Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 57

Nevada Brown

F, #1401, b. 7 March 1860, d. 3 January 1946


FatherJoshua Coggeshall Brown (b. 27 February 1828, d. 20 July 1901)
MotherJane Elizabeth Smith (b. 24 February 1830, d. 17 April 1870)

Family: Herbert Charles Tilley (b. 27 September 1860, d. 30 December 1943)

SonMilton Popple Tilley+ (b. 13 January 1882, d. 5 May 1981)
SonHerbert Charles Tilley (b. 29 August 1883, d. 11 March 1890)
DaughterCelinda Barker Tilley (b. 1885, d. 4 March 1887)
SonAbram Arnold Tilley (b. 1887, d. 11 March 1890)
SonArnold Barker Tilley+ (b. December 1890, d. 1954)
SonHerbert Charles Tilley, Jr.+ (b. 11 February 1892, d. 27 March 1956)
DaughterEssie Waldorf Tilley+ (b. 19 December 1893, d. January 1986)
SonLawrence S. Tilley (b. May 1895, d. 18 July 1917)
DaughterGladys B. Tilley (b. 1903, d. 26 May 1919)


AnecdoteIn the family she was called Neevie, rhymes with Stevie.
Birth7 March 1860Nevada Brown was born on 7 March 1860 in Steamboat Valley, Carson County, Nevada. At the time Carson County was in the Territory of Utah. Nevada is listed as Jane, so perhaps her name was Nevada Jane.1,2
Newspaper Mention22 June 1872She was mentioned in a newspaper report about Joshua Coggeshall Brown when 22 June 1872 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported
Newspaper Mention30 October 1875She was mentioned in a newspaper report about Joshua Coggeshall Brown when 30 October 1875 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported
Marriage24 March 1881Herbert Charles Tilley and she were married on 24 March 1881 at First Baptist Church in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, The Newport Marriage Register lists both of Newport, he age 20, she age 21, his occupation Farming. His birthplace: Newport, hers Nevada, Parents of the Groom: Abraham H and Celinda Barker. Parents of the Bride: Joshua C. and Jane Elizabeth Smith. First marriage for each, married by C.E. Barrows, Pastor, 1st Baptist Church.3
Census1910She appeared in the household of Herbert Charles Tilley in the census 1910 at 133 Grace Church Street in Rye, Westchester County, New York. Herbert is listed as
Witness31 March 19414
Death3 January 1946She died on 3 January 1946 at Giddings Nursing Home in Port Chester, Westchester County, New York, [Note: Several obituaries state in error that she died in Bridgeport.]1
Obituary3 January 19463 January 1946, Port Chester, Westchester County, New York, Daily Item Obituary:. Mrs. Herbert C. Tilley

Mrs. Nevada B. Tilley, widow of Herbert C. Tilley, died suddenly this morning at the Giddings Nursing Home, King Street, Port Chester. She was in her 86th year.

Mrs. Tilley is survived by three sons, Arnold B., Port Chester; Herbert C., Rye, and Milton P., New Canaan, Conn.; one daughter, Mrs. William C. Phillips of Alexandria, Pa.; 15 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

[Note: The great grandchild was Linda Nason Tilley.]
Obituary4 January 19464 January 1946, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary:. MRS. HERBERT C. TILLEY DIES IN BRIDGEPORT - Was Descendant of Colonial Newporters; Services Will Be Held Saturday.

Mrs. Nevada Brown Tilley, wife of the late Herbert Charles Tilley, formerly of this city, died at her home in Bridgeport, Conn., Thursday. She was born March 7, 1860 in Siskiyou County, Nevada, daughter of the late Joshua Coggeshall Brown and Jane E. Smith Brown.

She was a descendant of John Coggeshall, first president of the Rhode Island Colony, and Nicholas Brown who settled in Portsmouth in 1638 and who was one of the 20 signers of the Portsmouth Compact.

When a young girl, Mrs. Tilley came to Newport, sailing from California with her parents and other children in the family. She was educated here and married Mr. Tilley March 24, 1881. Mr. & Mrs. Tilley celebrated their diamond anniversary while making their home on Tilley avenue in this city. He died December 30, 1943.
Services will be held at the Hambly Funeral Home Saturday at 2 p.m.
Burial5 January 1946She was buried on 5 January 1946 at Island Cemetery in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Obituary11 January 194611 January 1946, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary:. Mrs. H. C. Tilley buried
The funeral of Mrs. Nevada B. Tilley, wife of the late H.D. Tilley, who died in Bridgeport, Conn. Thursday, was held Saturday noon at the Hambly Funeral Home. The Rev. Dr. Wilbur Nelson, pastor emeritus of First Baptist Church, officiated. Ludlow Maham was at the organ. Interment was in the Island cemetery. There were no bearers.

