Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 321

Lydia Otis

F, #8001, b. 20 January 1716/17

Family: Abner Kellogg (b. about 1716, d. 18 November 1754)


Birth20 January 1716/17Lydia Otis was born on 20 January 1716/17 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Lydia was one of 18 children of Nathaniel Otis of Yarmouth, Mass, who d. in Colchester, 17 Apr 1771, aged 82. Nathaniel was a descendant of John Otis, b. in Barnstable, Devonshire, England, who was an early settler in Hingham, Mass.1
Marriage26 June 1740Abner Kellogg and she were married on 26 June 1740 in Colchester, New London County, Connecticut, Abner and Lydia had seven children:
Delight (died in childhood)
Lydia (died aged 16)
Margaret (m. John Ellis)
Death of Spouse18 November 1754On 18 November 1754, Lydia suffered the loss of her spouse Abner. She later (19 Mar 1761) married Capt. Amos Thomas of Lebanon, and died in 1807, aged 91.
Last Edited 20 February 2018


  1. [S817] Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (San Francisco: Sunset Press, 1903), p. 50; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/kelloggsinoldwor01hopk#page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S817] Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, p. 90

Anne Judd

F, #8003, b. about 1735, d. 29 August 1820

Family: Ezra Kellogg (b. 3 April 1731, d. before 20 March 1786)

SonDaniel Kellogg+ (b. 27 February 1770)


Birthabout 1735Anne Judd was born about 1735 in Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Marriageabout 1760Ezra Kellogg and she were married about 1760 in Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, She was of Danbury. Ezra and Anne had at least 3 children, of which Daniel is linked here because he was the 4th great grandfather of our DNA match.1
Death29 August 1820She died on 29 August 1820 in Hope, Fulton County, New York,1
Last Edited 22 February 2018


  1. [S817] Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (San Francisco: Sunset Press, 1903), p. 153; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/kelloggsinoldwor01hopk#page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Daniel Kellogg

M, #8004, b. 27 February 1770


FatherEzra Kellogg (b. 3 April 1731, d. before 20 March 1786)
MotherAnne Judd (b. about 1735, d. 29 August 1820)

Family: Rhoda Swatt (b. 11 April 1784, d. 13 March 1828)

DaughterAbigail Kellogg+ (b. 27 July 1811, d. 15 February 1897)


Bio DetailFamily Information -- see attached.1
Birth27 February 1770Daniel Kellogg was born on 27 February 1770.1
Marriage23 September 1810He and Rhoda Swatt were married on 23 September 1810 Rhoda was Daniel's second wife. He and Rhoda had at least 4 children. Their daughter Abigail was the third-great-grandmother of our DNA match.2
Last Edited 4 April 2018


  1. [S817] Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (San Francisco: Sunset Press, 1903), p. 333; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/kelloggsinoldwor01hopk#page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S817] Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, p. 334

Rhoda Swatt

F, #8005, b. 11 April 1784, d. 13 March 1828

Family: Daniel Kellogg (b. 27 February 1770)

DaughterAbigail Kellogg+ (b. 27 July 1811, d. 15 February 1897)


Birth11 April 1784Rhoda Swatt was born on 11 April 1784.1
Marriage23 September 1810Daniel Kellogg and she were married on 23 September 1810 Rhoda was Daniel's second wife. He and Rhoda had at least 4 children. Their daughter Abigail was the third-great-grandmother of our DNA match.1
Death13 March 1828She died on 13 March 18281
Last Edited 22 February 2018


  1. [S817] Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (San Francisco: Sunset Press, 1903), p. 334; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/kelloggsinoldwor01hopk#page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

John Phillips

M, #8008

Family: Eliza Bucher

SonWilliam Conrad Phillips+ (b. 9 April 1895, d. 29 October 1972)
Last Edited 23 February 2018

Eliza Bucher

F, #8009

Family: John Phillips

SonWilliam Conrad Phillips+ (b. 9 April 1895, d. 29 October 1972)
Last Edited 23 February 2018

