 29 January 1979 at Mountain View Cemetery in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada.
Obituary29 January 197929 January 1979, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, Reno Gazette-Journal Obituary:. A funeral is scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Alexander's Pyramid Funeral Home, Sparks, for Ethel B. Tyler, 86, a native of Brown's Station.

She was born Oct. 8, 1892, to Albert and Emma Ross Brown and was graduated from Reno High School in 1910 and the University of Nevada-Reno in 1914.

Her family built the old Brown's Station near the present site of the Brown School near the Mt. Rose turnoff.

She tuaght in several Nevada schools and was involved in various business ventures including mining claims in Lander county, a grocery store in Beoware, a service station on South Virginia Street and had worked for nine years for Montgomery Ward & Co., retiring in 1959.

She married John C. Tyler in Elko in 1936. He preceded her in death in 1952.

Mrs. Tyler was a past nobel grand of Queen Esther Lodge 9, member of the University of Nevada Alumni Association, past treasurer of the Rebakah Assembly, past departmental chapeau of 8 and 40 of American Legion Auxiliary of Nevada, member of Ladies Fireman Auxiliary of Sparks and the Episcopal Church.

Surviving are sons Ircel Carter of Sparks and Gerald Carter of Carson City; brother, Leland Brown and a sister, Doris Reed, both of Reno; seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Burial will be at the Mountain View Cemetery.
Last Edited 12 June 2019


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Leland Earl Brown

M, #2015, b. 6 December 1895


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)

Family: Evelyn (b. 1897)

DaughterNorma Brown
SonLeland Brown, Jr.
DaughterDorris Brown


Birth6 December 1895Leland Earl Brown was born on 6 December 1895 in Browns Station, Washoe County, Nevada.1
Marriage1917He and Evelyn were married in 19172
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S170] WWI Draft Registration Cards 1917-1918, NARA; M1509, 20; (Washington, DC: National Archives & Records Administration), 243 rolls, Card # 27-1-15-A.
  2. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Orrin P. Brown

M, #2016, b. June 1898


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)

Family: Lucile M. (b. 1907)

SonOrrin P. Brown, Jr.+
SonFloyd M. Brown+ (b. 1929, d. 1 August 2003)


BirthJune 1898Orrin P. Brown was born in June 1898 in Browns Station, Washoe County, Nevada.1
Marriage1925He and Lucile M. were married in 1925 in California2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S77] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.


F, #2017, b. 1897

Family: Leland Earl Brown (b. 6 December 1895)

DaughterNorma Brown
SonLeland Brown, Jr.
DaughterDorris Brown


Birth1897Evelyn was born in 1897 in Nevada.1
Marriage1917Leland Earl Brown and she were married in 19171
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Norma Brown

F, #2018


FatherLeland Earl Brown (b. 6 December 1895)
MotherEvelyn (b. 1897)
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Leland Brown, Jr.

M, #2019


FatherLeland Earl Brown (b. 6 December 1895)
MotherEvelyn (b. 1897)
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Dorris Brown

F, #2020


FatherLeland Earl Brown (b. 6 December 1895)
MotherEvelyn (b. 1897)
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Lucile M.

F, #2021, b. 1907

Family: Orrin P. Brown (b. June 1898)

SonOrrin P. Brown, Jr.+
SonFloyd M. Brown+ (b. 1929, d. 1 August 2003)


Birth1907Lucile M. was born in 1907 in California.1
Marriage1925Orrin P. Brown and she were married in 1925 in California1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S77] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Orrin P. Brown, Jr.

M, #2022


FatherOrrin P. Brown (b. June 1898)
MotherLucile M. (b. 1907)
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Floyd M. Brown

M, #2023, b. 1929, d. 1 August 2003


FatherOrrin P. Brown (b. June 1898)
MotherLucile M. (b. 1907)

Family: Loretta

DaughterLanette Brown
SonDale Brown


Birth1929Floyd M. Brown was born in 1929 in Nevada.1
Death1 August 2003He died on 1 August 2003 in Gardnerville, Nevada,2
Obituary8 August 20038 August 2003, Gardnerville, Douglas County, Nevada, Douglas County Record Courier Obituary:. "Born in Gardnerville; Coleville resident for 50 years.
Floyd "Skip" Brown died at his home Aug. 1, 2003. He was born in Gardnerville Jan 9, 1929, to Lucile and Orrin Brown of Markleeville. He graduated from Douglas High School and served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. Floyd lived in Coleville, Calif., for over 50 years and was a ranch manager during those years. He was a charter member and past president of the Antelope Valley Lion's Club. He was past master of Carson Valley Lodge #33, Scottish Rite, Kerak Shrine, Jesters, Kerak Patrol and Karavaners, all of Reno. He was preceded in death by his parents and a son. Surviving are his wife of 50 years, Loretta; daughter, Lanette of Coleville, Calif; son, Dale of Marysville, Calif.; brother Orrin Brown of Gardnerville; five grandchildren; and several cousins, nieces and nephews. Services will be Saturday, Aug. 9, at 1 p.m. at the Carson Valley Methodist Church in Gardnerville. Donations in his memory may be made to the Coleville High School Memorial Scholarship Fund or to the Kerak Shrine Building Fund, 4935 Energy Way, Reno, NV 89502."2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S77] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S206] Obituary, Douglas County Record Courier, NV, Douglas County, Nevada, www.recordcourier.com


F, #2024

Family: Floyd M. Brown (b. 1929, d. 1 August 2003)

DaughterLanette Brown
SonDale Brown
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Lanette Brown

F, #2025


FatherFloyd M. Brown (b. 1929, d. 1 August 2003)
Last Edited 22 December 2016