Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 86

Willson Merritt

M, #2126


Last Edited 22 December 2016

James Ferris

M, #2127


FatherJoseph Ferris (b. about 1632, d. 1699)


Note(3.3) JAMES FERRIS [Jr.,] (8RLK-JS) born c1662/63 Stamford (Greenwich?) and died in July 1727, Greenwich. He was not a voter on the 1688 list, which might indicate his birth date was as late as 1667/68. On land deeds, he was referred to as James, Jr. James married, circa 1705/14/16, at Greenwich, widow Rachel (Brown) Mead, widow of Nathaniel Mead. [There is a question if James’s marriage to Rachel was his first marriage, considering he would have been 52-54 years old when he is purported to wed.] They resided in Greenwich and were Congregationalists. Born to them were (and possibly others):

(3.3.1) ELIZABETH FERRIS born December 1, 1716 Greenwich; married Silas Selleck [son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Sands) Selleck] born in June 1715 Stamford CT and died in 1772. Issue.

(3.3.2) JAMES H. FERRIS,(Jr.?), born March 22, 1720 Greenwich and died c1777, Poundridge, Westchester County NY. On March 6, 1739, James choose Captain John Mead as his guardian. He married, Mary, maiden name unknown, who died October 13, 1803, age 77. They joined the New Canaan CT Congregational Church, 1747, and later moved to Poundridge. Issue.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S2] A Ferris Family Tree, the Descendants of Jeffrie Ferris, James G. Ferris, email address, Brownsboro, Alabama, online https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/45050807/family?usePUBJs=true

William Mead

M, #2128, b. about 1592, d. about 1663

Family: Philip (d. 19 September 1657)

DaughterMary Mead
SonJoseph Mead (b. about April 1624, d. 3 May 1690)
SonJohn Mead+ (b. about 1628, d. 5 FEB 1699/1700)
DaughterMartha Mead (b. about 1630, d. before 20 November 1695)


NoteFor an excellent study of the origins of William Mead, obtain a copy of Gordon L. Remington's article "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Conn.", The American Genealogist, January 1998, Number 289, Vol. 73, No. 1. He discusses the three generations before William in Watford, Hertfordshire, England.
Birthabout 1592William Mead was born about 1592 in Watford, Hertfordshire, England.1
Baptism27 December 1592He was baptized on 27 December 1592 in Watford, Hertfordshire, England.1
Marriageabout 1620He and Philip were married about 1620 in England2
Address7 December 1641As of 7 December 1641, William lived in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Stamfor Town Records show that "Wm Mayd" was granted five acres with woodland.1
Deathabout 1663He died about 1663 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,
Research NoteFor information about the possible Watford, Hertfordshire, England, background of William Mead, see Gordon Remington's article in The American Genealogist, Jan. 1998.
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.8. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."
  2. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", p.4.

William Scofield

M, #2129

Family: Sarah Holly (b. 4 May 1784)


MarriageWilliam Scofield and Sarah Holly were married, date unknown
Last Edited 22 December 2016


F, #2130, d. 19 September 1657

Family: William Mead (b. about 1592, d. about 1663)

DaughterMary Mead
SonJoseph Mead (b. about April 1624, d. 3 May 1690)
SonJohn Mead+ (b. about 1628, d. 5 FEB 1699/1700)
DaughterMartha Mead (b. about 1630, d. before 20 November 1695)


Marriageabout 1620William Mead and Philip were married about 1620 in England1
Death19 September 1657She died on 19 September 1657 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.4. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."
  2. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", p.8.

Joseph Mead

M, #2131, b. about April 1624, d. 3 May 1690


FatherWilliam Mead (b. about 1592, d. about 1663)
MotherPhilip (d. 19 September 1657)

Family: Mary Brown


Birthabout April 1624Joseph Mead was born about April 1624 in Hertfordshire, England.1
Baptism25 April 1624He was baptized on 25 April 1624 in Watford, Hertfordshire, England.1
Marriage4 December 1654He and Mary Brown were married on 4 December 1654 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
NotePer Gordon L. Remington's 1998 article in The American Genealogist, Joseph and Mary "were the ancestors of the Mead family of Norwalk, Ridgefield, and north Fairfield Co., Conn."1
Death3 May 1690He died on 3 May 1690 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.9. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."

John Mead

M, #2132, b. about 1628, d. 5 FEB 1699/1700


FatherWilliam Mead (b. about 1592, d. about 1663)
MotherPhilip (d. 19 September 1657)

Family: Hannah Potter

DaughterElizabeth Mead
DaughterMary Mead
SonJohn Mead+ (b. about 1657, d. 12 May 1693)
DaughterHannah Mead+ (b. about 1659)
SonJoseph Mead (b. April 1661, d. 1725)
SonEbenezer Mead (b. about 1663)
SonDavid Mead (b. about 1665, d. February 1727)
SonJonathan Mead+ (b. about 1665, d. 1713)
SonBenjamin Mead+ (b. May 1667, d. 22 February 1746)
SonNathaniel Mead+ (b. 1669, d. 1703)
SonSamuel Mead+ (b. about 1673, d. 1713)
DaughterAbigail Mead (b. about 1681)


