Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 322

Aaron D. Dungan

M, #8026, b. 27 April 1823, d. 12 May 1888

Family: Tamar Pratt (b. 20 February 1818, d. 21 December 1898)


Birth27 April 1823Aaron D. Dungan was born on 27 April 1823 in Ohio.
Marriage2 November 1843He and Tamar Pratt were married on 2 November 1843 in Mercer County, Illinois,1,2
Death12 May 1888He died on 12 May 1888 in Kearney County, Nebraska,
Burial14 May 1888He was buried on 14 May 1888 in Kearney County, Nebraska.
Last Edited 5 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).
  2. [S823] lllinois Marriage Index, 1860-1920, lllinois Marriage Index, 1860-1920, Online database Ancestry.com, Mercer County, Illinois. Hereinafter cited as lllinois Marriage Index, 1860-1920.

William Bonar

M, #8027, b. 3 March 1755, d. 1819


FatherJohn Bonar (b. 1730, d. 1788)

Family 1: Elizabeth Griffith

DaughterAvarilla Bonar+ (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family 2: Catherine Estle

DaughterSarah "Sallie" Bonar+ (b. 1791, d. 1826)


Birth3 March 1755William Bonar was born on 3 March 1755 in Baltimore, Maryland. Hickman lists his birth location as St. George's Parish, Baltimore County, MD.
Marriage30 May 1780He and Elizabeth Griffith were married on 30 May 1780 in Harford County, Maryland, William and Elizabeth had 5 children. In addition to Avarilla, they had
John (c1782 - 1823)
Matthew (15 Dec 1786 - 15 Apr 1873)
William Jr. (14 A0pr 1788 - 8 Nov 1850)
Rachel (c 1790- )1
Death1819He died in 1819 in Washington County, Pennsylvania, Howard Hickman's website gives his death from 1807-1810.1
Last Edited 24 February 2021


  1. [S867] "Ancestors of Howard Hickman", database, Howard Hickman, Rootsweb (http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~hhickman/genealogy/index.htm); submitted, [contact information for private use]

Elizabeth Pratt

F, #8028, b. 26 April 1806, d. 15 July 1839


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)


Birth26 April 1806Elizabeth Pratt was born on 26 April 1806 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Death15 July 1839She died on 15 July 1839 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Burial17 July 1839She was buried on 17 July 1839 at Eliza Creek Cemetery in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.1
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

Nancy Pratt

F, #8029, b. 5 December 1809, d. 22 September 1850


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: Wesley Weeks


Birth5 December 1809Nancy Pratt was born on 5 December 1809 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Death22 September 1850She died on 22 September 1850 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Burial24 September 1850She was buried on 24 September 1850 at Eliza Creek Cemetery in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.1
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

Wesley Weeks

M, #8030

Family: Nancy Pratt (b. 5 December 1809, d. 22 September 1850)

Last Edited 7 March 2018

Sarah Pratt

F, #8031, b. 17 April 1811, d. 29 October 1881


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: David Fruit Noble (b. 9 February 1813, d. 10 January 1890)

DaughterAvarilla Margaret Noble+


Birth17 April 1811Sarah Pratt was born on 17 April 1811 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Marriage26 January 1836David Fruit Noble and she were married on 26 January 1836 in Union County, Indiana, Their marriage is confirmed also by the death certificate of their son, Edward Harrel Noble, resident of New Boston Ill, but died in Muscatine, Iowa, in 1929.

His parents are listed as David F. Noble and Sarah Pratt. Edward's birthplace is listed as Eliza Township, Mercer County, Illinois, and both his parents' birthplaces as Indiana.2,3
Death29 October 1881She died on 29 October 1881 in Mercer County, Illinois,2
Burial31 October 1881She was buried on 31 October 1881 in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.2
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Mercer County, ILL
  3. [S824] Indiana County Courthouse Records, Union County Court Records: FHL # 1548625 & 1548626; familysearch.org database

David Fruit Noble

M, #8032, b. 9 February 1813, d. 10 January 1890

Family: Sarah Pratt (b. 17 April 1811, d. 29 October 1881)

DaughterAvarilla Margaret Noble+


Birth9 February 1813David Fruit Noble was born on 9 February 1813 in Fayette County, Indiana. I haven't researched his father, but I see a Noble, Lewis listed as an original Fayette County, Indiana landowner, 23 Oct 1811.
Marriage26 January 1836He and Sarah Pratt were married on 26 January 1836 in Union County, Indiana, Their marriage is confirmed also by the death certificate of their son, Edward Harrel Noble, resident of New Boston Ill, but died in Muscatine, Iowa, in 1929.