Paul Wilkinson

M, #8010
Last Edited 23 February 2018

Anne Louise Mason

F, #8011
Last Edited 23 February 2018


F, #8013
Last Edited 23 February 2018


M, #8014
Last Edited 28 February 2018

Eden Myers

F, #8015


Last Edited 28 February 2018

John Pratt, Sr

M, #8016, b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854

Family: Avarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

SonBenjamin Willis Pratt (b. 31 March 1802, d. 15 May 1868)
SonRezin Pratt+ (b. 22 April 1804, d. 6 June 1880)
DaughterElizabeth Pratt (b. 26 April 1806, d. 15 July 1839)
DaughterNancy Pratt (b. 5 December 1809, d. 22 September 1850)
DaughterSarah Pratt+ (b. 17 April 1811, d. 29 October 1881)
DaughterAvarilla Pratt+ (b. 1 October 1813, d. 18 November 1900)
SonJohn Pratt, Jr.+ (b. 7 October 1815, d. 11 October 1888)
DaughterTamar Pratt (b. 20 February 1818, d. 21 December 1898)
SonLacey Pratt (b. 30 July 1820, d. 1869)
SonJonah Pratt (b. 24 February 1824, d. 12 August 1894)
DaughterAnna Pratt (b. 30 July 1826, d. 24 August 1899)


NoteThe family group sheet did not have the middle initial H. but I have seen it on public trees.
Research NoteSpreadsheet of all censuses Pratt and Smalley. In Greene, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland.

The primary families are in Greene and Fayette.
PossessionsJohn Pratt, Sr, possessed Greene County, PA, deeds in Greene County, Pennsylvania.
Birth1777He was born in 1777 in Maryland. The Ancestry database U.S. and International Marriage Records, gives his birth year as 1777. That is based on a Family Group Sheet submitted to the Family Group Sheet Exchange by Ralph A. Sawin (1914 - 1989). This John was Ralph's great great grandfather. Ralph suggested that John's parents might have been John Pratt and Elizabeth Cross, but that was not verified.

Ralph Sawin suggested a birth place of Queen Anne's County, Maryland. There was a prominent Pratt family there. I have seen public trees with a birth location of Prince George's County, Maryland.

The History of Mercer County has a bio of John Pratt, Jr. and says that his father was a German by descent and a native of Maryland.2,3
Relocationabout 1785About 1785, John Pratt, Sr, moved to Fayette County, Pennsylvania. According to his Findagrave record, John moved with his family as a young boy to Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

Fayette County was created from Westmoreland County in 1783. After the termination of the Revolutionary War, between 1785 and 1790, the Land Office processed a greatly increased number of surveys, as settlers from Virginia and Maryland streamed into Fayette County. From a population of 700 in 1768, it became about 15,000 by 1790.

Attached is a writeup by Donald Goss of the early Long, Pratt and Boner families in Fayette County.
Census1790He appeared in the census 1790 in Washington County, Pennsylvania. John is listed as: Jno. Pratt
2 free white males of 16 years and up
2 free white males under 16 years
4 free white females

This is a John Pratt in Washington County, with a number of children born in the 1780's or the 1770's. Males of age 1 - 15 in 1790 were born from 1775 to 1789.

Some big IF's: If this John Pratt is related to the John Pratt who married Avarilla, and/or if this John Pratt is related to Benjamin Pratt father of Richard Smalley Pratt, John and Benjamin would have been 13 and about 14, and would have been compatible with this census.

Also in 1790, there is a Richard Pratt, in Luzerne Township, Fayette County. He has:
2 males under 16
4 males 16 and upwards
2 females
Benjamin did name his son Richard.

Fayette County lists the names alphabetically, so it is not possible to see neighbors. However on the alphabetical list of Luzerne, there is a Christianna Boner and a William Jackson, surnames in John and Avarilla's family.
Marriageabout 1800He and Avarilla Bonar were married about 18002,3
Census1800He appeared in the census 1800 in Franklin Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania. John is listed as: Pratt, John:
1 male under 10
1 male 16-25
1 male 26 - 44
3 females under 10
2 females 10-15
1 female 26 - 44

Pratt, John Jun'r:
1 males 26-44
4 females under 10
2 females 10-15
1 female 26-44

Also in Franklin Township are three Smally's:
1 male 16-25
1 male over 45 (i.e. born 1755 or before)
1 female over 45

1 male under 10
1 male 16-25
2 females under 10
1 female 16-25

1 male 26-44
2 females under 10
1 female 16-254
Census1800He appeared in the census 1800 in Luzerne Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. John is listed as: Based on the Pennsylvania Septennial Census for 1800, there are two Pratt's in the area of Fayette, Westmoreland, Greene and Washington Counties:
John Pratt, Luzerne Township, Fayette County

John Pratt, Jr., Franklin Township, Greene County. This cannot refer to John the son of John and Avarilla, who was only born in 1815.

