Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 447

Allin A. Royce

M, #11152, b. 9 May 1812, d. 14 November 1895


FatherRobert Royce (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)

Family: Seraphine Elizabeth Owen (b. 30 November 1821, d. 17 November 1887)

DaughterCatherine E. Royce (d. 3 September 1906)
SonWilliam J. Royce (b. 13 December 1849, d. 24 May 1911)


Research NoteReason for investigating Allin A. Royce. This person is entered because he may have some connection with William Royce, the father of Elizabeth (Royce) Ferris, wife of Josiah Seymour Ferris.

Allin A. Royce was a witness at William Royce's marriage at All Hallows Church, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire in 1793.

An Allin A. Royce was baptized at Wing, Rutland, in 1766.

This Allin A. Royce's father was born in England, according to the 1880 census, and the 1870 census says his father was foreign born.

There is a large Royce family in the area of Wing, Rutland, which is 25 miles north of Wellingborough. There is a William Royce baptism in the same family as Allin A.

There seems to have been Allin A. Royce's in that area for many generations, the name being frequently re-used.

This Allin A., RM ID 11152, is the generation of William Royce's children.
Birth9 May 1812Allin A. Royce was born on 9 May 1812 in United States. There is a Robert Royce (tailor) from Canandaigua, buried in West Avenue Cemetery with many later Royce's, 23 Nov 1781 to 19 Nov 1858. He could have been the father of these Royces b. 1812, Catherine E. b. 1810 died unmarried 13 Mar 1838, and Thomas B. b. 3 Oct 1818, died 3 Jan 1838.
Marriageabout 1845He and Seraphine Elizabeth Owen were married about 1845
Census1850He appeared in the census 1850 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Allin is listed as: Allen A. Royce (age 38, Printer, b. NY)
Sarah E. (age 28, b. Ill.
Catharine E. (age 4)
William (age 9 months)
Luke Clark (age 23, Laborer)
Georgiana Clark (age 15)
Emma L Clark (5 months)

Living next to Michael J. Howard (age 33, Gardener, born in England) and his wife Jemima born in England, and their oldest child born in England, the rest born in New York, so immigrated about 1842-3)
Census1855He appeared in the census 1855 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Allin is listed as: Alen A Royce (age 43, b. Ontario Co. , married, 43 years in this town, Printer, native, owner of land)
Seriphine E. Royce (age 32, Wife, b. Illinois, 21 years in this town)
Catherine E. Royce (age 10, Daut, b. Ontario, 10 years in this town)
William J. Royce (age 6, Son, b. Ontario, 6 years in this town)
Property Record13 August 1859Allin was involved in a property transaction on 13 August 1859 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Pursuant to a court action at Penn Yan,
re Robert Royce Plaintiff and
Defendants: Elsey Royce, Allen A. Royce, Sr., Seraphine E. Royce, Nathan Aldrich, Sarah S. Aldrich, Charles J. Decker, Caroline Decker, Horace W. Sanford, Harriet J. Sanford, Oliver H. Royce.

