Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 306

Nancy Barker

F, #7626, d. before May 1814


FatherDavid Barker (b. 20 July 1749, d. 8 September 1819)
MotherEunice Shearman (b. 3 October 1755)

Family: Deac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)

DaughterHarriet Barker (b. 27 October 1803, d. 1 May 1818)


Marriage2 August 1802Deac. Arnold Barker and Nancy Barker were married on 2 August 1802 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Deathbefore May 1814She died before May 18141
Last Edited 2 January 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 44; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed

Harriet Barker

F, #7627, b. 27 October 1803, d. 1 May 1818


FatherDeac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)
MotherNancy Barker (d. before May 1814)


Birth27 October 1803Harriet Barker was born on 27 October 1803 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Death1 May 1818She died on 1 May 1818 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Last Edited 2 January 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 44; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed

Alexander Barker

M, #7628, b. 4 November 1786, d. 11 June 1848

Family: Frances Robinson Almy (b. 17 December 1798, d. 4 February 1882)


Research NoteThis is the 3rd great grandfather of Robert Vale, a DNA match to Winifred Pearsall and Holly Kilpatrick, 23andMe.

He was a grocer in Newport.

By his first wife, Rebecca Elsie Gladding (1789-1828)(dau. of Captain John Gladding and Alice Fowler) they had:

Mary, m. Merritt, 1816-1870
Henry (1811-1887)
Alice 1818- 1894
Edward (1824 - 12 Mar 1881)
Rebecca Carr 1826-1891
perhaps others

By his second wife, m. 1 Dec 1831, Frances Robinson Almy (16 Dec 1798 - 4 Feb 1882) they had:
William A (1835-1911), m. Elizabeth Heazelett
John Almy (1832 - 1899)
Alexander (1841 - 1866), m. Lydia A. Watson
Alexander (1848 - ) ??
Christopher E. (1839-1882), m. Ruth Ann Hoxie
Research NoteNorthern Star and Farmers' and Mechanics' Advocate, 27 May 1848, Warren RI:

In New Bedford, 21st inst, Mrs. Lucinda M., wife of Capt. Alexander R. Barker, and daughter of Capt. Andrew Almy, of Pawtucket, 27.

Any relation? There seem to be almost no "Alexanders" and here is another one, and also married to an Almy.
Birth4 November 1786Alexander Barker was born on 4 November 1786 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Research Note11 September 183011 September 1830 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Newport Mercury, 11 Sept 1830, p 4. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE: We the Subscribers having been appointed by the Hon. Court of Probate for the Town of Newport, Commissioners to receive the claims of the creditors against the Estate of HENRY GLADDING, late of Newport, deceased, represented insolvent, and six months from the date hereof, being allowed for receiving said claims, we will attend at the house of Thomas Goddard on the first Mondays of Dec. January Feb. next, at 2 o'clock PM for the purpose aforesaid.
Thomas Goddard, Alexander Barker, Moses Hammond - Commissioners
All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to Mary Ann Gladding, Adm'x, Newport, August 4.

Henry was the brother of Alexander's first wife Rebecca Gladding. Mary Ann (Southwick) Gladding was Henry's widow.
Marriage1 December 1831He and Frances Robinson Almy were married on 1 December 1831 Alexander and Frances had at least 4 children:
William A., 1835-1911, m. Elizabeth Heazelett
John Almy, 1832-1899, m. Lydia A. Watson
Alexander, 1841-1866:

17 Jan 1863 Newport Mercury, p. 2, "The following Newport boys are in the Hospitals at Washington:... Emory Hospital, Alexander Barker, Company I, 7th Regiment"

10 Jan 1832, Newport Mercury, p. 2, "We regret to learn that Alexander Barker, of the Seventh Regiment, who was wounded in the battle of Fredericksburg, has been compelled to have his right arm amputated below the elbow."

