Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 246

John D. Disbrow

M, #6126, b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835


FatherJohn Disbrow (b. 1702, d. 1771)

Family: Susannah Morgan (b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853)

SonDaniel Morgan Disbrow (d. 4 February 1850)
DaughterCatherine Disbrow
SonNicholas Morgan Disbrow+ (b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864)
DaughterHannah Disbrow (b. 22 October 1787)
SonJames M. Disbrow (b. 1790)
SonCharles Disbrow (b. 1796)
DaughterAlice J ("Elsie") Disbrow+ (b. about 1803, d. 30 March 1889)


Birth9 September 1757John D. Disbrow was born on 9 September 1757 in South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Research Note17701770 Sayreville, Middlesex County, New Jersey. History of Middlesex County lists early Sayreville families as Disbrow, Price, Letts, Morgan, Peterson, Applegate.1
Marriage1 April 1780He and Susannah Morgan were married on 1 April 1780 in Middlesex County, New Jersey, In Susannah's pension application she brought Mary Hillyer before Judge Jacob Van Wickle, 14 Sep 1836, to testify that she was a bridesmaid at their marriage on 1 Apr 1780, by the Rev. Benjamin Dubois.2
Church AffiliationJohn was affiliated with the Baptist church, in Middletown, Middlesex County, New Jersey,based on naming. 20This is based on his naming the Baptist pastor James Goble as old friend and pastor, in his will. Also, the History of Monmouth County (Ellis, 1885) on p. 834 states that early Baptist meetings, in the 1830's, were sometimes held at the residence of Mr. John Disbrow, grandfather of Marshal John N. Disbrow. John N. was a grandson of John D. Disbrow, so this reference is to his home.

Will11 April 1835He signed a will on 11 April 1835 in South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey. In the name of God, Amen. I, John Disbrow of the Township of South Amboy, County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, being weak and feeble in body, but of sound mind and memory, Thanks be to God for the same, Do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made. And first and principally I commend my soul into the hand of him who gave it, and my body to the dust to be buried in Christian manner at the discretion of my Executor herein afterward mentioned. And as it respects such Estate of worldly Substance with which it hath pleased God to intrust me, I dispose of the same in the following manner viz.
FIRST, I will and bequeath to my dear Wife Susannah Disbrow, so long as she shall live the peaceable possession, benefit and enjoyment of all any property, both real and personal, after my just debts are all paid.
SECONDLY, I will and bequeath to my son Nicholas Disbrow the sum of Twenty dollars.
THIRDLY, I will and bequeath to my Granddaughter Catharine Ann Morgan the sum of Fifty dollars, to her, her heirs and assigns forever.
FOURTHLY, I will that after the death of my wife, that all my property both personal and real be disposed of in the best manner at the discretion of my Executors, and that the proceeds arising therefrom be divided into four equal shares, viz., Between my sons James and Charles Disbrow and my three daughters Hannah Dey, Catharine Burlew and Allice VanDerhoof to be applied in the following manner, to wit, one equal share to James Disbrow, his heirs and assigns forever; one equal share to Charles Disbrow, his heirs and assigns forever; and the two remaining shares to be equally divided between Hannah Dey, Catharine Burlew & Allice Van Derhoof share and share alike, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. The above division of shares to be made after all other claims and legacies are paid.
FIFTHLY, I make and appoint my good friend and Christian minister James C. Goble and Matthew Dey Executors of this my Last Will and Testament.

Made, Sealed, Signed and declared as my Last Will and Testament this 11th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred & thirtyfive.

In presence of John D. Disbrow
John B. Morris
Laurence W. Dey
William Dey
Death15 April 1835He died on 15 April 1835 in Cheesequake, Middlesex County, New Jersey,
Estate Administration16 May 1835I, Littleton Kirkpatrick, Surrogate of the County of Middlesex, do certify the annexed to be a true copy of the Last Will and Testament of John D. Disbrow, late of the County of Middlesex, deceased, and that James C. Goble and Matthew R. Dey, of the County of Middlesex, the Executors therein named, proved the same before me and are duly authorized to take upon themselves the administration of the Estate of the Testator, agreeably to the said Will.