F.O. Mason, who had been appointed Referee, on 13 Aug 1859, sold at public auction, for $500, to Allen A. Royce (the highest bidder), town lot #4, east of Main St., North of the Square, bounded south by Brook St., East by land sold May 1854 by Robert Royce to Patrick and Honora McCarthy, North by land of Theodore E. Hart, West by land of George R. Parburt, being the parcel conveyed to Robert Royce by James D. Bemis 9 May 1809 (Liber 13, p. 720).
Census1860He appeared in the census 1860 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Allin is listed as: Allen A. Royce (age 48, Printer, $700 real estate, $200 personal, b. N.Y.)
Seraphine E. (age 38, b. Indiana)
George W. (age 18, Laborer, b. NY, attends school)
Catharine E. (age 14, b. NY, attends school)
William J. (age 10, b. NY, attends school)
Census1865He appeared in the census 1865 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Allin is listed as: Allen A. Royce (age 53, b. Ontario County, first marriage, Printer, native, owner of land)
Seraphine E. (age 43, wife, b. Ind., 5 children, first marriage)
Catherine E. (age 19, child, b. Ontario Cty, single)
Wm J. Royce (age 15, child, b. Ontario Cty, single)
Frank Leonard (age 22, boarder, b. Canada, single, Printer, Alien)
Census1870He appeared in the census 1870 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Allin is listed as: Royce, Allen A (age 58, Printer, $1200 personal estate, b. NY, father of foreign birth, US Citizen)
Elizabeth (age 29 [illegible], Keeps house, real estate $1600, b. NY)
William (age 20, Carpenter, b. NY, , attends school)
Catharine (age 22, school teacher, b. NY)
Census1875He appeared in the census 1875 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Allin is listed as: Allen Royce (age 63, born in Ontario County, married, Printer, Native, owner of land)
Serephine Royce (age 53, wife, b. Ind.)
Catharine Royce (age 29, daugh., b. Ontario County, single)
Newspaper Mention1878The 1878 edition of the Repository - Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported A loan exhibition was held under the auspices of the Baptist Church. Eight booths were set up by the committee (Including Miss Royce) displaying various attractions loaded by members. One of the items was Silver Shirt Studs made in 1760 and worn by the grandfather of A.A. Royce.
Census1880He appeared in the census 1880 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Allin is listed as: Royce, Allen A. (age 68, married, printer, b. New York, Father born in England, mother N.Y.)
Seraphine (Age 58, wife, Keeping house, b. Indiana, father born Wales, mother N.Y.)
Catherine E. (age 34, daughter, at home, b. in N.Y., father b. N.Y., mother Ind.). [b. 1846, possibly named after the Catherine E. in the West Avenue Cemetery, 1810-1838?)
John H. Burnett (age 80, boarder, widowed, Printer, b. New Jersey, father b. NY or NJ?, mother NY or NJ?)
Harry Sweeny (age 6 monthe, b. Nov., Boarder, born in NY and parents also.)
Occupation15 July 1880On 15 July 1880 Allin worked in Canadaigua, Ontario County, New York, as The Ontario Repository and Messenger reported:
"There is now employed as a "typo" in this office, Mr. Allin A. Royce, who in 1829 commenced the trade in the office of the Ontario Phoenix, an anti-Masonic journal, then published in this village by W. W. Phelps, who afterwards published a Mormon organ at Nauvoo, Ill., under the reigh of Joseph Smith. Mr. Royce was, for a short time, the publisher of the Ontario Freeman, (to which name the Phoenix had been changed,) in 1834. His age is 68 years, and his eye-sight enables him to set type oa good as can many younger men. His yet dexterous fingers have set the type for this article."
Newspaper Mention16 October 1884The 16 October 1884 edition of the Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported Mr. Horace Sanford, of Corunna, Chiwassee Co., Mich., visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Allen A. Royce, of this village, the latter part of last week, whom he had not seen in twenty-three years.

[This was the husband of his sister Harriet.]
Newspaper Mention22 July 1886The 22 July 1886 edition of the Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Smith of Chapin street, are rejoicing over the arrival of an 8-pound son, forn last Thursday. We suggest that the parents name the little fellow Allen A., after its respected grandfather, "Senator" Royce, the typo.
In household1892He appeared in the household of Lewis L. Smith in the census 1892 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Lewis is listed as
Newspaper Mention9 November 1892The 9 November 1892 edition of the Repositlory - Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported Two Octogenarians

A.A. Royce, the veteran printer of this village, passed his 80th birthday the 9th inst. For a man who was declared a consumptive nearly 50 years ago, Mr. Royce is pretty comfortable yet, though naturally quite feeble.

Hon. Ulysses Warner, of Orleans, was 80 years old May 7th...
Newspaper Mention19 October 1893The 19 October 1893 edition of the Repositlory - Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported In the Personally Mentioned column:

Out of town: A. Royce and daughter, Mrs. L. M. Smith, at Reynoldton, Pa.
Death14 November 1895Allin A. Royce died on 14 November 1895 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, The Ontario Repository - Messenger notice listed his age as 83 years, 6 months, 5 days.

