Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 323

Elizabeth Redman

F, #8051, b. about 1769, d. 8 May 1848


Family: William Royce (b. 1764)

DaughterElizabeth Royce+ (b. 6 September 1793, d. 18 February 1865)
DaughterMaria Royce (b. 13 June 1796, d. 11 September 1860)
SonWilliam Royce+ (b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864)
DaughterMary Ann Royce (b. February 1806, d. 2 March 1826)


NoteHer surname is given by her great-grandson, J. Seymour Currey, in his papers at the Evanston Historical Society.
Birthabout 1769Elizabeth Redman was born about 1769 in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England. Based on burial record, it would be 1771, but she was baptized with a sister, 1769.
Baptism25 June 1769She was baptized on 25 June 1769 in Thurleigh, Bedfordshire, England. The register notes daughters of James and Ann Redman of Wellingborough, Northants.

Perhaps they were twins born in 1769, or perhaps they were born earlier, and brought over to Thurleigh for baptism at their family church. There were many Redman families in Thurleigh.

All names in the parish registers are spelled Redman. J.S. Currey in his memoirs spelled it Redmond.1
Marriage7 January 1793William Royce and she were married on 7 January 1793 at All Hallows Church in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England, Transcript of database on FreeReg.org.uk, from the All Hallows Parish register.
Immigration Group Member1794Elizabeth Redman immigrated along with William Royce in 1794 in New York.2
Census1810She appeared in the census 1810 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. Elizabeth is listed as: Mrs. Royce.

Three years before Elizabeth's marriage, there was only one Royce entry in Westchester County for Royce:

Mrs. Royce:
one male under 10 [William]
one male 10-15 [?]
1 female under 10 [Mary Ann]
1 female 10-15 [Maria]
1 female 16-25 [Elizabeth]
1 female 26-44

Mrs. Royce would have been born between 1766 and 1784. If this is Elizabeth at 17 as the eldest child, Mrs. Royce would have had children between 1793 and say, 1805. Mr. Royce supposedly left the family.

There is a burial in the Cortlandt Manor Hillside Cemetery for a William Royce, b. 1804, d. 1864. This was most likely the boy under 10 above.

Image 2 of 9 for Cortlandt. Her sister Katy is on image 5.
Census1820She appeared in the census 1820 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. Elizabeth is listed as: Mrs. Rice.
In 1820, no Royce is returned for an Ancestry search of Westchester County. There is however, a Mrs. Rice in Cortlandt, which seems to be the same person. A Birdsell family is a neighbor, and William married a Birdsall.

1 male 16-18 (William is 16)
1 male 16-25 (William again)
1 female 10-15
1 female 16-25 (Maria is 24)
1 female 45 and over. (She would be about 48-50)

Neighbors: Daniel W. Birdsell, Asa [Diven?], John Hukster, Martin Levitt, John DuPree.

Image 3 of 13 on Ancestry.
Census1830She appeared in the census 1830 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. Elizabeth is listed as: Elisabeth Rice.

Indexed on Ancestry as Pice, with a suggestion of Pier.

Lists one male 20-30. Could be William, b. 1804, m. abt. 1835
One female 20-30. Could be Maria, but b. 1796, would be 34.
One female 50-60. Elizabeth, Sr. b. about 1769, so would be about in this age range.

Neighbors: Samuel Hutster, Edward Ferris, William B. Birdsall, Theletus Raymond, Elijah Scott, Mary H. Titus, Daniel Birdsall
Census1840She appeared in the household of William Royce in the census 1840 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. William is listed as
Death8 May 1848She died on 8 May 1848 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, Based on burial record3
Burial10 May 1848She was buried on 10 May 1848 at Hillside Cemetery in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York. NYG&B Cemetery Abstracts, Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill NY, Inscriptions prior to 1888, Volume 1 (Westchester County) has a record:

Elizabeth Royce, wife of William, died May 8, 1848, 77 years.4
Last Edited 7 March 2024


  1. [S1001] F. G. Emmison, Editor, Bedfordshire Parish Registers: Volume XXVIII, Thurleigh 1562-1812, Riseley 1602-1812, film # 005412710, starting at image 559 of 764 (Bedford: Filmed by Genealogical Society of Utah, online at Familysearch.org, 1943) A14, image 576/764
  2. [S999] Josiah Seymour Currey, The Papers of J. Seymour Currey: In the Collections of the Evanston Historical Society, Collection Number 117 (Evanston, Illinois: Between 1869 and 1929); 4 archival boxes, (https://connect.historyit.com/PublicSites/browse/603/0?account=evanstonhistorycenter : accessed
  3. [S999] Currey, The Papers of J. Seymour Currey, handwritten memoirs.
  4. [S956] Daughters of the American Revolution, Peekskill, N.Y. Cemetery Inscriptions: Vol. 1, Hillside Cemetery (N.p.: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, 1971) p. 60, Image 495 of 1070 in Family Search unindexed image collection, Book starts on Image 409. Probably transcribed in the 1920's or 1930's.

John E. Royce

M, #8052, b. 22 May 1793, d. 7 April 1874

Family: Kezia Derby (b. 11 June 1798, d. 13 October 1881)

DaughterElizabeth Royce+ (b. 1833, d. 22 August 1894)
DaughterMelvina Royce+ (b. 1834)
SonWilliam Royce (b. 29 June 1836, d. 12 January 1863)
DaughterMary Ann Royce (b. 1 January 1840, d. 27 December 1869)


Research NoteAt first, I thought perhaps John E. Royce was the sibling of Maria and Elizabeth and William, since he was born about the time of their births, in the village where they lived. Also, in the 1840 census for Cortlandt, John has a female in Elizabeth, Sr.'s age range. However, based on Elizabeth Royce Ferris's birth date, I see they could not have been.
Birth22 May 1793John E. Royce was born on 22 May 1793 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. Birth date on Gravestone
Marriage10 February 1827He and Kezia Derby were married on 10 February 1827 in New York City, New York County, New York, by Julius Field.1,2
Church Affiliation1829As of 1829, John was affiliated with Willett Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York City, New York County, New York. where he is listed in the Thursday evening class. The Willett Street church was built in 1826.
Newspaper Mention24 October 1837The 24 October 1837 edition of the Westchester Herald, Ossining, Westchester County, New York, reported in its List of Letters that there was a letter remaining in the Post Office at Sing-Sing, Oct. 1, 1937, for John E. Royce.
Baptism18 April 1838He was baptized on 18 April 1838. based on the Nauvoo Community website.
Residence1839As of 1839 John lived in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, according to the Nauvoo Community Project. The Mormons bought up most of the property there (called Commerce at the time) in 1839, and lived there until Joseph Smith was killed in 1844 and most of the Mormons followed Brigham Young to Utah in the Mormon Exodus, via the Mormon Trail, over the winter of 1845-46.

