Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 82

Dale Brown

M, #2026


FatherFloyd M. Brown (b. 1929, d. 1 August 2003)
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Cecile J.

F, #2027
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Tracy J. Brown

F, #2028


Last Edited 22 December 2016

Jennifer T. Brown

F, #2029


Last Edited 22 December 2016

Lisa J. Brown

F, #2030


Last Edited 22 December 2016

Elizabeth A. Ward

F, #2032


FatherHenry Ward

Family: Joshua Coggeshall Brown (b. 27 February 1828, d. 20 July 1901)


Marriage2 May 1872Joshua Coggeshall Brown and Elizabeth A. Ward were married on 2 May 1872 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S185] Richard M. Bayles, History of Newport County, Rhode Island: from the year 1638 to the year 1887 (New York: L.E. Preston & Co., 1888). Hereinafter cited as History of Newport County, Rhode Island.

Daughter Brown

F, #2033


Last Edited 22 December 2016

George E. Wilcox

M, #2034

Family: Laura E. Brown (b. 1868, d. 1 May 1939)


MarriageGeorge E. Wilcox and Laura E. Brown were married, date unknown1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S201] Obituary, Reno Evening Gazette, Reno, Nevada, Obituary, 2 May 1939, Obituary, 2 May 1939

Beatrice Brown

F, #2035, b. 1905


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)


Birth1905Beatrice Brown was born in 1905 in Washoe, Nevada.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934
  2. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Dorris Brown

F, #2036, b. 1901


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)


Birth1901Dorris Brown was born in 1901 in Washoe, Nevada.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934
  2. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Vivian Brown

F, #2037, b. 1903


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)


Birth1903Vivian Brown was born in 1903 in Washoe, Nevada.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934
  2. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Irvin C. Brown

M, #2038, b. 1908


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)


Birth1908Irvin C. Brown was born in 1908 in Washoe, Nevada.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934
  2. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Francis E. Brown

M, #2039, b. 1913, d. 7 October 1943


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)


Birth1913Francis E. Brown was born in 1913 in Reno, Washoe, Nevada.2
Death7 October 1943He died on 7 October 1943 at Submarine S-44 in Kurile Islands, Pacific Ocean,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S210] Obituary, Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934, Albert Brown Obituary, 6 Nov 1934
  2. [S210] Nevada State Journal, 13 Jan 1946 Frank Brown Obit, 13 Jan 1946 Frank Brown Obit.

Gilbert Brown

M, #2040, b. 1916


FatherAlbert Gill Brown (b. 1865, d. 6 November 1934)
MotherEmma P. Ross (b. November 1871, d. between 1946 and 1953)


Birth1916Gilbert Brown was born in 1916.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Sarah Elizabeth Stoddard

F, #2041, b. 1846

Family: Pardon Brown (b. 25 April 1845, d. 19 October 1912)

DaughterEdith E. Brown+ (b. August 1866)
SonHudson A. Brown (b. 1869)
SonPardon Brown (b. 1870, d. 16 May 1909)


NoteMaiden name based on mother E.S. Stoddard living with them in 1880.
Birth1846Sarah Elizabeth Stoddard was born in 1846 in Massachusetts.1
Marriageabout 1866Pardon Brown and she were married about 18661,2
Last Edited 4 May 2018


  1. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S841] , Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island: Volume III (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1908), Vol 3, p. 2145; digital images, (https://archive.org/stream/representativemebyu03jhbe#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed

Pardon Brown

M, #2042, b. 1870, d. 16 May 1909


FatherPardon Brown (b. 25 April 1845, d. 19 October 1912)
MotherSarah Elizabeth Stoddard (b. 1846)


Birth1870Pardon Brown was born in 1870.1
Census19 June 1900He appeared in the census 19 June 1900 in Bidwell Township, Modoc, California. Pardon is listed as: Head, age 30, b. Apr 1870, single. Born California, father Rhode Island, Mother Massachusetts. Form Laborer.2
Death16 May 1909He died on 16 May 1909 in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, I am not sure that this is Pardon, Jr., but it seems to be, because he is buried in Plot 102, which is the Columbus Loftus Plot.3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  3. [S214] Lake County, Oregon, US Genweb Tombstone Transcription Project, http://www.rootsweb.com/%7Ecemetery/registry.html. Hereinafter cited as Lake County, Oregon Cemeteries.