The Buffalo News of 15 Nov 1895 wrote:
Aged Canandaigua Printer Dead
Canandaigue, Nov. 14 (Special) -- Allen A. Royce, one of the oldest printers of the State, died suddenly at his daughter's home here this morning after a severe hemorrhage. The deceased was 83 years and six months old.
Burial16 November 1895He was buried on 16 November 1895 at West Avenue Cemetery in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Notes on his Findagrave entry:
Husband of Seraphine Owen.
From Victor Herald 23 November 1895: Allan A. Royce, the oldest printer living in this state, died at his home in Canandaigua last Thursday, age 83 years. Royce learned his trade of the man who printed the Mormon Bible.

ROYCE—In Canandaigua, Nov. 14, 1895, Allen A. Royce, aged 83 years and 6 months.
(The Naples Record, Wednesday, November 20, 1895)1
Probate Record4 December 1895Allin was listed in probate records on 4 December 1895 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. In the matter of Proving the Will of Allin A. Royce...Catherine R. Smith and William J. Royce, named executors in will dated 9 Apr 1893, being the children and only heirs-at-law and next of kin of the decedent, and said decedent having left no widow surviving him, will proved valid.2
Last Edited 30 December 2022


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Robert Royce ID 141470064
  2. [S801] Surrogate Court (New York State), Vol 0085-0086, 1891-1898, p. 583; digital images, Ancestry.com ().

Seraphine Elizabeth Owen

F, #11153, b. 30 November 1821, d. 17 November 1887

Family: Allin A. Royce (b. 9 May 1812, d. 14 November 1895)

DaughterCatherine E. Royce (d. 3 September 1906)
SonWilliam J. Royce (b. 13 December 1849, d. 24 May 1911)


Birth30 November 1821Seraphine Elizabeth Owen was born on 30 November 1821 in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana.1
Marriageabout 1845Allin A. Royce and she were married about 1845
Newspaper Mention14 February 1884The 14 February 1884 edition of the Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported Jan 29th, Lieut. Milton E. Keeler died at his residence in Belvidere, Ill., aged 60 years. He was serving a second term as county clerk of Boone county, at the time of his death. He was a native of Cortland county, N.Y.; had resided at Belvidere since 1850; and during the late war he was a Lieutenant in the 95th Regiment of Illinois infantry. His wife was formerly Louisa Owen, and she and eight children survive him. She is a younger sister of Mrs. Allan A. Royce, of this village.
Newspaper Mention10 September 1885The 10 September 1885 edition of the Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported Mrs. M. E. Keeler and daughter, Emma, of Belvidere, Ill., who have been spending several weeks visiting with Mrs. A.A. Royce, on Chapin street, returned to their home on the 1st inst. Mrs. Keeler is a sister of Mrs. Royce.
Death17 November 1887She died on 17 November 1887
Burial18 November 1887She was buried on 18 November 1887 at West Gibson Street in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York.1
Obituary18 November 188718 November 1887, Ontario County, New York, Ontario County Journal Obituary:. On Wednesday afternoon (Nov 16) about four o'clock, Mrs. Seraphine Elizabeth Royce, wife of Allen A. Royce, of this village, was suddenly stricken with paralysis at her home on West Gibson street. She was at work about the house as usual and her husband was at work in the garden. He heard her call to him and proceeding at once to the house, he found her prostrated upon the floor absolutely helpless. Assistance was summoned and the unfortunate lady made as comfortable as possible. The shock had done its work, however, and she was far past recovery. After being removed to a bed she at once fell asleep, and lay in that condition until seven o'clock yesterday (Thursday) [Nov 17] morning when she passed quietly and peacefully away.

Mrs. Royce was stricken with paralysis on Christmas day, four years ago, but from that shock she recovered.

The deceased was born in Terra Haute, Ind., Nov. 30, 1821, and was the daughter of Mrs. Jennie Owen, nee Jamieson, who was the first white child born in Canandaigua. She leaves a husband, a son and daughter to mourn her loss. The former, Allen A. Royce, is the oldest printer in this vicinity and is very well now. The daughter is the wife of Louis N. Smith, of this village, and the son, Wm. J. Royce, is a well-known contractor and builder.
Last Edited 24 December 2022


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Seraphine E. Owen Royce ID 43611399

Allin A. Royce

M, #11154, b. 1766


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott

Family: Mary Peck (d. January 1796)


Birth1766Allin A. Royce was born in 1766 in England.
Baptism2 May 1766He was baptized on 2 May 1766 at Peterborough diocese in Wing, Rutland, England. Parents Allin and Eliz.