1865 Property Owner Map for Greene County

There is also a Luther Pret in Jefferson Township, Greene County.

No Pratt's are reported in these censuses for the years 1779, 1786 and 1793 in these southwestern counties.
Relocation1830In 1830, John Pratt, Sr, moved to Union County, Indiana. Several of John and Avarilla's children were married in Union County during the years they lived there, including Avarilla and Sarah.

Two other Pratt marriages are listed in Union County during that time, a Jane Pratt marrying Daniel Hoover on 22 Mar 1836, and a James Pratt marrying Mary Ann Brownfield on 11 Jan 1838.5
Property Record1 January 1838John was involved in a property transaction on 1 January 1838 in Union County, Indiana. when he sold to Elijah McMahan 1500 acres, parts of Sections 25 and 30, Township 14, Range 13 and 14, as recorded in Book H, page 94.
Relocation1838In 1838, John Pratt, Sr, moved to Mercer County, Illinois. There is a good website about this family on the Mercer County Rootsweb pages. As of 2022 the url is http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~mygermanfamilies/history/Pratt.html5
Census1840He appeared in the census 1840 in Township 15 N R 5 W, Mercer County, Illinois. John is listed as: John Pratt:
1 male 15-20
2 males 20-30
1 male 60-70

1 female 10-15
2 females 20-30
1 female 50-60

Living a few houses from son Rezin Pratt.

Neighbors: Mannon, Noble,Williton6
Census12 October 1850He appeared in the census 12 October 1850 in Township 15 N R 5 W, Mercer County, Illinois. John is listed as: John Pratt, Senr (70, Farmer, value $295, b. Maryland)
Avenilla Pratt (age 67, b. in Pennsylvania)
Nancy Pratt (age 40, b. in Pennsylvania)
Jonah Pratt (age 25, Farmer, b. in Pennsylvania)
Henderson Jackson (age 14, b. in Indiana)

Two families away from John Pratt and wife Mary, and young children, including George Jackson.

Neighbors: Peter Ricker (Tennessee), William Kinneman (Indiana), John Mannon (Kentucky)2
Death6 March 1854He died on 6 March 1854 in Mercer County, Illinois,7
Burial8 March 1854He was buried on 8 March 1854 at Eliza Creek Cemetery in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois. Death month looks like May on stone, but recorded as March in some records.7
Last Edited 27 January 2024


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.), Ordered from Yates Publishing; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed
  2. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (), Illinois, Mercer County, Township 15 N R 5 W, image 2/12.
  3. [S822] Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
  4. [S92] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  5. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Illinois
  6. [S87] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com, Mercer County, Illinois, image 1 of 12.
  7. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.

Avarilla Bonar

F, #8017, b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862


FatherWilliam Bonar (b. 3 March 1755, d. 1819)
MotherElizabeth Griffith

Family: John Pratt, Sr, (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)

SonBenjamin Willis Pratt (b. 31 March 1802, d. 15 May 1868)
SonRezin Pratt+ (b. 22 April 1804, d. 6 June 1880)
DaughterElizabeth Pratt (b. 26 April 1806, d. 15 July 1839)
DaughterNancy Pratt (b. 5 December 1809, d. 22 September 1850)
DaughterSarah Pratt+ (b. 17 April 1811, d. 29 October 1881)
DaughterAvarilla Pratt+ (b. 1 October 1813, d. 18 November 1900)
SonJohn Pratt, Jr.+ (b. 7 October 1815, d. 11 October 1888)
DaughterTamar Pratt (b. 20 February 1818, d. 21 December 1898)
SonLacey Pratt (b. 30 July 1820, d. 1869)
SonJonah Pratt (b. 24 February 1824, d. 12 August 1894)
DaughterAnna Pratt (b. 30 July 1826, d. 24 August 1899)


Family NoteBonar website:
the website of Howard Hickman, lists over 150 Bonar/Boner's, as well as a number of Pratts. He lists James C. Pratt who also married a half-sister of the Avarilla Boner who married John Pratt, Sr.