Seven Royces are listed as Mormons and residing in Nauvoo during the period 1839-1946. The members of John's family are have a residence listing of Caldwell County, Missouri, in addition to Nauvoo.

John's father and mother are listed as Thomas Royce and Hannah.

The Nauvoo site lists another child, Sarah Jane, born in 1842 and died before 1850 (since she does not appear on the census.)

Looking at the attached listing, it certainly appears to be the John E. Royce family, listing Kezia as his wife, a less common name, and listing three of his known children, Elizabeth Ann, William H., and MaryAnn M. It is odd that Melvina is not listed.
Newspaper Mention20 September 1839The 20 September 1839 edition of the Hudson River Chronicle, Ossining, Westchester County, New York, reported a list of supporters of a Democratic Whig statement in favor of the policies of Governor William H. Seward and in opposition to Martin Van Buren, especially in regards to central banks. Many local citizens were listed after this statement, perhaps all the local Whigs. Among the many familiar names is found John E. Royce. There was also a John Royce on the list. Several Ferrises were listed including Cornelius P. , Nathaniel and Benson.
Census-not found1840John has not been found on the census of 1840 The census entry in Cortlandt which is indexed Jno Royce on Ancestry is indexed as Wm Royce on Familysearch, and the image is much clearer on Familysearch, and it is clearly Wm.
Census1850He appeared in the census 1850 at Ward 16 District 2 in New York City, New York County, New York. John is listed as: John E. (56, Cigar Maker)
Kezia (52)
Elizabeth (17)
William (15)
May A (12)
Census1860He appeared in the census 1860 at Ward 16 District 2 in New York City, New York County, New York. John is listed as: living in the household of Benjamin Wiley (36, Carman)
with Belvina [sic] Wiley (24)
as John Royce (66, Cigar Man. ), real estate $3000)
Kecia Royce (62)
William Royce (24, Clerk)
Mary Ann Royce (20)

I imagine that John Royce is actually the head of household, since he owns real estate and Benjamin does not, even though his son-in-law Benjamin is listed first.
Newspaper Mention1 April 1869The 1 April 1869 edition of the New York Herald, New York City, New York County, New York, reported in Marriage Notices:
LOOKER - ROYCE: On Tuesday, March 30 at the Central Methodist Episcopal church, by the Rev. George S. Hare, D.D., Mr. I. Halsey Looker, of Newark, N.J. to Miss Mary A. Royce, daughter of John E. Royce, Esq. of this city.
Census1870He appeared in the census 1870 at Ward 16 District 6 in New York City, New York County, New York. John is listed as: John E. (76, No Occupation)
Kezia (70, Keeping House, and the asset information was listed on her line, perhaps just an oversight: $10,000 in real estate and $500 in personal estate)
Richard Taylor (40, Printer, or Painter, b. New York)
Elizabeth " (36, Keeping House)
George R. " (9)
Mary E. " (6)

Living next to Ben H. Wiley and Melvina (Royce) Wiley and 3 young children.
Death7 April 1874He died on 7 April 1874 in New York City, New York County, New York,
Obituary8 April 18748 April 1874, New York City, New York County, New York, New York Herald Obituary:. Royce. On Tuesday, April 7, John E. Royce, in the 80th year of his age. Relatives and friends of the family, also members of Central Methodist Episcopal church, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 225 West Twentieth Street, on Thursday afternoon, at three o'clock. His remains will be taken, on Friday, to Sing Sing for interment.
Burial10 April 1874He was buried on 10 April 1874 at Dale Cemetery in Ossining, Westchester County, New York.3
Last Edited 10 May 2021


  1. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (.)
  2. [S792] United Methodist Church (New York City, New York and Vicinity), Vol 72-28, page 137.; updated, collection name changed to new york, new jersey and connecticut, u.s., united methodist church records, 1775-1949, Ancestry.com ().
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Dale Cemetery, Ossining, NY

Samuel Dean

M, #8053


Last Edited 16 March 2018

William Royce

M, #8054, b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864


FatherWilliam Royce (b. 1764)
MotherElizabeth Redman (b. about 1769, d. 8 May 1848)

Family: Dorinda H. Birdsall (b. 1817, d. 17 June 1870)

DaughterAnn Elizabeth Royce+ (b. 11 May 1836, d. 10 March 1920)
SonWilliam B. Royce (b. 1838, d. 20 April 1874)
SonSamuel B. Royce (b. 1841, d. 23 February 1855)
SonJames Royce (b. July 1844, d. 8 June 1845)
DaughterHarriet Royce (b. 1848)
DaughterEmma Royce+ (b. 1852, d. 13 December 1932)
DaughterMary Augusta Royce+ (b. 1853)


BirthOctober 1804William Royce was born in October 1804 in Westchester County, New York. Birth date calculated from gravestone.
Census1830He appeared in the household of Elizabeth Redman in the census 1830 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. Elizabeth is listed as
Marriageabout 1835He and Dorinda H. Birdsall were married about 1835
Census1840He appeared in the census 1840 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. William is listed as: Wm Royce:
1 male under 5 (could be William B.)
1 male 20-29
1 male 30-39 (could be William)
1 female under 5 (could be Ann Elizabeth)
2 females 30-39 (Dorinda would be about 23, so not correct for her.)
1 female 60-69 (Elizabeth, Sr., William's mother, would be about 69.)

Neighbors: Mary Birdsall, D. W. Birdsall, Mary Titus, James Tennett, Andrew Hanford, Alex Keeler.