Witness my hand and Seal of Office, this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and thirty five.
Littleton Kirkpatrick, Surrogate.
Estate Administration16 May 1835Inventory: Docket In, Vol G, Page 180 I was not able to find Inventory volumes on FamilySearch in the New Jersey Probate Records 1678-1980 collection.
Estate AdministrationSeptember 1835Application to Limit Creditors James C. Goble and Matthew R. Dey, Exrs of John D. Disbrow, Deceased:

Upon the application of James C. Goble and Matthew R. Dey, Executors of John D. Disbrow, Deceased, to this court to limit and appoint a certain time within which the creditors of the estate of the said Deceased shall bring in their debts demands and claims against the same, or that such creditor after such due notice being given be forever barred of his or her action against the said Executors. It is ordered by the Court that the said Executors give public notice to the creditors of said Deceased to bring in their debts demands and claims against the said Estate within twelve months from this time by setting u such notice in five of the most public places in said County for the space of two months and also by advertising the same for the like space of time in one of the newspapers printed in this State. And if any creditor shall neglect to exhibit his or her debt demand or claim within the said period of twelve months after public notice given as aforesaid, such creditor shall be forever barred of his or her action thereforw against the said Executors. L. Kirkpatrick, Clerk
Last Edited 23 March 2023


  1. [S691] John P. Wall and Harold E. Pickersgill, Associate Editors, History of Middlesex County, New Jersey 1664-1920: Three volumes (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1921), p. 469
  2. [S231] ; Record Group 15; FHL Film 0971703; Microcopy 804 (700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.: National Archives and Records Administration), Application of Susannah for pension in 1836.

Susannah Morgan

F, #6127, b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853


FatherCapt James Morgan (b. 1734, d. 1784)
MotherMargaret Everson (b. 1731, d. 1827)

Family: John D. Disbrow (b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835)

SonDaniel Morgan Disbrow (d. 4 February 1850)
DaughterCatherine Disbrow
SonNicholas Morgan Disbrow+ (b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864)
DaughterHannah Disbrow (b. 22 October 1787)
SonJames M. Disbrow (b. 1790)
SonCharles Disbrow (b. 1796)
DaughterAlice J ("Elsie") Disbrow+ (b. about 1803, d. 30 March 1889)


Birth26 August 1761Susannah Morgan was born on 26 August 1761 in New Jersey.
Marriage1 April 1780John D. Disbrow and she were married on 1 April 1780 in Middlesex County, New Jersey, In Susannah's pension application she brought Mary Hillyer before Judge Jacob Van Wickle, 14 Sep 1836, to testify that she was a bridesmaid at their marriage on 1 Apr 1780, by the Rev. Benjamin Dubois.1
BiographyChildren: In W. Woodford Clayton's "History of Union & Middlesex Counties, New Jersey (1882) he lists Susannah's children as: "Daniel, who died unmarried, Nicholas Morgan, James Morgan, Charles Morgan, Hannah (Mrs. William I. Dey), Catherine (Mrs. Peter Burlew), and Elsie (Mrs. Alfred Letts). In Susannah's will, she referred to Alice Letts.
Will5 February 1850She signed a will on 5 February 1850 in Middlesex County, New Jersey. In the name of God, Amen. I, Susanna Disbrow of the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, widow of John Disbrow deceased of said county, considering the uncertainty of human life, and being of sound mind, memory and understanding, for which blessing I am thankful to the great giver of alol. To make, publish and declare, this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say,
FIRST: It is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved grandson William Wallace Disbrow, the son of my son Nicholas Morgan Disbrow, the sum of thirty five dollars.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Alice my four silver tea spoons.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my five children namely Nicholas M. Disbrow, James M. Disbrow, Charles M. Disbrow, Catharine Burlew & Alice Letts to them and their heirs alll the residue of my estate of any and all kinds whatsoever, share and share alike to be divided by my Executor hereinafter named among them.
Lastly I hereby appoint my grandson Andrew J. Disbrow sole Executor of this my last Will and testament this fourth day of February 1850.

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator to be her last Will and Testament who at her request and in her presence & in the presence of each other signed our names as witnesses to the said having been read to her in our presence before executing, this fourth day of February A.D. 1850.
Everet Bissett Susanna Disbrow
John B. Conover her mark
Ann Eliza Conover2
Census25 September 1850She appeared in the census 25 September 1850 in North Brunswick Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Susannah is listed as: in the home of Charles Disbrow, age 40, Laborer with Real Estate of $600, with Mary age 38, Cath'n E. Evingham 18, Almira 16, and Susanna Disbrow 90.

Susanna did have a son Charles, but maybe this is a grandson because I have her son Charles as born 1796, so I will look into that.
Death26 November 1853She died on 26 November 1853 in Matawan, Middlesex County, New Jersey,
Estate Administration6 January 1854I Theophilus M. Holcombe, Surrogate of the County of Middlesex, do certify the annexed to be a true copy of the last Will and Testament of Susanna Disbrow late of the County of Middlesex deceased, and that Andrew J. Disbrow of the County of Middlesex the Executor therein named found the same before me and is duly authorised to take upon himself the administration of the estate of the testatrix agreeably to the saids Will.