Mrs. Tilley leaves four children, Milton P. Tilley, New Canaan, Conn., Arnold B. Tilley, Portchester, N.Y., Herbert C. Tilley, Jr., Rye, N.Y. and Mrs. William Phillips, of Alexandria, Pa.5
Last Edited 7 February 2023


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.
  2. [S85] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  3. [S1013] Rhode Island Jurisdictions, 1853 - 1921: p. 588, HC Tilley, 24 Mar 1881; Rhode Island State Digital Archives, https://sosri.access.preservica.com/home
  4. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 4 Apr 1941, p.6; ()
  5. [S791] ""

Abraham Henry Tilley

M, #1402, b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893


FatherAbraham Dennis Tilley (b. 29 May 1775, d. 5 June 1845)
MotherRuth Nichols Tew (b. 1780, d. 25 March 1857)

Family 1: Esther Ann Barker (b. 2 March 1816, d. 4 August 1840)

SonGeorge W. Tilley (b. 11 April 1838, d. 19 December 1898)
DaughterEsther Ann Tilley+ (b. 7 December 1839, d. 1927)

Family 2: Celinda Barker (b. 24 March 1823, d. 20 July 1896)

DaughterMary S. Tilley+ (b. 19 March 1843, d. 22 February 1896)
SonWilliam C Tilley (b. 12 September 1844, d. 24 July 1845)
DaughterHattie Barker Tilley (b. 24 September 1846, d. 6 June 1923)
DaughterEdna Celinda Tilley+ (b. 1 January 1849, d. 15 January 1914)
SonAbraham Arnold Tilley+ (b. 11 January 1852, d. 8 March 1900)
SonHerbert Charles Tilley+ (b. 27 September 1860, d. 30 December 1943)


Birth20 September 1813Abraham Henry Tilley was born on 20 September 1813 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriageabout 1836He and Esther Ann Barker were married about 18362,3
Public OfficeJune 1839As of in June 1839, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, , Abraham served as Pound Keeper for the ensuing year.4
Death of Spouse4 August 1840On 4 August 1840, Abraham suffered the loss of his spouse Esther.
Marriage12 June 1842He and Celinda Barker were married on 12 June 1842 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island, by C.E. Barrows, Pastor, First Baptist Church.1,5
Census13 June 1860He appeared in the census 13 June 1860 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Abraham is listed as: Abraham H. (age 46, Butcher, Estate of $3500)
Selinda (age 37)
Esther (age 20)
Mary (age 17)
Hattie (age 13)
Edna (age 11)
Abraham A. (age 8)6
ResidenceJune 1864As of June 1864 Abraham lived at Warner Street in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, based on the funeral notice for Celinda's mother.
Occupation1865In 1865 Abraham worked in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, as a butcher, who owned a slaughterhouse. The 30 Dec 1865, p.2. Newport Mercury ran an article detailing the business taxes paid by Newport businesses, and mentioned Abraham in the following paragraph:
"The butchers tax on the cattle slaughtered is as follows:
Charles Spooner, $15.45
R.&. M. Stoddard, $10.55
George M. Hazard, $11.40
Abraham H. Tilley, $11.50"
Newspaper Mention23 December 1865The 23 December 1865 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported "Last Saturday morning about half past ten o'clock the stable of Mr. Abraham H. Tilley, near Warner street, was found to be on fire, and before the firemen could render any assistance, the building was nearly consumed, with two cows, seven tons of hay, two tons of straw, and a lot of farming tools, the whole valued at about $1,000, on which there was no insurance. The firemen succeeded in confining the fire to the barn and the shed. This fire has been attributed to an incendiary, but as is frequently the case with such reports it is false, for it appears that Mr. Tilley's little boy found half a match and lit it while in the barn, and when it burnt his fingers he let it drop among the hay. He was too young to know the consequences, and in a few minutes the building was enveloped in flames. Mr. Tilley has always been a hard working man and the loss falls heavily upon him."