Edith E. Brown

F, #2043, b. August 1866


FatherPardon Brown (b. 25 April 1845, d. 19 October 1912)
MotherSarah Elizabeth Stoddard (b. 1846)

Family 1: Christopher Columbus Loftus (b. May 1856, d. 23 July 1913)

DaughterBessie Loftus (b. October 1842)
DaughterEoulus Loftus (b. December 1890)
DaughterBessie Loftus (b. October 1892)
DaughterBertha Loftus (b. November 1894)
DaughterVarena Loftus (b. April 1897)

Family 2: John Dan Murphy (b. 1885)


BirthAugust 1866Edith E. Brown was born in August 1866 in Nevada.1
Marriage2 April 1890Christopher Columbus Loftus and she were married on 2 April 1890 at Cedarville Methodist Church in Cedarville, Modoc County, California, The abstract from the church records shows Christopher C. Lofftus, of Warner Valley, b. Oregon, Stockman, age 33, and Edith E. Brown, of Warner Valley, b. Nevada, age 23. They were married by Pastor James H. N. Williams.2,3
Census18 April 1910She appeared in the census 18 April 1910 at Dewey Street in North Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon. Edith is listed as: Head, age 43, first marriage, married 20 years, 5 children, all living, not employed, owns home. 5 Daughters: Bertha, age 15, Eolus E., age 19, Bessie B., age 17, Vale V., age 13 and Gladys M., age 9. All daughters single, not employed. Husband listed in Cogswell Creek.4
Marriagebetween 1913 and 1920John Dan Murphy and she were married between 1913 and 19205
BurialShe was buried at Lakeview IOOF Cemetery, Block 102, Plot 4, in Lakeview, Lake, Oregon. Edith E. Loftus is buried here, as well as other family members. Below is a list of Loftus's and Browns who are buried here. Some of these may not be from this family:
Brown, Abbie Gail Jane ? 25n 2
Brown, Alice ? 25n 2
Brown, Annie J. Mrs. 11-16-1915 25n 4
Brown, Brown, Ernest M 12-31-1911 54n 2
Brown, J.E. ? 94 4n
Brown, Joseph R. "Dick" 8-21-1979 144 3
Brown, M. Mrs. ? 78 1
Brown, M. ? 78 3
Brown, M. Brower ? 13 1
Brown, Maude ? 144 2
Brown, Mrs. C. ? 12 1
Brown, Nicholas J. 6-30-1919 94 3n
Brown, Pardon 5-16-1909 102 1n
Brown, Pardon 10-19-1912 47n 5
Brown, Verna Louise 5-31-1918 130 2
Brown, Walter 12-29-1901 20 1
LOFTUS, Columbus 7-23-1913 102 2n
LOFTUS, Ed H. ? 102 4
LOFTUS, Edith E. ? 102 3
LOFTUS, Edward Henry 1-16-1924 102 1s
LOFTUS, Iva V. 1-25-1944 89a 2
LOFTUS, Josephine ? 102 5
LOFTUS, Mrs. ? 102 6
LOFFTUS, Bessie E. Hotchkiss 8-23-1984 67an 3s
LOFFTUS, Oscar Paul 5-03-1955 89a 1s6
In household19 January 1920She appeared in the household of John Dan Murphy in the census 19 January 1920 in Tule Lake, Modoc County, California. John is listed as5
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  3. [S557] Viewed online, copied by Richard O. Johnson at Pacific School of Religion Archives. http://www.californiagenealogy.org/modoc/marriage_records.htm, Cedarville Methodist Church Marriage Records, Cedarville, Modoc County, CA, (1872-1916). Hereinafter cited as Cedarville Methodist Church Marriage Records.
  4. [S80] , 1910 U.S. Federal Census, Ancestry.com.
  5. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  6. [S214] Lake County, Oregon, US Genweb Tombstone Transcription Project, http://www.rootsweb.com/%7Ecemetery/registry.html. Hereinafter cited as Lake County, Oregon Cemeteries.

Hudson A. Brown

M, #2044, b. 1869


FatherPardon Brown (b. 25 April 1845, d. 19 October 1912)
MotherSarah Elizabeth Stoddard (b. 1846)


MarriageHudson A. Brown and Lydia P. Harris were married, date unknown1
Birth1869He was born in 1869 in Nevada.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S557] Viewed online, copied by Richard O. Johnson at Pacific School of Religion Archives. http://www.californiagenealogy.org/modoc/marriage_records.htm, Cedarville Methodist Church Marriage Records, Cedarville, Modoc County, CA, (1872-1916). Hereinafter cited as Cedarville Methodist Church Marriage Records.
  2. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Christopher Columbus Loftus

M, #2045, b. May 1856, d. 23 July 1913

Family: Edith E. Brown (b. August 1866)

DaughterBessie Loftus (b. October 1842)
DaughterEoulus Loftus (b. December 1890)
DaughterBessie Loftus (b. October 1892)
DaughterBertha Loftus (b. November 1894)
DaughterVarena Loftus (b. April 1897)