Witness my hand and seal of office the sixth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty four. Theo. M. Holcombe
Last Edited 22 March 2017


  1. [S231] ; Record Group 15; FHL Film 0971703; Microcopy 804 (700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.: National Archives and Records Administration), Application of Susannah for pension in 1836.
  2. [S642] Middlesex County, New Jersey, New Jersey Probate Records, 1678-1980, 4: 203, vol E-F, Susannah Disbrow, Block 8 Wills 1846-1861; File No. 6013, Image 280/639 on familysearch.org

Daniel Morgan Disbrow

M, #6128, d. 4 February 1850


FatherJohn D. Disbrow (b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835)
MotherSusannah Morgan (b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853)


Death4 February 1850Daniel Morgan Disbrow died on 4 February 1850
Last Edited 21 March 2017

James M. Disbrow

M, #6130, b. 1790


FatherJohn D. Disbrow (b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835)
MotherSusannah Morgan (b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853)


Birth1790James M. Disbrow was born in 1790.
Marriage25 February 1819He and Mahala Lamberson were married on 25 February 1819 in Cheesequake, Middlesex County, New Jersey,1
Last Edited 24 March 2023


  1. [S1065] Greater New Jersey United Methodist Church Annual Conference Commission on Archives and History, "New Jersey United Methodist Church Records, 1800-1970", database, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/61176/), p. 5, image 10/16 for Cheesequake

Charles Disbrow

M, #6131, b. 1796


FatherJohn D. Disbrow (b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835)
MotherSusannah Morgan (b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853)


Birth1796Charles Disbrow was born in 1796.
Last Edited 21 March 2017

Hannah Disbrow

F, #6132, b. 22 October 1787


FatherJohn D. Disbrow (b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835)
MotherSusannah Morgan (b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853)


MarriageWilliam I. Dey and Hannah Disbrow were married, date unknown Married surname based on her father's will.
Birth22 October 1787She was born on 22 October 1787.
Last Edited 19 April 2019

Catherine Disbrow

F, #6133


FatherJohn D. Disbrow (b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835)
MotherSusannah Morgan (b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853)

Family: Peter Burlew

Last Edited 19 April 2019

James Vanderhoef

M, #6135, d. between 1835 and 1840

Family: Alice J ("Elsie") Disbrow (b. about 1803, d. 30 March 1889)

SonTheodore M. Vanderhoef+ (b. 1826, d. 8 January 1899)
SonOrin Jerome Vanderhoef+ (b. 1827)
SonBoy Vanderhoef (b. about 1830)
DaughterSusan Amanda Vanderhoef+ (b. 31 May 1831, d. 24 June 1908)
SonBoy Vanderhoef (b. about 1836)


Marriageabout 1826James Vanderhoef and Alice J ("Elsie") Disbrow were married about 1826 in Middlesex County, New Jersey, The name James was provided in the marriage record of their son Theodore, in Massachusetts in 1850.
Census1830He appeared in the census 1830 in Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut. James is listed as: 1 male under 5
1 male 5 and under 10
1 male 20 and under 30
1 male 40 and under 50
1 female under 5
1 female 20 and under 30

Could be Orin Jerome (1827), Theodore M (1826), perhaps a father or uncle, but the female under 5 is confusing. That should be someone born 1826-1830. Catherine Ann was born 1821 and would have been 9. Amanda Susan was born 1831, after this census.

Other Vanderhoof's in Middletown in 1830 were:
Peter .
Samuel C, Esq.
Peter S.
Deathbetween 1835 and 1840He died between 1835 and 18401
Last Edited 25 March 2017


  1. [S87] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com, for Elcy Vanderhoef.

Theodore M. Vanderhoef

M, #6136, b. 1826, d. 8 January 1899


FatherJames Vanderhoef (d. between 1835 and 1840)
MotherAlice J ("Elsie") Disbrow (b. about 1803, d. 30 March 1889)

Family 1: Adelia G. Bowers (b. 1830, d. 3 February 1858)

DaughterFredericki Vanderhoef (b. 22 January 1854, d. 1 March 1854)
SonClarence Bowers Vanderhoef (b. 21 February 1855)
SonWilliam L. B. Vanderhoef (b. 13 January 1858)

Family 2: Catherine Vanandale (b. about 1828)

SonTheodore Vanderhoef, Jr. (b. 1859)
SonGeorge Ellsworth Vanderhoef (b. 27 June 1862)
SonSon Vanderhoef (b. 17 April 1865)


Birth1826Theodore M. Vanderhoef was born in 1826 in Middletown Point, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA. The information for the place of Theodore's birth comes from the birth register of his first son, Clarence, in Somerset, Massachusetts, which lists him as the father, a Potter born in Middletown Point, NJ.