13 Feb 1863 Providence Evening Press, p. 3, "Newport: Alexander Barker, of this city, a private in Company I, 7th Rhode Island Regiment, who last an arm in the battle of Fredericksburg, arrived at his home in this city yesterday, from Washington, having been honorably discharged from service,"

11 Aug 1866 Newport Mercury, p.3 "Deceased, in this city, 5th inst., Mr. Alexancer Barker, aged 26 years. Mr. Barker was a member of the 7th R.I. Regiment, and did good service in the field, having lost an arm at Fredericksburg. He was universally respected in the community where he resided."
Christopher E., 1839-1882, m. Ruth Ann Hoxie.
Research Note14 August 183314 August 1833 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Not sure which Alexander Barker this notice in the Rhode Island Republican, Newport Rhode Island, 14 Aug 1833, applies to:

Married, in this town on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Eddy, Mr. Alexander Barker, Jun. to Miss Susan Barker, daughter of Mr. Jonathan Barker of this town.
History Note5 March 1838On 5 March 1838 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, the following event took place: Residence in 1838 The Congressional Series of the United States, Public Documents, Vol. 317, Senate, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, page 265, published a Memorial of a Number of Merchants, and others, citizens of Newport, Rhode Island, against the passage of the bills for the establishment of Sub-Treasuries, and to cede the public lands to the new States.

The Memorial begins "The memorial of the subscribers, merchants, mechanics, farmers, laborers, and others of the town of Newport, in the State of Rhode Island, respectfully represents:" and it goes on to discuss the bills that they are protesting, and ends with: "they earnestly and respectfully remonstrate against the passage of said bills, and pray that the same may not receive the sanction of either of your honorable bodies. And as in duty bound, they will ever pray, etc." It is signed by 4 pages of male residents of Newport, and makes a very interesting list of residents.

Alexander Barker is listed, as are several Gladdings, relatives of his 1st wife Rebecca Gladding, who had died in 1828.
Research Note14 October 183814 October 1838 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Republican reported 17 Oct, 1838, the marriage of Mr. Thomas D. Spooner to Miss Alice Barker, daughter of Mr. Alexander Barker, all of this town, on Sunday evening, 14 Oct 1838.
Research Note5 August 18455 August 1845 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. 9 Aug 1845 issues Newport Mercury, p. 3, "In Fall River, on Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Butler, Mr. Edward Carr to Miss Rebecca Barker, daughter of Mr. Alexander Barker, all of this town.
Business Enterprise27 May 1848Sale of Grocery Business Notice in the Newport Mercury, 24 June 1848, p. 1:
"Particular Notice
The Subscriber having purchased of Alexander Barker all the stock in trade of PROVISIONS and GROCERIES, in the store on the corner of 2d and Poplar streets, on the Point, late occupied by said Alexander Barker, hereby gives notice that he will continue to carry on the same business in said store, and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. HENRY BARKER
Death11 June 1848He died on 11 June 1848 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Probate Extract4 June 1849Alexander was listed in a probate extract on 4 June 1849 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Court of Probate, Newport, holden June 4, 1849. Upon the report of the Commissioners heretofore appointed to receive and examine the claims against the estate of Alexander Barker, late of Newport, trader, dec., presented for reception.
Research Note20 August 186620 August 1866 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Court of Probate, Newport, August 20, 1866, Frances R. Barker, mother of Alexander Barker, late of Newport, dec'd, intestate, son of Alexander Barker, Senior, dec'd, makes application in writing for this Court to appoint Edwin Stevens of said Newport, or some other suitable person administrator on the estate of said intestate.
Last Edited 4 February 2018

Mary Dunbar Barker

F, #7630, b. 6 November 1817, d. 2 December 1887


FatherDeac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)
MotherMary Dunbar (b. 1785, d. 3 June 1864)

Family 1: Albert G. Smith

Family 2: William Smith (b. 1 June 1818, d. 3 October 1907)

DaughterEllen E. Smith
SonMillard F. Smith+ (b. 23 January 1849, d. 22 May 1931)
SonArnold Barker Smith (b. 1855, d. 29 April 1919)


Birth6 November 1817Mary Dunbar Barker was born on 6 November 1817 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage11 March 1840Albert G. Smith and she were married on 11 March 1840 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island, by Rev. Leland Howard.

This may be a marriage of a different Mary Barker. In her funeral notice, her husband is William Smith., as well as in the 1850 census.2
Marriageabout 1848William Smith and she were married about 1848 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island, At this time, I haven't found out if Mary had two marriages, m1 to Albert and m2 to William, or if the marriage to Albert was another Mary3,4
Death2 December 1887She died on 2 December 1887 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Obituary3 December 18873 December 1887, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary:. In Middletown, 2d inst., Mrs. Mary Dunbar, wife of William Smith and daughter of the late Dea. Arnold Barker in the 71st year of her age.