Death5 FEB 1699/1700John Mead died 5 FEB 1699/1700 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Research NoteSpencer Mead's Genealogy Online. https://archive.org/stream/historyandgenea00meadgoog#page/n13/mode/1up
Birthabout 1628He was born about 1628 in Hertfordshire, England.1
Marriageabout 1655He and Hannah Potter were married about 1655 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Will16 March 1696He signed a will on 16 March 1696 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut. Posted to Mead Researchers Yahoo Group Email list by Wanda Mead Campbell:
FIRST WILL OF JOHN MEAD I, dated March 16, 1696:
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I JOHN MEAD, SENIR, of grenwich in ye Collonie of Conecticut for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue & beare towards my naturall Sonn John Mead of ye Towne of grenwich & Colonie aforesd, have giuen & granted & do by these presents fully Clearely and absolutely giue & grant unto my sd Sonn John Mead now deseased for his Sonn John Mead my grandsonn a sertaine Per-sale of Land and meadow Lying & being in grenwich bounded by ye Land yt I John Mead Senir. bought of John Bowers north & a line drawn from ye north east corner of ye Land I bought of Angell Heusted Jr. to a grate rock Lying in ye frunt fence, all ye Lands lying within this Compas with ye house as it is bounded:
Ye frunt of sd Land being Bounded upon thee hyewaye west, the Reare upon ye sea South East. Upon these considerations following I giue & grant fully Clearely and absolutely ye above mentioned lands to him, his heaires & asignes: Imprimis, yt hee fully Confirme yt contract yt was betwene his father & his Unckle Ebinezer Mead; 2lly yt hee pay to his Brothers Jonathan & Nathan Mead when they come to be of eage five pounds to Each of them & to his Sister Elizabeth Mead fortie Shilings; Item, I giue & fully grant unto ye aforesd John two acres in ye home lott insted of yt which ye sd John his father, now deseased, had of me in ye Southfeild disposing of yt in ye Southfeild, as I see Convenient.
FURTHER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I John Mead Senir, aforesd for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue & beare toward my Naturall Sonn Joseph Mead of ye Towne of grenwich haue giuen & granted & by these presents do fully Clearely & absolutely giue & grant unto my sd Sonn Joseph Mead his heaires & Asignes a sertain Persale of Land & meadow, lying in Myanos neck estemed seven acres be it more or Les, as it is Bounded; Item, I giue unto my sd Sonn Joseph Mead, his heaires & asignes, three acres of Land in Stanfford Southfield near ye uper gate be it more or Les, as it is Bounded.
FURTHER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I John Mead Senir, aforesd for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue and beare toward my Naturall Sonn Ebinezer Mead of ye Towne of grenwich aforesd haue giuen & granted & by these presents do fully, Clearely & absolutely giue & grant unto my sd Sonn Ebinezer his heaires & asignes a Persale of meadow in ye Hosack meadow, estemed two acres & an halfe be it more of Les, ye Bounds being known to ye sd Ebinezer.
FURTHER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I John Mead Senir, aforesd for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue & beare toward my Naturall Sonn Jonathan Mead of ye Towne of grenwich aforesd haue giuen & granted & by these presents do fully Clearely & absolutely giue & grant unto my sd Sonn Jonathan his heaires & asignes an home lott Layd out to mee at horseneck and all my Lands lying within horse neck feild & a Persale of Land containing three acres more or Les, Lying at ye South East End of ye Widow Hows Lott.
FURTHER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I John Mead Senir, aforesd for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue & beare towards my Naturall Son David Mead of ye Towne of Bedfford now in ye government of New Yorke, haue given & granted & by these presents do fully Clearely & absolutely giue & grant unto my sd Sonn David Mead his heaires & asignes my whole acomidation Lying & being at Bedfford both Lands & meadows as it was granted to me.
FURTHER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I John Mead Senir, aforesd for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue & bear towards my Naturall Sonn Benjamin Mead of ye Towne of grenwich aforesd, haue giuen & granted & by these presents do fully Clearely & absolutely giue & grant unto my sd Sonn Benjamen those Persales of Land & meadows hereafter exprest, viz.: five acres of Land at Stickling brock as it is Layd out to mee, and all my Lands & meadow Lying & being at that place Commonly Cauled Coscob, as it is Layd out to mee & ten acres of upland above ye Road aded now to ye five.
FURTHER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I John Mead Senir, aforesd for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue & beare towards my Naturall Sonn Nathaniell Mead of ye Towne of grenwich aforesd haue giuen & granted & by these presents do fully Clearely & absolutely giue & grant unto my sd Sonn Nathaniell, his heaires & asigns an acre & Twentie rods of meadow in ye Southfeild, as it is Bounded; Likewise seven acres of Land Lying at a place cauled Croch; also two Thirds of my Lands, as it shall be Layd out of that Estate in Patrigs List.