He lists the Bonar/Boner/Boehner family as coming to Greene County, PA from St George's Parish, Baltimore Co. (now Harford Co.) MD.
Birth29 August 1784Avarilla Bonar was born on 29 August 1784 in Pennsylvania. Birth date calculated from age on gravestone.
Marriageabout 1800John Pratt, Sr, and she were married about 18001,2
Death12 February 1862She died on 12 February 1862 in Mercer County, Illinois,
Burial14 February 1862She was buried on 14 February 1862 at Eliza Creek Cemetery in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois. Her entry at Findagrave provides the following information:
Mercer County history recorded Averilla as the wife of John Pratt. She was born 8/29/1784 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Averilla and John were married in Fayette County, Pennsylvania before 1802. 

Records I found said that at the time of her marriage she was named as Mrs. Averilla Boner, which indicated she was a widow, but Howard Hickman, a fellow researcher, pointed out that was wrong as her maiden name was Bonar and that she was the daughter of Elizabeth (Griffith) and William Bonar of Pennsylvania. 

John & Averilla moved to Union County, Indiana, in 1830. They remained there until 1838, at that time they moved to Mercer County, Illinois. They first settled in Eliza Township. John and Averilla lived there until they moved to son Jonas' house in New Boston Township. 

CHILDEN OF JOHN & AVERILLA PRATT Eleven children resulted from this union, all born in Pennsylvania. 
Benjamin Willis, b. 4/30/1802 
Rezin, b. 4/22/1804
Elizabeth [Eliza], b. 4/26/1806
Nancy, b. 12/5/1808
Sarah, b. 4/17/1811
Avarilla M, b. 10/1/1813
John, Jr, b. 10/7/1815
Lacey (son), b. 1820
Jonah, b. 2/24/1824
Tamar, b. abt 1825
Anna, b. abt 1826 

NOTE: Oldest daughter Eliza, died in 1839, and was the first death in Eliza Township. It is believed that Eliza Creek and Eliza were both named after her.

Her husband John died in 1854, Averilla following him just a few years later, passing away on 2/12/1862. She is buried beside John in the Eliza Creek Cemetery.3
Last Edited 27 January 2024


  1. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (), Illinois, Mercer County, Township 15 N R 5 W, image 2/12.
  2. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.

John Pratt, Jr.

M, #8018, b. 7 October 1815, d. 11 October 1888


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: Mary Elizabeth Ferguson (b. 28 August 1825, d. 14 March 1897)

DaughterSarah Pratt+ (b. 8 April 1848, d. 1888)
SonLewis Pratt (b. 1851)


Birth7 October 1815John Pratt, Jr., was born on 7 October 1815 in Fayette City, Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Birth7 October 1815He was born on 7 October 1815 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.2
Marriage5 November 1846He and Mary Elizabeth Ferguson were married on 5 November 1846 in Mercer County, Illinois, (She is called Nancy Fergason in History of Mercer and Henderson Counties, 1882, p. 297)

John and Mary had nine children. Their situations, as of 1882, were:
Sarah, the oldest, married Joel Woodward, a farmer, and they reside in Adams county, Iowa.
Avarilla, wife of Oliver Essley, also resides in the same county.
Louis married Miss M. Molinger, of Iowa.
Mary, wife of Henry Taylor, resides in Adams county, Iowa.
Nancy, wife of John Jones, resides in Adams county, Iowa.
Harvey, Malisse, Ruth and Nellie are at home with their parents.1,3
Census1850He appeared in the census 1850 in Township 15 N R 5 W, Mercer County, Illinois. John is listed as: John Pratt (age 34, Farmer, Real Estate $1200, b. Pennsylvania)
Mary Pratt (age 24, b. North Carolina)
Sarah A. Pratt (age 2, b. Illinois)
Avarilla Pratt (age 1, b. Illinois)
George W. [N.?] Jackson (age 7, b. Indiana)
William D. Malady (age 17, Laborer, b. Indiana)