This census is indexed Jno Royce on Ancestry, and the Ancestry image is very poor. See FamilySearch image attached.
Newspaper Mention14 April 1842The 14 April 1842 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported The results of voting in the Cortlandtown Election for local officials was reported, and Wm. Royce was elected Town Clerk with 372 votes, beating T. Southard with 362 votes.
Newspaper Mention29 August 1843The 29 August 1843 edition of the Peekskill Republican, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported on the trial of Benjamin Lent vs. Jefferson Lewis, for debt. William Royce was one of the jurors before Justice Strang, along with John Mead, Isaiah Travis, Aaron Travis, Benjamin Clinton and Samuel Ferris. The case related to a deceptive sale of pigs.
Addressabout 1850As of about 1850, William lived at Diven Street in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, (north side.) This was mentioned in a newspaper series called "Personal Recollections of Peekskill in my Boyhood Days. Anecdotes of the Days and Events of Fifty or More Years Ago." This ran in the summer of 1910 in the Highland Democrat, Peekskill, NY. It was written by Stephen D. Horton. This particular item was mentioned in the 6 Aug 1910 issue.
Census27 July 1850He appeared in the census 27 July 1850 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. William is listed as: William, age 40, Merchant, $7000, born in NY.
Dorinda, age 40, born in NY
Maria, age 50, born in England
Ann E., age 14, born in NY
William, age 12, born in NY
Harriet, age 2, born in NY
Mary A., age 4, born in NY.

Next to a boarding house and another merchant which looks like Cornelius Crawford.

All surname Royce.
Image 44/185
Census17 July 1860He appeared in the census 17 July 1860 at Sing Sing Post Office in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. William is listed as: Wm Royce (age 50, Dry Goods Merchant, real estate $8500, Personal $2000)
Dorinda Royce (43, for birth it gives ditto from NY above.)
Ann E Royce (age 22)
Wm Royce (age 21, Clerk)
Mary A. Royce (age 14, attending school)
Emma Royce (age 7, attending school)
Alaina or Alaissa Royce (age 60) [Maria?]

Even though this says Sing Sing Post Office, he was located in the village of Peekskill. See attached 1867 Beers map extract.1,1
Will12 May 1864He signed a will on 12 May 1864 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York. The records are available on Ancestry, In the collection "New York, Wills and Probate Records, 1659-1999.". Mentions his wife Dorinda H., his "only son" William B., and three daughters, Ann Elizabeth, Mary Augusta and Emma. It was witnessed by Wm Nelson and Isaac S. Mandeville, both of Peekskill.
Death16 October 1864He died on 16 October 1864 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York,
Burial18 October 1864He was buried on 18 October 1864 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. Inscription: 60y2,3
Probate Record21 October 1865William was listed in probate records on 21 October 1865 in Westchester County, New York. The will of William Royce was admitted to probate.
Newspaper Mention30 July 1910The 30 July 1910 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported some personal recollections of early Peekskill, by Stephen D. Horton, who mentions William Royce as he is describing the merchants of the town:

"Royce and Clark also kept dry goods and groceries on this block. The firm were Wm. Royce and Frank B. Clark. The last named was village clerk for some years and also town clerk. Geo. F. Clark who now lives on the Crompond road is his son. Mr. Royce was the father of Mrs. Warren S. Jordan, Mrs. John W. Smith and Mrs. Wm. H. Roe, their brother Wm. B. Royce, who succeeded in the business. He died about 1873-4."
Newspaper Mention17 September 1910The 17 September 1910 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported in the column "Seventy Years Ago". William Royce was mentioned: "In 1839, William Royce, a Main street merchant, was postmaster. He was succeeded by Joseph Strang in 1840, and he, by William H. Briggs. Mr. Briggs was twice postmaster of this village. We had no railroads at that time. The mail came to Peekskill by steamboat. There were but three churches, the Methodist Episcopal on South street, of which the Rev. James Young was pastor, the Presbyterian Church on South street, and the Dutch Reformed Church on Main street.
Newspaper Mention30 December 1911The 30 December 1911 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported in a Glimpses from the Past article, on the early postmasters of Peekskill: "The latter Birdsall was succeeded Feb. 26, 1834, by that sterling citizen, Wm. Royce, who, associated with the late Francis P. Clark, conducted a general store for many years at No. 958 Main Street, where the postoffice during Mr. Royce's incumbency was located. Mr. Royce served one term as supervisor of the town of Cortlandt, and continued in the office of postmaster until June 16, 1840.

Mr. Royce was born in Peekskill Oct. 1804, and passed away Oct. 14, 1864. He was a highly respected member of the First M.E. Church, and greatly esteemed in the community as a man of sterling integrity and moral worth. He is the father of Mrs. Warren Jordan, of Peekskill, and Mrs. John W. Smith and Mrs. Wm. H. Roe, of Summit, N.J."
Last Edited 5 February 2024


  1. [S958] F.W. Beers, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York (N.p.: F. W. Beers, 1867); digital image, Wikimedia.org (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/1867_Beers_Map_of_Peekskill%2C_Westchester%2C_New_York_-_Geographicus_-_Peekskill-beers-1867.jpg)
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Hillside Cemetery, Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, NY
  3. [S956] Daughters of the American Revolution, Peekskill, N.Y. Cemetery Inscriptions: Vol. 1, Hillside Cemetery (N.p.: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, 1971) p. 60, Image 495 of 1070 in Family Search unindexed image collection, Book starts on Image 409. Probably transcribed in the 1920's or 1930's.

Dorinda H. Birdsall

F, #8055, b. 1817, d. 17 June 1870

Family: William Royce (b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864)

DaughterAnn Elizabeth Royce+ (b. 11 May 1836, d. 10 March 1920)
SonWilliam B. Royce (b. 1838, d. 20 April 1874)
SonSamuel B. Royce (b. 1841, d. 23 February 1855)
SonJames Royce (b. July 1844, d. 8 June 1845)
DaughterHarriet Royce (b. 1848)
DaughterEmma Royce+ (b. 1852, d. 13 December 1932)
DaughterMary Augusta Royce+ (b. 1853)


NoteThe death record of her daughter Emma lists her name as Debora Birdsall. I will list her surname tentatively as Birdsall for now.
Birth1817Dorinda H. Birdsall was born in 1817. Based on cemetery inscription she would be born in 1800. Based on 1860 census, 18171
Marriageabout 1835William Royce and she were married about 1835
Clue to Identity1850Looking at 1850 census . If her surname were Birdsall, in 1830, there is a William B. Birdsall, living next to Edward Ferris, and there is a Daniel Birdsall.