FURTHER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, yt I John Mead Senir, aforesd for ye Love goodwill & afection which I haue & beare toward my Naturall Sonn Samil Mead of ye Town of grenwich haue giuen & granted & by these presents do fully Clearely & absolutely giue & grant unto ye sd Samil Mead, his heaires & asignes all my Houseing with ye Orched: Item, all of my Lands on ye East Side of ye Hyewaye by my House both meadow & Land & Plowing Land, Bounded by ye grate Rock yt lyeth in ye fence of ye Land of my Grand Sonn John Mead & upon a Streight line to ye North East Corner of ye meadow Land I John Mead aforsd Bought of Angell Heusted Jur.: Item, all my Land upon Elizabeth neck, as it is bounded: Item, all my alotment in Ye Long meadow & all my meadow Lying by James Ferris, as it is Bounded, & ye peace of Land I bought of Clement Buxton Lying in Stanfford Southfeild as it is Bounded & my alotment in Stanfford Eastfeild in Shipan, which my father Potters, as it is Bounded; also yt Persale of Lane I had of ye ouerseers of my father Potters Estate Lying within Stanfford bounds, frunting by ye Hye waye, by ye South feild, as it is Bounded.
FURTHER KNOW yt aforesd housing, Land & meadows I do frely giue to him sd Samil my Sonn, his heaires & asignes as aforesd, also a Persale of Land Lying by Gershom Lockwood, Bounded by ye Hye waye, next west upon ye Land of my Grant Sonn John Mead South East, which Persale of Land was not mentioned before. Provided yt ye sd Samil his heaires and asignes do well & honarably maintaine his mother with a Convenient roome in ye house such a roome as she shall cheuse, & with such other Things as may be Sutable for her Comfortable Subsistence during her widdowhood & that hee pay out to his brother Nathaniell aforesd Twentie pounds in Provesion paye as it paseth from man to man amoungst us. Beginning ye Payment of it after my Desease & Paying five Pounds pr annum till tis Payde.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale this 16 of March 1695-96.
John + Mead
These aboue Writen Deads & seuerall Grants of Lands on both sides of this Paper was acnowlidged by ye granter John Mead Senir to bee his act & deed this 24 of March 1697, in Stanfford before mee.
SECOND WILL OF JOHN MEAD I, also dated March 16, 1696:
WHEREAS, I, JOHN MEAD SENIR of grenwich in ye Collonie conecticut though at present in reasonable helth, yet being sencable of my bodyly weakness and Infirmities of ould eage and not Knowing the daye of my departure out of this world do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following:
First: I Comit my Soul into ye hands of Allmity God hopeing for Saluation from the Riches of His Grace through the allone merrits of Jesus. Also I Comit my body to ye Earth decently to be buried and there to rest unto the Resurection of the Just. And for my wuldly Est. boath Reall and personall, I dispose of it as followeth:
Imprimis: All my just debts and funerall Charges being paid by my wife whom I make my Sole Executrix of my will and I do will and bequeath unto my Eldest Sonn John Mead the Just Sum of five Shillings, besides what I haue alredy Giuen him to be paid by my Executrix.
2lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my Sonn Joseph Mead ye Just sum of five Shilings besides what I haue already giuen him to be paid by my Executrix.
3lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my Sonn Ebinezer Mead ye Just sum of five Shilings besides what I haue already giuen him to be paid by my executrix.
4lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my Sonn Johnathan Mead ye Just sum of five Shilings besides what I haue already giuen him to be paid by my Executrix.
5lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my Sonn Dauid Mead ye Just sum of five Shilings besides what I haue already giuen him to be paid by my Executrix.
6lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my Sonn Benjamen Mead ye Just sum of five Shilings besides what I haue already giuen him to be paid by my Executrix.
7lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my Sonn Nathaniell Mead ye Just sum of five Shilings besides what I haue already giuen him to be paid by my Executrix.
8lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my Sonn Sam'll Mead ye Just sum of five Shilings besides what I haue already giuen him to be paid by my Executrix.
9lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my daughter Hannah Scoful ye full & Just sum of five Shilings to be paid by my Executrix.
10lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my daughter Abagaile ye Just sum of five Shilings to be paid by my Executrix.
11lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my daughter Mary ye Just sum of five Shilings to be paid by my Executrix.
12lly: My will is and I do will and bequeath unto my dear and loueing Hannah Mead all my Estate Reall and Personall which I haue not disposed of to my Children Either by Will or gifts. She paying the seuerall Legacies as before Exprest for her Comfortable Subsistanc in this world and to be wholly at her disposal to distribute.
Lastly: My will is that my Sonns Joseph, Ebinezer, and Benjamen be ouerseers to se yt this my Last Will & Testament be fully & Carefully performed to see yt there mother be provided for.
IN CONFERMATION yt this is my Last Will & Testament, I haue hereunto Sett my hand and Seale this 16 of March, 1695-96.
The aboue writen Will was acnolidged by John Mead Senir, to bee
his own free act & deed this 24th March, 1697, in Stanfford before
Last Edited 2 November 2017