Middletown Point is now Matawan.
Census4 September 1850He appeared in the household of Alfred E. Letts in the census 4 September 1850 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts. Alfred is listed as
Marriage23 September 1850Theodore M. Vanderhoef and Adelia G. Bowers were married on 23 September 1850 in Providence, Rhode Island, The marriage was recorded in the marriage register of Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts. The residence of both Theodore and Adelia was Somerset. Theodore was 25, a Potter, born in Middletown, New Jersey, parents James & Alice M. Vanderhoef, married by William J. Breed, Pastor of the Hight Street Church, Providence, RI. Adelia G. Bowers is 20, born in Somerset, and her parents are Philip & Abigail Bowers.

It is interesting that Alice's middle initial is given as "M." here (Morgan?) although elsewhere it is given as "J."

Source: "Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NW5C-MHF : 17 February 2016), Theodore M. Vanderhoef and Adelia G. Bowers, 23 Sep 1850; citing Somerset, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States, State Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 1,428,258.
Locale Description1800'SArticle on the Potters of Pottersville, originally from American Collector, Feb 1946. 1800'S in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts.
Residence13 January 1858As of 13 January 1858 Theodore lived in New Jersey based on the birth register for his son William. The birth is registered in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts, but in the residence of the parents column the writer first wrote "Ditto" from the places above (Somerset) and then wrote over that darkly "New Jersey".

"Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915", database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FXCP-BN4 : 1 March 2016), Theodore M. Vanderhoef in entry for William L. B. Vanderhoef, 1858.
Death of Spouse3 February 1858On 3 February 1858, Theodore suffered the loss of his spouse Adelia.
Directory1858He was mentioned in the directory listing of Phineas Carman Pearsall in 1858 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, at 3d av n. 17th. which said "clothing", with work address of 31 Coenties Slip.
Marriageafter 1858Theodore M. Vanderhoef and Catherine Vanandale were married after 1858
Census7 July 1860He appeared in the census 7 July 1860 in New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Theodore is listed as: Theodore M. (34, Potter, value of personal estate $200, born in New York) with Catherine (33, born in New Jersey), Henry C (5, born in New Jersey), Theodore Jr. (1, born in New Jersey).

Henry C. must be Clarence Bowers Vanderhoef from Theodore's first marriage with Adelia.
Census21 July 1870He appeared in the census 21 July 1870 at Harlingen Post Office in Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey. Theodore is listed as: Theodore (41, Steam Engine Maker, $200 personal estate, born in New York), Catherine (40, Keeping house, born in New Jersey), Clarence (15, At home, born in Mass.), Theodore (10, At home, born in New Jersey), Ellsworth (8, At home, born in New Jersey). All three boys attending school.
Census2 June 1880He appeared in the census 2 June 1880 in Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey. Theodore is listed as: T. M. (52, General Mechanic, born in New Jersey and parents born in New Jersey), C. Vanandale (55, wife, keeping house, she and parents born in New Jersey), George E. (18, son, Farmer, born in New Jersey).
Census1885He appeared in the census 1885 in Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey. Theodore is listed as:
Death8 January 1899He died on 8 January 1899 in South Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey, Age 75, Mechanic, Married, Resident in state - Life.1
Last Edited 26 March 2017


  1. [S685] New Jersey Deaths and Burials 1720-1988, ancestry.com

Boy Vanderhoef

M, #6137, b. about 1836


FatherJames Vanderhoef (d. between 1835 and 1840)
MotherAlice J ("Elsie") Disbrow (b. about 1803, d. 30 March 1889)


Birthabout 1836Boy Vanderhoef was born about 1836 in Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Last Edited 21 March 2017

Boy Vanderhoef

M, #6138, b. about 1830


FatherJames Vanderhoef (d. between 1835 and 1840)
MotherAlice J ("Elsie") Disbrow (b. about 1803, d. 30 March 1889)


Birthabout 1830Boy Vanderhoef was born about 1830. In Massachusetts 1855 State Census, Somerset, Bristol County, there is an Orin Vanderhoof, Potter born in New Brunswick, married to Eliza, age 28, with children Alice and Esedora, and 42-year old Harriet Chace. Could this be another son of Alice and James Vanderhoef?
Last Edited 23 March 2017

Susan Amanda Vanderhoef

F, #6139, b. 31 May 1831, d. 24 June 1908


FatherJames Vanderhoef (d. between 1835 and 1840)
MotherAlice J ("Elsie") Disbrow (b. about 1803, d. 30 March 1889)

Family 1: Benjamin Gibbs

DaughterElsietta (Etta) Matilda Gibbs (b. 16 November 1851, d. 1 October 1932)
DaughterSusan Benjamin Gibbs (b. 6 March 1855, d. 24 September 1926)
DaughterAnny E. Brown (b. 1857)