The funeral will take place from the residence of her husband, Paradise avenue, Middletown, on Monday at 1 o'clock. Relatives and friends are respectively invited to attend. Providence Journal please copy.5
Last Edited 4 January 2019


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 44; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed
  2. [S781] James Newell Arnold, Compiler, Rhode Island Vital Extracts, 1636-1850: 21 vols (Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., Between 1891 and 1912), Vol 4, Newport County, p. 7; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed
  3. [S605] , 1850 Federal Census (.)
  4. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Middletown Cemetery, Middletown, RI
  5. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 Dec 1887, p. 4; ()

Albert G. Smith

M, #7631

Family: Mary Dunbar Barker (b. 6 November 1817, d. 2 December 1887)


BirthAlbert G. Smith was born.
Marriage11 March 1840He and Mary Dunbar Barker were married on 11 March 1840 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island, by Rev. Leland Howard.

This may be a marriage of a different Mary Barker. In her funeral notice, her husband is William Smith., as well as in the 1850 census.1
Last Edited 3 May 2018


  1. [S781] James Newell Arnold, Compiler, Rhode Island Vital Extracts, 1636-1850: 21 vols (Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., Between 1891 and 1912), Vol 4, Newport County, p. 7; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed

Harriet Barker

F, #7632, b. 17 December 1818


FatherDeac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)
MotherMary Dunbar (b. 1785, d. 3 June 1864)


Birth17 December 1818Harriet Barker was born on 17 December 1818 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage17 November 1839Benjamin Almy and she were married on 17 November 1839 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Last Edited 4 January 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 44; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed
  2. [S781] James Newell Arnold, Compiler, Rhode Island Vital Extracts, 1636-1850: 21 vols (Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., Between 1891 and 1912), Vol 4, Newport County, p. 7; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed

Benjamin Almy

M, #7633

Family: Harriet Barker (b. 17 December 1818)


BirthBenjamin Almy was born.
Marriage17 November 1839He and Harriet Barker were married on 17 November 1839 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 5 January 2018


  1. [S781] James Newell Arnold, Compiler, Rhode Island Vital Extracts, 1636-1850: 21 vols (Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., Between 1891 and 1912), Vol 4, Newport County, p. 7; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed

Eunice Barker

F, #7634, b. 16 May 1820, d. 21 February 1895


FatherDeac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)
MotherMary Dunbar (b. 1785, d. 3 June 1864)

Family: William C. Brown (b. 4 July 1818, d. 9 February 1885)

SonAbram Arnold Brown+ (b. 29 October 1846, d. 8 August 1911)
SonNathan Barker Brown+ (b. 9 December 1848, d. 10 March 1926)
SonWilliam Coggeshall Brown, Jr. (b. 15 August 1850, d. 13 May 1874)
DaughterEsther Brown (b. about 1852, d. about 1853)
DaughterAnnie Medora Brown (b. 24 August 1855, d. 5 June 1932)
SonNoel Coggeshall Brown (b. about 1857)
DaughterClara Etta Brown+ (b. 30 November 1861, d. 1897)


Birth16 May 1820Eunice Barker was born on 16 May 1820 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage1 February 1846William C. Brown and she were married on 1 February 1846 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Death21 February 1895She died on 21 February 1895 at Honyman Hill in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Obituary23 February 189523 February 1895, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary:. Mrs. Wm. C. Brown of Middletown died Thursday evening, at the residence of her son-in-law, Representative A. Herbert Ward. Mrs. Brown was a sister of Mr. Nathan Barker and Mrs. A. H. Tilley of this city.
Last Edited 3 May 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 44; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed
  2. [S781] James Newell Arnold, Compiler, Rhode Island Vital Extracts, 1636-1850: 21 vols (Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., Between 1891 and 1912), Vol. 04, Newport County, citing p. 141; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed

William C. Brown

M, #7635, b. 4 July 1818, d. 9 February 1885


FatherAbraham Brown (b. 1777, d. 24 September 1859)
MotherRuth Coggeshall (b. 7 December 1789, d. 8 April 1858)

Family: Eunice Barker (b. 16 May 1820, d. 21 February 1895)