Listed in the Bishops Transcripts,
Northamptonshire Record Office; Northampton, England; Register Type: Bishops Transcripts
Date Range: 1707-1812
Source Information
Ancestry.com. Northamptonshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1532-1812 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
Marriage12 February 1788He and Mary Peck were married on 12 February 1788 in Shelton, Bedfordshire, England, Ancestry.com. England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
Last Edited 23 December 2022

Catherine E. Royce

F, #11155, d. 3 September 1906


FatherAllin A. Royce (b. 9 May 1812, d. 14 November 1895)
MotherSeraphine Elizabeth Owen (b. 30 November 1821, d. 17 November 1887)


MarriageLewis L. Smith and Catherine E. Royce were married, date unknown
Newspaper Mention22 July 1886She was mentioned in a newspaper report about Allin A. Royce when 22 July 1886 edition of the Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported
Death3 September 1906She died on 3 September 1906 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York,
Last Edited 22 December 2022

William J. Royce

M, #11156, b. 13 December 1849, d. 24 May 1911


FatherAllin A. Royce (b. 9 May 1812, d. 14 November 1895)
MotherSeraphine Elizabeth Owen (b. 30 November 1821, d. 17 November 1887)


Newspaper MentionThe Repositlory - Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported Mr. William J. Royce, the "boss" carpenter, is receiving congratulations. It is a son, and arrived Sunday evening. Weight, nine pounds.
Birth13 December 1849William J. Royce was born on 13 December 1849 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York.1
Death24 May 1911He died on 24 May 1911 in Lorain, Lorain County, Ohio, Note: Death certificate lists mother as Charlotte Elizabeth Jamison. That was not the name of Allin A. Royce's wife, so I don't know if this is a mistake, or if there was some unusual circumstance.1
Burial26 May 1911He was buried on 26 May 1911 at Lakeview Cemetery in Port Clinton, Ottawa County, Ohio.1
Last Edited 24 December 2022


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, William Jefferies Royce ID 95952245

Lewis L. Smith

M, #11157

Family: Catherine E. Royce (d. 3 September 1906)


MarriageLewis L. Smith and Catherine E. Royce were married, date unknown
Census1892He appeared in the census 1892 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Lewis is listed as: Lewis N. Smith (age 55, b. U.W., Gardener)
Catharine R. Smith (age 47)
Harrison A. Smith (age 4)
Allin A. Royce (age 80, Printer)
Last Edited 30 December 2022

Mary Peck

F, #11158, d. January 1796

Family: Allin A. Royce (b. 1766)


Marriage12 February 1788Allin A. Royce and Mary Peck were married on 12 February 1788 in Shelton, Bedfordshire, England, Ancestry.com. England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
DeathJanuary 1796She died in January 1796 in Shelton, Bedfordshire, England, Ancestry.com. England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.
Burial10 January 1796She was buried on 10 January 1796 at Sandy in Shelton, Bedfordshire, England.
Last Edited 23 December 2022

Robert Royce

M, #11160, b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott

Family: Elsey

DaughterSarah Royce
DaughterHarriet Royce
SonRobert Royce, Jr. (b. 1810)
SonAllin A. Royce+ (b. 9 May 1812, d. 14 November 1895)
DaughterCornelia Amelia Royce (b. 14 October 1826, d. 24 March 1852)
DaughterCaroline Royce (b. 1827)
SonOliver H. Royce (b. 1 June 1830, d. 25 December 1920)


CensusRobert Royce appeared in the census. Robert is listed as:
Birth23 November 1781He was born on 23 November 1781 in Wing, Rutland, England. Robert's gravestone in Canandaigua gives this birthdate. It lends some confirmation that he is the same Robert Royce as the one baptized in Wing, Rutland, England about 5 weeks after his birth, due to the proximity of the dates.