Family 2: Alexander Brown (b. 1826)

DaughterLinna C. L. Brown (b. 1864)
SonBenjamin Gibbs Brown (b. 9 March 1866)


Note"Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NWBX-1V5 : 10 December 2014), Theodore Vanderhoef in entry for Amanda Brown, 24 Jun 1908; citing Providence,,Massachusetts, 481, State Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 2,257,412.
Birth31 May 1831Susan Amanda Vanderhoef was born on 31 May 1831 in Matawan, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Census20 July 1850She appeared in the household of Phineas Carman Pearsall in the census 20 July 1850 at 10th Ward in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York. Phineas is listed as1
Marriage1852Benjamin Gibbs and she were married in 1852 Date not confirmed
Census25 July 1860She appeared in the census 25 July 1860 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts. Susan is listed as: Susan A. Gibbs (age 29, real estate $500, personal estate $150, born in New Jersey), with Asetta M. (age 8, born in Mass), Susan B. (age 5, born in Mass.), and Bailey Gifford (age 39, Blacksmith, born in Mass.). Household next door is John Brown (58, Pedlar, real estate $1000, personal $100), Clarriss H (54), George O. (17, farmer) and Nehnie (12, female).2
Marriage9 June 1861Alexander Brown and she were married on 9 June 1861 in Fall River, Massachusetts, Marriage of Alexander Brown and Susan A. Vanderhoof Gibbs. The register reads: Alexander Brown, Residence: Fall River, Mass, age 35, Painter, Born in Little Compton, R.I., Parents: Clark & Elizabeth m.n. Stoddard, Second marriage, Official: J. T. Benton, Clergyman, Taunton.
Susan A. Gibbs, m.n. Vanderhoof, Resident of Somerset, Mass, age 30, born in New Jersey, Parents: James & Alice Vanderhoof, Second marriage.

J. T. Benton was pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Taunton.3
Census1865She appeared in the household of Alexander Brown in the census 1865 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts. Alexander is listed as
Death24 June 1908She died on 24 June 1908 in Providence, Rhode Island, Return of Death, recorded in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts Amanda is listed as residing at No. 86 Doyle Ave., Providence, R.I., the widow of Alexander Brown, born in Matawan, NJ, daughter of Theodore Vanderhoef and Elsie Morgan, both born in Middletown, New York. She is listed as an Invalid. The informant was Mrs. Seth Borden, Fall River, Mass. She was buried in Gibbs Cemetery, Somerset on 27 Jun 1908, Undertake Ira A. Hathaway of Somerset.

There are a number of inaccuracies here, due evidently to confusion of the informant. The informant, Mrs. Seth Borden, was her daughter from her first marriage, Susan Benjamin Gibbs Borden. She could not accurately name her grandparents. She lists Amanda's brother Theodore as her father, Amanda's father was James Vanderhoef. She lists Elsie Morgan as Amanda's mother, her mother was Alice (Elsie) Disbrow Vanderhoef Letts. Susan Borden was born in 1855, and James Vanderhoef died before 1840.
Last Edited 27 March 2017


  1. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (), Image 26/282 ancestry.com.
  2. [S606] , National Archives and Records Administration microfilm, M653, 1438 rolls., 1860 Federal Census (1 June 1860) (.)
  3. [S681] Massachusetts; familysearch.org

Mary E

F, #6141, b. about 1838

Family: Peter Cornelius Disbrow (b. about 1835)


MarriagePeter Cornelius Disbrow and Mary E were married, date unknown1
* Assuming wife of Peter in 1860 census
Birthabout 1838She was born about 1838 in New Jersey, USA.2,3,4,1
Last Edited 26 February 2011


  1. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  2. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 22 yrs old - NJ
  3. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 46 yrs old - NJ
  4. [S672] Suspect Information, age diff between 1860-1880

Margaret Slover

F, #6142, b. 4 October 1821

Family: Andrew Jackson Disbrow (b. 29 February 1816, d. 5 November 1891)


Birth4 October 1821Margaret Slover was born on 4 October 1821.1,2
MarriageAndrew Jackson Disbrow and she were married, date unknown2
Last Edited 22 March 2017


  1. [S669] OneWorldTree, Ancestry.com. One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc.
  2. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.