Looking for clues based on tradition of naming children for family members, the following Dorinda's are listed in the 1850 Westchester County census:
Dorinda Arthur (Ossining, b. 1793)
Dorinda Mead (Somers, b. 1810)
Dorinda Odell (Cortlandt, b. 1833)
Dorinda Baker (Mount Pleasant, b. 1842)
Dorinda Conover (Bedford, b. 1805)
Dorinda Outhouse (Yorktown, b. 1830)
Dorinda Van Tassel (New Castle, b. 1846)
Dorinda Whelply (New Castle, b. 1798)
Dorinda Wright (West Farms, b. 1810)
Death17 June 1870She died on 17 June 1870 in New York1
Burial19 June 1870She was buried on 19 June 1870 at Hillside Cemetery in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York. Findagrave entry says the inscription says "wife of William. 70 y"1,2
Last Edited 5 May 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Hillside Cemetery, Cortlandt Manor, NY
  2. [S956] Daughters of the American Revolution, Peekskill, N.Y. Cemetery Inscriptions: Vol. 1, Hillside Cemetery (N.p.: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, 1971) p. 60, Image 495 of 1070 in Family Search unindexed image collection, Book starts on Image 409. Probably transcribed in the 1920's or 1930's.

William B. Royce

M, #8056, b. 1838, d. 20 April 1874


FatherWilliam Royce (b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864)
MotherDorinda H. Birdsall (b. 1817, d. 17 June 1870)


Birth1838William B. Royce was born in 1838 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York.
Occupation1866In 1866 William worked as merchant, Royce and Clark Dry Goods, which he took over on his father's death.
When I look at the Beers 1868 map, Royce and Clark (Listed as Boyce and Clark) is on Main Street between Union and Division.
Directory1873As of 1873 William was listed in the Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, directory. Royce Wiliam B. dry goods, Main, h Diven
Death20 April 1874He died on 20 April 1874 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York,
Burial22 April 1874He was buried on 22 April 1874 at Hillside Cemetery in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York. Findagrave entry says there is an inscription "35 y"1
Newspaper Mention30 July 1910He was mentioned in a newspaper report about William Royce when 30 July 1910 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported
Last Edited 22 February 2024


  1. [S956] Daughters of the American Revolution, Peekskill, N.Y. Cemetery Inscriptions: Vol. 1, Hillside Cemetery (N.p.: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, 1971) p. 60, Image 495 of 1070 in Family Search unindexed image collection, Book starts on Image 409. Probably transcribed in the 1920's or 1930's.

Ann Elizabeth Royce

F, #8057, b. 11 May 1836, d. 10 March 1920


FatherWilliam Royce (b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864)
MotherDorinda H. Birdsall (b. 1817, d. 17 June 1870)

Family: Warren Jordan (d. March 1906)

DaughterGrace Jordan
SonWarren Jordan (b. 1872, d. 1960)
SonEdmund Jordan (b. 18 March 1878, d. 19 April 1939)


Birth11 May 1836Ann Elizabeth Royce was born on 11 May 1836 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York.
Marriage9 May 1870Warren Jordan and she were married on 9 May 1870 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York,
Death10 March 1920She died on 10 March 1920 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York,
Burial12 March 1920She was buried on 12 March 1920 at Hillside Cemetery in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York. Inscription: 83y 9m 29d1
Obituary13 March 192013 March 1920, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, The Highland Democrat Obituary:. Mrs. Warren Jordan:

Mrs. Ann E. Jordan, widow of Warren Jordan, passed away at her home, 950 Paulding street, on Wednesday, in her 84th year. She had been in fairly good health and her death was not expected. The infirmities of age and the severe weather conditions were too much for the frail constitution to withstand.

Mrs. Jordan was born in Peekskill, May 11, 1836, the daughter of William and Ann E. Royce. She was educated and grew up here until her marriage to Mr. Jordan, which took place May 9, 1870, the Rev. Sanford I. Ferguson performing the ceremony, and her whole life has been spent in this village. Mr. Jordan died March 9, 1906.

The deceased was a Methodist since girlhood. She was a member of the First M.E. Church and in 1877 with her husband went to St. Paul's, of which she was a member at the time of her death. During her younger days she was an active worker in all the activities of the church.

Mrs. Jordan was a woman of many virtues and possessed a rare personality which endeared her to those who knew her.

The deceased is survived by one daughter, Miss Grace, and two sons, Warren S. and Edmund. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. John W. Smith, of Summit, N.J. and Mrs. Wm. H. Roe of Kingsbridge.

The funeral services will be held from her late residence this Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. J. Wilbur Tetley officiating. The interment will be at Hillside.
Last Edited 3 February 2024


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Hillside Cemetery, Cortlandt Manor, NY

Mary Augusta Royce

F, #8058, b. 1853


FatherWilliam Royce (b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864)
MotherDorinda H. Birdsall (b. 1817, d. 17 June 1870)

Family: John W. Smith

SonWilliam Royce Smith (d. after 1939)
DaughterFlorence W. Smith+ (b. 1865, d. 31 January 1939)


Birth1853Mary Augusta Royce was born in 1853.
MarriageJohn W. Smith and she were married, date unknown
Witness1911She lived with John W. Smith in 1911 in Summit, Union County, New Jersey.
Census1930She appeared in the household of Arthur Manser in the census 1930 at 74 Mountain Avenue in Summit, Union County, New Jersey. Arthur is listed as
Last Edited 20 March 2018

Emma Royce

F, #8059, b. 1852, d. 13 December 1932


FatherWilliam Royce (b. October 1804, d. 16 October 1864)
MotherDorinda H. Birdsall (b. 1817, d. 17 June 1870)

Family: William H. Roe (b. 1847)

DaughterLucy Roe (b. 1880)
SonFrank Roe (b. 1883)
DaughterMary Roe (b. 1884)
SonWilliam Royce Roe (b. 24 September 1887)


Birth1852Emma Royce was born in 1852 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York.
Marriage9 October 1879William H. Roe and she were married on 9 October 1879 at at the home of Warren Jordan, Howard St., in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, A notice of their marriage was published in the Peekskill Highland Democrat, 11 Oct 1879.
Newspaper Mention11 October 1879The 11 October 1879 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported Marriage Announcement Roe - Royce:
Married, In Peekskill, at the residence of Warren Jordan, Howard street, Oct 9th, by Rev. H. H. Birkins, Mr. William H. Roe to Miss Emma Royce, both of Peekskill.
Anniversary9 October 1929On 9 October 1929: 50th Wedding Anniversary
Newspaper Mention18 October 1929The 18 October 1929 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported Former Peekskiller Married 50 Years

A golden wedding anniversary was celebrated on Wednesday evening, October 9, by Mr. and Mrs. William H. Roe, at their home, 5- Adrian avenue, Marble Hill, New York City. They formerly lived in Peekskill, where they were married at the home of the late Warren Jordan, on Howard street, fifty years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Roe are both members of old Peekskill families. Mrs. Roe was Emma Royce, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Royce, who lived on Diven street. She is the sister of the late Mrs. Warren Jordan and Mrs. John W. Smith, formerly of Peekskill and now living in Summit, N.J.