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.9. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."

Martha Mead

F, #2133, b. about 1630, d. before 20 November 1695


FatherWilliam Mead (b. about 1592, d. about 1663)
MotherPhilip (d. 19 September 1657)

Family 1: John Richardson

Family 2: Thomas Williams


Birthabout 1630Martha Mead was born about 1630 in Hertfordshire, England.1
Marriagebefore January 1654/55John Richardson and she were married before January 1654/551
Marriageabout 24 July 1683Thomas Williams and she were married about 24 July 1683 in New York (date of license)1
Deathbefore 20 November 1695She died before 20 November 1695 in Westchester County, New York,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.9. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."

John Richardson

M, #2134

Family: Martha Mead (b. about 1630, d. before 20 November 1695)


Marriagebefore January 1654/55John Richardson and Martha Mead were married before January 1654/551
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.9. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."

Thomas Williams

M, #2135

Family: Martha Mead (b. about 1630, d. before 20 November 1695)


Marriageabout 24 July 1683Thomas Williams and Martha Mead were married about 24 July 1683 in New York (date of license)1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.9. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."

Mary Brown

F, #2136

Family: Joseph Mead (b. about April 1624, d. 3 May 1690)


Marriage4 December 1654Joseph Mead and Mary Brown were married on 4 December 1654 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.9. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."

Hannah Potter

F, #2137

Family: John Mead (b. about 1628, d. 5 FEB 1699/1700)

DaughterElizabeth Mead
DaughterMary Mead
SonJohn Mead+ (b. about 1657, d. 12 May 1693)
DaughterHannah Mead+ (b. about 1659)
SonJoseph Mead (b. April 1661, d. 1725)
SonEbenezer Mead (b. about 1663)
SonDavid Mead (b. about 1665, d. February 1727)
SonJonathan Mead+ (b. about 1665, d. 1713)
SonBenjamin Mead+ (b. May 1667, d. 22 February 1746)
SonNathaniel Mead+ (b. 1669, d. 1703)
SonSamuel Mead+ (b. about 1673, d. 1713)
DaughterAbigail Mead (b. about 1681)


Marriageabout 1655John Mead and Hannah Potter were married about 1655 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S232] Gordon L. Remington, "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist Vol. 73, No. 1 (January 1998): p.9. Hereinafter cited as "The English Origin of William Mead of Stamford, Connecticut."

Nathaniel Mead

M, #2138, b. 1728, d. 1814


FatherJohn Mead (b. 7 October 1682, d. 1759)
MotherElizabeth Lockwood

Family: Charity Bush (b. 27 March 1729)

SonJasper Mead (b. 25 July 1760, d. 13 September 1847)
DaughterCharity Mead (b. 14 July 1762)
DaughterRebecca Mead (b. about 1766)
SonWilliam Mead (b. about 1770)
DaughterBetsy Mead (b. about 1772)
DaughterAnna Mead (b. about 1774)


Probate RecordNathaniel was listed in probate records.1
Birth1728He was born in 1728.
Marriageabout 1757He and Charity Bush were married about 1757 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,2
Property Record14 March 1764Nathaniel was involved in a property transaction on 14 March 1764 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. TO ALL PEOPLE To Whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know Ye that we, Justus Bush, John Grigg & Ann Grigg, Amos Mead and Ruth Mead, Nath'l Mead & Charity Mead & Mathew Mead and Mary Mead, all of Greenwich in the county of Fairfield & colony of Connecticut in New England for and in consideration of the Sum of Forty Shillings Lawfull money Received to our full satisfaction of our Brother David Bush of said Greenwich do Give Grant and Quit Claim us to him the said David Bush and to his heirs and assigns all the Right Title Claim and Interest that we and each of us have in and unto a certain thirty eight shillings and nine pence Right in a certain Lot of Land Lying in said Greenwich above the Country Road commonly called Palmer Lot being all the Right & Title & Interest that we or any of us have in and unto sd Lot. The whole of sd Lot is in Quantity about Twelve acres and half and is there bounded southerly by Land of Thaddeus Marshall, Easterly and Northerly by Land of Nath'l Smith Formerly belonging to Gersham Lockwood Jun'r and westerly by the Highway commonly called the Road from Cos Cobb to North Street. To Have and to hold the above. Granted and Quitclaimed premises with all the privilledges and appurtenances thereof unto him ye said David Bush and to his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own proper use, Benefit and Behoof without any Let (?), Claim, Hindrance or Malefaction whatsoever from us or either of us our heirs, executors or Adm'rs or either of them. IN WITNESS whereof we have here unto set our hands and Seals in Greenwich the 14th day of March AD 1764.

Amos Mead, Ruth Mead, Charity Mead, Mary Mead, Justus Bush, William Bush, John Grigg, Nath'l Mead, Matthew Mead.

