Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 286

Alexis Crane

M, #7126, b. 27 April 1820


FatherJames Crane (b. 11 October 1763, d. 17 August 1828)
MotherClarinda Hallock (b. 12 August 1781, d. 20 June 1859)

Family: Jane A. Gilbert (b. about 1830)


Birth27 April 1820Alexis Crane was born on 27 April 1820 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.1
Marriageabout 1845He and Jane A. Gilbert were married about 1845 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont, Alexis and Jane had at least 4 children in Richmond.
Alexis, m. 1880, Emily Harrington of Jamestown, Chautauqua County, NY
Clara, m. 1889, Wheeler Whicoff, Jamestown, NY
Judson Gilbert
Imogene, died at age 21, in Jamestown, 13 Apr 1885. b. 28 Feb 18642
Last Edited 6 September 2017


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 97; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Thomas Crane

M, #7127, b. 12 May 1822, d. 21 February 1909


FatherJames Crane (b. 11 October 1763, d. 17 August 1828)
MotherClarinda Hallock (b. 12 August 1781, d. 20 June 1859)

Family 1: Olive Ives (b. 18 June 1822, d. 11 September 1846)

Family 2: Deborah Eliza Colton (b. 18 June 1822, d. 23 February 1881)


Birth12 May 1822Thomas Crane was born on 12 May 1822 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.1
Marriage24 November 1845He and Olive Ives were married on 24 November 18452
Death of Spouse11 September 1846On 11 September 1846, Thomas suffered the loss of his spouse Olives Ives.2
Marriage20 April 1848He and Deborah Eliza Colton were married on 20 April 1848 in Aztalan, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, Deborah and Thomas had 6 girls:

Bessie Evelyn (Crane) Barrie
Olive Ives Crane
Alice Frances (Crane) Hoare
Matilda Abbie (Crane) Hurd
Jennie Maria (Crane) Gray
Clara Amelia (Crane) Gray2,3
Census3 August 1850He appeared in the census 3 August 1850 at Koshkonong in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Thomas is listed as: Thomas, age 28, wagon maker, real estate value $300, b. Vermont
Deborah E., age 28, born in Vermont
Betsy E., age 1, born in Wisconsin
Osman Harrolson, age 18, wagon maker, born in Norway,
Clarinda Crane, age 69, born in Massachusetts.
Death21 February 1909He died on 21 February 1909 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin,3
Burial23 February 1909He was buried on 23 February 1909 at Lakeview Cemetery in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
Last Edited 1 March 2018


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 97; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S757] Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II, p. 148
  3. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Jane Maria Crane

F, #7128, b. 1 August 1824, d. 30 March 1852


FatherJames Crane (b. 11 October 1763, d. 17 August 1828)
MotherClarinda Hallock (b. 12 August 1781, d. 20 June 1859)


Birth1 August 1824Jane Maria Crane was born on 1 August 1824 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.1
Marriage22 November 1843Alexander Hart and she were married on 22 November 1843 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin,2
Death30 March 1852She died on 30 March 1852 Jane died shortly after the birth of her third child, Wyman Alexander.2
Burial2 April 1852She was buried on 2 April 1852 at Lakeview Cemetery in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin.3
Last Edited 22 January 2018


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 97; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S757] Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II, p. 148
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Lakeview Cemetery. Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin

Martha T. Crane

F, #7129, b. 29 May 1828, d. 18 May 1890


FatherJames Crane (b. 11 October 1763, d. 17 August 1828)
MotherClarinda Hallock (b. 12 August 1781, d. 20 June 1859)

Family: Martin Luther Bates (b. 13 January 1825)


Birth29 May 1828Martha T. Crane was born on 29 May 1828 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.1
Marriage20 April 1848Martin Luther Bates and she were married on 20 April 1848 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont,2
Death18 May 1890She died on 18 May 1890 in Scranton, Osage County, Kansis,3
Last Edited 7 September 2017


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 97; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S757] Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II, p. 148
  3. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Milo Jones

M, #7130

Family: Sarah "Sally" Crane (b. 26 April 1805, d. 28 June 1871)


Marriage4 April 1832Milo Jones and Sarah "Sally" Crane were married on 4 April 1832 Milo and Sally moved to Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, and Milo started a breakfast foods company, Jones Dairy Farm which is still in business today, making sausage, bacon, and related products. A 1910 postcard showing the business is attached.

