Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 277

Ruth Coggeshall

F, #6901, b. 26 June 1747, d. 14 November 1747


FatherJoshua Coggeshall (b. 11 May 1722, d. 24 September 1786)
MotherSarah Bailey (b. 14 February 1727, d. 4 November 1750)


Birth26 June 1747Ruth Coggeshall was born on 26 June 1747. The Durfee genealogy says that she died young.1
Death14 November 1747She died on 14 November 1747 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Last Edited 20 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 99; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed
  2. [S754] Charles Pierce Coggeshall and Thellwell Rusell Coggeshall, The Coggeshalls in America: genealogy of the descendants of John Coggeshall of Newport, with a brief notice of their English antecedents (Boston, MA: C.E. Goodspeed and Co., 1930), p. 68; digital images, HathiTrust, HathiTrust (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89066029471;view=1up : accessed

Joseph Dennis

M, #6902, b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759


FatherRobert Dennis (d. 5 June 1691)
MotherSarah Howland (b. 1645, d. 2 October 1712)

Family: Sarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)

DaughterSarah Dennis (b. 1 July 1723, d. 1723)
DaughterSarah Dennis (b. 1 April 1725)
SonRobert Dennis (b. 12 September 1727, d. 12 April 1811)
SonJoseph Dennis (b. 15 June 1730, d. 28 September 1758)
DaughterAnna Dennis+ (b. 19 December 1731, d. 10 June 1767)
DaughterRuth Dennis (b. 6 December 1733, d. 1 March 1817)
DaughterLydia Dennis (b. 12 October 1735)
DaughterFreeborn Dennis (b. 18 August 1739)


Birth25 May 1689Joseph Dennis was born on 25 May 1689.1
Marriage20 April 1721He and Sarah Durfee were married on 20 April 1721 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death24 October 1759He died on 24 October 17591
Last Edited 17 August 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Sarah Durfee

F, #6903, b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759


Family: Joseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)

DaughterSarah Dennis (b. 1 July 1723, d. 1723)
DaughterSarah Dennis (b. 1 April 1725)
SonRobert Dennis (b. 12 September 1727, d. 12 April 1811)
SonJoseph Dennis (b. 15 June 1730, d. 28 September 1758)
DaughterAnna Dennis+ (b. 19 December 1731, d. 10 June 1767)
DaughterRuth Dennis (b. 6 December 1733, d. 1 March 1817)
DaughterLydia Dennis (b. 12 October 1735)
DaughterFreeborn Dennis (b. 18 August 1739)


Birth1 March 1693Sarah Durfee was born on 1 March 1693 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage20 April 1721Joseph Dennis and she were married on 20 April 1721 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Death21 April 1759She died on 21 April 1759 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 17 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed
  2. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Thomas Durfee

M, #6904


Family: Ann Freeborn

DaughterSarah Durfee+ (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)


MarriageThomas Durfee and Ann Freeborn were married, date unknown
Last Edited 17 August 2017

Ann Freeborn

F, #6905

Family: Thomas Durfee

DaughterSarah Durfee+ (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)


MarriageThomas Durfee and Ann Freeborn were married, date unknown
Last Edited 17 August 2017

Sarah Dennis

F, #6906, b. 1 July 1723, d. 1723


FatherJoseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)
MotherSarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)


Birth1 July 1723Sarah Dennis was born on 1 July 1723 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Death1723She died in 1723 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 17 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed

Sarah Dennis

F, #6907, b. 1 April 1725


FatherJoseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)
MotherSarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)

Family: William Earle (b. about 1719)


Birth1 April 1725Sarah Dennis was born on 1 April 1725 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage15 January 1741William Earle and she were married on 15 January 17411
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed

Robert Dennis

M, #6908, d. 5 June 1691

Family: Sarah Howland (b. 1645, d. 2 October 1712)

SonJoseph Dennis+ (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)


Marriage16 February 1672Robert Dennis and Sarah Howland were married on 16 February 1672 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death5 June 1691He died on 5 June 1691 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Sarah Howland