Signed Sealed & Delivered in Presence of Peter Mead, Isaac Holmes Jn'r, Paul Mumford, Asa Spalding

Fairfield County Ss. In Greenwich on the 14th day of March 1764 Then Personally appeared Nathaniel Mead, Charity Mead, Matthew Mead & Mary Mead the Signers and Sealers of the Within Instrument and acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed before me, Peter Mead, Justice of Peace.

And also in Greenwich abovesaid on the 15th day of March abovesaid personally appeared Justus Bush, William Bush, John Grigg and Ann Grigg, the signers and Sealers of the within written Instrument and acknowledged the same to be their free Act and Deed before me, Peter Mead Justice of Peace.

And also in Greenwich above said on the 16th day of March abovesaid personally appeared Amos Mead and Ruth Mead signers and Sealers of the within written Instrument and acknowledged the same to be their free Act and Deed before me, Peter Mead Justice of Peace.3
Probate Extract12 March 1804Nathaniel was listed in a probate extract on 12 March 1804 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Mead, Nathaniel, and Charity Mead, his wife, late of Greenwich, will dated Aug. 22, 1804, not probated, mentioned "our children" Jasper, Nathaniel, 3rd, William, Charity, wife of Joshua Knapp, Rebecca, wife of Shubael Knapp, Elizabeth Mead, and Ann, wife of Gilbert Totton. Executors son William and son-in-law Joshua Knapp. Witnesses Mary Mead, Samuel Close and Ebenezer Mead. Codicil dated Apr. 22, 1813, made provisions for his widow for life.

Mead, Nathaniel, late of Greenwich, inventory taken by Nathaniel Heusted and Isaac How, and filed Apr. 4, 1815, page 421. June 19, 1816, account filed by Nathaniel Knapp, administrator, and real estate ordered sold to pay debts, page 422. Nov. 9, 1816, estate ordered distributed to his children Jasper, Charity, wife of Joshua Knapp, Rebecca, wife of Shubal Knapp, Nathaniel, William, Betsey, and Anna, wife of Gilbert Totten, page 272. Nov. 15, 1816, estate distributed accordingly, page 274.4
Death1814He died in 1814 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,
Probate Record4 April 1815Nathaniel was listed in probate records on 4 April 1815 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. An Inventory of the estate of Nathaniel Mead late of Greenwich dec'd:

Personal property as by Inventory on file:
Page 1st$271.12 1/2
Page 2d$62.49 1/2
Page 3d$27.46 1/2
Page 4th$88.40 1/2
Page 5th$46.87 1/2
An undivided right in 164 acres land @ $50 p acre671.63 1/2

Nathaniel Heusted, Isaac How: Appraisers under oath.

The foregoing Inventory as on file of the estate of Nathaniel Mead late of Greenwich dec'd. was accepted at a Court of Probate April 4th 1815 on oath of the Adm'd. and ordered to be recorded.
Attest: J. Wood, Clk.5
Probate Record4 June 1816Nathaniel was listed in probate records on 4 June 1816 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. At a Court of Probate held at Stamford June 4th 1816 Joseph Wood Esqr. Judge present. On application of the Admin'r. on the estate of Nathaniel Mead late of Greenwich dec'd this Court extends the settlement of said estate to the 18th of June Instant.
Attest Seymour Jarvis, Clk.5
Probate Record15 November 1816Nathaniel was listed in probate records on 15 November 1816 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon. Court of Probate for the district of Stamford to distribute the real estate of Nath'l Mead & Charity Mead dec'd have made the following division, viz:

Distributed to Jasper Mead, son of sd. dec'd. a tract of land containing seventeen acres and two roods bounded northerly by land hereafter set out to Charity Knapp, Easterly by Samuel Mills land, Southerly by Daniel Peck's land and westerly highway. Set out to Charity Knapp wife of Joshua Knapp a piece of land containing twenty one acres and two roods bounded northerly by land hereafter set to Rebecca Knapp, easterly by Samuel Mills land, southerly by Jasper Mead's land & westerly by highway. Set out to Rebecca Knapp, wife of Shubel Knapp, a tract of land containing sixteen acres, three roods and thirty rods bounded northerly by land hereafter set to Betsy Mead, easterly by land of Samuel Mills, southerly by land distributed to Charity Knapp, and westerly by highway. Distributed to Betsy Mead a tract of land containing twenty three acres bounded northerly by land hereafter set to Anna Totten, easterly by Samuel Mills land, southerly by land distributed to Rebecca Knapp & westerly by highway. Set out to Anna Totten, wife of Gilbert Totten, a piece of land containing twenty-six acres bounded north by land hereafter set to Nath'l Mead, Jr., easterly by Samuel Mills land, southerly by land set to Betsy Mead & westerly by land set to sd. Betsy in part and partly by highway.

Distributed to Nath'l Mead, Jr., a tract of land in quantity swenty seven acres bounded northerly by land hereafter set to William Mead, easterly by land of Samuel Mills, southerly by land set out to Anna Totten, westerly by highway.

Distributed to William Mead a tract of land containing thirty seven acres two roods bounded northerly by Gilbert Close, Esqr. & Joshua Mead's land, easterly by Samuel Mills, southerly by land set to Nath'l Mead Jr., and westerly by highway.