Another piece of evidence that could tie the two together is that he named a son Allen A., the many-generation repeated name of this Rutland family.
Baptism1 January 1782He was baptized on 1 January 1782 in Wing, Rutland, England.1
Immigration1804He immigrated in 1804 to New York.
Census1810He appeared in the census 1810 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Robert is listed as: Rob. Royce
1 male under 10
2 males 10-15
1 male 16-25
1 male 26-44
1 female under 10
1 female 16 - 25

Neighbors Linn. B. Willard, Eliph Taylor, Eb. F. Norton, Eben Kellogh
NaturalizationFebruary 1810He filed for naturalization in February 1810 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. His application not found in the Ontario County records that still exist. Cayuga and Westchester do not have available naturalization records.
OccupationRobert worked in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, as a Tailor. He is mentioned several times in the local newspaper as a tailor. Also in the History of Ontario County, New York, by Lewis Cass Aldrich, published in 1893 and available on ancestry.com, p. 243, states that he was one of the local tailors in Canandaigua.
Church Affiliation1812As of 1812, Robert was affiliated with First Congregational Church, in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Robert Royce was mentioned, in a letter to the Editor of the Ontario Repository - Messenger in March 1870, as one of the original pew holders in the Old Brick Church. erected in 1812.
Military Note13 September 1812During the War of 1812, the US Marshals had to complete returns of "Enemy Aliens and Prisoners of War" and assess whether or not they presented a danger.

Robert was one of 7 individuals listed for Ontario County.
Age: 31
Time of residence in the United States: 8 years
Family: 5 persons
Place of Residence: Canandaigua
Occupation: Taylor
Date of application to the Court to be Naturalized: Feby 1810

The conclusion of the investigation was that all 7 persons did not present a danger. "No danger to be apprehended from any of these people. I believe they are all friendly to our government."

See attached image, from the "US War of 1812 Papers, 1789-1815" collection on ancestry.com.
Census1820He appeared in the census 1820 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Robert is listed as: Robert Royce
2 males under 10
1 male 10-16
1 male 16 - 45
2 females under 10
1 female 10-16
1 female 16 - 45

Neighbors: Thomas Peals, John Barlow, Paddy Cary, Rachel Berry, Erastus S. S. Rouse, Jane Send, Eleanor Pallard
Newspaper Mention31 October 1825The 31 October 1825 edition of the Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, reported For Sale or to Let
For a term of years, the Shop occupied by the subscriber, a good stand for the Tailoring business; and also the dwelling House in which he resides, situate in Brook street, a few rods from Main street, also a valuable building lot 4 rods front and 13 deep, situate on Main street, near the Brick Meeting House; all of which will be sold on extensive credit by a part of the purchase money being paid down, together with a PEW in the Brick Meeting House.

History NoteApril 1829In April 1829 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, the following event took place: on a fire that broke out in town. This story was reported again in the 7 Dec 1882 issue. PFor the first time since its foundation, this village has been visited with a fire of any considerable extent or danger. It broke out nine o'clock on Thursday evening, in the wooden building owned by J.W. Beals, occupied by Lewis & Co., as a Copper and Tin factory, and by Daniels & Co. as a dry goods store. Robert Royce's tailor shop adjoining. A brick block on the south stayed its progress in that direction. On the north the fire spread to the store occupied by Charles Underhill, then to the redicence of Mrs. Burgess, owned by Mrs. Jackson. The wooden shop occupied by G. Colbert, was hauled into the street center, by ropes, and the space thus gained stayed the progress of the fire."
Census1830He appeared in the census 1830 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Robert is listed as: Robert Royce
2 males under 5
1 male 10-15
1 male 15-20
2 males 20-30
1 male 40-50

2 females under 5
2 females 5-10
2 females 15-20
1 female 40-50

Neighbors: Richard Valentine, Harry Vandercor, Jonathan Colbert, Rachel Berry, Mary Peck.
Census1840He appeared in the census 1840 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Robert is listed as: Robert Royce
1 male 10-15
1 male 15 - 20
1 male 20-30
1 male 30-40
1 male 50-60