Milo and Sally had 8 children:
Amelia Maria (Jones) Rankin
Fanny Caroline (Jones) Talcott
Edward Milton
George Washington
Melvin Augustus
Milo Cornelius1
Biography1889In 1889: Biographical Entry in History of Jefferson County, attached
Last Edited 5 September 2017


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com), ID McFarland-3721; submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by user M. Gardner on Vanderhoef line

Hiram Brewster

M, #7131

Family: Clarinda Crane (b. 11 February 1807, d. 31 December 1891)


Marriage1828Hiram Brewster and Clarinda Crane were married in 1828 in Vermont Hiram and Clarinda had 8 children:

Marilla Marie (Brewster) Bates
Wesley C.
George W.
Ellen Lucille (Brewster) Small1,1
Last Edited 5 September 2017


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Horace Bailey

M, #7132, b. 8 June 1790, d. 29 June 1874

Family: Fanny Crane (b. 9 March 1811, d. 1 May 1886)


Birth8 June 1790Horace Bailey was born on 8 June 1790 in Somers, Westchester County, New York.1
Marriage12 October 1831He and Fanny Crane were married on 12 October 1831 in Somers, Westchester County, New York, It appears that Fanny married Horace as his second wife. His first wife, Sarah Hull, died in 1830.

Fanny and Horace had at least one child, Clarinda (1833 - 1896).1,2
Death29 June 1874He died on 29 June 1874 in Somers, Westchester County, New York,3
BurialJuly 1874He was buried in July 1874 at Ivandell Cemetery in Somers, Westchester County, New York.3
Last Edited 5 September 2017


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family
  2. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), pp. 97, 147; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Ivandell Cemetery, Somers, New York

Lydia Fuller Barber

F, #7133, b. 8 September 1816, d. after 1880

Family: James Crane (b. 13 April 1813, d. 30 March 1897)


Birth8 September 1816Lydia Fuller Barber was born on 8 September 1816 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.
Marriageabout 1841James Crane and she were married about 1841 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont,1
Deathafter 1880She died after 1880 in Kansas
Last Edited 5 September 2017


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Thaddeus Crane

M, #7134, b. 2 March 1753, d. 19 October 1776


FatherThaddeus Crane (b. 27 March 1728, d. 1 September 1803)
MotherSarah Paddock (b. 13 June 1730, d. 19 February 1777)


Birth2 March 1753Thaddeus Crane was born on 2 March 1753 in Southeast, Putnam County, New York.1
Baptism10 June 1753He was baptized on 10 June 1753 at Church of Christ in Salem, Westchester County, New York. 1753, Jun 10. Aaron, son of Jabez Tuttle
Also, eodem die, Thadeus, son of Thadeus Crane.2
Death19 October 1776He died on 19 October 1776 Died from exposure during the Revolutionary War
Last Edited 13 April 2018


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family
  2. [S834] New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (New York City: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, n.d.), Vol XXXII, No. 1, Jan 1901, p. 14; digital images, ( : accessed; Records of the Church of Christ in Salem, Westchester Co., NY

Gerard Crane

M, #7135, b. 3 January 1791, d. 11 February 1872


FatherThaddeus Crane (b. 27 March 1728, d. 1 September 1803)
MotherLydia Read (d. 22 April 1832)
Gerard Crane (1791 - 1872)


Birth3 January 1791Gerard Crane was born on 3 January 1791 in North Salem, Westchester County, New York.
Occupation1818In 1818 Gerard worked in Somers, Westchester County, New York, as an animal exhibitor. As early as 1818, Gerard and his brother, Thaddeus, traveled the countryside exhibiting a lion and lioness. He went on to a long career managing traveling circuses. He was involved with a number of other local men over time in various business arrangements with traveling menageries and circuses.