Eleanor Sanford

F, #6143, b. about 1831, d. 9 July 1892

Family: Edwin Clarence Disbrow (b. about 1832, d. between 1895 and 1932)


Birthabout 1831Eleanor Sanford was born about 1831 in Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA.1,2,3,4,5,6
Marriage11 January 1855Edwin Clarence Disbrow and she were married on 11 January 1855 in Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA,7,6
Death9 July 1892She died on 9 July 1892 in Neptune, Monmouth County, New Jersey,8,6
Last Edited 4 April 2011


  1. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 29 yrs old - NJ
  2. [S657] 1870 U.S. Federal Census (Mortality Schedule), 38 yrs old - NJ
  3. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 49 yrs old - NJ
  4. [S663] New Jersey Deaths and Burials 1720-1988, 1831
  5. [S663] New Jersey Deaths and Burials 1720-1988, Freehold, NJ
  6. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  7. [S645] New Jersey Marriages 1678-1985, 11 Jan 1855
  8. [S663] New Jersey Deaths and Burials 1720-1988, 09 Jul 1892 - Neptune, Monmouth, New Jersey

Edwin Clarence Disbrow

M, #6144, b. about 1832, d. between 1895 and 1932


FatherNicholas Morgan Disbrow (b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864)
MotherMary Hunn Vanderhoef (b. 1787, d. 17 August 1864)

Family: Eleanor Sanford (b. about 1831, d. 9 July 1892)


Notes from Wally have an Edwin C Disbrow buried in Mt Calvary Cemetery - 705 2nd Ave - Asbury Park
Birthabout 1832Edwin Clarence Disbrow was born about 1832 in Matawan, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA.1,2,3,4,5,6
Occupationbetween September 1850 and 1860Between September 1850 and 1860 Edwin worked in Stagecoach Driver & Teamster as father owns coach7,8,6
Marriage11 January 1855He and Eleanor Sanford were married on 11 January 1855 in Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA,9,6
Occupation1870In 1870 Edwin worked in Waterman as10,6
Occupation1880In 1880 Edwin worked in Laborer as11,6
Deathbetween 1895 and 1932He died between 1895 and 193212,13,6
Last Edited 30 November 2013


  1. [S647] 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 18 yrs old - New Jersey
  2. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 28 yrs old - New Jersey
  3. [S657] 1870 U.S. Federal Census (Mortality Schedule), 38 yrs old - New Jersey
  4. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 49 yrs old - New Jersey
  5. [S663] New Jersey Deaths and Burials 1720-1988, Matawan, New Jersey
  6. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  7. [S647] 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Stage Driver
  8. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Teamster
  9. [S645] New Jersey Marriages 1678-1985, 11 Jan 1855
  10. [S657] 1870 U.S. Federal Census (Mortality Schedule), Waterman
  11. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Laborer
  12. [S646] Hornor, William Stockton (Moreau Brothers), married and left issue as of 1932
  13. [S653] Red Bank Register, alive when sister died in 1895

Mary Hunn Vanderhoef

F, #6145, b. 1787, d. 17 August 1864


FatherCornelius P Vanderhoef (b. 1 November 1762, d. 10 May 1816)
MotherPhoebe Hunn (b. 21 October 1765, d. 4 April 1808)

Family: Nicholas Morgan Disbrow (b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864)

DaughterPhoebe V Disbrow (b. 15 February 1808, d. 10 April 1809)
DaughterMary Vanderhoef Disbrow (b. 21 January 1810, d. 23 November 1875)
SonDr Stephen Morgan Disbrow (b. 12 October 1812, d. 2 June 1894)
SonAndrew Jackson Disbrow+ (b. 29 February 1816, d. 5 November 1891)
SonCaptain John Nicholas Disbrow (b. 9 October 1817, d. 4 November 1882)
DaughterDelia Ann Disbrow (b. 13 December 1820, d. after 1895)
DaughterCatherine Lovinia Disbrow (b. 1828, d. 15 November 1895)
SonNicholas Edgar Disbrow (b. 31 August 1828, d. 7 June 1829)
SonWilliam Wallace Disbrow (b. about 1829, d. before 1900)
SonEdwin Clarence Disbrow (b. about 1832, d. between 1895 and 1932)
SonPeter Cornelius Disbrow (b. about 1835)


MarriageNicholas Morgan Disbrow and Mary Hunn Vanderhoef were married, date unknown1
BurialShe was buried in Neptune, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Birth1787She was born in 1787.
Birth20 August 1787She was born on 20 August 1787 in New Jersey, USA.2,3,4,1
Death17 August 1864She died on 17 August 1864 in Matawan, Middlesex County, New Jersey,
Death17 August 1865She died on 17 August 1865 in Matawan, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA,5,1
Last Edited 17 September 2014


  1. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  2. [S647] 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 64 yrs old - New Jersey
  3. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 72 yrs old - New Jersey
  4. [S650] Frank Rosebrook Symmes (George W Burroughs), Age at death: 77 years 11 months 27 days
  5. [S650] Frank Rosebrook Symmes (George W Burroughs), 17 Aug 1865 - Age: 77 years 11 months 27 days