This article was republished on 25 Dec 1915, in the column "Fifty Years Ago".
Newspaper Mention23 February 1867The 23 February 1867 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported "Mr. Abraham H. Tilley, who met with a severe loss about a year and a half ago by the burning of his barn, came near losing his slaughter house Wednesday morning, by the roof talking fire. We learn that the men were hurrying up the fire under the boilers, and the sparks from the chimney fell on to the roof, and before they were aware of the danger, the fire had got well under way. An alarm was given, but before the firemen arrived, the neighbors had succeeded in quenching the fire. He was fully insured."
Newspaper Item9 September 1876According to the 9 September 1876 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, ,Auction Notice lots were advertised on the Abraham H. Tilley estate. See attached Auction Notice.
Death20 October 1893He died on 20 October 1893 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Death Register lists 80 years, 1 month, Place of death: 2 Tilley Ave., Occupation: Farmer, born in Newport of American parents, Abraham D and Ruth N. Tilley. Cause of death: cerebral meningitis.1,7
Obituary21 October 189321 October 1893, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary: p. 1. Mr. Abraham H. Tilley died at his residence No. 2 Tilley Avenue, Friday morning at the advanced age of 80 years. Mr. Tilley was a native of Newport and had lived in the house in which he died for more than half a century. He carried on farming and butchering until within the past few years. He was twice married, both wives being daughters of the late Arnold Barker of Middletown. His second wife, to whom he has been married fifty-one years, survives him. He leaves seven children, George, son of his first wife and Mrs. George Nason; Mrs. T. M. Seabury, Mrs. John M. Popple, Mrs. John F. Chase, A. A. Tilley and Herbert C. Tilley, all offspring of his second marriage.

His funeral will be held at his late residence, will be attended by Rev. W. F. Arrington of the First Baptist Church of which the deceased was a life-long member. His sons and sons-in-law will act as pall bearers.

Funeral Notice:
Having just past his 80th birthday on September 20th, Mr. Abraham H. Tilley died exactly one month later to the day, at the age of 80 years and 1 month on Friday, October 20, 1893. His funeral service was solemnized on Sunday, October 22, 1893 at his late residence on 2 Tilley Avenue.
Burial22 October 1893He was buried on 22 October 1893 at Island Cemetery in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.8
Last Edited 29 July 2022


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.
  2. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  3. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 44; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed
  4. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 12 Jun 1839, p.2; ()
  5. [S782] Rhode Island Town Records, Newport, 1881, p. 11; familysearch.org database
  6. [S606] , National Archives and Records Administration microfilm, M653, 1438 rolls., 1860 Federal Census (1 June 1860) (.)
  7. [S1012] Rhode Island Jurisdictions, 1853 - 1937: p. 661, Abraham Henry Tilley, 20 Oct 1893; Rhode Island State Digital Archives, https://sosri.access.preservica.com/home
  8. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Island Cemetery, Newport, RI

Celinda Barker

F, #1403, b. 24 March 1823, d. 20 July 1896


FatherDeac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)
MotherMary Dunbar (b. 1785, d. 3 June 1864)

Family: Abraham Henry Tilley (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)

DaughterMary S. Tilley+ (b. 19 March 1843, d. 22 February 1896)
SonWilliam C Tilley (b. 12 September 1844, d. 24 July 1845)
DaughterHattie Barker Tilley (b. 24 September 1846, d. 6 June 1923)
DaughterEdna Celinda Tilley+ (b. 1 January 1849, d. 15 January 1914)
SonAbraham Arnold Tilley+ (b. 11 January 1852, d. 8 March 1900)
SonHerbert Charles Tilley+ (b. 27 September 1860, d. 30 December 1943)


Birth24 March 1823Celinda Barker was born on 24 March 1823 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage12 June 1842Abraham Henry Tilley and she were married on 12 June 1842 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island, by C.E. Barrows, Pastor, First Baptist Church.2,3
Death20 July 1896She died on 20 July 1896 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 5 February 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.
  3. [S782] Rhode Island Town Records, Newport, 1881, p. 11; familysearch.org database

Esther Ann Barker

F, #1404, b. 2 March 1816, d. 4 August 1840


FatherDeac. Arnold Barker (b. 14 March 1780, d. April 1845)
MotherMary Dunbar (b. 1785, d. 3 June 1864)

Family: Abraham Henry Tilley (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)

SonGeorge W. Tilley (b. 11 April 1838, d. 19 December 1898)
DaughterEsther Ann Tilley+ (b. 7 December 1839, d. 1927)


Birth2 March 1816Esther Ann Barker was born on 2 March 1816 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island.1,2
Marriageabout 1836Abraham Henry Tilley and she were married about 18362,1
Death4 August 1840She died on 4 August 1840 in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island,1,2
Last Edited 4 January 2018


  1. [S790] Elizabeth Frye Barker, Barker Genealogy (New York, New York: Frye Publishing Co., 1927), p. 44; digital images, Ancestry.com (Ancestry.com : accessed
  2. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Esther Ann Tilley