The Somers Historical Society has a very good nine-page web coverage called Beasts and Ballyhoo, The Menagerie Men of Somers . Page 5 of the website talks about Gerard, and the whole presentation is well worth reading.

www.circushistory.org, presenting the research of Stuart Thayer, quotes George F. Bailey (1818-1903) as saying "I am the only survivor of the Flatfoots, originally comprising Lewis Titus, John June, Jesse Smith, and Thad and Gerard Crane." The website continues, "Titus, June and Smith were partners in June, Titus, Angevine & Co. (along with Caleb S. Angevine), successors to the National Menagerie of 1832 and 1833. The Cranes were long in the business, going back as far as 1820." The Flatfoots was evidently a nickname for one of their business incarnations. A number of the same principals grouped and regrouped under various names through the 1800's: The Zoological Institute, June, Titus, Angevine & Co., the National Menagerie, Van Amburgh & Co., and later G. F. Bailey's Circus, and later still P.T. Barnum's Circus.
Residence1823As of 1823 Gerard lived in Somers, Westchester County, New York,
Residence1849As of 1849 Gerard lived at 413 Somerstown Turnpike in Somers, Westchester County, New York, at the mansion he had built, called the Stone House. This well-preserved residence, on the National Historical Register, was on the market in 2016 for $2,500,000. It sold on 1/9/2017 for $995,000. In May of 2017, 115 acres that were once part of the farm were donated to the Somers Land Trust for preservation as open space, a gift from the Beshar family, who owned the home until 2017.
Death11 February 1872He died on 11 February 1872 in Somers, Westchester County, New York,1
Newspaper Mention4 November 1880The 4 November 1880 edition of the Port Chester Journal, Port Chester, Westchester County, New York, reported Under Real Estate Transfers:
Somers -- Crane, Gerard, executors of, to Wm. Bailey, the "Faid Farm," adjoining land of Lewis Brown, 91 Acres, $3,750.
Anecdote20172017: Donation of surrounding farm acreage to Somers Land Trust see attached.
Last Edited 21 December 2022


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Thaddeus Crane

M, #7136, b. 31 December 1780, d. 16 October 1849


FatherThaddeus Crane (b. 27 March 1728, d. 1 September 1803)
MotherLydia Read (d. 22 April 1832)


Birth31 December 1780Thaddeus Crane was born on 31 December 1780 in North Salem, Westchester County, New York.1
Witness1818He was associated with Gerard Crane an animal exhibitor. in 1818 in Somers, Westchester County, New York.
Death16 October 1849Thaddeus Crane died on 16 October 1849 in Somers, Westchester County, New York,2
Burial18 October 1849He was buried on 18 October 1849 at Ivandell Cemetery in Somers, Westchester County, New York.3
Last Edited 6 September 2017


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 52; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S757] Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II, p.52
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Ivandell Cemetery, Somers, NY

Charles Farnsworth

M, #7137, b. about 1815

Family: Loretta B. Crane (b. 7 August 1817, d. 20 September 1845)


Birthabout 1815Charles Farnsworth was born about 1815 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.
Death of Spouse20 September 1845On 20 September 1845, Charles suffered the loss of his spouse Loretta Crane
Census24 July 1850He appeared in the census 24 July 1850 in Koshkonong, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Charles is listed as: Charles, age 38, Farmer, real estate value $1500, born in Vermont.
Dubett Farnsworth, age 37, female, born in New York,
Ellen Jane Brown, age 16, born in New York,
Benjamin C. Brown, age 14, born in New York,
Esther P. Brown, age 12, born in New York,
Loisa E. Farnsworth, age 8, born in Wisconsin
Henry C. Farnsworth, age 3, born in Wisconsin
Marriage19 May 1940He and Loretta B. Crane were married on 19 May 1940 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont, They had a daughter, Louisa, who was three when Loretta died, and was raised by Charles and his second wife, Juliette. Louisa married Henry Collins Sperry in 1867 in Fort Atkinson, and died in Jackson, Tennessee in 1902. The Sperry's had 4 children, Mary, Guy, Kitty and Helen. Mary married a Johnson.1
DNA Clues2020Kathryn Baugus is a match on Ancestry, 23&Me, on Chr 1, in the very large group of matches from 165-209. She is a great-great-great granddaughter of James Crane and Clarinda Hallock, through Gerard Crane's sister Loretta (Crane) Farnsworth. 27 cM.
Last Edited 12 November 2020


