Jonathan Roebuck
M, #11227, d. 8 February 1831
Note | | I don't know who this Jonathan Roebuck is, but Willingham is 4 miles from Lea, which is basically (in the 21st century) a suburb of Gainsborough. Perhaps a great-grandson of Jonathan or Nathaniel. |
Death | 8 February 1831 | Jonathan Roebuck died on 8 February 1831 in Willingham by Stow, Lincolnshire, England, "Infant"1 |
- [S1041] Various British parishes, Page 13, Image 9 of 51, Death of Jonathan Roebuck, infant;
Philip Roebuck
M, #11229, b. 24 December 1732, d. February 1733
Birth | 24 December 1732 | Philip Roebuck was born on 24 December 1732 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. Attributing Philip to Jonathan just because Jonathan was married by 1730, whereas Nathaniel did not marry until 1734.1 |
Baptism | 29 December 1732 | He was baptized on 29 December 1732 at Presbyterian Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England.2 |
Death | February 1733 | He died in February 1733 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England,3 |
Burial | 13 February 1733 | He was buried on 13 February 1733 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Philip Son of Jonathan Robuck"3 |
- [S1038] Non-conformist Presbyterian or Independent (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 6 of 8, Nathaniel Roebuck Baptism; 8 images, Find My Past ($) (
- [S1038] Non-conformist Presbyterian or Independent (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 7 of 8, Benjamin Roebuck Baptism
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 170 of 251, Philip Roebuck death; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
Philip Roebuck
M, #11230, b. 1705, d. November 1780
Note | |
A Philip Roebuck died in Boston, Lincolnshire, in 1780, age 75, who was a cork-cutter. This was the profession followed by Jarvis Roebuck in New York. |
Birth | 1705 | Philip Roebuck was born in 1705 in England. |
Marriage | 23 December 1730 | He and Ann Hopkins were married on 23 December 1730 at Stamford St. Michael in Stamford, Lincolnshire, England,1 |
Death | November 1780 | He died in November 1780 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England,2 |
Burial | 26 November 1780 | He was buried on 26 November 1780 at St. Botolph's Anglican Church in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. The St. Botolph's parish register reads "26. Philip Roebuck, Corkcutter...[Age] 75 [Affidavit produced] Nov. 27.
The affidavit refers to the .
The Burial in Wool Acts of 1667 and 1678 were intended to support the wool trade and laid down that all corpses should be buried in wool and no other material whatsoever. A relative of the deceased was required to swear an affidavit, which was to be recorded in the registers, within 8 days of the burial to state that a 'woollen burial' had taken place, or else a £5 fine was incurred. An alternative was a 'naked burial' for those who could not afford wool, or a fine. The Acts were only repealed in 1814, although enforcement began to wane after 1770 in various places.2  |
- [S965] England, Philip Rowbuck - Ann Hopkins; database
- [S1042] St. Botolph' (Boston, Lincolnshire), p. 76, image 40 of 73 on Findmypast, Burial record, Philip Roebuck; digital images on, Find My Past (
Philip Roebuck
M, #11231, b. about January 1747, d. January 1747
Birth | about January 1747 | Philip Roebuck was born about January 1747 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. |
Death | January 1747 | He died in January 1747 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, "Son of Philip Roebuck. An Infant."1 |
Burial | 15 February 1747 | He was buried on 15 February 1747 at St. Botolph's in Boston, Lincolnshire, England.1 |
- [S1042] St. Botolph' (Boston, Lincolnshire), image 83 of 657 on Findmypast, Burial record, Philip Roebuck, 1747; digital images on, Find My Past (
Ann Roebuck
F, #11232, d. 5 April 1748
Death | 5 April 1748 | Ann Roebuck died on 5 April 1748 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, "Ann, Dr of Philip Roebuck, Inft."1 |
- [S1042] St. Botolph' (Boston, Lincolnshire), image 83 of 657 on Findmypast, Burial record, Ann Roebuck, 1747; digital images on, Find My Past (
Philip Roebuck
M, #11233, d. April 1739
Death | April 1739 | Philip Roebuck died in April 1739 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England,1 |
Burial | 2 April 1739 | He was buried on 2 April 1739 at St. Botolph's Anglican Church in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. "Philip, Son of Philip Roebuck"1 |
- [S1042] St. Botolph' (Boston, Lincolnshire), image 275 of 577 on Findmypast, Burial record, Philip Roebuck, 1739; digital images on, Find My Past (
Ann Hopkins
F, #11234, b. 1707, d. December 1775
Note | | Spelled "Rowbuck" in the parish register. |
Birth | 1707 | Ann Hopkins was born in 1707. Extrapolated from age at death. |
Marriage | 23 December 1730 | Philip Roebuck and she were married on 23 December 1730 at Stamford St. Michael in Stamford, Lincolnshire, England,1 |
Death | December 1775 | She died in December 1775 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, |
Burial | 26 December 1775 | She was buried on 26 December 1775 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. "Ann, the wife of Philip Roebuck, age 68" |
- [S965] England, Philip Rowbuck - Ann Hopkins; database
Philip Roebuck
M, #11235, b. about 1702
Birth | about 1702 | Philip Roebuck was born about 1702 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. |
Marriage | 3 May 1736 | He and Mary Westbrook were married on 3 May 1736 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, "Philip Robuck & Mary Westbrook"1 |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 183 of 251, Philip Roebuck & Mary Westbrook Marriage; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