F, #1407, b. 7 December 1839, d. 1927


FatherAbraham Henry Tilley (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)
MotherEsther Ann Barker (b. 2 March 1816, d. 4 August 1840)

Family: George Nason (b. 14 March 1840, d. 31 December 1909)

DaughterElla P. Nason (b. 1868, d. 1937)
DaughterHattie T. Nason (b. 1875, d. 1889)


Birth7 December 1839Esther Ann Tilley was born on 7 December 1839.1
Marriage30 April 1862George Nason and she were married on 30 April 1862 The marriage was announced in the 3 May 1862 issue of the Newport Mercury, p. 3: "In this city, by Rev. S. Adlam, 30th ult., Mr. George Nason to Miss Esther A., eldest daughter of Abraham H. Tilley, all of this city."1,2
Newspaper Mention4 August 1914The 4 August 1914 edition of the Newport Daily News, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported on page 13: "Mrs. George Nason of Mill street is slowly recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism which has confined her to bed for the past two weeks."3
Death1927She died in 1927
Burial1927She was buried in 1927 at Island Cemetery in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Newspaper Mention11 July 1930The 11 July 1930 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported on p. 8: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Le Fevre Nason of Orangeburg, N.Y., announce the marriage of their daughter, Celeste, to Garnet Gordon Medhcott, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Medhcott of Knighton, Wales, at St. George's Church, Montreal, July 2. The bride is niece of Mrs. Frank C. Morrill of this city and the only grandchild of the late George and Esther (Tilley) Nason of this city."

I am putting this here so I don't lose it when I find the intermediate generation.
Last Edited 28 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 May 1862, p 2.; ()
  3. [S806] Newport Daily News, Newport, Rhode Island, 4 Aug 1914, p. 13; (newspapers.com)

George Nason

M, #1408, b. 14 March 1840, d. 31 December 1909

Family: Esther Ann Tilley (b. 7 December 1839, d. 1927)

DaughterElla P. Nason (b. 1868, d. 1937)
DaughterHattie T. Nason (b. 1875, d. 1889)


Birth14 March 1840George Nason was born on 14 March 1840 in Rhode Island.1
Marriage30 April 1862He and Esther Ann Tilley were married on 30 April 1862 The marriage was announced in the 3 May 1862 issue of the Newport Mercury, p. 3: "In this city, by Rev. S. Adlam, 30th ult., Mr. George Nason to Miss Esther A., eldest daughter of Abraham H. Tilley, all of this city."1,2
Census1 June 1900He appeared in the census 1 June 1900 at 26 Mill Street in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. George is listed as: George (Head, b. Mar. 1840, age 60, married 38 years, cabinet maker, owns home with mortgage)
Esther A. (Wife, b. Dec 1839, age 60, 3 children, 2 living)
Henrietta P. Nason (Sister, b. Oct 1842, age 57, single)
All born in Rhode Island and parents also.
4 Boarders: Alice H. Champlin, age 93
Anna A. Elery, age 30
Lillie Lees, age 21
Wm. J. Lester, age 21
A Maid: Teresa O'Laughlin, age 20, from Ireland
A Cook: Hannah Smith, age 44, black, b. New York
Death31 December 1909He died on 31 December 1909 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Obituary1 January 19101 January 1910, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary: Recent Deaths. Mr. George Nason died at his home on Mill street early Friday morning, after a long illness from hardening of the arteries. He had been steadily sinking for some time.
Mr. Nason was a son of the late John F. Nason and was born in this city about seventy years ago. He was for many years engaged in business as a cabinet maker and upholsterer, but of late years had joined with his wife in conducting the Nason Cottage, a well known boarding place on Mill street. He was an active member of the First Baptist Church, of which he had been a deacon for 45 years. He had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, both in Newport and outside the city, and was highly respected. He was formerly a successful and popular vocalist and was a member of a number of musical organizations.
Mr. Nason is survived by a widow, daughter of the late Abram H. Tilley, also one son, Mr. Charles L. Nason, of New York, and one daughter, Mrs. Morrill, of Braintree, Mass. Mr. Nason was a brother of Mr. John L. Nason and Miss Henrietta Nason, of this city, and of Mr. Samuel Nason, of New York; also of the late Thomas Nason and Mrs. Phebe Easton.3
Last Edited 28 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 May 1862, p 2.; ()
  3. [S791] ""

Mary S. Tilley

F, #1409, b. 19 March 1843, d. 22 February 1896


FatherAbraham Henry Tilley (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)
MotherCelinda Barker (b. 24 March 1823, d. 20 July 1896)

Family 1: Randall Pullen (b. 1830, d. 3 October 1868)