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Jane A. Gilbert

F, #7138, b. about 1830

Family: Alexis Crane (b. 27 April 1820)


Birthabout 1830Jane A. Gilbert was born about 1830 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.
Marriageabout 1845Alexis Crane and she were married about 1845 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont, Alexis and Jane had at least 4 children in Richmond.
Alexis, m. 1880, Emily Harrington of Jamestown, Chautauqua County, NY
Clara, m. 1889, Wheeler Whicoff, Jamestown, NY
Judson Gilbert
Imogene, died at age 21, in Jamestown, 13 Apr 1885. b. 28 Feb 18641
Last Edited 6 September 2017


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Olive Ives

F, #7139, b. 18 June 1822, d. 11 September 1846

Family: Thomas Crane (b. 12 May 1822, d. 21 February 1909)


Birth18 June 1822Olive Ives was born on 18 June 1822 in Vermont.
Marriage24 November 1845Thomas Crane and she were married on 24 November 18451
Death11 September 1846She died on 11 September 1846 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin,2
Burial13 September 1846She was buried on 13 September 1846 at Lakeview Cemetery in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. She was most likely buried in one of the earlier burial grounds, and transferred to Lakeview at a later date.2
Last Edited 7 September 2017


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 148; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Lakeview Cemetery, Fort Atkinson, WI

Deborah Eliza Colton

F, #7140, b. 18 June 1822, d. 23 February 1881

Family: Thomas Crane (b. 12 May 1822, d. 21 February 1909)


Birth18 June 1822Deborah Eliza Colton was born on 18 June 1822 in Waitsfield, Vermont.1
Marriage20 April 1848Thomas Crane and she were married on 20 April 1848 in Aztalan, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, Deborah and Thomas had 6 girls:

Bessie Evelyn (Crane) Barrie
Olive Ives Crane
Alice Frances (Crane) Hoare
Matilda Abbie (Crane) Hurd
Jennie Maria (Crane) Gray
Clara Amelia (Crane) Gray2,3
Death23 February 1881She died on 23 February 1881 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin,
Burial25 February 1881She was buried on 25 February 1881 at Lakeview Cemetery in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
Last Edited 9 September 2017


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Lakeview Cemetery Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
  2. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 148; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  3. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com); submitted, [contact information for private use]; Entries by Alton Rogers on the James Crane family

Alexander Hart

M, #7141

Family: Jane Maria Crane (b. 1 August 1824, d. 30 March 1852)


BirthAlexander Hart was born.
Marriage22 November 1843He and Jane Maria Crane were married on 22 November 1843 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin,1
Census1850He appeared in the census 1850 in Farmington, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Alexander is listed as: Alexander Hart (age 33, Farmer, Estate value $800, b. Massachusetts)
Jane M. (age 25, b. Vermont)
Alexis C. (male, age 5, b. Wisconsin)
Loretta E. (age 1, b. Wisconsin)2
Last Edited 22 January 2018


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 148; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (.)