Mr. Roe is the son of Mrs. Jane Pugsley Roe and Cornelius Roe, who lived on Locust avenue and who was the pioneer in the Peekskill ice business. Mr. Roe has a sister, Sarah A. B. Roe, formerly of Peekskill, who is now living in Yonkers, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Roe have four children who are all living. Lucie H. Roe and Mary E. Roe are at home with their parents. Franklin G. Roe is married and living in San Francisco, Cal. William Royce Roe is married and living at Riverdale-on-Hudson, N.Y.

The anniversary dinner was attended by the Rev. and Mrs. E.H. Carr, formerly of the South Street M.E. church, and the immediate family, excepting the son living in California, from whom the parents received congratulations by telegram. Mrs. Roe was dressed in her wedding gown of fifty years ago. At the conclusion of the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Roe were presented with an anniversary wedding cake bearing fifty lighted candles. The received gifts in gold and an all-electric radio from the family. Many anniversary cards and bouquets of flowers were sent by friends.
Death13 December 1932She died on 13 December 1932 in New York City, New York County, New York, Listed in New York City Municipal Death, 1795-1949, familysearch.org. Her parents are listed as William Royce and Debora Birdsall. Spouse William H. Roe.
Burial15 December 1932She was buried on 15 December 1932 at Hillside Cemetery in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York.
Last Edited 4 May 2018

Thomas Gildersleeve

M, #8060, b. 1781, d. 3 January 1875

Family: Anne Post Ferris (b. 25 December 1803, d. 28 September 1897)


Birth1781Thomas Gildersleeve was born in 1781 in Putnam County, New York.
MarriageHe and Anne Post Ferris were married, date unknown Thomas and Anne were 1st cousins. Their mothers, Lydia and Mary Seymour, were sisters.
Death3 January 1875He died on 3 January 1875 in New York City, New York County, New York,
Burial5 January 1875He was buried on 5 January 1875 at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.1
Last Edited 16 March 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Maria Royce

F, #8061, b. 13 June 1796, d. 11 September 1860


FatherWilliam Royce (b. 1764)
MotherElizabeth Redman (b. about 1769, d. 8 May 1848)


Research NoteSearch for Elizabeth Royce's family. When I began searching for Elizabeth Royce's family, I focused on a Royce family in Cortlandt, Westchester County, NY. In 1850, this family had a Maria Royce, who appeared to be the sister of the head of household William. Her age implied a birth date of 1800. She was also listed in the 1860 census.

I suspected already that William and Maria could be siblings of Elizabeth Royce Ferris.

In some papers given to me by my uncle David Tilley, relating to genealogy of his wife, Alice Pearsall Tilley's ancestry, I found 3 pages titles Family Record, in what looked like my father's Aunt Helen Pearsall's handwriting. Helen Pearsall never married and lived with her mother until her mother died in 1949, so had access to any existing family papers.

As can be seen in the attached image, Maria Royce is listed under Elizabeth Royce, which tied Maria to our family, and by extension added to other clues to add confidence that I was looking at the correct Royce family.
Birth13 June 1796Maria Royce was born on 13 June 1796. This birth date is from a 3-page list that I think is in Aunt Helen Pearsall's handwriting and was evidently given to either my grandfather Chet or my uncle Dave Tilley. The list is titled "Copy of Family Record" and has the birth and death of Joseph and Lydia Ferris, all their children with birth dates, and all James and Elizabeth's children and birth dates. On one side it gives the marriage date of James and Elizabeth, the birth date of Elizabeth Royce, and just under it, "Maria Royce, born 13 Jun 1796."

Therefore, I think Maria was Elizabeth's sister.1
Census27 July 1850She appeared in the household of William Royce in the census 27 July 1850 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. William is listed as
Census17 July 1860She appeared in the household of William Royce in the census 17 July 1860 at Sing Sing Post Office in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York. William is listed as2,2
Death11 September 1860She died on 11 September 1860 in Cortlandt Town, Westchester County, New York,
Burial13 September 1860She was buried on 13 September 1860 at Hillside Cemetery in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York. Inscription: 64y.3,4
Last Edited 17 March 2018


  1. [S827] Ferris Family Record Copy (Family Records, 1800's), Maria Royce listed below Elizabeth Royce, with birthdates., Digital copy privately held by Helen Pearsall, Westfield, NJ, mid-1900's (Descendant). This looks like it was copied from the Family pages of a Family Bible, or another volume meant to record family events. I think this list was copied by Aunt Helen Pearsall, and given to her brother Chester, or to my uncle David Tilley. It came to me, Holly Kilpatrick, in a box of David Tilley's files.
  2. [S958] F.W. Beers, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York (N.p.: F. W. Beers, 1867); digital image, Wikimedia.org (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/1867_Beers_Map_of_Peekskill%2C_Westchester%2C_New_York_-_Geographicus_-_Peekskill-beers-1867.jpg)
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Edna George Manson ID 236114342
  4. [S956] Daughters of the American Revolution, Peekskill, N.Y. Cemetery Inscriptions: Vol. 1, Hillside Cemetery (N.p.: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, 1971) p. 60, Image 495 of 1070 in Family Search unindexed image collection, Book starts on Image 409. Probably transcribed in the 1920's or 1930's.