DaughterSadie Pullen

Family 2: Thomas Mumford Seabury (b. 1822)

SonGeorge Tilley Seabury+ (b. 12 April 1880, d. 25 May 1945)


Birth19 March 1843Mary S. Tilley was born on 19 March 1843 in Rhode Island.1
Marriage26 November 1867Randall Pullen and she were married on 26 November 18671
Death of Spouse3 October 1868On 3 October 1868, Mary suffered the loss of her spouse Randall
Marriage1878Thomas Mumford Seabury and she were married in 1878
Death22 February 1896She died on 22 February 1896 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Last Edited 1 January 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Randall Pullen

M, #1410, b. 1830, d. 3 October 1868

Family: Mary S. Tilley (b. 19 March 1843, d. 22 February 1896)

DaughterSadie Pullen


Birth1830Randall Pullen was born in 1830.1
Marriage26 November 1867He and Mary S. Tilley were married on 26 November 18671
Death3 October 1868He died on 3 October 18681
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Sadie Pullen

F, #1411


FatherRandall Pullen (b. 1830, d. 3 October 1868)
MotherMary S. Tilley (b. 19 March 1843, d. 22 February 1896)


Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

William C Tilley

M, #1412, b. 12 September 1844, d. 24 July 1845


FatherAbraham Henry Tilley (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)
MotherCelinda Barker (b. 24 March 1823, d. 20 July 1896)


Birth12 September 1844William C Tilley was born on 12 September 1844 in Rhode Island.1
Death24 July 1845He died on 24 July 1845 in Rhode Island1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Hattie Barker Tilley

F, #1413, b. 24 September 1846, d. 6 June 1923


FatherAbraham Henry Tilley (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)
MotherCelinda Barker (b. 24 March 1823, d. 20 July 1896)

Family: John Milton Popple (b. 23 May 1834, d. 3 August 1915)


Birth24 September 1846Hattie Barker Tilley was born on 24 September 1846 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Marriage18 December 1872John Milton Popple and she were married on 18 December 1872 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, John Milton Popple was the son of George Popple and Eliza Burt.1,2
Witness8 January 1898As of 8 January 1898, Hattie Barker Tilley was mentioned in the church affiliation record of Abraham Arnold Tilley, in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. See record of Abraham Arnold Tilley for further details.
Death6 June 1923She died on 6 June 1923 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury (Newport, RI) Sat. Jun 9, 1923, Pg 4

In this city, June 6, Harriet B. widow of John M Popple, in her 77th year.
Burial8 June 1923She was buried on 8 June 1923 at Island Cemetery in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.3
Last Edited 12 July 2022


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S810] Rhode Island Town Records, Newport Town Records, No image available.; familysearch.org database
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Island Cemetery, Newport, RI

John Milton Popple

M, #1414, b. 23 May 1834, d. 3 August 1915

Family 1: Harriet Amelia Edgar (d. May 1865)

Family 2: Hattie Barker Tilley (b. 24 September 1846, d. 6 June 1923)


Birth23 May 1834John Milton Popple was born on 23 May 1834 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage23 December 1858He and Harriet Amelia Edgar were married on 23 December 1858 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, John and Harriet had two sons, George and Henry. His son Henry predeceased his father.
Marriage18 December 1872He and Hattie Barker Tilley were married on 18 December 1872 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, John Milton Popple was the son of George Popple and Eliza Burt.1,2
Witness8 January 1898As of 8 January 1898, John Milton Popple was mentioned in the church affiliation record of Abraham Arnold Tilley, in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. See record of Abraham Arnold Tilley for further details.
Death3 August 1915John Milton Popple died on 3 August 1915 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,3
Burial5 August 1915He was buried on 5 August 1915 at Island Cemetery in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.3
Obituary7 August 19157 August 1915, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary: on p. 1. "JOHN M. POPPLE
Mr. John M. Popple died very suddenly at his home on Tilley Avenue Tuesday morning, while seated at the breakfast table.
Mr. Popple was a son of the late George Popple, a landscape gardener and was born in Newport eighty-one ago. He was a brother of the late George H. Popple and was for a time engaged with him in the shoe business. He was a carpenter by trade and was for a time a partner of the late Nathan Barker, a well known contractor and builder. He was an active member and a regular attendant at the First Baptist Church as long as his health permitted. He is survived by a widow, who was a daughter of the late Abraham H. Tilley; also by one son by his first wife - Mr. George W. Popple.
Mr. Popple was first married to Harriet Amelia Edgar on Dec 23, 1858. She was the daughter of George & Mercy Edgar. They had two sons, and she died shortly after giving birth to her second son George in May 1865. Mr. Popple then married his second wife in 1872. His son Henry, also by his first wife, died in 1895."
Last Edited 29 July 2022