Nicholas Morgan Disbrow

M, #6146, b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864


FatherJohn D. Disbrow (b. 9 September 1757, d. 15 April 1835)
MotherSusannah Morgan (b. 26 August 1761, d. 26 November 1853)

Family: Mary Hunn Vanderhoef (b. 1787, d. 17 August 1864)

DaughterPhoebe V Disbrow (b. 15 February 1808, d. 10 April 1809)
DaughterMary Vanderhoef Disbrow (b. 21 January 1810, d. 23 November 1875)
SonDr Stephen Morgan Disbrow (b. 12 October 1812, d. 2 June 1894)
SonAndrew Jackson Disbrow+ (b. 29 February 1816, d. 5 November 1891)
SonCaptain John Nicholas Disbrow (b. 9 October 1817, d. 4 November 1882)
DaughterDelia Ann Disbrow (b. 13 December 1820, d. after 1895)
DaughterCatherine Lovinia Disbrow (b. 1828, d. 15 November 1895)
SonNicholas Edgar Disbrow (b. 31 August 1828, d. 7 June 1829)
SonWilliam Wallace Disbrow (b. about 1829, d. before 1900)
SonEdwin Clarence Disbrow (b. about 1832, d. between 1895 and 1932)
SonPeter Cornelius Disbrow (b. about 1835)


MarriageNicholas Morgan Disbrow and Mary Hunn Vanderhoef were married, date unknown1
BurialHe was buried in Freneau, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
* “removed from Brooklyn to Matawan, where he died”
* In 1850 census had 2 laborers living in house - WIlliam (Age 22M from Germany) and Kandus (Age 89F from NJ)

Nicholas Morgan Disbrow, son of John D., removed from Brooklyn to Matawan, where he died. His wife was Mary, daughter of Cornelius P. and Phoebe(Hunn) Vanderhoef. Their children were:
Mary, who married Captain John Denyse;
Doctor Stephen Morgan;
Andrew Jackson;
John N;
Delia Ann, who married Charles Fardon;
Catherine L, who married Richard VanBrakle;
William W., who left children;
Edwin Clarence, who left issue; and
Peter C.
Information from This Old Monmouth Of Ours Written by: William S. Horner
Birth1782He was born in 1782 in Matchaponix, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Birth8 October 1782He was born on 8 October 1782 in Matchaponix, Middlesex County, New Jersey.2,3,4,5,1
Occupationbetween 1850 and 1860Between 1850 and 1860 Nicholas worked in Stagecoach Owner as6,7,1
Burial1864He was buried in 1864 in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Freneau, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA.1
Death22 February 1864He died on 22 February 1864
Death22 February 1864He died on 22 February 1864 in Middletown Point, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA,8,9,1
Last Edited 25 March 2023


  1. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  2. [S647] 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 67 yrs old - New Jersey
  3. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 77 yrs old - New Jersey
  4. [S650] Frank Rosebrook Symmes (George W Burroughs), Age at death: 81 years 4 months 14 days
  5. [S663] New Jersey Deaths and Burials 1720-1988, 1783 - Middlesex, NJ
  6. [S647] 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Stage Owner
  7. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Stage Proprietor
  8. [S650] Frank Rosebrook Symmes (George W Burroughs), 22 Feb 1864 - Age: 81 years 4 months 14 days
  9. [S663] New Jersey Deaths and Burials 1720-1988, 22 Feb 1864 - M. T. Point, Monmouth, New Jersey

William Wallace Disbrow

M, #6147, b. about 1829, d. before 1900


FatherNicholas Morgan Disbrow (b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864)
MotherMary Hunn Vanderhoef (b. 1787, d. 17 August 1864)

Family 2: Sarah Johnson (b. March 1834)


* Grandmother Susannah Disbrow called William out specifically as being bequeathed $35

1) On 1860 census there is a neighbor Disbrow also working as an engineer at a yard, possible relative
2) On 1870 census there is a neighbor Disbrow (John) who is a baker, possible relative
Found posted online:
Index to Marriage Records, 1848-1867
Disbrow, Wm. Johnson, Sarah New Brunswick 20 June 1852 Middlesex County Bk.
V : Rev. R. Vansant
Bk. V : Pg. 21
Birthabout 1829William Wallace Disbrow was born about 1829 in New Jersey, USA.1,2,3,4
Marriage20 June 1852He and Sarah Johnson were married on 20 June 1852 in New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey,5,6,4
OccupationAugust 1860In August 1860 William worked in Engineer at yard as7,8,4
ResidenceAugust 1860As of August 1860 William lived in 1392 South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA,7,9,4
Residencebetween 1870 and 1880As of between 1870 and 1880 William lived in South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA,10,11,4
OccupationJuly 1870In July 1870 William worked in Engineer as10,4
OccupationJune 1880In June 1880 William worked in Engineer as4
Deathbefore 1900He died before 190012,13,4
Last Edited 30 December 2014