F, #6909, b. 1645, d. 2 October 1712


FatherHenry Howland (d. 17 January 1671)
MotherMary Newland (d. 17 June 1674)

Family: Robert Dennis (d. 5 June 1691)

SonJoseph Dennis+ (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)


Birth1645Sarah Howland was born in 1645.1
Marriage16 February 1672Robert Dennis and she were married on 16 February 1672 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death2 October 1712She died on 2 October 17121
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Robert Dennis

M, #6910, b. 12 September 1727, d. 12 April 1811


FatherJoseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)
MotherSarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)

Family: Hannah Coggeshall (b. 3 May 1731, d. 22 November 1811)


Family HistoryThe children of Robert and Hannah -- see attached.1
Birth12 September 1727Robert Dennis was born on 12 September 1727 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.2
Church Affiliation1750As of 1750, Robert was affiliated with Quaker Hill Meeting, Society of Friends, in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Marriage21 June 1750He and Hannah Coggeshall were married on 21 June 1750 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Death12 April 1811He died on 12 April 1811 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Last Edited 20 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), pp. 45, 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed
  2. [S753] Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I., p. 85

Joseph Dennis

M, #6911, b. 15 June 1730, d. 28 September 1758


FatherJoseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)
MotherSarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)

Family: Mercy Coggeshall (b. 23 February 1724)


Birth15 June 1730Joseph Dennis was born on 15 June 1730 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage14 December 1752He and Mercy Coggeshall were married on 14 December 1752 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, No issue.2
Death28 September 1758He died on 28 September 1758 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Last Edited 20 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed
  2. [S753] Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I., p. 98

Ruth Dennis

F, #6912, b. 6 December 1733, d. 1 March 1817


FatherJoseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)
MotherSarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)

Family: John Cory (b. 7 September 1731, d. 13 July 1818)


Birth6 December 1733Ruth Dennis was born on 6 December 1733 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage22 June 1748John Cory and she were married on 22 June 1748 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Death1 March 1817She died on 1 March 1817 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed
  2. [S753] Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I., p. 109

Lydia Dennis

F, #6913, b. 12 October 1735


FatherJoseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)
MotherSarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)

Family: David Fish (b. 15 March 1734)


Birth12 October 1735Lydia Dennis was born on 12 October 1735 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage16 December 1757David Fish and she were married on 16 December 1757 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed

Freeborn Dennis

F, #6914, b. 18 August 1739


FatherJoseph Dennis (b. 25 May 1689, d. 24 October 1759)
MotherSarah Durfee (b. 1 March 1693, d. 21 April 1759)

Family: Holder Chase (b. 24 August 1733, d. February 1820)


MarriageHolder Chase and Freeborn Dennis were married, date unknown1
Birth18 August 1739She was born on 18 August 1739 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.2
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 110; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed
  2. [S753] Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I., p. 85

William Earle

M, #6915, b. about 1719


Family: Sarah Dennis (b. 1 April 1725)


Birthabout 1719William Earle was born about 1719 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Marriage15 January 1741He and Sarah Dennis were married on 15 January 17411
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed

William Earle

M, #6916

Family: Mehitable Brayton

SonWilliam Earle (b. about 1719)


MarriageWilliam Earle and Mehitable Brayton were married, date unknown
Last Edited 18 August 2017

Mehitable Brayton

F, #6917

Family: William Earle

SonWilliam Earle (b. about 1719)


MarriageWilliam Earle and Mehitable Brayton were married, date unknown
Last Edited 18 August 2017

Hannah Coggeshall

F, #6918, b. 3 May 1731, d. 22 November 1811


FatherCapt. Thomas Coggeshall (b. 25 April 1688, d. 26 January 1771)
MotherMercy Freeborn (b. November 1692, d. 26 May 1776)

Family: Robert Dennis (b. 12 September 1727, d. 12 April 1811)


Birth3 May 1731Hannah Coggeshall was born on 3 May 1731 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Marriage21 June 1750Robert Dennis and she were married on 21 June 1750 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death22 November 1811She died on 22 November 1811 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 85; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed

Capt. Thomas Coggeshall

M, #6919, b. 25 April 1688, d. 26 January 1771


FatherJoshua Coggeshall (b. May 1656, d. 4 September 1723)
MotherSarah George (d. 20 March 1697)

Family: Mercy Freeborn (b. November 1692, d. 26 May 1776)

DaughterElizabeth Coggeshall (b. 20 August 1710, d. 29 September 1794)
DaughterComfort Coggeshall (b. 17 September 1712, d. December 1787)
DaughterMercy Coggeshall (b. 30 June 1714, d. before 1724)
DaughterSarah Coggeshall (b. 20 August 1715)
DaughterWait Coggeshall (b. 4 January 1717)
DaughterMary Coggeshall (b. 27 March 1720, d. 17 March 1768)
SonJoshua Coggeshall+ (b. 11 May 1722, d. 24 September 1786)
DaughterMercy Coggeshall (b. 23 February 1724)
SonGideon Coggeshall (b. 20 April 1726)
SonEnsign Thomas Coggeshall+ (b. 26 August 1728, d. 17 January 1803)
DaughterHannah Coggeshall (b. 3 May 1731, d. 22 November 1811)


Family History. The book Coggeshall's in America writes about Thomas:

"Mr. Coggeshall was a farmer in Middletown, R.I.; he was a freeman in Newport, R.I., May 5, 1713. He was a Deputy from Newport, R.I., in 1732, and was Justice of Peace at Newport, R.I., from May, 1719 to May, 1743. He was corporal of the train band February 20, 1708, and was afterwards called captain."1
Birth25 April 1688Capt. Thomas Coggeshall was born on 25 April 1688. The Coggeshall genealogy lists his birth date as 24 Jun 1688.2
Marriage11 March 1708He and Mercy Freeborn were married on 11 March 1708 I have seen Thomas's wife listed as Mary Freeborn but there is a written 1708 remonstrance by the Friends Monthly Meeting clearly discussing Mercy and Thomas Coggeshall.

Perhaps it was a confusion with his brother Joshua. The Coggeshall book says he married "Mercy or Mary Freeborn, daughter of Gideon Freeborn."2
Death26 January 1771He died on 26 January 1771 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Last Edited 19 August 2017


  1. [S754] Charles Pierce Coggeshall and Thellwell Rusell Coggeshall, The Coggeshalls in America: genealogy of the descendants of John Coggeshall of Newport, with a brief notice of their English antecedents (Boston, MA: C.E. Goodspeed and Co., 1930), p. 43; digital images, HathiTrust, HathiTrust (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89066029471;view=1up : accessed
  2. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Mercy Freeborn

F, #6920, b. November 1692, d. 26 May 1776


FatherGideon Freeborn (d. 28 February 1720)
MotherMary Boomer

Family: Capt. Thomas Coggeshall (b. 25 April 1688, d. 26 January 1771)

DaughterElizabeth Coggeshall (b. 20 August 1710, d. 29 September 1794)
DaughterComfort Coggeshall (b. 17 September 1712, d. December 1787)
DaughterMercy Coggeshall (b. 30 June 1714, d. before 1724)
DaughterSarah Coggeshall (b. 20 August 1715)
DaughterWait Coggeshall (b. 4 January 1717)
DaughterMary Coggeshall (b. 27 March 1720, d. 17 March 1768)
SonJoshua Coggeshall+ (b. 11 May 1722, d. 24 September 1786)
DaughterMercy Coggeshall (b. 23 February 1724)
SonGideon Coggeshall (b. 20 April 1726)
SonEnsign Thomas Coggeshall+ (b. 26 August 1728, d. 17 January 1803)
DaughterHannah Coggeshall (b. 3 May 1731, d. 22 November 1811)


NoteThe Durfee genealogy lists her name as Mary, and Milton Tilley's genealogy gives it as Mercy.
BirthNovember 1692Mercy Freeborn was born in November 1692.1,2
Marriage11 March 1708Capt. Thomas Coggeshall and she were married on 11 March 1708 I have seen Thomas's wife listed as Mary Freeborn but there is a written 1708 remonstrance by the Friends Monthly Meeting clearly discussing Mercy and Thomas Coggeshall.