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S810] Rhode Island Town Records, Newport Town Records, No image available.; familysearch.org database
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Island Cemetery, Newport, RI

Edna Celinda Tilley

F, #1415, b. 1 January 1849, d. 15 January 1914


FatherAbraham Henry Tilley (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)
MotherCelinda Barker (b. 24 March 1823, d. 20 July 1896)

Family: John F. Chace (b. 1850, d. 19 April 1876)

SonJohn F. Chase, Jr.+ (b. 1875)


Birth1 January 1849Edna Celinda Tilley was born on 1 January 1849 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage30 July 1874John F. Chace and she were married on 30 July 18741
Death of Spouse19 April 1876On 19 April 1876, Edna suffered the loss of her spouse John, after a sudden illness of 3 days.
Witness8 January 1898As of 8 January 1898, Edna Celinda Tilley was mentioned in the church affiliation record of Abraham Arnold Tilley, in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. See record of Abraham Arnold Tilley for further details.
Census16 April 1910She appeared in the census 16 April 1910 at 2 Tilley Avenue in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. Edna is listed as: Chase, Edna C (Head, age 60, widowed, 1 child, 1 living, occupation teacher, public school, owns home, free of mortgage)
John F. (son, age 34, married 3 years, Florist on own Account)
Maud W. (daughter-in-law, age 27, married 3 years, 3 children, 3 living)
John F. Jr (grandson, age 2)
Francis B (grandson, age 1)
Willis (Grandson, 5 months)2
Death15 January 1914She died on 15 January 1914 at 2 Tilley Avenue in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,
Obituary17 January 191417 January 1914, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Mercury Obituary:. "Mrs. Edna C. Chase, for many years a teacher in the public schools, died at her home on Tilley avenue on Thursday after a short illness from pneumonia. She was stricken with the disease only about a week before her death, but failed steadily until the end came.

Mrs. Chase was a daughter of the late Abraham H. Tilley and a sister of Mrs. John M. Popple and of Mrs. George Nason. A number of other brothers and sisters have died, including George W.T. Tilley, Abram A. Tilley, Herbert C. Tilley, and Mrs. T. Mumford Seabury.

She was elected a teacher in the public schools soon after her graduation from the old Newport High School and resigned to marry the late John F. Chase in 1874. Her husband died within two years and she was again elected as teacher. She was held in high esteem by teachers and pupils alike, and her retirement in 1910 was deeply regretted. Since then she has made her home with her son, Mr. John F. Chase.3
Last Edited 5 February 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  2. [S80] , 1910 U.S. Federal Census, Ancestry.com.
  3. [S791] Newport Mercury, Newport, Rhode Island, 17 Jan 1914; ()

John F. Chace

M, #1416, b. 1850, d. 19 April 1876

Family: Edna Celinda Tilley (b. 1 January 1849, d. 15 January 1914)

SonJohn F. Chase, Jr.+ (b. 1875)


Birth1850John F. Chace was born in 1850.1
Marriage30 July 1874He and Edna Celinda Tilley were married on 30 July 18741
Death19 April 1876He died on 19 April 1876 in New York City, New York County, New York,1
Obituary20 April 187620 April 1876, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, Newport Daily News Obituary:. "Mr. John F. Chase of this city died very suddenly in New York on Tuesday. He had been sick but three days. Mr. Case was married two years ago to Miss Edna E. Tilley, a daughter of Abraham Tilley of this city. He was a graduate of Yale College and at the time of his death was teaching school in Jersey City and studying law in New York. The body will be brought here for interment tomorrow morning."
Last Edited 5 February 2018


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

John F. Chase, Jr.

M, #1417, b. 1875


FatherJohn F. Chace (b. 1850, d. 19 April 1876)
MotherEdna Celinda Tilley (b. 1 January 1849, d. 15 January 1914)


Birth1875John F. Chase, Jr., was born in 1875.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878); digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed

Roland Chase

M, #1418


FatherJohn F. Chase, Jr. (b. 1875)

Family: Ruthann


MarriageRoland Chase and Ruthann were married, date unknown
Last Edited 22 December 2016


F, #1419

Family: Roland Chase


MarriageRoland Chase and Ruthann were married, date unknown
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Larry Chase

M, #1420


FatherJohn F. Chase, Jr. (b. 1875)

Family: Lynn

SonDavid Chase


MarriageLarry Chase and Lynn were married, date unknown
Address1996As of 1996, Larry lived in Middletown, Newport County, Rhode Island. Operated Chase's Greenhouse