Robert Roebuck
M, #11236, b. estimated 1640, d. October 1678
Birth | estimated 1640 | Robert Roebuck was born estimated 1640. |
Marriage | 30 November 1665 | He and Elizabeth Ragge were married on 30 November 1665 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, Even if she married at age 16, she would have been in her 90's when she died. However, I haven't seen another death for her, and I don't know what other Roebuck she would be the widow of at this time. If I find that this fact is wrong, I will move it.1 |
Occupation | 1674 | In 1674 Robert worked in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, as a whitesmith. Whitesmiths, or tinsmiths, worked with lighter metals than blacksmiths, making pewter and tin domestic goods such as pans, lanterns, kettles and candlesticks.2 |
Death | October 1678 | He died in October 1678 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England,3 |
Burial | 4 October 1678 | He was buried on 4 October 1678 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England.3 |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 125 of 132. Marriage of Robert Robuck and Elizabeth Ragge; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 40 of 132, Richard Roebuck son of Rob't, baptism
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 97 of 132, Burial of Robert Roebuck
Elizabeth Ragge
F, #11237, d. August 1742
Marriage | 30 November 1665 | Robert Roebuck and Elizabeth Ragge were married on 30 November 1665 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, Even if she married at age 16, she would have been in her 90's when she died. However, I haven't seen another death for her, and I don't know what other Roebuck she would be the widow of at this time. If I find that this fact is wrong, I will move it.1 |
Death | August 1742 | She died in August 1742 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England,2 |
Burial | 21 August 1742 | She was buried on 21 August 1742 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Widow Robuck"2 |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 125 of 132. Marriage of Robert Robuck and Elizabeth Ragge; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 226 of 251, Burial of Widow Roebuck
Joseph Roebuck
M, #11238, b. about 1707, d. 1720
Birth | about 1707 | Joseph Roebuck was born about 1707 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. |
Death | 1720 | He died in 1720 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England,1 |
Burial | 20 September 1720 | He was buried on 20 September 1720 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England.1 |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 125 of 132. Marriage of Robert Robuck and Elizabeth Ragge; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
Joseph Roebuck
M, #11239, b. about 1730, d. September 1732
Birth | about 1730 | Joseph Roebuck was born about 1730 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. |
Death | September 1732 | He died in September 1732 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, |
Burial | 7 September 1732 | He was buried on 7 September 1732 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Joseph, son of Jonathan Roabuck"1 |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 163 of 251, Joseph Roebuck death; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
Nathaniel Roebuck
M, #11240, b. 15 October 1736, d. 1736
Death | 1736 | Nathaniel Roebuck died in 1736 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, |
Birth | 15 October 1736 | He was born on 15 October 1736 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "of Gainsborough". Parents not listed in these baptisms.1 |
Baptism | 16 October 1736 | He was baptized on 16 October 1736 at Presbyterian Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England.2 |
Burial | 3 November 1736 | He was buried on 3 November 1736 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Nat son of Nathanial Robuck" |
- [S1038] Non-conformist Presbyterian or Independent (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 7 of 8, Benjamin Roebuck Baptism; 8 images, Find My Past ($) (
- [S1038] Non-conformist Presbyterian or Independent (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 6 of 8, Nathaniel Roebuck Baptism
Robert Roebuck
M, #11242, b. February 1666
Birth | February 1666 | Robert Roebuck was born in February 1666 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England.1 |
Baptism | 21 February 1666 | He was baptized on 21 February 1666 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Robert the son of Robert Robuck"1 |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 34 of 132, top right, out of order, Robert Roebuck Baptism; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
Richard Roebuck1
M, #11243, b. 1674, d. July 1710
Birth | 1674 | Richard Roebuck was born in 1674 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. |
Baptism | 3 December 1674 | He was baptized on 3 December 1674 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England.2 |
Death | July 1710 | He died in July 1710 in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England,3 |
Burial | 20 July 1710 | He was buried on 20 July 1710 at All Saints Church in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England.3 |
- "Richard, ye sonne of Robert Roebucke, whitesmith"
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 40 of 132, Richard Roebuck son of Rob't, baptism; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
- [S1046] Original parish records and bishop's transcripts at the Nottinghamshire Archives, "Nottinghamshire Burial Index 1539 - 1905", database, Find My Past (4) (, Mary Roebuck widow. No image.