Greenwich, 15th Nov. 1816, Nathaniel Heusted, Isaac Peck 3rd, Smith Clason, Distributors under oath.

The foregoing distribution of the estate of Nath'l & Charity Mead was exhibited at a court of Probate held at Stamford in and for Stamford district Nov. 16, 1816, Joseph Wood, Esqr, Judge, present accepted and ordered to be recorded. Test. Sey. Jarvis, Clerk.1
Last Edited 2 November 2017


  1. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 274. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  3. [S240] Greenwich, CT Land Records: Copy received from Gail Blankenau. Top of page says (97), corner of page stamped 193.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Land Records.
  4. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.
  5. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566: p. 421.

Charity Bush

F, #2139, b. 27 March 1729


Family: Nathaniel Mead (b. 1728, d. 1814)

SonJasper Mead (b. 25 July 1760, d. 13 September 1847)
DaughterCharity Mead (b. 14 July 1762)
DaughterRebecca Mead (b. about 1766)
SonWilliam Mead (b. about 1770)
DaughterBetsy Mead (b. about 1772)
DaughterAnna Mead (b. about 1774)


Birth27 March 1729Charity Bush was born on 27 March 1729 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriageabout 1757Nathaniel Mead and she were married about 1757 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Probate Record6 June 1816Charity was listed in probate records on 6 June 1816 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. An Inventory of the estate of Charity Mead

An undivided right in 164 acres of land at $50 p acre & 626 (?) acres land at $67.50 p acre........9135.43/100

Nathaniel Heusted, Isaac How: Appraisers under oath.

The foregoing Inventory of the estate of Charity Mead late of Greenwich dec'd was exhibited at a Court of Probate held at Stamford in and for Stamford district June 6th 1816. Ebenezer Davenport Esq'r. Judge present and accepted on the oath of the Admin'r. and ordered to be recordrd.

Attest JWood Clk.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 422. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

Jasper Mead

M, #2140, b. 25 July 1760, d. 13 September 1847


FatherNathaniel Mead (b. 1728, d. 1814)
MotherCharity Bush (b. 27 March 1729)


NoteI have seen other records that say that Bush Mead was the son of Matthew Mead. Have not studied this.
Birth16 June 1760Jasper Mead was born on 16 June 1760.1
Birth25 July 1760He was born on 25 July 1760 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Death13 September 1847He died on 13 September 18471
Last Edited 17 October 2020


  1. [S242] Spencer P. Mead, History & Genealogy of the Mead Family (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1901), p. 193. Hereinafter cited as History & Genealogy of the Mead Family.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Charity Mead

F, #2141, b. 14 July 1762


FatherNathaniel Mead (b. 1728, d. 1814)
MotherCharity Bush (b. 27 March 1729)


Birth14 July 1762Charity Mead was born on 14 July 1762 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Rebecca Mead

F, #2142, b. about 1766


FatherNathaniel Mead (b. 1728, d. 1814)
MotherCharity Bush (b. 27 March 1729)


Birthabout 1766Rebecca Mead was born about 1766.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

William Mead

M, #2143, b. about 1770


FatherNathaniel Mead (b. 1728, d. 1814)
MotherCharity Bush (b. 27 March 1729)


Birthabout 1770William Mead was born about 1770.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Betsy Mead

F, #2144, b. about 1772


FatherNathaniel Mead (b. 1728, d. 1814)
MotherCharity Bush (b. 27 March 1729)


Birthabout 1772Betsy Mead was born about 1772.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Anna Mead

F, #2145, b. about 1774


FatherNathaniel Mead (b. 1728, d. 1814)
MotherCharity Bush (b. 27 March 1729)


Birthabout 1774Anna Mead was born about 1774.1
Marriage15 October 1801Gilbert Totten and she were married on 15 October 1801 at Second Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
Will3 May 1818She signed a will on 3 May 1818. In the name of God, Amen. I, Anna Totton, wife of Gilbert Totton, being weak in body but of a sound disposing mind and memory do make & publish this my last Will & Testament in marrer and form following:
Being in possession of a certain tract or parvel of land lying & being in the Town of Greenwich, Fairfield County & State of Connecticut, do order that the said land be sold by my Executor when he shall think proper & the money arising from said sale be equally divided between my Daughters, viz, Charity, Esther, Rebecca & Betsey & I do hereby appoint & constitute Gilbert Totton, my beloved Husb and Executor of this my last Will & Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this 3rd day of May 1818. Anna Totton (Seal)

Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the above named Anna Totton to be her last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator: Elisha R. Belcher, Samuel Totton, Jn'r. , Moses Totton.3
Probate3 November 1818She had her estate probated on 3 November 1818 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Fairfield County Ss Stamford Nov'r. 3rd. 1818. Personally appeared Moses Totton & made oath that he saw Anna Totton, now Dec'd, sign her name to the foregoing instrument at the same time heard her declare the same to be her last will & Testament & took her to be of sound mind and memory. That he together with Elisha H. Belcher & Samuel Totton Jn'r. at the request & in the presence of the Testatrix subscribed the same as Witnesses before me. Simeon H. Minor, Jus. of Peace.