2 Tilley Ave
Newport, RI 02840
Near intersection of Gould St and Tilley Ave

401 846-0242
A Local Florist Since 1900
A brief history of Chase’s Greenhouses:
1899 - John F. Chase opens Chase's Greenhouses, as a wholesale business, selling cut flowers to nearby florists.
1941 - John F. Chase, Jr. expands the business to include a retail shop.
Today - Chase's Greenhouses is operated by, Larry Chase, third generation, and his wife, Lynn, together with the fourth generation of the Chase family, their son, David.
Last Edited 22 December 2016


F, #1421


MarriageLarry Chase and Lynn were married, date unknown
Last Edited 22 December 2016

David Chase

M, #1422


FatherLarry Chase
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Abraham Dennis Tilley

M, #1423, b. 29 May 1775, d. 5 June 1845


FatherDeac. William Tilley (b. 19 October 1738, d. 14 April 1825)
MotherElizabeth Rogers (b. 7 August 1743, d. 28 August 1800)

Family: Ruth Nichols Tew (b. 1780, d. 25 March 1857)

DaughterEliza Rogers Tilley+ (b. 23 December 1800, d. 16 March 1854)
DaughterSarah T. Tilley+ (b. 7 December 1802, d. 20 July 1870)
DaughterMary T Tilley (b. 24 September 1804, d. 14 January 1843)
SonWilliam Tew Tilley+ (b. 21 August 1806, d. 10 June 1866)
DaughterNancy Tilley+ (b. 20 July 1808, d. 4 July 1889)
DaughterCharlotte Tew Tilley (b. 27 March 1811, d. 4 April 1854)
SonAbraham Henry Tilley+ (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)
SonJames Tilley (b. December 1816, d. 22 November 1827)
SonThomas S. Tilley+ (b. 9 September 1818, d. 18 October 1877)
DaughterRuth A. Tilley (b. 7 September 1821, d. 19 May 1902)
SonGeorge Henry Tilley+ (b. 24 February 1824, d. about 1900)


Birth29 May 1775Abraham Dennis Tilley was born on 29 May 1775 in Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage3 September 1799He and Ruth Nichols Tew were married on 3 September 1799 in Newport County, Rhode Island, Abraham and Ruth had 11 children between 1800 and 1824:

Eliza Rogers (m. Joshua Peckham)
Sarah T. (m. Mumford Hazard)
Mary T. (married Peleg Seabury)
William Tew (m1. Caroline Philips, m2. Mary Bush)
Nancy (m. William Congdon)
Charlotte (m. Benjamin Easton)
Abraham Henry (m1. Esther A. Barker, m2. Celinda Barker, her sister)
James (1816-1827)
Thomas S. (m. Annie E. Lovie)
Ruth A. (married James C. Powell)
Death5 June 1845He died on 5 June 1845 in Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 8 January 2018


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Ruth Nichols Tew

F, #1424, b. 1780, d. 25 March 1857


FatherCapt. William Tew (b. 4 April 1745, d. 31 October 1808)
MotherSarah Willson (b. 3 July 1753, d. 26 December 1831)

Family: Abraham Dennis Tilley (b. 29 May 1775, d. 5 June 1845)

DaughterEliza Rogers Tilley+ (b. 23 December 1800, d. 16 March 1854)
DaughterSarah T. Tilley+ (b. 7 December 1802, d. 20 July 1870)
DaughterMary T Tilley (b. 24 September 1804, d. 14 January 1843)
SonWilliam Tew Tilley+ (b. 21 August 1806, d. 10 June 1866)
DaughterNancy Tilley+ (b. 20 July 1808, d. 4 July 1889)
DaughterCharlotte Tew Tilley (b. 27 March 1811, d. 4 April 1854)
SonAbraham Henry Tilley+ (b. 20 September 1813, d. 20 October 1893)
SonJames Tilley (b. December 1816, d. 22 November 1827)
SonThomas S. Tilley+ (b. 9 September 1818, d. 18 October 1877)
DaughterRuth A. Tilley (b. 7 September 1821, d. 19 May 1902)
SonGeorge Henry Tilley+ (b. 24 February 1824, d. about 1900)


Birth1780Ruth Nichols Tew was born in 1780 in Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Marriage3 September 1799Abraham Dennis Tilley and she were married on 3 September 1799 in Newport County, Rhode Island, Abraham and Ruth had 11 children between 1800 and 1824:

Eliza Rogers (m. Joshua Peckham)
Sarah T. (m. Mumford Hazard)
Mary T. (married Peleg Seabury)
William Tew (m1. Caroline Philips, m2. Mary Bush)
Nancy (m. William Congdon)
Charlotte (m. Benjamin Easton)
Abraham Henry (m1. Esther A. Barker, m2. Celinda Barker, her sister)
James (1816-1827)
Thomas S. (m. Annie E. Lovie)
Ruth A. (married James C. Powell)
Death25 March 1857She died on 25 March 1857 in Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Last Edited 8 January 2018


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.