SonAbram Arnold Brown+ (b. 29 October 1846, d. 8 August 1911)
SonNathan Barker Brown+ (b. 9 December 1848, d. 10 March 1926)
SonWilliam Coggeshall Brown, Jr. (b. 15 August 1850, d. 13 May 1874)
DaughterEsther Brown (b. about 1852, d. about 1853)
DaughterAnnie Medora Brown (b. 24 August 1855, d. 5 June 1932)
SonNoel Coggeshall Brown (b. about 1857)
DaughterClara Etta Brown+ (b. 30 November 1861, d. 1897)


Birth4 July 1818William C. Brown was born on 4 July 1818 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage1 February 1846He and Eunice Barker were married on 1 February 1846 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,2
Census1 August 1850He appeared in the census 1 August 1850 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island. William is listed as: Will C. Brown (32, Farmer)
Eunice Brown (28)
Abram A. Brown (3)
Will Brown (2)

Living next door to
Abram Brown (73, Farmer, estate of $8500)
Ruth Brown (65)
Peleg Brown (21)

and on the other side
Will Brown (22, Farmer)
Susannah Brown (24)
George C. Allum (18, Laborer)

John Barker (73, Farmer, Estate $7500)
Dorcas Barker (66)
Benedict Barker (34, Labor)
Elijah Barker (56, Labor)

Job M. Barker (28, Labor, estate $250)[he was 38]
Julia M. Barker (29)
James Barker (14) [?]
Julia Barker (11)
Anna Barker (8)
Jacob Barker (6)
Scott Barker (2)
Josephine Barker (1)
Newspaper Mention17 March 1858The 17 March 1858 edition of the White Hall Farm, Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported "Mr. William Brown, who lives on the White Hall Farm, Middletown, about three miles from this city, has ten sheep which gave birth a few days since to 26 lambs, several of them having three apiece, and he is confident that one had four at a birth. They are a mixture of the common breed, with Bunham's South Down Stock. If our farmers are all having such luck as this, we can be satisfied that mutton will be cheap another year."3
Census9 June 1860He appeared in the census 9 June 1860 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island. William is listed as: Wm C. Brown (41, Farmer, real estate $2620, personal $100)
Unice Brown (40)
Abraham Brown (13)
Nathan T. Brown (11)
William C. Brown (9)
Anna N. Brown (4)
Thomas A. Rogers (24, Farmhand, b. Mass.)
Betsy Rogers (24, b. R.I.)4
Census1875He appeared in the census 1875 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island. William is listed as: Wm. C. Brown (56, Head, b. Middletown, Farmer)
Eunice B. (55, Wife)
Annie M. (19)
Clara E. (13, Scholar)
Nathan B (26, married, Farmer)
Lydia M (23, Son's wife)
Hattie E. (3, Granddaughter)
Death9 February 1885He died on 9 February 1885 at White Hall Farm in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Burial11 February 1885He was buried on 11 February 1885 at Middletown Cemetery in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Obituary14 February 188514 February 1885, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary:. Mr. William C. Brown, one of Middletown's well known citizens died at the residence of his son, A. A. Brown, on Monday last after a brief illness. Mr. Brown had not been in robust health for some time, but was able to be about till a day or two before his death. He was 66 years old, on the fourth of July last. He leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters. His sons are Nathan and Abram A. Brown, one of his daughters is the wife of Herbert Ward and the other, Miss Etta, resided with her parents. Mr. Brown was the owner of the celebrated Whitehall Estate.5
Biography1908In 1908: From Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island "William C. Brown, son of Abraham and Ruth (Coggeshall) Brown, was born on the White Hall farm, Portsmouth, July 4, 1818, and there grew to manhood, making farming his life work. He became the owner of one-third of the estate, including the old mansion, which is now [1908] the property of the Daughters of the Revolution of Newport. He built a fine dwelling house, barns, etc., and made many extensive and modern improvements on the place, also adding other land, at the time of his death having sixty-eight acres of well-cultivated fields. He was naturally industrious, and he took great pride in the neat appearance of his farm. His political sympathies were with the Republican party, but he cared little for politics. His death occurred Feb. 9, 1885, when he was sixty-six years, seven months and five days, and he was buried in the Middletown cemetery. He married Eunice Barker, born May 16, 1820, daughter of Arnold Barker. She died Feb 21, 1895, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ward, on Honyman Hill, Middletown. Their children were: Abram Arnold; Nathan Barker, a farmer and dairyman of Middletown; William C., who died in his twenty-fourth year; Annie, who married Abner Herbert Ward, of Middletown; Esther, who died in infancy; Noel Coggeshall, who died young; Clara Etta, who died in California, the wife of James M. Miller, a civil engineer of Washington, D.C."6
Last Edited 4 May 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Middletown Cemetery, Middletown, RI
  2. [S781] James Newell Arnold, Compiler, Rhode Island Vital Extracts, 1636-1850: 21 vols (Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., Between 1891 and 1912), Vol. 04, Newport County, citing p. 141; online database, ancestry.com, ancestry.com ( : accessed
  3. [S806] Newport Daily News, Newport, Rhode Island, 17 Mar 1858, p.2; (newspapers.com)
  4. [S606] , National Archives and Records Administration microfilm, M653, 1438 rolls., 1860 Federal Census (1 June 1860) (.)
  5. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 14 Feb 1885, p. 8; ()
  6. [S841] , Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island: Volume III (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1908), Vol 3, page 2144; digital images, (https://archive.org/stream/representativemebyu03jhbe#page/n6/mode/1up : accessed