Kezia Derby

F, #8062, b. 11 June 1798, d. 13 October 1881

Family: John E. Royce (b. 22 May 1793, d. 7 April 1874)

DaughterElizabeth Royce+ (b. 1833, d. 22 August 1894)
DaughterMelvina Royce+ (b. 1834)
SonWilliam Royce (b. 29 June 1836, d. 12 January 1863)
DaughterMary Ann Royce (b. 1 January 1840, d. 27 December 1869)


Birth11 June 1798Kezia Derby was born on 11 June 1798 in New York. Birth date calculated from death notice, and on gravestone.
Church Affiliation1 September 1818As of 1 September 1818, Kezia was affiliated with John Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York City, New York County, New York. Listed as Keziah Derby, Class Leader: Price, Status: Lost
Church Affiliation24 May 1823As of 24 May 1823, Kezia was affiliated with Allen Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York City, New York County, New York. She was listed in the Wednesday afternoon class, as Kisiah Derby.
Church Affiliation1826As of 1826, Kezia was affiliated with Allen Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York City, New York County, New York. Listed in the Wednesday evening class as Keziah Royce, with the note "Transferred to Sutton."

It is hard to tell the date of each entry. Here she is listed with her married name, so this specific entry must have been made after Feb 1827, although the membership list is dated 1826.1
Church Affiliation1826As of 1826, Kezia was affiliated with Willett Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York City, New York County, New York. Listed in the Thursday evening class at William Smith's, Brook St. Listed as "Keziah Derby, Married now, Royce, Changed to Ge. Whalen"

In Vol. 76, p. 56, there is a general listing of all members of all NYC ME churches from 1822 - 1832. Here she is listed as "Keziah Derby, Married, now Royce."2,3
Marriage10 February 1827John E. Royce and she were married on 10 February 1827 in New York City, New York County, New York, by Julius Field.4,5
Church Affiliation1829As of 1829, Kezia was affiliated with Forsyth Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York City, New York County, New York. Listed in "Classes in Foysyth Street, 1829" in the Wednesday evening class. "Removed by letter, March 1832."
Death13 October 1881She died on 13 October 1881 in New York City, New York County, New York,
Obituary15 October 188115 October 1881, New York City, New York County, New York, New York Herald Obituary:. ROYCE: On the 13th inst., Keziah, widow of the late John Royce, age 83 years, 4 month and 2 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respecfully invited to attend the funeral services at the residence of her son-in-law, Richard Taylor, 40 West 126th St., on Monday, at half-past two o'clock P.M. Her remains will be taken on Tuesday morning to Sing Sing for interment.
Burial16 October 1881She was buried on 16 October 1881 at Dale Cemetery in Ossining, Westchester County, New York.6
Last Edited 28 May 2018


  1. [S792] United Methodist Church (New York City, New York and Vicinity); updated, collection name changed to new york, new jersey and connecticut, u.s., united methodist church records, 1775-1949, Ancestry.com ().
  2. [S792] United Methodist Church, New York City, New York, Vol 67-68, p. 161
  3. [S792] United Methodist Church, New York City, New York, Vol 76, p. 56.
  4. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (.)
  5. [S792] United Methodist Church, New York City, New York, Vol 72-28, page 137.
  6. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Dale Cemetery, Ossining, NY

Melvina Royce

F, #8063, b. 1834


FatherJohn E. Royce (b. 22 May 1793, d. 7 April 1874)
MotherKezia Derby (b. 11 June 1798, d. 13 October 1881)

Family: Benjamin Wiley (b. 1826)

SonCharles Wiley (b. 1860)
SonWilliam Wiley (b. 1864)
SonGeorge Wiley (b. 1867)


Birth1834Melvina Royce was born in 1834 in New York.
Marriageabout 1858Benjamin Wiley and she were married about 1858 in New York
Last Edited 19 March 2018

Benjamin Wiley

M, #8064, b. 1826

Family: Melvina Royce (b. 1834)

SonCharles Wiley (b. 1860)
SonWilliam Wiley (b. 1864)
SonGeorge Wiley (b. 1867)


Birth1826Benjamin Wiley was born in 1826 in New York.
Marriageabout 1858He and Melvina Royce were married about 1858 in New York
Census1860He appeared in the household of John E. Royce in the census 1860 at Ward 16 District 2 in New York City, New York County, New York. John is listed as
Census13 June 1870Benjamin Wiley appeared in the census 13 June 1870 at Ward 16 District 6 in New York City, New York County, New York. Benjamin is listed as: Ben H (age 45, Dealer in Mineral Water, personal estate $5000)
Melvina (age 34, Keeping House)
Charles (10, At Home)
William (6)
George (3)

Living next to John E. Royce and Kezia Royce (Melvina's parents) and
Elizabeth and Richard Taylor. Elizabeth was another daughter of John and Kezia.

all household members born in New York.
Last Edited 19 March 2018

Elizabeth Royce

F, #8065, b. 1833, d. 22 August 1894


FatherJohn E. Royce (b. 22 May 1793, d. 7 April 1874)
MotherKezia Derby (b. 11 June 1798, d. 13 October 1881)

Family: Richard Taylor (b. 1830)

SonGeorge R. Taylor (b. 1861)
DaughterMary Emily Taylor (b. 26 January 1864, d. 7 April 1912)


Birth1833Elizabeth Royce was born in 1833 in New York City, New York County, New York.
Marriageabout 1859Richard Taylor and she were married about 18591
Death22 August 1894She died on 22 August 1894 in New York City, New York County, New York,2
Burial24 August 1894She was buried on 24 August 1894 at Dale Cemetery in Ossining, Westchester County, New York.2
Obituary24 August 189424 August 1894, New York City, New York County, New York, New York Times Obituary:. Taylor: On the 22d. Elizabeth M. Royce, wife of Richard Taylor, formerly of No. 59 West 126th St.

The funeral services will be at the residence of her brother-in-law, Rev. Brady E. Backus, D.D., No. 360 West 28th St., on Friday at 4 o'clock, to which her relatives and friends are invited. Interment at Dale Cemetery, Sing Sing on Saturday.
Last Edited 28 May 2018


  1. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Dale Cemetery, Ossining, NY

William Royce

M, #8066, b. 29 June 1836, d. 12 January 1863


FatherJohn E. Royce (b. 22 May 1793, d. 7 April 1874)
MotherKezia Derby (b. 11 June 1798, d. 13 October 1881)


Birth29 June 1836William Royce was born on 29 June 1836 in New York. Birthdate on Gravestone
Death12 January 1863He died on 12 January 18631
Burial14 January 1863He was buried on 14 January 1863 at Dale Cemetery in Ossining, Westchester County, New York.1
Last Edited 28 May 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Dale Cemetery, Ossining, NY

Mary Ann Royce

F, #8067, b. 1 January 1840, d. 27 December 1869


FatherJohn E. Royce (b. 22 May 1793, d. 7 April 1874)
MotherKezia Derby (b. 11 June 1798, d. 13 October 1881)

Family: Isaac Halsey Looker (b. October 1842, d. 1929)


Birth1 January 1840Mary Ann Royce was born on 1 January 1840 in Sing-Sing, Westchester County, New York. Birthdate based on gravestone.

