Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 454

Elijah Disbrow

M, #11326


FatherJohn Disbrow (b. 1702, d. 1771)
Last Edited 24 March 2023

Mahala Lamberson

F, #11327

Family: James M. Disbrow (b. 1790)


Marriage25 February 1819James M. Disbrow and Mahala Lamberson were married on 25 February 1819 in Cheesequake, Middlesex County, New Jersey,1
Last Edited 24 March 2023


  1. [S1065] Greater New Jersey United Methodist Church Annual Conference Commission on Archives and History, "New Jersey United Methodist Church Records, 1800-1970", database, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/61176/), p. 5, image 10/16 for Cheesequake

Mary Disbrow

F, #11328


FatherJohn Disbrow (b. 1702, d. 1771)
Last Edited 24 March 2023

Peter Disbrow

M, #11329, d. 2 May 1688

Family: Sarah Knapp (b. 5 January 1638/39)

SonHenry Disbrow+
DaughterSarah Disbrow


Marriage6 April 1657Peter Disbrow and Sarah Knapp were married on 6 April 1657 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Property Record3 January 1660Peter was involved in a property transaction on 3 January 1660 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. He made a treaty, under authority of the Colony of Connecticut, with the Indians of Peningo Neck for the purchase of property in that area. This comprised the lower part of Rye and north as far as Port Chester. At the time, Peter was living in Greenwich.2
Property Record29 June 1660Peter was involved in a property transaction on 29 June 1660 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. He and Joe Coe and Thomas Stedwell, all of Greenwich, made a treaty with the local Indians for the purchase of Manussing Island.3
Property Record22 May 1661Peter was involved in a property transaction on 22 May 1661 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. He bought additional land between the Byram River and Blind Brook, north of the properties that had been purchased in in 1660.4
Death2 May 1688He died on 2 May 1688 in Rye, Westchester County, New York,5,2
Property Record2 May 1688Peter was involved in a property transaction on 2 May 1688 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. This is abstracted in a NY G&B Record article, Vol 52, No. 1, p. 241, Westchester Miscellany.  It refers to land records of Rye in books that were in Port Chester, B, C, and D. This item does not seem to be in Book B of the Westchester deeds.
don't know what book this refers to. I though land records were at the county level and did not know there were land records at the town level.

See attached.
Property Record6 April 1714Peter was mentioned in a property transaction on 6 April 1714 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. "Peter Brown, Sene.", in consideration of love and affection which he bears them, sells to his "son-in-law Ffrancis Purdy, June." and his daughter Sarah Purdy, his wife, "a quarter part of an eighteen lottment (to say) of eighteen acres in ye last divition laid out by ye Proprietors of Penings Neck Commonly so called and it is lying near my aforesd. Sonn Ffrancis Purdy's land byt yt."

Her reserves the use of timber and also a meadow "that I had of my Honored Ffather in law Peter Disbrow deceased wch. sd. meadow is bounded southerly wth. Peter Disbrow's meadow easterly wth. ye meadow that was Stephen Sherwoods and otherways bounded by a cart way or driftway..." Also another 3 acre parcel at Rye "wch. I had of my sd. Ffather Disbrow...5
Last Edited 25 March 2023


  1. [S640] Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Vols 1-3, 1634-1635, Vols 1-6, ancestry.com (Boston: New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Between 1996 and 2011), Vol 2, G-O, p. 1136
  2. [S838] Charles W. Baird, Chronicles of a Border Town: History of Rye, Westchester County, New York, 1660 - 1870 (New York: Anson D. F. Randolph and Company, 1871), p. 409; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/stream/chronicleofborde00bair#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed
  3. [S838] Baird, Chronicles of a Border Town, p. 10
  4. [S838] Baird, Chronicles of a Border Town, p. 11
  5. [S1067] Theresa Hall Bristol, "Genealogical Gleanings from Land and Probate Records at White Plains and Rye, New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 49, Issue 3 (July 1918), New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/online-records/nygb-record/566-245/89), p. 297-98

Henry Disbrow

M, #11330


FatherPeter Disbrow (d. 2 May 1688)
MotherSarah Knapp (b. 5 January 1638/39)
Last Edited 25 March 2023