At a Court of Probate held at Stamford in Stamford District on the 3rd day of Nov'r. 1818 James Stevens Esqr. Judge present, Personally appeared the Executor of the within Will, praying this Court to approve the same & on the foregoing testimony of Moses Totton one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto. This Court adjudges said Will to be proved, approves thereof & orders the same to be recorded. The Executor accepted the Executorship of said Will, became bound to said Judge as the law directs, which bond is on file & on motion of said Executor this Court limmits Seven Months from this date for the Exhibition of claims against said estate & orders said Executor to give legal notice thereof.
Attest S.H. Minor, Clk.4
Probate Record5 December 1818Anna was listed in probate records on 5 December 1818 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. An Inventory of the real estate of Anna Totton late of the Town of Rye, County of West Chester & State of New York, Dec'd, lying in the Town of Greenwich the same being Twentysix acres at Sixty Dollars per acre, which amounts to $1560.
Sam'l Close, Daniel Peck, Appraisers under oath.

At a Court of Probate held at Stamford in Stamford District on the 7th day of Dec'r. 1818 James Stevens Esq'r. Judge, present. The foregoing inventory was exhibited & accepted on the oath of the Executor & ordained to be recorded.

Attest, S.H. Minor, Clk.4
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S113] Abstracted by Spencer P. Mead, Viewed on website of New England Historical and Genealogical Society database., Church Records of Greenwich, CT, 1728-1909, abstracted from the records of 1st and 2nd Congregational, Stanwich Congregational, N. Greenwich Congregational, Christ Episcopal, King Street Baptist, Round Hill Methodist Episcopal, Stanwich Methodist Episcopal.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Churches abstracted by Spencer Mead.
  3. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 555. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.
  4. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566: p. 556.

Gilbert Totten

M, #2146

Family: Anna Mead (b. about 1774)


Marriage15 October 1801Gilbert Totten and Anna Mead were married on 15 October 1801 at Second Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Last Edited 2 May 2019


  1. [S113] Abstracted by Spencer P. Mead, Viewed on website of New England Historical and Genealogical Society database., Church Records of Greenwich, CT, 1728-1909, abstracted from the records of 1st and 2nd Congregational, Stanwich Congregational, N. Greenwich Congregational, Christ Episcopal, King Street Baptist, Round Hill Methodist Episcopal, Stanwich Methodist Episcopal.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Churches abstracted by Spencer Mead.

Nathaniel Mead

M, #2147, b. 7 March 1746/47, d. 1813

Family: Martha Brown


Birth7 March 1746/47Nathaniel Mead was born on 7 March 1746/47.1
Will12 March 1804He signed a will on 12 March 1804 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. In the name of God amen. I Nathaniel Mead the third, of Greenwich in Fairfield county and state of Connecticut being of sound mind and memory for which God be thanked, calling to mind that it is for all men once to die do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (viz)
Imprimis, after my just and lawful debts and funeral expences are dischaged, I give and bequeath the use and benefit of all my estate both real and personal to my loving wife during her natural life. At her decease, after my executor hereafter to be named has paid over to my daughters Martha Lockwood and Prudence Bradwell twelve dollars and fifty cents each which together with what I have heretofore given them I consider as their part I give and bequeath the remainder of all my estate both real and personal to my sons Nehemiah, Nathaniel, William, Walter, Tyler and Harry & my daughters Anna Sutton, Hannah (Stent?) and Betsy to be equally divided among them only reserving to my son William a double part or two equal shares.

I do hereby constitute and appoint my wife Martha to be executor to this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby declare this &this only to be my last Will and Testament in wetness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in sd. Greenwich this 12th day of March 1804. Nathaniel Mead ye 3 (Seal)

Signed sealed published and declared by the Testator Nathaniel Mead 3rd to be his last Will & Testament in presence of Annis Hubby, Sarah Fitch, Shad'h Mead.2
Probate Extract12 March 1804Nathaniel was listed in a probate extract on 12 March 1804 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Mead Nathaniel, 3rd, late of Greenwich, will dated Mar. 12, 1804, probated Apr. 11, 1814, mentioned his wife Martha, and children Martha Lockwood, Prudence Brodwell, Nehemiah, Nathaniel, William, Walter, Tyler, Harvey, Anna Sutton, Hannah Steut(?), and Betsey. Executrix his wife. Witnesses Annis Hobby, Sarah Fitch, and Shadrach Mead, page 401. Apr. 11, 1814, order to advertise for claims, page 402. Nov. 15, 1814, account fine, and real estate ordered sold to pay debts, page 403, and inventory page 402. Nov. 18, 1814, date of sale, page 403.3
Death1813He died in 1813 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Probate Record6 April 1814Nathaniel was listed in probate records on 6 April 1814 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Fairfield County Ss Greenwich April 6th AD 1814. Personally appeared Annis Hubby the first subscribing witness to the within will of Nathaniel Mead 3rd. and made oath that she saw said Nathaniel Mead sign his name to the said Will and heard him declare the same to be his last Will and Testament and that she subscribed her name thereto in the presence of the testator and in the presence of the other two witnesses Sarah Fitch and Shadrach Mead and that she saw said witnesses subscribe their names to said Will.
Before me: Jabez Mead, Justice of Peace.