Based on the New York City marriage records, her birthplace is given as Sing-Sing.1
Marriage30 March 1869Isaac Halsey Looker and she were married on 30 March 1869 in New York City, New York County, New York, Marriage database on familysearch lists the parents of bride and groom. No image available.2
Newspaper Mention1 April 1869She was mentioned in a newspaper report about John E. Royce when 1 April 1869 edition of the New York Herald, New York City, New York County, New York, reported
Death27 December 1869She died on 27 December 1869 in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey,1
Burial29 December 1869She was buried on 29 December 1869 at Dale Cemetery in Ossining, Westchester County, New York.1
Obituary29 December 186929 December 1869, New York City, New York County, New York, New York Times Obituary:. Looker: At Newark, N.J., on Monday, Dec. 27, suddenly, Mary A., wife of J. Halsey Looker.
The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral on Thursday, 30th inst. at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her father, John E. Royce, No. 225 West 20th St., New York.
Last Edited 29 May 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Dale Cemetery, Ossining, NY
  2. [S844] New York; familysearch.org database

Richard Taylor

M, #8068, b. 1830

Family: Elizabeth Royce (b. 1833, d. 22 August 1894)

SonGeorge R. Taylor (b. 1861)
DaughterMary Emily Taylor (b. 26 January 1864, d. 7 April 1912)


Birth1830Richard Taylor was born in 1830 in New York.1
Marriageabout 1859He and Elizabeth Royce were married about 18591
Census1860He appeared in the census 1860 at Ward 20, District 2, in New York City, New York County, New York. Richard is listed as: Richard Taylor (age 30, Master Painter, $2000 in personal estate, born in New Jersey)
Elizabeth (age 26, born in New York)

I think this is the right couple, even though the names are common, since he was a Painter.
Census1870He appeared in the household of John E. Royce in the census 1870 at Ward 16 District 6 in New York City, New York County, New York. John is listed as
Census24 December 1870Richard Taylor appeared in the census 24 December 1870 at Ward 16 District 13 in New York City, New York County, New York. Richard is listed as: Richard (40, Painter)
Elizabeth (36)
George (10)
Mary (6)

Richard and family were also enumerated in June living with her parents.
Census1880He appeared in the census 1880 at West 126th St bet. Fifth and Sixth Avenues in New York City, New York County, New York. Richard is listed as: Taylor, Richard (50, husband, Painter, b. New York)
Elizabeth (45, wife, Keeping House, b. New York)
Geo. R. (19, son, single, Clerk in store, b. New York)
Mary R. (15, daughter, single, b. New York)
Kezia Royce (age 82, boarder, widowed, b. New York)
Kent, Esther (age 34, servant, single, domestic Servant, b. England)
Last Edited 29 May 2018


  1. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

William H. Roe

M, #8069, b. 1847

Family: Emma Royce (b. 1852, d. 13 December 1932)

DaughterLucy Roe (b. 1880)
SonFrank Roe (b. 1883)
DaughterMary Roe (b. 1884)
SonWilliam Royce Roe (b. 24 September 1887)


Birth1847William H. Roe was born in 1847.
Marriage9 October 1879He and Emma Royce were married on 9 October 1879 at at the home of Warren Jordan, Howard St., in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, A notice of their marriage was published in the Peekskill Highland Democrat, 11 Oct 1879.
Witness9 October 1929
Newspaper Mention18 October 1929He was mentioned in a newspaper report about Emma Royce when 18 October 1929 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported
Last Edited 21 August 2020

John W. Smith

M, #8070

Family: Mary Augusta Royce (b. 1853)

SonWilliam Royce Smith (d. after 1939)
DaughterFlorence W. Smith+ (b. 1865, d. 31 January 1939)


MarriageJohn W. Smith and Mary Augusta Royce were married, date unknown
Residence1911As of 1911 John lived in Summit, Union County, New Jersey, based on the "Glimpses of the Past" column in the Highland Democrat, 30 Dec 1911.
Last Edited 5 May 2018

Florence W. Smith

F, #8071, b. 1865, d. 31 January 1939


FatherJohn W. Smith
MotherMary Augusta Royce (b. 1853)

Family: Arthur Manser (b. 1867, d. 1963)

DaughterRuth B. Manser (b. 1892)


Birth1865Florence W. Smith was born in 1865 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York.
Marriage1890Arthur Manser and she were married in 18901
Death31 January 1939She died on 31 January 1939 in Summit, Union County, New Jersey,
Obituary2 February 19392 February 1939, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, The Highland Democrat Obituary:. Mrs. Arthur Manser:

Mrs. Florence W. Manser, wife of Arthur Manser, formerly of this village, passed away at her home in Summit, N.J. at midnight Monday, after a long illness.

Mrs. Manser was the daughter of John W. Smith and Mary A. Smith, of Peekskill. She was a member of St. Peter's Episcopal church and a charter member of the Girls' Friendly Society. Mrs. Manser had lived in Summit, N.J. for the past thirty years.