His parents are listed as David F. Noble and Sarah Pratt. Edward's birthplace is listed as Eliza Township, Mercer County, Illinois, and both his parents' birthplaces as Indiana.1,2
Biography1882In 1882: History of Mercer and Henderson Counties provides the following biography on David F. Noble:

D.F. Noble was born in Fayette County, Indiana, February 9, 1913, and is the son of Daniel and Sarah Noble. His father is Scotch-English, and was born in North Carolina, August 22, 1787; his mother is German, and was born in Pennsylvania, January 20, 1788. His father left North Carolina with his parents at the age of six years, and went to Tennessee, where he remained until he was twenty-one years of age, at which time he moved to Ohio, where he was married in 1810 to Miss Barbara Fruit, soon after which he went to Indiana, where he resided until 1836; he then moved to Mercer county, Illinois. He was drafted for a soldier in the war of 1812, but did not serve, owing to the termination of the war soon after his enrollment. His father was a soldier in the revolutionary war. On coming to his county, Daniel Noble first settled in Eliza township, where he remained until the time of his death in 1880, his wife having preceded him in 1875. There ywere buried side by side in Eliza cemetery...

Mr. Noble received a common school education in Indiana, and moved with his parents to Eliza in 1836, since which he has been engaged in farming and stock raising. He was married in Union County, Indiana, January 26, 1836, to Miss Sarah Pratt, who died in 1881 and was buried in Eliza cemetery.

Eight children have been born to them, six of whom are living. Miss Avarilla married Elisha L. Essley, to whom four children were born; Essley having died, Mrs. Essley married Michael Shannahan. Ira Noble married Miss Caroline Reed, who also died. The result of that marriage was ten children, two of whom died in infancy. Ira lives just a mile north of his father's place. David Noble married Eliza Hampton, of Rock Island county, and they had five children, one of whom died while young. Miss Barbara E. lives with her father on the home place. J.F. Noble also lives at home. Edward H. was married to Miss C.A. Bean in 1881 and lives with his father and farms the place.3
Death10 January 1890He died on 10 January 1890 in Mercer County, Illinois,
Burial12 January 1890He was buried on 12 January 1890 in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.
Last Edited 22 March 2023


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Mercer County, ILL
  2. [S824] Indiana County Courthouse Records, Union County Court Records: FHL # 1548625 & 1548626; familysearch.org database
  3. [S1050] Mercer County Historical Society, : Gathered from matter furnished by the Mercer and Henderson County Historical Societies, interviews with old settlers, county, township and other records, and extracts from files of papers, pamphlets, and such other sources as have been available (Chicago: H.H. Hill and Co., 1882), p. 290 - 291; digital images, Internet Archive, Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/historyofmercerh00merc/page/n5/mode/2up : accessed

Avarilla Pratt

F, #8033, b. 1 October 1813, d. 18 November 1900


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: Elisha Essley (b. 1815)

SonBenjamin Pratt Essley+ (b. 9 July 1834, d. 23 September 1902)
DaughterMelissa Essley+ (b. 1843, d. 21 January 1915)