Nathan Barker

M, #7636, b. 23 October 1825, d. 21 September 1895


FatherDeac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)
MotherMary Dunbar (b. 1785, d. 3 June 1864)

Family: Sarah E. Tefft (b. 1827, d. 1906)

DaughterMarielize Barker
DaughterGrace Arnold Barker (b. May 1871, d. 5 March 1932)


Birth23 October 1825Nathan Barker was born on 23 October 1825 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Census15 June 1860He appeared in the census 15 June 1860 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Nathan is listed as: Nathan, age 34, Carpenter
Mary, age 74

Living in the same dwelling, separate household as Elias Beede and family, shoemaker. Maybe a half-double.
Marriage28 December 1865He and Sarah E. Tefft were married on 28 December 1865 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Per a generic database on Ancestry called North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000. It may have been a death record from some source, because it lists her age 79, birth date 1827, first marriage date 1865, death date 1906, spouse Nathan Barker, child Marielize Barker.1
Newspaper Mention31 July 1886The 31 July 1886 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported a real estate transaction: "Nathan Barker has bought the "Mumford Hazard" cottage and Thomas Preece is moving it from Annandale Road to Howard avenue where Mr. Barker has lately bought a lot upon which to place his house. The lot purchased by Mr. Barker is near Kay street."
Probate Extract4 March 1895Nathan was listed in a probate extract on 4 March 1895 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. "In the probate court this morning... letters of administration de bonis non with the will annexed on the estate of Henry O. Tifft were granted to Nathan Barker...(etc. with other business of the court). As printed in the Newport Daily News, 4 Mar 1895, p. 8.
Death21 September 1895He died on 21 September 1895
Burial23 October 1895He was buried on 23 October 1895 at Island Cemetery in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.2
Last Edited 3 May 2018


  1. [S810] Rhode Island Town Records, Newport Marriage Register, no image available.; familysearch.org database
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Island Cemetery, Newport, RI

Sarah E. Tefft

F, #7637, b. 1827, d. 1906

Family: Nathan Barker (b. 23 October 1825, d. 21 September 1895)

DaughterMarielize Barker
DaughterGrace Arnold Barker (b. May 1871, d. 5 March 1932)


Birth1827Sarah E. Tefft was born in 1827.
Marriage28 December 1865Nathan Barker and she were married on 28 December 1865 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Per a generic database on Ancestry called North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000. It may have been a death record from some source, because it lists her age 79, birth date 1827, first marriage date 1865, death date 1906, spouse Nathan Barker, child Marielize Barker.1
Census1900She appeared in the census 1900 at 7 Elizabeth St. in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Sarah is listed as: Sarah E. (Head, b. Sep 1831, age 68, widowed, 2 children, 2 living, born in Rhode Island and parents also, owns home)
MacIver, Alexander J. (Son-in-law, b. Aug 1867, age 32, married 5 years, b. Scotland and parents also, immigrated 1882,Salesman)
MacIver, Grace A. (daughter, b. May 1871, age 29, married 5 years, 1 child, 1 living)
MacIver, Alexander N. (son, b. Dec 1896, age 3)
Mannion, Maria (Servant, age 25, single, born in Ireland, immigrated 1889)
Lovell, Samuel E. (Boarder, b. 1844, age 56, single, b. Mass., Carpenter)
Death1906She died in 1906
Last Edited 6 February 2018