  1. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 31 yrs old
  2. [S657] 1870 U.S. Federal Census (Mortality Schedule), 41 yrs old
  3. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 51 yrs old
  4. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  5. [S670] NJDARM - Index to Marriage Records, 1848-1878
  6. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Listed as married in 1880 census
  7. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule)
  8. [S672] Suspect Information, Handwriting difficult to read on 1860 census
  9. [S672] Suspect Information, House number difficult to read on 1860 census
  10. [S657] 1870 U.S. Federal Census (Mortality Schedule)
  11. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule)
  12. [S646] Hornor, William Stockton (Moreau Brothers), married and left issue
  13. [S658] 1900 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Sarah marked widowed

Sarah Johnson

F, #6148, b. March 1834

Family: William Wallace Disbrow (b. about 1829, d. before 1900)


* Was living with daughter Ada in 1900
* 1900 census listed her as having 10 children, 4 living
Found posted online:
Index to Marriage Records, 1848-1867
Disbrow, Wm. Johnson, Sarah New Brunswick 20 June 1852 Middlesex County Bk.
V : Rev. R. Vansant
Bk. V : Pg. 21
BirthMarch 1834Sarah Johnson was born in March 1834 in New Jersey, USA.1,2,3,4,5
Marriage20 June 1852William Wallace Disbrow and she were married on 20 June 1852 in New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey,6,7,5
ResidenceAugust 1860As of August 1860 Sarah lived in 1392 South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA,8,9,5
Residencebetween 1870 and 1880As of between 1870 and 1880 Sarah lived in South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA,10,11,5
Last Edited 24 April 2011


  1. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 26 yrs old
  2. [S657] 1870 U.S. Federal Census (Mortality Schedule), 36 yrs old
  3. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 46 yrs old
  4. [S658] 1900 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Mar 1834 - 66 yrs old
  5. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  6. [S670] NJDARM - Index to Marriage Records, 1848-1878
  7. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Listed as married in 1880 census
  8. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule)
  9. [S672] Suspect Information, House number difficult to read on 1860 census
  10. [S657] 1870 U.S. Federal Census (Mortality Schedule)
  11. [S660] 1880 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule)

Phoebe V Disbrow

F, #6149, b. 15 February 1808, d. 10 April 1809


FatherNicholas Morgan Disbrow (b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864)
MotherMary Hunn Vanderhoef (b. 1787, d. 17 August 1864)


Birth15 February 1808Phoebe V Disbrow was born on 15 February 1808.1,2
Death10 April 1809She died on 10 April 18093,2
Last Edited 23 March 2023


  1. [S650] Frank Rosebrook Symmes (George W Burroughs), Age at death: 1 year 2 months 23 days
  2. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  3. [S650] Frank Rosebrook Symmes (George W Burroughs), 10 Apr 1809 - Age: 1 year 2 months 23 days

Captain John Nicholas Disbrow

M, #6150, b. 9 October 1817, d. 4 November 1882


FatherNicholas Morgan Disbrow (b. 1782, d. 22 February 1864)
MotherMary Hunn Vanderhoef (b. 1787, d. 17 August 1864)

Family: Lydia M (?Ellen) Brown (b. 17 June 1821, d. April 1882)


* Lived on the family homestead in Matawan
* Served as Constable & Sergeant-at-arms of Monmouth Court
DNA CluesJoan Picker has an Ancestry match to a great-great-great granddaughter of John Nicholas, Deirdre McIntosh. 14 cM.
Birth9 October 1817Captain John Nicholas Disbrow was born on 9 October 1817 in Middlesex County, New Jersey.1,2,3
Marriage1850He and Lydia M (?Ellen) Brown were married in 1850 in Middletown Point, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA,4,3
Occupationbetween September 1850 and 1860Between September 1850 and 1860 John worked in Boatman as5,6,7,3
Death4 November 1882He died on 4 November 1882 in Matawan, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA, neuralgia8,3
Last Edited 29 November 2018


  1. [S647] 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 32 yrs old - NJ
  2. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), 42 yrs old - NJ
  3. [S643] GEDCOM file submitted by disbro Rootsweb Database, email address Brian. Imported on 22 March 2017.
  4. [S669] OneWorldTree, Ancestry.com. One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc.
  5. [S647] 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Boatman
  6. [S659] 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule), Capt Feddler (handwriting hard)
  7. [S672] Suspect Information, Handwriting difficult to read
  8. [S653] Red Bank Register, 4 Nov 1882 - Matawan