Neighbors: John Mannon, Elisha Essley (with 4 yr. old Lelas [Selas?] Jackson b. in Illinois), Amos Mannon, James Mannon, Aaron Mannon, Lewis Noble.
Biography1882In 1882: History of Mercer and Henderson Counties, Illinois, 1882, p. 298 stated that John "began the business of farming in Eliza township, on section 30, where he lived five years and in 1853 bought a farm in section 36 and soon after eighty acres adjoining it, where he built a handsome residence and is now living in comfort and ease. His business has been farming and stock raising.
Death11 October 1888He died on 11 October 1888 in New Boston, Mercer County, Illinois,1
Burial13 October 1888He was buried on 13 October 1888 at Eliza Creek Cemetery in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.2
Last Edited 28 August 2023


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.
  2. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).
  3. [S821] Iowa County Courthouse Records, Corning, Adams County, IA records, v.3, p.5, Parents of groom, son Lewis Pratt.; familysearch.org database, GS Film Number 001-23097

Mary Elizabeth Ferguson

F, #8019, b. 28 August 1825, d. 14 March 1897

Family: John Pratt, Jr., (b. 7 October 1815, d. 11 October 1888)

DaughterSarah Pratt+ (b. 8 April 1848, d. 1888)
SonLewis Pratt (b. 1851)


Birth28 August 1825Mary Elizabeth Ferguson was born on 28 August 1825 in Randolph County, North Carolina.
Marriage5 November 1846John Pratt, Jr., and she were married on 5 November 1846 in Mercer County, Illinois, (She is called Nancy Fergason in History of Mercer and Henderson Counties, 1882, p. 297)

John and Mary had nine children. Their situations, as of 1882, were:
Sarah, the oldest, married Joel Woodward, a farmer, and they reside in Adams county, Iowa.
Avarilla, wife of Oliver Essley, also resides in the same county.
Louis married Miss M. Molinger, of Iowa.
Mary, wife of Henry Taylor, resides in Adams county, Iowa.
Nancy, wife of John Jones, resides in Adams county, Iowa.
Harvey, Malisse, Ruth and Nellie are at home with their parents.1,2
Death14 March 1897She died on 14 March 1897 in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois,
Burial16 March 1897She was buried on 16 March 1897 in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.
Last Edited 18 April 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.
  2. [S821] Iowa County Courthouse Records, Corning, Adams County, IA records, v.3, p.5, Parents of groom, son Lewis Pratt.; familysearch.org database, GS Film Number 001-23097

Lewis Pratt

M, #8020, b. 1851


FatherJohn Pratt, Jr. (b. 7 October 1815, d. 11 October 1888)
MotherMary Elizabeth Ferguson (b. 28 August 1825, d. 14 March 1897)

Family: Maranda Moerrlinger (b. 1859)


Birth1851Lewis Pratt was born in 1851.1
Marriage16 September 1880He and Maranda Moerrlinger were married on 16 September 1880 in Corning, Adams County, Iowa, The parents of the bride were John G. Morrlinger and Eliza A. Jones1
Last Edited 3 March 2018


  1. [S821] Iowa County Courthouse Records, Corning, Adams County, IA records, v.3, p.5; familysearch.org database, GS Film Number 001-23097

Maranda Moerrlinger

F, #8021, b. 1859

Family: Lewis Pratt (b. 1851)


Birth1859Maranda Moerrlinger was born in 1859 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.1
Marriage16 September 1880Lewis Pratt and she were married on 16 September 1880 in Corning, Adams County, Iowa, The parents of the bride were John G. Morrlinger and Eliza A. Jones1
Last Edited 3 March 2018


  1. [S821] Iowa County Courthouse Records, Corning, Adams County, IA records, v.3, p.5; familysearch.org database, GS Film Number 001-23097

Rezin Pratt

M, #8022, b. 22 April 1804, d. 6 June 1880


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: Mary Ann Long (b. 8 December 1807, d. 28 August 1887)

SonJohn Pratt (b. 1829)


BiographyFindagrave biographical entry This excellent and detailed biographical entry on Rezin's Findagrave page was written by Jamie Dawn Paul, thank you Jamie.