Martin Luther Bates

M, #7142, b. 13 January 1825

Family: Martha T. Crane (b. 29 May 1828, d. 18 May 1890)


Birth13 January 1825Martin Luther Bates was born on 13 January 1825 in Westford, Chittenden County, Vermont.
Marriage20 April 1848He and Martha T. Crane were married on 20 April 1848 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont,1
Last Edited 7 September 2017


  1. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 148; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed

Thomas Hallock

M, #7143


FatherWilliam Hallock (b. about 1610, d. 28 September 1684)
MotherMargaret Howell
Last Edited 7 September 2017

Peter Hallock

M, #7144


FatherWilliam Hallock (b. about 1610, d. 28 September 1684)
MotherMargaret Howell
Last Edited 7 September 2017

William Hallock

M, #7145


FatherWilliam Hallock (b. about 1610, d. 28 September 1684)
MotherMargaret Howell
Last Edited 7 September 2017

Heman S. Hallock

M, #7146, b. 12 June 1803, d. 27 October 1877


ParentLucy Law (b. 1763)
FatherStephen Hallock, Jr. (b. 1763, d. 1825)


Birth12 June 1803Heman S. Hallock was born on 12 June 1803 in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont.
Death27 October 1877He died on 27 October 1877 in Benton County, Oregon,
Burial29 October 1877He was buried on 29 October 1877 at Orleans Cemetery in Orleans, Linn County, Oregon. His Findagrave entry says:
Herman and his family arrived in the Oregon Territory by wagon, in 1853. Today, their arrival date qualifies them as 'Early Oregonians' recognized by the State of Oregon.

Herman was born in Vermont and Lucretia was from New York. They were married in the presents of her father Nahum King on Oct 16, 1827 in Madison County, Ohio. 

Their marriage was blessed with seven children: 

1)Phebe Ann [Hallock] Gifford
2)Sarah Sally Hallock
3)Hopestill Hallock
4)Rhoda Ann Hallock
5)Amos Nahum Hallock
6)Sarepta Hallock -- FAG# 20582898
7)Margaret Mary Hallock 
Margaret 1st. married, George W. Erwin
Margaret 2nd. married, Charles A. Lyndon 
Margaret died, 24 Jun 1911 in Calgary, 
Alberta, Canada. 

The family immigrated to Oregon in 1853. 

Lucretia's mother was Sarepta [Norton] 
King born in Albany, Albany, New York, on 
12 Nov 1791.1
Last Edited 7 September 2017


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Orleans Cemetery, Orleans, Oregon

Fanny Crane

F, #7147, b. 11 August 1782, d. 26 October 1865


FatherThaddeus Crane (b. 27 March 1728, d. 1 September 1803)
MotherLydia Read (d. 22 April 1832)

Family: Eli Ganung


Birth11 August 1782Fanny Crane was born on 11 August 1782 in North Salem, Westchester County, New York.1
Death26 October 1865She died on 26 October 18652
Last Edited 15 September 2017


  1. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com), Entries of Alton Rogers on the James Crane Family; submitted, [contact information for private use]
  2. [S757] Ellery Bicknell Crane, Genealogy of the Crane Family, Vol. II: Section on Descendants of Benjamin Crane of Wethersfield, Conn. (Worcester, Mass.: Charles Hamilton Press, 1900), p. 52; digital images, Archive.org, (https://archive.org/stream/genealogyofcrane02cran#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed

Eli Ganung

M, #7148

Family: Fanny Crane (b. 11 August 1782, d. 26 October 1865)

Last Edited 8 September 2017

Henry Howland

M, #7149, d. 17 January 1671

Family: Mary Newland (d. 17 June 1674)

DaughterSarah Howland+ (b. 1645, d. 2 October 1712)


MarriageHenry Howland and Mary Newland were married, date unknown
Death17 January 1671He died on 17 January 1671 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts,1
Last Edited 8 September 2017


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Mary Newland

F, #7150, d. 17 June 1674

Family: Henry Howland (d. 17 January 1671)

DaughterSarah Howland+ (b. 1645, d. 2 October 1712)


MarriageHenry Howland and Mary Newland were married, date unknown
Death17 June 1674She died on 17 June 1674 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts,
Last Edited 8 September 2017