BirthMay 1856Christopher Columbus Loftus was born in May 1856 in Oregon.1
Marriage2 April 1890He and Edith E. Brown were married on 2 April 1890 at Cedarville Methodist Church in Cedarville, Modoc County, California, The abstract from the church records shows Christopher C. Lofftus, of Warner Valley, b. Oregon, Stockman, age 33, and Edith E. Brown, of Warner Valley, b. Nevada, age 23. They were married by Pastor James H. N. Williams.1,2
Census25 June 1900He appeared in the census 25 June 1900 in Cogswell Creek, Lake County, Oregon. Christopher is listed as: Listed as Columbus, Head, born May 1856, age 44, married 10 years, born in Oregon and both parents born in Kentucky, Farmer, owns farm free of mortgage. Farm Schedule #50. Wife Edith, born Aug. 1866, age 33, married 10 years, 4 children, all living, born in Nevada, father born in Rhode Island and mother in Massachusetts. Daughter Eoulus, born Dec 1890 in California, age 9, at school. Daughter Bessie, born Oct 1892 in California, age 7, at school. Daughter Bertha, born Nov 1894 in Oregon, age 5, at school. Daughter Verena, born Apr 1897 in Oregon, age 3. Francis L. Armstrong, boarder, born Jan 1844 in New York, age 51, day laborer. Pertin [ie, Pardon] Brown, Father-in-law, born Apr 1845 in Rhode Island, age 55, day laborer.1
Census9 May 1910He appeared in the census 9 May 1910 in Cogswell Creek, Lake County, Oregon. Christopher is listed as: C.C. Lofftus, Head, age 53, first marriage, married 20 years, Farmer. It says "Emp" which appears to mean employed as opposed to "On Own Account", but under home ownership it says "O", farm schedule # 28. No other family members listed.3
BurialJuly 1913He was buried in July 1913 at Lakeview IOOF Cemetery, Block 102, Plot 2n, in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon.4
Death23 July 1913He died on 23 July 1913 in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon,4
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S557] Viewed online, copied by Richard O. Johnson at Pacific School of Religion Archives. http://www.californiagenealogy.org/modoc/marriage_records.htm, Cedarville Methodist Church Marriage Records, Cedarville, Modoc County, CA, (1872-1916). Hereinafter cited as Cedarville Methodist Church Marriage Records.
  3. [S80] , 1910 U.S. Federal Census, Ancestry.com.
  4. [S214] Lake County, Oregon, US Genweb Tombstone Transcription Project, http://www.rootsweb.com/%7Ecemetery/registry.html. Hereinafter cited as Lake County, Oregon Cemeteries.

Eoulus Loftus

F, #2046, b. December 1890


FatherChristopher Columbus Loftus (b. May 1856, d. 23 July 1913)
MotherEdith E. Brown (b. August 1866)


BirthDecember 1890Eoulus Loftus was born in December 1890 in California.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Bessie Loftus

F, #2047, b. October 1842


FatherChristopher Columbus Loftus (b. May 1856, d. 23 July 1913)
MotherEdith E. Brown (b. August 1866)


BirthOctober 1842Bessie Loftus was born in October 1842 in California.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Bertha Loftus

F, #2048, b. November 1894


FatherChristopher Columbus Loftus (b. May 1856, d. 23 July 1913)
MotherEdith E. Brown (b. August 1866)


BirthNovember 1894Bertha Loftus was born in November 1894 in California.1
Census30 January 1920She appeared in the census 30 January 1920 at 309 Fourth Street, Apt. 4, in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington. Bertha is listed as: Head, age 25, single, Stenographer, Civil Service.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S76] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Varena Loftus

F, #2049, b. April 1897


FatherChristopher Columbus Loftus (b. May 1856, d. 23 July 1913)
MotherEdith E. Brown (b. August 1866)


BirthApril 1897Varena Loftus was born in April 1897 in California.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Edith Katherine Harrison

F, #2050, b. 26 May 1908, d. 22 November 1980



Family: William Smith Brown (b. 31 January 1899, d. March 1972)


Birth26 May 1908Edith Katherine Harrison was born on 26 May 1908 in Kansas.1
Marriageafter 1967William Smith Brown and she were married after 1967
Death22 November 1980She died on 22 November 1980 in Tehama, California,1
BurialNovember 1980She was buried in November 1980 at Paskenta Cemetery in Paskenta, Tehama, California. To reach the Paskenta Cemetery, take the Corning Road driving west out of Corning, Tehama County, California. Drive approximately 13 miles to the small town of Flournoy where the Corning Road ends just as you cross the bridge. Continue going west on the Paskenta Road for approximately 6 more miles. The cemetery is located on the right side of the road and can be seen from the road. It is approximately 2 miles on west to the small town of Paskenta. The Paskenta Cemetery was established in 1871.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S151] State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, online www.ancestry.com, Center for Health Statistics (Published online by Ancestry.com, viewable by subscription.)
  2. [S193] Doug and Ava Turner, compiler, "Paskenta Cemetery, Tehama County, California Listing for Tehama County USGenWeb"; Ancestral File, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ca/tehama/cemeteries/paskenta.txt