Annie (Guernsey) Holly

Marriage of Levi Garnsey and Catharine Schnyder

Sarah Jane Guernsey Waters (2nd child of Solomon and Elizabeth Jane, married (1) Joseph A. Peck, (2) James Waters), Emma Jane Peck Smith, Florence Louise Smith Little, and Anabel Grace Little.

69 Smith St, Port Chester NY, home of several generations of Guernseys beginning with Selah W. Guernsey

Selah Washburn Guernsey

Family of James Bennett Hunt

Aaron Seekins and Hannah Wescott marriage

Bennett's in NYC Directory, 1808

Annie (Guernsey) Holly

Solomon S. Guernsey

James F. Guernsey and Hilda Johnson marriage license

William Spencer Little, 1976

Children of Ezra Garnsey, and Ezra Garnsey, Jr.

West Farms, which became part of the Bronx

John Wilson Bio p1, pastor who married Ezra Garnsey Jr.

John Wilson Bio p2, pastor who married Ezra Garnsey Jr.

Bennett's in the New York City 1801 Directory

Ralph O. Garnsey Gravestone

Ralph O. Garnsey Gravestone

Peter Knapp III gravestone

Gravestone of Charles L. and Emma Jane (Peck) Smith, Old First Methodist Church Cemetery.

Gravestone of Charles L and Emma Jane (Peck) Smith, Old First Methodist Church Cemetery

James B Garnsey Probate Index

John H. Miller, grandson of Lanah (Bennett) Garnsey