Birth1 October 1813Avarilla Pratt was born on 1 October 1813 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.
Marriage22 August 1833Elisha Essley and she were married on 22 August 1833 in Union County, Indiana, Elisha and Avarilla had at least 8 children from 1834 to 1858.1
Death18 November 1900She died on 18 November 1900 in Hesston, Harvey County, Kansas,2
Obituary19 November 190019 November 1900, Newton, Harvey County, Kansas, Evening Kansan-Republican Obituary:. Mrs. Avarilla Essley, who lives three miles northwest of Hesston, died last evening at 6:45 o'clock of apoplexy, aged 87 years. Mrs. Essley has lived in this county for many years and her death is mourned by the many friends she has made during her life here. The funeral services will be held in the Evangelical church at Hesston tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Votaw officiating. The body will be interred in the Newton cemetery.
Burial20 November 1900She was buried on 20 November 1900 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas.
Obituary21 November 190021 November 1900, Newton, Harvey County, Kansas, Evening Kansan-Republican Obituary:. Funeral Services of Grandma Essley Held Yesterday Morning

Avarilla Pratt was born in Pennsylvania, October 1, 1813 and died near Hesston, Kansas, November 18, 1900. The deceased when a child moved with her parents to Indiana. Soon after that event, she was converted and united with the M. E. church, remaining a consistent member to the time of her death.

August 21, 1833 she was married to Elisher Essley, who also accepted religion when a child and became a member of the same church. This couple walked together in their earthly pilgrimage more than fifty-seven years, when the husband was called to the heavenly home, leaving the wife to complete her earthly work.

In the year 1838 they moved to Illinois and in 1878 moved to this county. They reared a family of ten children, three boys and seven girls, and of this number eight are now living to mourn the loss of the faithful and christian mother.

The funeral services were held yesterday morning at the home of E. Dougherty, two miles northwest of Hesston at 10 o'clock. Interment in Newton Cemetery.
Last Edited 3 September 2018


  1. [S824] Indiana County Courthouse Records, Union County Court Records: FHL # 1548625 & 1548626; familysearch.org database
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Greenwood Cemetery, Newton, Kansas

Elisha Essley

M, #8034, b. 1815

Family: Avarilla Pratt (b. 1 October 1813, d. 18 November 1900)

SonBenjamin Pratt Essley+ (b. 9 July 1834, d. 23 September 1902)
DaughterMelissa Essley+ (b. 1843, d. 21 January 1915)


Birth1815Elisha Essley was born in 1815.
Marriage22 August 1833He and Avarilla Pratt were married on 22 August 1833 in Union County, Indiana, Elisha and Avarilla had at least 8 children from 1834 to 1858.1
Obituary2 September 18912 September 1891, Newton, Harvey County, Kansas, Newton Kansan Obituary:. Elisha Essley, of Hesston, aged 76, died last Friday morning. The funeral services were held at Hesston last Sunday, and the remains were brought to this city, Monday, when they were taken in charge by Newton Lodge, No.142, A. F. & A. M., and deposited in the city cemetery at 3 o'clock p.m. One who knows him well says: Mr. Elisha Essley, who died of Bright's disease, Friday morning, was one of the pioneers, both of Illinois and Kansas, and passed 76 years in a useful and happy life, surrounded as he was for many years with a large family. Children and grandchildren, by whom he will be greatly missed, as well as by a host of friends and neighbors. Mr Essley was kind and courteous, yet he was firm in his temperance, religious and politcal convictions. Only last November he went to the polls and voted the straight true Republican ticket and seemed greatly pleased that his health and strength permitted him so to do.
Last Edited 22 January 2024


  1. [S824] Indiana County Courthouse Records, Union County Court Records: FHL # 1548625 & 1548626; familysearch.org database

Lacey Pratt

M, #8036, b. 30 July 1820, d. 1869


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: Elizabeth Baker (b. 1828, d. 1910)


Birth30 July 1820Lacey Pratt was born on 30 July 1820 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Marriage1 September 1848He and Elizabeth Baker were married on 1 September 1848 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Death1869He died in 1869 in Mercer County, Illinois,2
Burial1869He was buried in 1869 at Eliza Creek Cemetery in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.2
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Illinois

Elizabeth Baker

F, #8037, b. 1828, d. 1910

Family: Lacey Pratt (b. 30 July 1820, d. 1869)