Deac. William Tilley

M, #1425, b. 19 October 1738, d. 14 April 1825


FatherWilliam Tilley (b. 1690)
MotherDorcas Earle (b. 10 April 1705)

Family 1: Elizabeth Rogers (b. 7 August 1743, d. 28 August 1800)

SonAbraham Dennis Tilley+ (b. 29 May 1775, d. 5 June 1845)
SonJohn Tabour Tilley+ (b. 5 April 1778, d. 23 August 1828)
SonDeacon George Tilley+ (b. 18 November 1790, d. 29 April 1843)

Family 2: Catherine Sabine (b. 1744, d. 15 October 1817)


Birth19 October 1738Deac. William Tilley was born on 19 October 1738 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island.1
Occupation1758In 1758 William worked in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, as a rope-maker, as was his father before him. Attached is an article with many details of the rope-making industry of Newport.

I apologize that the attached pdf opens with the article upside down. In Adobe Reader, you can click View, Rotate View, and turn it right side up.
Marriage29 October 1759He and Elizabeth Rogers were married on 29 October 1759 in Newport County, Rhode Island, William and Elizabeth had 17 children:
William (died in infancy)
William (died in infancy)
Betsey (died in infancy)
George (died in infancy)
Abraham Dennis
John Tabour
Census1774He appeared in the census 1774 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. William is listed as: White males above 16: 2
White males under 16: 5
White Females above 16: 1
White Females under 16: 4

Total in household: 12

Page number 32.3
Census1790He appeared in the census 1790 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island. William is listed as: William Tilley
1 free white male, 16 and up
3 free white males, under 16
4 free white females
5 all other free persons

Neighbors: Elizabeth Whitfield, John Baker, Ann Stedman/Stockman, Mary Johnson, Patience Roggers, Peleg Spooner, W.T., Caleb Hackner/Hacker, Samuel Elwood, Francis Brindley, James Clarke.

Image 13/20, Ancestry
Newspaper Mention10 September 1799The 10 September 1799 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported that William and John Tilley were looking for ropework apprentices. See attached advertisement.

I think the John referred to in the advertisement must be William's son John Tabour, born in 1788, so age 21 at this time.

Rope was made by skilled workmen who spent their days walking backwards. Using their fingers, they began by spinning hemp yarn from a coil of combed fiber wrapped around their waists. In subsequent passes, they twisted multiple strands of yarn into rope, and then into various weights of sheet, cable and hawser for use aboard ship. The long walkways were required to assure that the finished product would meet the then-standard cable length of 120 fathoms or 720 feet. Rope-making started to be mechanized in the early 1800s
MarriageJanuary 1802He and Catherine Sabine were married in January 1802 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts,
Death14 April 1825He died on 14 April 1825 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island,1
Newspaper Mention27 June 1885The 27 June 1885 edition of the Newport Mercury, Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, reported on some photographs and portraits that were donated to the Newport Historical Society, which was opened to the public 10 November 1884. Two of the portraits listed were:

William Tilley, of Newport (1738-1825), artist unknown, painted in Newport 1807. Deposited by the surviving grand-children.

Catharine Tilley, wife of William (1744-1817), artist unknown, painted in Newport 1807, Deposited by the surviving grand-children.
AncestryR. Hammet Tilley (RHT) compiled a Genealogy of the Tilley Family in 1873, which is primarily the family history of Deacon William Tilley and his 17 children and descendants. This book or booklet is available on archive.org at

Last Edited 15 February 2023


  1. [S144] Milton Popple Tilley, compiler, Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley, Progeny and Ancestry of Milton Popple Tilley of New Canaan, Connecticut (: Self Published, 1 Jan 1965). Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Lines of Milton Popple Tilley.
  2. [S985] R. Hammett Tilley, Genealogy of the Tilley Family (Newport, R.I.: John P. Sanborn, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1878), p. 6; digital images, Internet Archive, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/genealogyoftille1878till/page/n4/mode/1up : accessed
  3. [S959] Rhode Island Census, 1774, Rhode Island, 32, Based on John R. Bartlett, Census of the State of Rhode Island 1774, Providence, RD. 1858, Ancestry.com