Rezin Pratt (sometimes name recorded as Reson or Reason) was born 4/22/1804 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of John and Avarilla (Boner) Pratt.

Rezin married Mary Ann Long, daughter of Andrew and Jemima (Santee) Long, on 11/5/1828 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. 

He first came to Mercer County, Illinois from Indiana in 1836 with his father John Pratt and family, where he purchased land in the future Eliza township. He then returned to Indiana for his family. 

Rezin Pratt was the first postmaster in the township. He had his office in the house in which he lived. He was also the first justice of the peace. Rezin Pratt and John H. Mannon went together and built the first mill in Eliza township about 1837. 

Rezin also built a saw mill with his brother-in-law, E. Esley. This mill stood on the same stream as Rezin's Grist mill, just a little below Daniel Noble's mill. These mills all were built on Eliza Creek. It is believed that Rezin named the creek after his sister, Eliza, who was the first death/burial in Eliza Township in 1839.

John, b. abt 1829, Union Co, In
Andrew, b. abt 1832, In
Benton, b. 3/4/1834, Union County, In
Mary Ann, b. abt 1842, Mercer County
Rebecca Elizabeth, b. abt 1844, Mercer County
Harvey Hallet, b. abt 1847, Mercer County 

Rezin Pratt died 6/6/1880, at the age of 76 yr, 3 mo, 15 days, in Mercer County. He is buried beside son Andrew in the Eliza Creek Cemetery.
Birth22 April 1804Rezin Pratt was born on 22 April 1804 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
MarriageHe and Mary Ann Long were married, date unknown1
Relocationabout 1829About 1829, Rezin Pratt moved to Union County, Indiana. His first three children (John, Andrew and Benton) were born in Union County, Indiana, between 1829 and 1834.2
Census1830He appeared in the census 1830 in Union County, Indiana. Rezin is listed as: No township listed Rezin Pratt (indexed Roger on Ancestry)
one male under 5
1 male 20-30
1 female 20-30
Relocation1836In 1836, Rezin Pratt moved to Mercer County, Illinois. History of Mercer and Henderson Counties (1882, p. 274) states:
"Rezin Pratt came from Indiana to Mercer county in 1836. He first bought in section 30, and subsequently bought land adjoining. He then returned to Indiana the same season for his family. Pratt was the first postmaster in the township and had his office in the house in which he lived. He was also the first justice of the peace."2
Property Record15 September 1836Rezin was involved in a property transaction on 15 September 1836 in Union County, Indiana. when he sold to Ephraim Price, for $400, Part of the SW Qtr of Section 30, Twp 14, Range 14 (40 acres) as recorded in Book G, page 38.
Occupation1839In 1839 Rezin worked in New Boston Township, Mercer County, Illinois, as a miller. He established the first grist mill here in 1839.
Public Office7 June 1839As of on 7 June 1839 Rezin served as a road viewer. The History of Mercer and Henderson Counties, 1882, p. 166, lists Rezin Pratt as a road viewer, with $3 deposited for his services, 7 Jun 1839.
Census1840He appeared in the census 1840 in Township 15 N R 5 W, Mercer County, Illinois. Rezin is listed as: Rezin Pratt:
1 male under 5
2 males 5-10
1 male 10-15
1 male 15-20
1 male 30-40
1 female 20-30
1 female 30-40
1 female 70-80

Neighbors: Noble, Moore, Mannon, Fisher, Esley, and his father John Pratt.3
Census2 August 1870He appeared in the census 2 August 1870 in New Boston, Mercer County, Illinois. Rezin is listed as:
Death6 June 1880He died on 6 June 1880 in Mercer County, Illinois,2,4
Burial8 June 1880He was buried on 8 June 1880 at Eliza Creek Cemetery in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.2
Newspaper Mention27 February 1942The 27 February 1942 edition of the, Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois, reported in an article on the history of industries in New Boston, Illinois, "Of the many factories established in the New Boston history, Rezin Pratt founded the first grist mill here in 1839."
Last Edited 29 March 2023