Birth1828Elizabeth Baker was born in 1828 in England.1
Marriage1 September 1848Lacey Pratt and she were married on 1 September 1848 in Mercer County, Illinois,2
Death1910She died in 1910 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Burial1910She was buried in 1910 in Eliza, Mercer County, Illinois.1
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Eliza Creek Cemetery, Eliza, Illinois
  2. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

Jonah Pratt

M, #8038, b. 24 February 1824, d. 12 August 1894


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: Elisabeth Jackson (b. 20 August 1832, d. 13 June 1919)


Birth24 February 1824Jonah Pratt was born on 24 February 1824 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Marriage12 March 1854He and Elisabeth Jackson were married on 12 March 1854 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Death12 August 1894He died on 12 August 1894 in New Boston, Mercer County, Illinois,1
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

Elisabeth Jackson

F, #8039, b. 20 August 1832, d. 13 June 1919

Family: Jonah Pratt (b. 24 February 1824, d. 12 August 1894)


Birth20 August 1832Elisabeth Jackson was born on 20 August 1832.1
Marriage12 March 1854Jonah Pratt and she were married on 12 March 1854 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Death13 June 1919She died on 13 June 19191
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

Anna Pratt

F, #8040, b. 30 July 1826, d. 24 August 1899


FatherJohn Pratt, Sr (b. 1777, d. 6 March 1854)
MotherAvarilla Bonar (b. 29 August 1784, d. 12 February 1862)

Family: John B. Dungan (d. 17 March 1906)


Birth30 July 1826Anna Pratt was born on 30 July 1826 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.1
Marriage31 August 1848John B. Dungan and she were married on 31 August 1848 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Death24 August 1899She died on 24 August 18991
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

John B. Dungan

M, #8041, d. 17 March 1906

Family: Anna Pratt (b. 30 July 1826, d. 24 August 1899)


Marriage31 August 1848John B. Dungan and Anna Pratt were married on 31 August 1848 in Mercer County, Illinois,1
Death17 March 1906He died on 17 March 1906 in Clay County, Kansas,1
Last Edited 7 March 2018


  1. [S822] Yates Publishing, Compiler, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Family Group Sheet Exchange (http://yates.montana.com/: n.d.); online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed; Family Group Sheet submitted by Ralph A. Sawin (1914-1989).

Levi Whitcomb

M, #8042, b. 24 April 1763


FatherJob Whitcomb (b. 1730)
MotherJemima Farr (b. 16 April 1730, d. 1768)


Birth24 April 1763Levi Whitcomb was born on 24 April 1763 in Templeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.1
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S684] Massachusetts Town Records, Templeton, Mass. Vital Records; familysearch.org database

Olive Whitcomb

F, #8043, b. 24 April 1761


FatherJob Whitcomb (b. 1730)
MotherJemima Farr (b. 16 April 1730, d. 1768)


Birth24 April 1761Olive Whitcomb was born on 24 April 1761 in Templeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.1
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S684] Massachusetts Town Records, Templeton Vital Records; familysearch.org database

Simeon Whitcomb

M, #8044, b. 11 June 1759


FatherJob Whitcomb (b. 1730)
MotherJemima Farr (b. 16 April 1730, d. 1768)


Birth11 June 1759Simeon Whitcomb was born on 11 June 1759 in Templeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.1
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S684] Massachusetts Town Records, Vital Records of Templeton, Mass.; familysearch.org database

Ruben Whitcomb

M, #8045, b. 9 May 1765


FatherJob Whitcomb (b. 1730)
MotherJemima Farr (b. 16 April 1730, d. 1768)


Birth9 May 1765Ruben Whitcomb was born on 9 May 1765 in Templeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.1
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S684] Massachusetts Town Records, Vital Records of Templeton, Mass.; familysearch.org database

Peleg Barker

M, #8046, b. 1716, d. 1794


FatherJames Barker (b. 4 December 1675, d. 27 March 1758)
MotherMary Cook (b. about 1679, d. 24 February 1758)

Family 1: Ruamy Greenman (b. 1719, d. 31 March 1758)