Perhaps it was a confusion with his brother Joshua. The Coggeshall book says he married "Mercy or Mary Freeborn, daughter of Gideon Freeborn."1
Death26 May 1776She died on 26 May 17761
Burial28 May 1776She was buried on 28 May 1776 at Coggeshall Cemetery in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.2
Last Edited 19 August 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.
  2. [S754] Charles Pierce Coggeshall and Thellwell Rusell Coggeshall, The Coggeshalls in America: genealogy of the descendants of John Coggeshall of Newport, with a brief notice of their English antecedents (Boston, MA: C.E. Goodspeed and Co., 1930), p. 43; digital images, HathiTrust, HathiTrust (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89066029471;view=1up : accessed

Gideon Freeborn

M, #6921, d. 28 February 1720

Family 1: Sarah Brownell (d. 6 September 1676)

Family 2: Mary Boomer

DaughterMary Freeborn+ (d. before 1725)
DaughterMercy Freeborn+ (b. November 1692, d. 26 May 1776)


MarriageGideon Freeborn and Sarah Brownell were married, date unknown1
Marriage3 June 1678He and Mary Boomer were married on 3 June 16781
Death28 February 1720He died on 28 February 1720 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Mary Boomer

F, #6922

Family: Gideon Freeborn (d. 28 February 1720)

DaughterMary Freeborn+ (d. before 1725)
DaughterMercy Freeborn+ (b. November 1692, d. 26 May 1776)


Marriage3 June 1678Gideon Freeborn and Mary Boomer were married on 3 June 16781
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Sarah Brownell

F, #6923, d. 6 September 1676

Family: Gideon Freeborn (d. 28 February 1720)


MarriageGideon Freeborn and Sarah Brownell were married, date unknown1
Death6 September 1676She died on 6 September 1676
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Mercy Coggeshall

F, #6924, b. 23 February 1724


FatherCapt. Thomas Coggeshall (b. 25 April 1688, d. 26 January 1771)
MotherMercy Freeborn (b. November 1692, d. 26 May 1776)

Family 1: Joseph Dennis (b. 15 June 1730, d. 28 September 1758)

Family 2: Samuel Allen


Birth23 February 1724Mercy Coggeshall was born on 23 February 1724 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage14 December 1752Joseph Dennis and she were married on 14 December 1752 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, No issue.2
Marriage20 July 1769Samuel Allen and she were married on 20 July 1769 Samuel was the widower of Mercy's sister, Mary,
Last Edited 20 August 2017


  1. [S754] Charles Pierce Coggeshall and Thellwell Rusell Coggeshall, The Coggeshalls in America: genealogy of the descendants of John Coggeshall of Newport, with a brief notice of their English antecedents (Boston, MA: C.E. Goodspeed and Co., 1930), p. 45; digital images, HathiTrust, HathiTrust (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89066029471;view=1up : accessed
  2. [S753] William F. Reed, The Descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R.I. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1902), p. 98; digital images, Archive.org, Archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/descendantsoftho00lcreed#page/86/mode/2up : accessed

Samuel Allen

M, #6925

Family 1: Mary Coggeshall (b. 27 March 1720, d. 17 March 1768)

Family 2: Mercy Coggeshall (b. 23 February 1724)


Marriage16 January 1745Samuel Allen and Mary Coggeshall were married on 16 January 1745 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island, They had 5 boys between 1746 and 1759.1
Marriage20 July 1769He and Mercy Coggeshall were married on 20 July 1769 Samuel was the widower of Mercy's sister, Mary,
Last Edited 18 August 2017


  1. [S754] Charles Pierce Coggeshall and Thellwell Rusell Coggeshall, The Coggeshalls in America: genealogy of the descendants of John Coggeshall of Newport, with a brief notice of their English antecedents (Boston, MA: C.E. Goodspeed and Co., 1930), p. 45; digital images, HathiTrust, HathiTrust (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89066029471;view=1up : accessed