Elizabeth Roebuck
F, #11244, b. April 1670, d. June 1672
Birth | April 1670 | Elizabeth Roebuck was born in April 1670 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. |
Baptism | 29 April 1670 | She was baptized on 29 April 1670 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Elizabeth daughter of Rob't Roebucke of Gainsborough"1 |
Death | June 1672 | She died in June 1672 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England,2 |
Burial | 17 June 1672 | She was buried on 17 June 1672 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Elizabeth daughter of Robert Roebucke of Gainsborough" |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 36 of 132, Elizabeth Roebuck Baptism; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 94 of 132, Elizabeth Roebuck, dau of Rob't, burial
Elizabeth Roebuck
F, #11245, b. June 1672
Birth | June 1672 | Elizabeth Roebuck was born in June 1672 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England.1 |
Baptism | 17 June 1672 | She was baptized on 17 June 1672 at All Saints Church in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. "Elizabeth, daughter of Rob't Roebucke of Gainsborough" Baptized on the same day as the burial of the first Elizabeth?1 |
- [S1039] All Saints Church (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England), Image 38 of 132, Elizabeth Roebuck 2, dau of Rob't, baptism; digital images, Find My Past ($) (
Elizabeth Roebuck
F, #11247, b. July 1703
Birth | July 1703 | Elizabeth Roebuck was born in July 1703 in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England. |
Baptism | 24 July 1703 | She was baptized on 24 July 1703 in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England.1 |
- [S1045] Nottinghamshire Family History Society and Julie Gerring, "Nottinghamshire Baptisms 1635-1812", from the original parish registers and bishop's transcripts, Find My Past ($) (, Rich Roebuck son of Richard; Bishop's Transcripts
Anne Roebuck
F, #11248, b. May 1706, d. October 1707
Birth | May 1706 | Anne Roebuck was born in May 1706 in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England.1 |
Baptism | 17 May 1706 | She was baptized on 17 May 1706 at All Saints Church in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England.1 |
Death | October 1707 | She died in October 1707 in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England,2 |
Burial | 30 October 1707 | She was buried on 30 October 1707 at All Saints Church in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England. The record transcript lists the church as All Souls, but the Misterton All Saints church dates back to the Middle Ages, so this seems to be an error.2 |
- [S1045] Nottinghamshire Family History Society and Julie Gerring, "Nottinghamshire Baptisms 1635-1812", from the original parish registers and bishop's transcripts, Find My Past ($) (, Anne Roebuck dau of Richard; Bishop's Transcripts
- [S1046] Original parish records and bishop's transcripts at the Nottinghamshire Archives, "Nottinghamshire Burial Index 1539 - 1905", database, Find My Past (4) (, Mary Roebuck widow. No image.
Richard Roebuck
M, #11249, b. October 1708
Family: Mary (d. May 1751)
Birth | October 1708 | Richard Roebuck was born in October 1708 in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England.1 |
Baptism | 31 October 1708 | He was baptized on 31 October 1708 at All Saints Church in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England. Father noted as Rich. Roebuck. The source transcript lists the church as All Souls, but the Misterton All Saints Church dates back to the Middle Ages, so presumably an error.1 |
Marriage | | He and Mary were married, date unknown I am hypothesizing that this Richard had a wife Mary, because after I see a probate index entry for Richard of Misterton, I see a death for Mary Roebuck of Misterton, widow.
If I find conflicting evidence, I will revise this. |
Probate Record | 1749 | Richard was listed in probate records in 1749 in Misterton, Nottinghamshire, England. Find My Past lists a record that I will attach as an image, Archive Reference Borthwick Institute for Archives, Peculiars.
Record Set: York Peculiars Probate Index, 1383 - 1883
Viewed 3/8/23. There is a link to order any available forms, so I filled it in, although the record did not give any volume and page as the form wanted.
Fingers crossed. |
- [S1045] Nottinghamshire Family History Society and Julie Gerring, "Nottinghamshire Baptisms 1635-1812", from the original parish registers and bishop's transcripts, Find My Past ($) (, Rich Roebuck son of Richard; Bishop's Transcripts
Roebuck Benjamin
M, #11250, b. about 1690
Birth | about 1690 | Roebuck Benjamin was born about 1690. |