DaughterEunice Barker+ (b. 22 May 1754, d. 11 May 1820)

Family 2: Mary Stevens (b. 1731, d. 20 March 1767)

Family 3: Sarah Wilcox (b. 1735, d. 18 August 1786)


Birth1716Peleg Barker was born in 1716 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Marriage25 June 1740He and Ruamy Greenman were married on 25 June 1740 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Marriage21 October 1762He and Mary Stevens were married on 21 October 1762 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Marriage5 April 1768He and Sarah Wilcox were married on 5 April 1768 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death1794He died in 1794 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 17; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed

Ruamy Greenman

F, #8047, b. 1719, d. 31 March 1758

Family: Peleg Barker (b. 1716, d. 1794)

DaughterEunice Barker+ (b. 22 May 1754, d. 11 May 1820)


Birth1719Ruamy Greenman was born in 1719.1
Marriage25 June 1740Peleg Barker and she were married on 25 June 1740 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death31 March 1758She died on 31 March 17581
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 17; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed

Mary Stevens

F, #8048, b. 1731, d. 20 March 1767

Family: Peleg Barker (b. 1716, d. 1794)


Birth1731Mary Stevens was born in 1731.1
Marriage21 October 1762Peleg Barker and she were married on 21 October 1762 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death20 March 1767She died on 20 March 17671
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 17; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed

Sarah Wilcox

F, #8049, b. 1735, d. 18 August 1786

Family: Peleg Barker (b. 1716, d. 1794)


Birth1735Sarah Wilcox was born in 1735.1
Marriage5 April 1768Peleg Barker and she were married on 5 April 1768 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death18 August 1786She died on 18 August 17861
Last Edited 8 March 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 17; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed

William Royce

M, #8050, b. 1764


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott

Family: Elizabeth Redman (b. about 1769, d. 8 May 1848)

DaughterElizabeth Royce+ (b. 6 September 1793, d. 18 February 1865)
DaughterMaria Royce (b. 13 June 1796, d. 11 September 1860)
SonWilliam Royce+ (b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864)
DaughterMary Ann Royce (b. February 1806, d. 2 March 1826)


Birth1764William Royce was born in 1764 in Wing, Rutland, England. My hypothesis is that this is our William Royce. I have connected him to a Royce family from Rutland, England, based on age, proximity to Wellingborough, and Allin A. Royce appearing as a witness for William's marriage. This family has men named Allin A. over 6 or more generations. I have entered this family as his parents and siblings.

This is not proven by any document at this time. It is hypothetical.

At this time, William Royce has not been documented by any document in the United States except the gravestone of his wife Elizabeth Redmond, which said "wife of William." It is confirmed by family knowledge, especially that of J. S. Currey. But censuses, passenger list, naturalization, burial, or any other records have not been found.

JS Currey in his memoirs of this family, stated that William had a brother James in London who helped out Elizabeth when she was left on her own in Peekskill. I did not find a likely family with a James Royce, but Elizabeth Redman's fatjer was James amd she had a brother James. Perhaps he relocated to London.
Baptism23 October 1764He was baptized on 23 October 1764 in Wing, Rutland, England. I am using this baptism as the primary hypothesis because of the Allin A. Royce's in this family. However, the South Luffenham family may be all the same family, so at this time it is unknown which is correct, or if there is some third correct family for William.
Baptism11 November 1764He was baptized on 11 November 1764 in South Luffenham, Rutland, England. There is also a baptism for a William Royce on 11 Nov 1764, South Luffenham, Rutland. This is the next village from Wing. Parents William and Mary. It is indexed as a burial, but looking at the record, I can't see why it is considered a burial. It is continued from baptisms in 1764 from Jan to Oct on the prior page, and this page lists November and December. Below that is written Baptisms 1764, and signed by the rector.

Other children in this family are
Martha, 5 Jan 1777,
Daniel, 28 Fed 1768,
Thomas, 15 Jan 1770,
Ann, 19 Mar 1775,
Martin, 26 Aug 1778.