  1. [S810] Rhode Island Town Records, Newport Marriage Register, no image available.; familysearch.org database

Grace Arnold Barker

F, #7638, b. May 1871, d. 5 March 1932


FatherNathan Barker (b. 23 October 1825, d. 21 September 1895)
MotherSarah E. Tefft (b. 1827, d. 1906)


BirthMay 1871Grace Arnold Barker was born in May 1871 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Marriage7 March 1895Alexander MacIver and she were married on 7 March 1895 at 7 Elizabeth St. in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, See attached wedding description from the Newport Mercury of 9 Mar 1895, page 1. It concludes "A reception followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. McIver left by sound steamer for a wedding trip to New York, Washington and other cities. Upon their return, they will reside with Mr. and Mrs. Barker on Elizabeth street.
Census1900She appeared in the household of Sarah E. Tefft in the census 1900 at 7 Elizabeth St. in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Sarah is listed as
Death5 March 1932Grace Arnold Barker died on 5 March 1932 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Her death notice was in the 11 Mar 1932 issue of the Newport Mercury: 5th inst., Grace Arnold (Barker) wife of Alexander J. McIver.
Last Edited 3 May 2018

Alexander MacIver

M, #7639

Family: Grace Arnold Barker (b. May 1871, d. 5 March 1932)


BirthAlexander MacIver was born in Scotland.
Marriage7 March 1895He and Grace Arnold Barker were married on 7 March 1895 at 7 Elizabeth St. in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, See attached wedding description from the Newport Mercury of 9 Mar 1895, page 1. It concludes "A reception followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. McIver left by sound steamer for a wedding trip to New York, Washington and other cities. Upon their return, they will reside with Mr. and Mrs. Barker on Elizabeth street.
Census1900He appeared in the household of Sarah E. Tefft in the census 1900 at 7 Elizabeth St. in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Sarah is listed as
Last Edited 5 January 2018

Marielize Barker

F, #7640


FatherNathan Barker (b. 23 October 1825, d. 21 September 1895)
MotherSarah E. Tefft (b. 1827, d. 1906)
Last Edited 5 January 2018

Frances Robinson Almy

F, #7642, b. 17 December 1798, d. 4 February 1882

Family: Alexander Barker (b. 4 November 1786, d. 11 June 1848)


Birth17 December 1798Frances Robinson Almy was born on 17 December 1798.
Marriage1 December 1831Alexander Barker and she were married on 1 December 1831 Alexander and Frances had at least 4 children:
William A., 1835-1911, m. Elizabeth Heazelett
John Almy, 1832-1899, m. Lydia A. Watson
Alexander, 1841-1866:

17 Jan 1863 Newport Mercury, p. 2, "The following Newport boys are in the Hospitals at Washington:... Emory Hospital, Alexander Barker, Company I, 7th Regiment"

10 Jan 1832, Newport Mercury, p. 2, "We regret to learn that Alexander Barker, of the Seventh Regiment, who was wounded in the battle of Fredericksburg, has been compelled to have his right arm amputated below the elbow."

13 Feb 1863 Providence Evening Press, p. 3, "Newport: Alexander Barker, of this city, a private in Company I, 7th Rhode Island Regiment, who last an arm in the battle of Fredericksburg, arrived at his home in this city yesterday, from Washington, having been honorably discharged from service,"

11 Aug 1866 Newport Mercury, p.3 "Deceased, in this city, 5th inst., Mr. Alexancer Barker, aged 26 years. Mr. Barker was a member of the 7th R.I. Regiment, and did good service in the field, having lost an arm at Fredericksburg. He was universally respected in the community where he resided."
Christopher E., 1839-1882, m. Ruth Ann Hoxie.
Death4 February 1882She died on 4 February 1882
Last Edited 5 January 2018

William Tew Tilley

M, #7643, b. 21 August 1806, d. 10 June 1866


FatherAbraham Dennis Tilley (b. 29 May 1775, d. 5 June 1845)
MotherRuth Nichols Tew (b. 1780, d. 25 March 1857)

Family: Caroline Philips (b. 1809, d. 25 December 1837)