Funeral services were held today (Thursday) at 11 a.m. at her home with the Rev. Walter O. Kinsolving, rector of Calvary Episcopal Church, officiating. Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Manser is survived by her daughter, Ruth B. Manser, of Summit, N.J., and a brother, William Royce Smith, of New York City.
Last Edited 30 July 2018


  1. [S77] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Warren Jordan

M, #8072, d. March 1906

Family: Ann Elizabeth Royce (b. 11 May 1836, d. 10 March 1920)

DaughterGrace Jordan
SonWarren Jordan (b. 1872, d. 1960)
SonEdmund Jordan (b. 18 March 1878, d. 19 April 1939)


Marriage9 May 1870Warren Jordan and Ann Elizabeth Royce were married on 9 May 1870 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York,
DeathMarch 1906He died in March 1906 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York,1
Last Edited 3 June 2021


  1. [S999] Josiah Seymour Currey, The Papers of J. Seymour Currey: In the Collections of the Evanston Historical Society, Collection Number 117 (Evanston, Illinois: Between 1869 and 1929), Section on William and Dorinda Royce family; 4 archival boxes, (https://connect.historyit.com/PublicSites/browse/603/0?account=evanstonhistorycenter : accessed

Edmund Jordan

M, #8073, b. 18 March 1878, d. 19 April 1939


FatherWarren Jordan (d. March 1906)
MotherAnn Elizabeth Royce (b. 11 May 1836, d. 10 March 1920)


Birth18 March 1878Edmund Jordan was born on 18 March 1878 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York.
Death19 April 1939He died on 19 April 1939 in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York,
Newspaper Mention20 April 1939The 20 April 1939 edition of the The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, reported Edmund Jordan Kills Self with Revolver

Edmund Jordan, long time merchant, former village president, Justice of the Peace, Receiver of Taxes, savings bank treasurer and active in St. Paul's M.E. Church for many years, killed himself with a revolver Wednesday afternoon in a lavatory on the third floor of the Jordan Building, 982 Main street. He was sixty-one years old. No notes giving any reason for the act were found.

Private funeral services will be held from his late residence, 514 Nelson avenue, Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery.

The body slumped on the floor in the lavatory on the third floor was discovered by S. Allen Mead, Town Clerk who has an office underneath and who was investigating Mr. Jordan's disappearance with Charles L. Hills, clerk in the hardware store. He had shot himself in the right temple with a .32 calibre Smith and Wesson revolver which had been in the store safe for twenty-five years.

Death occurred about five o'clock, it was believed. At 5:47, Dr. J. Douglas Barry, Health Officer, estimated that he had been dead half an hour.

Mr. Jordan who was treasurer of the Peekskill Savings Bank had been at a meeting at the bank, and returned to the store about three o'clock. He went out ostensibly to close a window in the front of the fourth story of the building. Mr. Hills paid little attention to Mr. Jordan's leaving as he was accustomed to going out occasionally. Mr. Jordan was scheduled to attend a meeting of the Official Board of St. Paul's M.E. Church, of which he was trasurer at 4:30 o'clock.

Shortly after five o'clock, Mr. Hills called Mr. Mead's office on the telephone and asked if Mr. Jordan were there. Mr. Jordan often visited Mr. Mead. Miss Sadie Shaw, clerk in Mr. Mead's office, attended the store while Mr. Hills and Mr. Mead started up to the third and fourth floors of the building. Mr. Hills went into the front part of the third floor, used for lodge room purposes, while Mr. Mead explored the rear. The entrance door had been found locked. Mr. Mead found Mr. Jordan's body slumped on the floor in the toilet. Police were summoned. Dr. Barry called and word was relayed to the office of Dr. Amos O. Squire, County Medical Examiner. Permission was given to remove the body.

Police believe that Mr. Jordan was sitting down in the lavatory when he placed the revolver to his right temple, about one inch above and one inch back from the eye, when he pulled the trigger. When found, the gun was clasped tightly in his right hand. He was in his shirt sleeves, his overcoat, jacket and coat being left in the store.

A more extensive investigation Thursday morning led police to believe that Mr. Jordan had contemplated jumping from the fourth story window but had changed his mind, preferring death by a gun. They found a window opened and a ladder placed against it, leading them to think that he had opened it in the morning.

Mr. Jordan was born in Peekskill on March 18, 1878, the son of Warren and Anna Royce Jordan. In his childhood he attended Miss Murdock's Kindergarten and later Oakside School, being graduated on June 2, 1895. He then spent two years at the Clinton Classical School from which he received a diploma in 1897.

Following his school days, he entered the hardware store of his father, and had remained at that business ever since.

Mr. Jordan was interested from his youth in St. Paul's M.E. Church. For some time he was engaged in Sunday School work there and was librarian. He succeeded his father as a member of the Official Board., serving there for over a quarter of a century. He was treasurer for many years.

Mr. Jordan was one of the oldest active firemen in Cortlandt Hook & Ladder Company, which he joined on January 3, 1899. He was made an active fireman on January 9, 1899 and retained his active status. He served as chairman of many committees, was foreman, second and first vice presidents. He never became president because the year he was scheduled for the position he became Exalted Ruler of the Elks. At the time of his death he was on the Membership Committee. Some years ago he was given a Veteran Pin for twently-five years membership by the Truck Company. In the early part of the century he played basketball on the Truck team.

Joining Peekskill Lodge, No. 744, B.P.O. Elks on June 3, 1903, he was very active, going through all the chairs and becoming Exalted Ruler on June 3, 1903.

He was raised in Courtlandt Lodge, No. 34, F. & A. M. on June 19, 1902 and was granted Life Membership a few years ago.

At one time, Mr. Jordan was a member of Billy Pattison Council, Junior Order United American Mechanics but resigned some years ago.

Mr. Jordan was President of Peekskill for two years, 1923- 1925. He was elected a trustee in March, 1920, for a one year term to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Robert Valentine. He was reelected a trustee for a full term in March, 1921, but resigned to run for President in 1923. For some years he was an auditor of the Town of Cortlandt and also served as Justice of the Peace. He was Receiver of Taxes for one term, 1930-31.

He was elected a Trustee of the Peekskill Savings Bank on July 6, 1932. He was interested in philately and at the time of his death was President of the Cortlandt Stamp Club.

Mr. Jordan married Miss Margery Topping on January 23, 1921. She survives with a sister, Miss Grace Jordan of Peekskill and Warren Jordan of White Plains.
Burial22 April 1939He was buried on 22 April 1939 at Hillside Cemetery in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York.
Last Edited 20 March 2018

Grace Jordan

F, #8074


FatherWarren Jordan (d. March 1906)
MotherAnn Elizabeth Royce (b. 11 May 1836, d. 10 March 1920)
Last Edited 20 March 2018

Warren Jordan

M, #8075, b. 1872, d. 1960


FatherWarren Jordan (d. March 1906)
MotherAnn Elizabeth Royce (b. 11 May 1836, d. 10 March 1920)


Birth1872Warren Jordan was born in 1872.
Death1960He died in 1960
Last Edited 5 April 2023