Also, a William and Mary are listed in other near by villages, It is not possible to tell if this is the same couple or not.

A William and Mary in Oakham had James 27 Apr 1762. JS Currey said William had a brother James who sent money, evidently to Elizabeth when she had no support.

A William and Mary in Ridlington had a William 26 Jul 1801. Too late for our William, and probably too late to be the same South Luffenham couple.
Marriage7 January 1793He and Elizabeth Redman were married on 7 January 1793 at All Hallows Church in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England, Transcript of database on FreeReg.org.uk, from the All Hallows Parish register.
Immigration1794He immigrated in 1794 to New York according to the memoirs of his great-grandson, J. S. Currey. Currey wrote that they came in a ship captained by Capt. White. The family group consisted of William, his wife Elizabeth, their daughter Elizabeth, and Elizabeth's sister Keren-Happuch Redman.

See attached for the information written by J.S. Currey, on file at the Evanston Historical Society, Evanston, IL.1
Census-not found1800William has not been found on the census of 1800 Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York, Scrolled through all 10 pages of 1800 census, no Royce.

Likewise, no Royce's in Greenburgh, New Castle.

There are three "Royce" names in Mount Pleasant for 1800. Mount Pleasant incorporated after the Revolution, when the Philipseburgh Manor was broken up and sold. It included Ossining (originally Sing Sing) until 1845. Sing Sing (named after an early Dutch family Sint Sincks) was chartered as a municipality in 1813 and renamed Ossining in 1901.

Allen Ryce: One male 26 - 45 (Allin Royce was a witness at the wedding of William Royce and Elizabeth Redman in Northamptonshire. Coincidence?)

Abraham Royse:
One male 10-15
One male 45 and over
4 females under 10
1 female 26-44
1 female 45 and over

Is this some relative and Elizabeth and children staying with them? Or a totally unconnected family?

John Royce:
One male 10-15
One male 16 - 25
One male 45 and over

One female 16-25
One female 45 and over

None of these families fits the expected family members for William and Elizabeth Royce's family.

This census is alphabetical for Mount Pleasant.

There is a William Rice in Dutchess County (South East), but with 7 children. And it might be Bice.

I have not found any William Royce in the US 1800 census who could be this William. J.S. Currey says that William joined the US Army in 1830, but if that is the case, he should have appeared in 3 censuses before that. But by 1810, his wife Elizabeth appears alone with the children.
Record not found1812William has not been found on the Search for military records of 1812 for New York. There evidently was a William Royce in the War of 1812, He was a private in Bellinger's Regiment, NY Detached Militia, Capt. Lyman Deming's company, Col. Christopher P. Bellinger's Regiment. He was in service at Cape Vincent, N.Y., on the Canadian border. This is in Jefferson County, at the eastern end of Lake Ontario, northeast of Rochester, where the St. Lawrence flows out of Lake Ontario.

Col. Bellinger was at Sacket's Harbor, with the militia of Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties, militia from the Mohawk Valley. These were all able-bodied men (with certain exceptions) who had been organized since the end of the Revolution, held training days and practices. So they were local people, and it is not too likely that someone from downstate New York, someone living just a short ways up the Hudson from New York City, would suddenly be a member of this militia.

However, at schenectadyhistory.org there is an excerpt from Beers History of Montfomery and Fulton Counties, which lists movement of American troops at Utica during the War of 1812, which does give some evidence of non-locals involved in some of the activity. It mentions contingents from Lancaster, Pa, Johnstown, men from Albany, Massachusetts soldiers headed west, U.S. regulars from Fort George, and others. But for the most part, the soldiers who took part in the Battle of Sackett's Harbor, and Bellinger's actions, were from the nearby counties.
Last Edited 29 March 2024


  1. [S999] Josiah Seymour Currey, The Papers of J. Seymour Currey: In the Collections of the Evanston Historical Society, Collection Number 117 (Evanston, Illinois: Between 1869 and 1929); 4 archival boxes, (https://connect.historyit.com/PublicSites/browse/603/0?account=evanstonhistorycenter : accessed