Sarah Disbrow

F, #11331


FatherPeter Disbrow (d. 2 May 1688)
MotherSarah Knapp (b. 5 January 1638/39)
Last Edited 25 March 2023

Francis Purdy

M, #11332


Property Record1714Francis was involved in a property transaction in 1714.
Last Edited 25 March 2023

Henry Disbrow, Jr

M, #11333



BirthHenry Disbrow, Jr, was born in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York.
Last Edited 25 March 2023

John Disbrow

M, #11334


Family: Hannah


BirthJohn Disbrow was born in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York.
Last Edited 25 March 2023

Benjamin Disbrow

M, #11335



BirthBenjamin Disbrow was born in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York.
Last Edited 25 March 2023


F, #11336
Last Edited 25 March 2023

Elizabeth Disbrow

F, #11337


Family: Gerardus Drake

SonGerardus Drake (b. 1729)


MarriageGerardus Drake and Elizabeth Disbrow were married, date unknown in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York,1
Last Edited 25 March 2023


  1. [S1067] Theresa Hall Bristol, "Genealogical Gleanings from Land and Probate Records at White Plains and Rye, New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 49, Issue 3 (July 1918), New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/online-records/nygb-record/566-245/89), p. 297-98

Gerardus Drake

M, #11338

Family: Elizabeth Disbrow

SonGerardus Drake (b. 1729)


MarriageGerardus Drake and Elizabeth Disbrow were married, date unknown in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York,1
Last Edited 25 March 2023


  1. [S1067] Theresa Hall Bristol, "Genealogical Gleanings from Land and Probate Records at White Plains and Rye, New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 49, Issue 3 (July 1918), New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/online-records/nygb-record/566-245/89), p. 297-98

Gerardus Drake

M, #11339, b. 1729



Birth1729Gerardus Drake was born in 1729 in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York. Birth year estimated from his age of 29 in the military in 1758.1
Last Edited 25 March 2023


  1. [S1067] Theresa Hall Bristol, "Genealogical Gleanings from Land and Probate Records at White Plains and Rye, New York", New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 49, Issue 3 (July 1918), New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/online-records/nygb-record/566-245/89), p. 297-98


F, #11340
Last Edited 25 March 2023

Henry Disbrow, III

M, #11341


Last Edited 25 March 2023


F, #11342

Family: John Disbrow

Last Edited 25 March 2023

Ethelyn Clagett Pratt

F, #11344, b. 1904


FatherWilliam Thawley Pratt (b. 1869, d. 16 December 1931)
MotherMary Ethleyn "Effie" Clagett (b. April 1874, d. 1 February 1938)

Family: Francis L. Thompson (d. 1978)


Birth1904Ethelyn Clagett Pratt was born in 1904. Based on the 1910 census.
Marriage1933Francis L. Thompson and she were married in 19331
Last Edited 4 April 2023


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Francis L. Thompson, id = 11505877

Francis L. Thompson

M, #11345, d. 1978

Family: Ethelyn Clagett Pratt (b. 1904)


Marriage1933Francis L. Thompson and Ethelyn Clagett Pratt were married in 19331
Death1978He died in 1978 at Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland,
BurialJune 1978He was buried in June 1978 at Potomac United Methodist Church Cemetery in Potomac, Montgomery County, Maryland.1
Last Edited 4 April 2023


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Francis L. Thompson, id = 11505877

John W. Thawley

M, #11346

Family: Isabelle Boone

DaughterMary Isabelle Thawley+ (b. 18 December 1850, d. 20 February 1931)


BirthJohn W. Thawley was born in Maryland.
Last Edited 29 March 2023

Isabelle Boone

F, #11347

Family: John W. Thawley

DaughterMary Isabelle Thawley+ (b. 18 December 1850, d. 20 February 1931)
Last Edited 29 March 2023

Wilbur Greenlun

M, #11349


FatherPeter Randolph Greenlun (b. 1844, d. 1911)
MotherHarriet Ellen Smalley (b. 24 October 1853, d. 24 September 1892)


DaughterMaxine Thelma Greenlun+
Last Edited 30 March 2023

Maxine Thelma Greenlun

F, #11350


Family: Lillard Thomas Farris

SonLillard Thomas Farris (b. 1927, d. 1994)
Last Edited 30 March 2023