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Illinois
  3. [S87] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  4. [S1050] Mercer County Historical Society, : Gathered from matter furnished by the Mercer and Henderson County Historical Societies, interviews with old settlers, county, township and other records, and extracts from files of papers, pamphlets, and such other sources as have been available (Chicago: H.H. Hill and Co., 1882), p. 97; digital images, Internet Archive, Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/historyofmercerh00merc/page/n5/mode/2up : accessed

Benjamin Willis Pratt

M, #8023, b. 31 March 1802, d. 15 May 1868


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)


NoteFindagrave and many trees use a middle name of Willis. However, the family group sheet, which seems to be the oldest research on this family available, does not use this name.

However, I have added Willis, to make it easier to distinguish among the Benjamin Pratts.
Birth31 March 1802Benjamin Willis Pratt was born on 31 March 1802 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Research Note18351835 Burlington Township, Carroll County, Indiana. In 1835 "Benjamin Pratt of Union County" bought 120 acres in Burlington Twup, Carroll County, IN. The deed specifies "of Union County". This Benjamin was of Union County. The property was sold to John Jackson in 1837, by Pratt and his wife Mary.

There are several conflicts that make it uncertain whether or not these property transactions apply to this Benjamin Pratt.

1. Supposedly this Benjamin never married.
2. There is an 1840 census of a Benjamin in the same township as the property, when he would have been age 38, as follows:
one male 15-20, [b. 1820-25]
one male 60-70,
one female 15-20, [b. 1820-25] [Mary?]
one female 20-30. [b. 1810-20]
The male 60 - 70 would have a birth year of 1770-1780.

At this time, I am holding the property transactual records on a dummy person named Benj LeftOver Pratt, which is a holding area for facts that don't seem to fit any of the known Benjamins. That person record can be accessed through the Surname index on the menu.
Residence1837As of 1837 Benjamin lived in Union County, Indiana, Based on the fact that he purchased an item at the probate sale of Andrew Long. Between this date and his death in 1868, his whereabouts are unknown.

If he was the "Benjamin Pratt of Union County" who purchased the Carroll County land in 1835 and sold it again in 1837, he may never have lived in Carroll County, or he may have returned to Union County to live or visit.

However, there is a Benjamin Pratt in the 1840 Carroll County District 9 census, which may have been Burlington Twp, which is where the property was located. In 1840, that Benjamin was between 60 and 70, while this man would have been 38.

At this time, I have preserved the records that I cannot assign to one of the known Benjamins, in a dummy record, a fake person, named Benjamin LeftOver Pratt.
Death15 May 1868He died on 15 May 1868 in Mercer County, Illinois,
Burial17 May 1868He was buried on 17 May 1868 in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.
Last Edited 27 January 2024


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.), Pratt, John, Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin, San Francisco, CA.; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : Purchased family group sheet from Yates Publishing

Mary Ann Long

F, #8024, b. 8 December 1807, d. 28 August 1887

Family: Rezin Pratt (b. 22 April 1804, d. 6 June 1880)

SonJohn Pratt (b. 1829)


Birth8 December 1807Mary Ann Long was born on 8 December 1807.
MarriageRezin Pratt and she were married, date unknown1
Death28 August 1887She died on 28 August 18871
Last Edited 23 February 2021


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

Tamar Pratt

F, #8025, b. 20 February 1818, d. 21 December 1898


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: Aaron D. Dungan (b. 27 April 1823, d. 12 May 1888)


Birth20 February 1818Tamar Pratt was born on 20 February 1818 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Marriage2 November 1843Aaron D. Dungan and she were married on 2 November 1843 in Mercer County, Illinois,1,2
Death21 December 1898She died on 21 December 1898 in Kearney County, Nebraska,1,1
Burial23 December 1898She was buried on 23 December 1898 at White Hill Cemetery in Kearney County, Nebraska.3
Last Edited 6 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).
  2. [S823] lllinois Marriage Index, 1860-1920, lllinois Marriage Index, 1860-1920, Online database Ancestry.com, Mercer County, Illinois. Hereinafter cited as lllinois Marriage Index, 1860-1920.
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, White Hill Cemetery, Kearney County, Nebraska