2 females 10-15
1 female 15-20
1 females 20-30
1 male 50-60
Census1850He appeared in the census 1850 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. Robert is listed as: Robert Royce (Age 68, Tailor, $2800 real estate, born in England)
Elsy (Age 65, born in New York)
Robert, Jr. (age 40, Tailor, b. NY)
Caroline (age 23, b. NY)
Cornelia (age 22, b. NY)
George (age 8, b. NY)
Oliver H. (age 20, Laborer, b. NY)

Neighbors: George R. Parburt, Stephen Clark, John Broughall, Caleb Putnum.
Death19 November 1858He died on 19 November 1858 in Ontario County, New York,2
Burial21 November 1858He was buried on 21 November 1858 at West Avenue Cemetery in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, Section 5.2
Last Edited 5 February 2024


  1. [S1022] Church of England (Northamptonshire, England), "Church of England (Northamptonshire, England), , ; , Ancestry.com.",Robert Royce, son of Allin and Elizabeth, Ancestry.com
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Robert Royce ID 141470064

Allin Royce

M, #11161, b. 1734


Family: Elizabeth Scott

SonCharles Royce (b. 1762)
SonWilliam Royce+ (b. 1764)
SonAllin A. Royce (b. 1766)
DaughterElizabeth Prudence Royce (b. 1768)
SonGeorge Royce (b. 1770)
DaughterMary Royce (b. 1772)
DaughterDorothy Catharina Royce (b. 1775)
SonHenry Royce (b. 9 July 1778, d. 4 October 1852)
SonJosiah Royce (b. 1780)
SonRobert Royce+ (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)


Birth1734Allin Royce was born in 1734 in Rutland, England.
Baptism3 October 1734He was baptized on 3 October 1734 in Wing, Rutland, England.
Marriage2 July 1761He and Elizabeth Scott were married on 2 July 1761 in Ridlington, Rutland, England, Allin and Elizabeth had 10 children, who were all baptized at Wing, Rutland.

My hypothesis is that (at least) two of these children immigrated to the United States, William in 1794, Robert in 1804.
Last Edited 24 December 2022

Elizabeth Scott

F, #11162

Family: Allin Royce (b. 1734)

SonCharles Royce (b. 1762)
SonWilliam Royce+ (b. 1764)
SonAllin A. Royce (b. 1766)
DaughterElizabeth Prudence Royce (b. 1768)
SonGeorge Royce (b. 1770)
DaughterMary Royce (b. 1772)
DaughterDorothy Catharina Royce (b. 1775)
SonHenry Royce (b. 9 July 1778, d. 4 October 1852)
SonJosiah Royce (b. 1780)
SonRobert Royce+ (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)


Marriage2 July 1761Allin Royce and Elizabeth Scott were married on 2 July 1761 in Ridlington, Rutland, England, Allin and Elizabeth had 10 children, who were all baptized at Wing, Rutland.

My hypothesis is that (at least) two of these children immigrated to the United States, William in 1794, Robert in 1804.
Last Edited 24 December 2022


F, #11163

Family: Robert Royce (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)

DaughterSarah Royce
DaughterHarriet Royce
SonRobert Royce, Jr. (b. 1810)
SonAllin A. Royce+ (b. 9 May 1812, d. 14 November 1895)
DaughterCornelia Amelia Royce (b. 14 October 1826, d. 24 March 1852)
DaughterCaroline Royce (b. 1827)
SonOliver H. Royce (b. 1 June 1830, d. 25 December 1920)
Last Edited 24 December 2022

Josiah Royce

M, #11164, b. 1780


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott


Birth1780Josiah Royce was born in 1780 in Wing, Rutland, England.
Last Edited 24 December 2022

Charles Royce

M, #11165, b. 1762


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott


Birth1762Charles Royce was born in 1762 in Ridlington, Rutland, England.
Last Edited 24 December 2022

Dorothy Catharina Royce

F, #11166, b. 1775


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott


Birth1775Dorothy Catharina Royce was born in 1775 in Wing, Rutland, England.
Last Edited 25 December 2022