SonSamuel P. Tilley (b. 24 February 1835, d. 4 April 1835)
DaughterCaroline A. Tilley (b. 1837)
DaughterCaroline Amelia Tilley (b. 6 July 1933, d. 26 November 1833)


Birth21 August 1806William Tew Tilley was born on 21 August 1806 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage10 July 1832He and Caroline Philips were married on 10 July 1832 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death10 June 1866He died on 10 June 1866 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Burial12 June 1866He was buried on 12 June 1866 at Island Cemetery in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.2
Last Edited 5 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878), p.18; digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Island Cemetery, Newport, RI

Caroline Philips

F, #7644, b. 1809, d. 25 December 1837

Family: William Tew Tilley (b. 21 August 1806, d. 10 June 1866)

SonSamuel P. Tilley (b. 24 February 1835, d. 4 April 1835)
DaughterCaroline A. Tilley (b. 1837)
DaughterCaroline Amelia Tilley (b. 6 July 1933, d. 26 November 1833)


Birth1809Caroline Philips was born in 1809.1
Marriage10 July 1832William Tew Tilley and she were married on 10 July 1832 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Death25 December 1837She died on 25 December 1837 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 5 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878), p.18; digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Caroline Amelia Tilley

F, #7645, b. 6 July 1933, d. 26 November 1833


FatherWilliam Tew Tilley (b. 21 August 1806, d. 10 June 1866)
MotherCaroline Philips (b. 1809, d. 25 December 1837)


Death26 November 1833Caroline Amelia Tilley died on 26 November 1833 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Birth6 July 1933She was born on 6 July 1933 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Last Edited 5 January 2018

Samuel P. Tilley

M, #7646, b. 24 February 1835, d. 4 April 1835


FatherWilliam Tew Tilley (b. 21 August 1806, d. 10 June 1866)
MotherCaroline Philips (b. 1809, d. 25 December 1837)


Birth24 February 1835Samuel P. Tilley was born on 24 February 1835 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Death4 April 1835He died on 4 April 1835 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 5 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878), p.18; digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Caroline A. Tilley

F, #7647, b. 1837


FatherWilliam Tew Tilley (b. 21 August 1806, d. 10 June 1866)
MotherCaroline Philips (b. 1809, d. 25 December 1837)

Family 1: Joseph G. Wood

Family 2: William W. Read (b. 7 April 1834, d. 28 August 1865)


Birth1837Caroline A. Tilley was born in 1837 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage30 April 1862William W. Read and she were married on 30 April 1862 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, Marriage announcement in the Newport Mercury, 3 May 1862, p. 3: "In Providence, 30th ult., by Rev. C. H. Fay, Mr. William W. Read, of Prov., to Miss Carrie A.., daughter of William Tew Tilley, of this city."1,2
Death of Spouse28 August 1865On 28 August 1865, Caroline suffered the loss of her spouse William.
Last Edited 5 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878), p.18; digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 May 1862, p. 3; ()

William W. Read

M, #7648, b. 7 April 1834, d. 28 August 1865

Family: Caroline A. Tilley (b. 1837)


Birth7 April 1834William W. Read was born on 7 April 1834 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage30 April 1862He and Caroline A. Tilley were married on 30 April 1862 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, Marriage announcement in the Newport Mercury, 3 May 1862, p. 3: "In Providence, 30th ult., by Rev. C. H. Fay, Mr. William W. Read, of Prov., to Miss Carrie A.., daughter of William Tew Tilley, of this city."1,2
Death28 August 1865He died on 28 August 18651
Last Edited 5 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878), p.18; digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 May 1862, p. 3; ()

Joseph G. Wood

M, #7649

Family: Caroline A. Tilley (b. 1837)

Last Edited 5 January 2018

Elizabeth C. Easton

F, #7650, b. 7 January 1838

Family: George W. Tilley (b. 11 April 1838, d. 19 December 1898)


MarriageGeorge W. Tilley and Elizabeth C. Easton were married, date unknown1
Birth7 January 1838She was born on 7 January 1838.1
Birth7 January 1838She was born on 7 January 1838 in Rhode Island.
Marriage29 October 1857George W. Tilley and she were married on 29 October 1857 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Elizabeth was the daughter of John Easton.

R. Hammett Tilley writes that they had several children but all died young.2,3
Last Edited 5 February 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com, Census for George W. T. Tilley.
  3. [S985] Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family, p. 19