April 6th A.E. 1814. Inventory of the real and personal estate of Nathaniel Mead the 3d, late of Greenwich decd.

The half of twelve acres undivided land with the buildings at 150 dollars per acre.........$900.00
Personal estate as by Inventory on file...........$303.29.
Jonathan Mead, Jr., Isaac Mead: Appraisers under oath.4
Probate Record11 April 1814Nathaniel was listed in probate records on 11 April 1814 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. At a Court of Probate held at Stamford in and for Stamford district April 11th 1814, Ebenezer Davenport, Esqr Judge present. Martha Mead exhibited the foregoing Will for probate and on the preceding testimony said Will is considered by this court as proved and is approved and ordered to be recorded. The said Martha Accepted the trust of executing said Will and became bound with surety to said Judge according to law for the performance of said trust which bond is on file. And on her motion this Court limits seven months from this day for the exhibition of claims against said estate and orders her to advertise the creditors of said dec'd. thereof according to law.
Attest J. Wood Clerk
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 401-2. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.
  3. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.
  4. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566: p. 402.

Sarah Pierce

F, #2148

Family: Nehemiah Wilson (b. 26 June 1751, d. 24 January 1814)

DaughterEunice Wilson (b. 23 November 1784, d. 26 April 1865)
DaughterDesire Wilson+ (b. 26 March 1789, d. 19 April 1856)


BirthSarah Pierce was born in Block Island.1
Marriagebefore 1814Nehemiah Wilson and she were married before 18142,3
Death of Spouse24 January 1814On 24 January 1814, Sarah suffered the loss of her spouse Nehemiah Wilson.
Census1830She appeared in the census 1830 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Sarah is listed as: Wid. Sarah Wilson
3 males 5-10
1 male 20-30
1 female 20-30
1 female 50-60

Neighbors: Platt Mead, James Green, James Banks, Widow Polly Taylor, Tony Green, Jonah Green, Benjamin Green, Solomon Peck, Gilbert Peck.
Last Edited 8 October 2020


  1. [S838] Charles W. Baird, Chronicles of a Border Town: History of Rye, Westchester County, New York, 1660 - 1870 (New York: Anson D. F. Randolph and Company, 1871), p. 498; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/chronicleofborde00bair#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S838] Baird, Chronicles of a Border Town, p. 497
  3. [S226] Church of the LDS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819, FHL US/CAN Film # 5566, p. 415. Hereinafter cited as Probate Court Records, Stamford District, v 10-11 1804-1819.

Martha Brown

F, #2149

Family: Nathaniel Mead (b. 7 March 1746/47, d. 1813)

Last Edited 22 December 2016

Jonas Weed

M, #2150, b. 5 February 1667/68, d. 26 November 1706/07


FatherJohn Weed (b. about 1641, d. 1689/90)
MotherJoanna Westcott (b. about 1645, d. 1678)

Family: Mary Scofield (b. about 1678, d. after March 1748)

SonJohn Weed


Birth5 February 1667/68Jonas Weed was born on 5 February 1667/68 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage5 April 1695He and Mary Scofield were married on 5 April 1695 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
Probate Record8 January 1706/07Jonas was listed in probate records on 8 January 1706/07.  Inventory taken Jan. 8, 1706/7, and filed Apl. 11, 1707, page 112.

Dec. 25, 1707, account filed, and estate ordered distributed by Davis Scofield, Steven Bishop and Elisha Holly to his widow Mary Weed, and children, No Names, page 112.

Dec. 25, 1707, the court appointed Samuel Weed guardian of John and Nathan, sons do decedent, and the widow Mary Weed guardian of Miles and Sarah, other children of decedent, page 112a.
Death26 November 1706/07He died on 26 November 1706/07 WEED, Jonas, late of Stamford, son of John Weed, died Nov. 26, 1706, and on Jan. 28, 1706/7, letters of administration on his estate granted to his widow Mary Weed and Samuel Weed, pages 112 and 394
Probate Record3 January 1709/10Jonas was listed in probate records on 3 January 1709/10 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. WEED, Jonas, late of Stamford, son of John Weed, died Nov. 26, 1706, and on Jan. 28, 1706/7, letters of administration on his estate granted to his widow Mary Weed and Samuel Weed, pages 112 and 3943
Last Edited 10 February 2018


  1. [S797] Donald Lines Jacobus, History and genealogy of the families of old Fairfield (New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1930), Vol. 1, p. 1714; digital images, Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com (https://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=48014 : accessed
  2. [S761] "WikiTree", database, WikiTree (www.wikitree.com), "Entry on Jonas Weed and his descendants", https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Weed-33; submitted, [contact information for private use]
  3. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.