Mary Royce

F, #11167, b. 1772


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott


Birth1772Mary Royce was born in 1772.
Last Edited 24 December 2022

Henry Royce

M, #11168, b. 9 July 1778, d. 4 October 1852


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott

Family: Sarah Bull


MarriageHenry Royce and Sarah Bull were married, date unknown1
Birth9 July 1778He was born on 9 July 1778 in Wing, Rutland, England.1
Census1841He appeared in the census 1841 in Seaton, Rutland, England. Henry is listed as: Henry Royce (age 60, Miller, born in this county)
Sarah (age 60, born in this county)
Josiah Royce (age 20, born in this county)
Emma Mason (age 6, born in this county)
Hannah Kirby (age 20, F. S., not born in this county)
Homas Thorpe (age 25, M.S., not born in this county)
John Whitechurch (age 25, M. S., not born in this county)

F.S., female servant, M.S. male servant ?

The extract on ancestry.com lists
civil parish, Seaton
Hundred, Wrangdike
Registration district Uppingham
Sub-registration district Barrowden
Death4 October 1852He died on 4 October 1852 in Seaton, Rutland, England,1
Burial6 October 1852He was buried on 6 October 1852 at All Hallows Churchyard in Seaton, Rutland, England.1
Last Edited 24 December 2022


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Henry Royce, id 141978992

George Royce

M, #11169, b. 1770


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott


Birth1770George Royce was born in 1770 in Wing, Rutland, England.
Last Edited 25 December 2022

Elizabeth Prudence Royce

F, #11170, b. 1768


FatherAllin Royce (b. 1734)
MotherElizabeth Scott


Birth1768Elizabeth Prudence Royce was born in 1768 in Wing, Rutland, England.1
Baptism29 July 1768She was baptized on 29 July 1768 in Wing, Rutland, England.1
Last Edited 24 December 2022


  1. [S1022] Church of England (Northamptonshire, England), "Church of England (Northamptonshire, England), , ; , Ancestry.com.", Ancestry.com

Sarah Bull

F, #11171

Family: Henry Royce (b. 9 July 1778, d. 4 October 1852)


MarriageHenry Royce and Sarah Bull were married, date unknown1
Last Edited 25 December 2022


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Henry Royce, id 141978992

Sarah Royce

F, #11172


FatherRobert Royce (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)
Last Edited 30 December 2022

Oliver H. Royce

M, #11173, b. 1 June 1830, d. 25 December 1920


FatherRobert Royce (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)


Birth1 June 1830Oliver H. Royce was born on 1 June 1830 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York.1
Death25 December 1920He died on 25 December 1920 in Carlton, Dickinson County, Kansas,
Burial27 December 1920He was buried on 27 December 1920 at Banner Cemetery in Elmo, Dickinson County, Kansas.2
Obituary30 December 192030 December 1920, Abilene, Kansas, The Abilene Weekly Reflector Obituary:. Oliver H. Royce passed away at 5:30 a.m. Dec. 25 at his home near Carlton, Kansas. He was born June 1, 1830 at Canandaigua, N.Y. He was united in marriage to Cornelia Kipp at Walworth, N.Y. To this union were born three children, two daughters and one son. Miss Beulah Royce of the home, Mrs. A. F. Kingsbury of Newton, Kansas, Guy Royce who had preceded his father to the higher life five years previous. He came to Dickinson County, Kansas in the spring of 1879 with his nephew Carl Decker and together they made their home. He leaves a widow, two daughters, his nephew, also four grandchildren, Charles Kingsbury of the U.S. Navy at Fort Lyon, Colo., Marion, William and Ruth, who are with their parents at Newton, Kansas.
Last Edited 30 December 2022


  1. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (), Robert Royce household.
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Oliver H. Royce, ID 53000364

Caroline Royce

F, #11174, b. 1827


FatherRobert Royce (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)


Birth1827Caroline Royce was born in 1827 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York.1
Last Edited 30 December 2022


  1. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (), Robert Royce household.

Harriet Royce

F, #11175


FatherRobert Royce (b. 23 November 1781, d. 19 November 1858)
Last Edited 30 December 2022