Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 84

Chauncey Pardee

M, #2076, b. about 1789


FatherNathaniel Pardee (b. 13 January 1760)
MotherMary Holly (b. 1 April 1763)


Birthabout 1789Chauncey Pardee was born about 1789.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Willis Pardee

M, #2077, b. about 1791


FatherNathaniel Pardee (b. 13 January 1760)
MotherMary Holly (b. 1 April 1763)


Birthabout 1791Willis Pardee was born about 1791.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

John Holly

M, #2078, b. about 1800


FatherElnathan Holly (b. 27 August 1765, d. 28 August 1814)

Family: Amanda (b. 1808)

DaughterSarah Holly (b. June 1843, d. 13 February 1917)
SonCharles Holly (b. December 1845)


Baptism21 April 1779John Holly was baptized on 21 April 1779 at Ridgebury Society in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. http://dunhamwilcox.net/ct/ridgefield_ct_church.htm website Has a transcription of Ridgebury Church Records, Ridgefield, Fairfield Co., CT - 1769 to 1857 . It lists:
Ebnathan Holly, d. Aug 28, 1814, age 49 y.
John s. Elnathan, bp. Apr 21, 1779.
Birthabout 1800He was born about 1800 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Census1820He appeared in the census 1820 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. John is listed as: "John Hawley", male 10-16, male 16-26, female 26-45. In agriculture. Neighbors James Stewart, Noah Smith, Lewis June (Mason), William Howe, William Rockwell, Widow Hannah Foster (Mfg, Clothing, probably dressmaking). Compare to neighbors of Elnathan in 1810.2
Witness3 September 1821He is mentioned in the probate of the estate of Abraham Holly on 3 September 1821 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.3
Census1830John Holly appeared in the census 1830 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. John is listed as: one male 10-14, one male 15-19, one male 30-39. One female, 50-59. Where is his wife, or is his wife that much older? Or is he single and could the female be Sarah Holly? Or his mother? Neighbors, Noah Smith, Lewis June, James Stewart, Timothy Hunt, Wm Howe, Wm Rockwell.4
Census1840He appeared in the census 1840 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. John is listed as: one male 40-50, one female 30-39. First wife? Second wife? One employed, in Commerce. Neighbors Noah Smith, Wm Deforest, Henry W. Hunt, Lewis Sherwood, Lewis June, several Scotts.5
Marriageabout 1842He and Amanda were married about 1842 in Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut,6
Census20 September 1850He appeared in the census 20 September 1850 at North Salem Rd, Ridgebury, in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. John is listed as: "John Hawley", age 51, Farmer, value of real estate $4000, born in Ridgefield. Amanda, age 42, born in Stamford. Sarah, age 7, and Charles, age 4, both born in Ridgefield. James Leason, age 67, Occupation, none. Possibly Amanda's father? Neighbors Henry W. Hunt, Mrs. Sally Foster, Lewis Sherwood, Lewis June, etc.6
Lived1856As of in 1856, John lived at in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. as can be seen on the attached map, spelled "Hawley" just north of Mamanasco Pond. Since the 1850 census says Commerce, perhaps he was involved with the Store next to his home.7
Census11 July 1860He appeared in the census 11 July 1860 at North Salem Rd, Ridgebury, in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. John is listed as: "John Hawley", age 60, Farmer, Real Estate $6000, Personal estate $640. Amanda, age 50, Sarah age 17, and Charles age 14. Neighbors Henry W. Hunt, Harry Hunt, William Howe, James Smith, Lewis Sherwood.8
Census22 July 1870He appeared in the census 22 July 1870 at North Salem Rd, Ridgebury, in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. John is listed as: "Holly", age 69, Farmer, Real Estate $8000, Personal estate $600, with Amanda, age 55, Keeps house; Sarah, age 37 [sb27], At home; Charles 23, Farm Hand. Near Henry W. Hunt, James H. Smith and James Smith, Sherwood Lewis.9
Census26 June 1880He appeared in the census 26 June 1880 at North Salem Rd, Ridgebury, in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. John is listed as: age 80, Ret. Farmer, with Amanda, age 71, wife, keeping house, Sarah age 37, daughter, single, At Home, and Charles, age 35, son, single, Farmer. Clark, Samuel, age 20, Servant, Farm Laborer. Neighbors Wm Howe, James H. Smith.10
Last Edited 19 August 2017


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S89] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  3. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.
  4. [S88] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  5. [S87] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  6. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.
  7. [S169] J. Chace, Jr. Civ. Eng., Troy, NY, and W.J. Barker, N. Hector, New York., Clark's Map of Fairfield County, Connecticut (115 Wharton St., Philadelphia.: Richard Clark, 1856). Hereinafter cited as Clark's Map of Fairfield County, Connecticut.
  8. [S85] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  9. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  10. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Seymour Hobby

M, #2079, b. about 1765

Family: Rebecca Holly (b. 31 May 1767)

SonAllen Hobby (b. about 1793)
DaughterCaroline Hobby (b. 1805)


Birthabout 1765Seymour Hobby was born about 1765 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1
Marriage4 March 1791He and Rebecca Holly were married on 4 March 17911
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Caroline Hobby

F, #2080, b. 1805


FatherSeymour Hobby (b. about 1765)
MotherRebecca Holly (b. 31 May 1767)


Birth1805Caroline Hobby was born in 1805 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Allen Hobby

M, #2081, b. about 1793


FatherSeymour Hobby (b. about 1765)
MotherRebecca Holly (b. 31 May 1767)


Birthabout 1793Allen Hobby was born about 1793 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm


M, #2082

Family: Elizabeth Holly (b. 25 January 1770)

DaughterElectra Coley (b. about 1792)
SonSamuel Coley (b. about 1794)
DaughterHannah Coley (b. about 1796)


Marriageabout 1791Coley and Elizabeth Holly were married about 17911
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Electra Coley

F, #2083, b. about 1792


MotherElizabeth Holly (b. 25 January 1770)


Birthabout 1792Electra Coley was born about 1792.1
Witness3 September 1821She is mentioned in the probate of the estate of Abraham Holly on 3 September 1821 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.

Samuel Coley

M, #2084, b. about 1794


MotherElizabeth Holly (b. 25 January 1770)


Birthabout 1794Samuel Coley was born about 1794.1
Witness3 September 1821He is mentioned in the probate of the estate of Abraham Holly on 3 September 1821 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.

Hannah Coley

F, #2085, b. about 1796


MotherElizabeth Holly (b. 25 January 1770)


Birthabout 1796Hannah Coley was born about 1796.1
Witness3 September 1821She is mentioned in the probate of the estate of Abraham Holly on 3 September 1821 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.


M, #2086

Family: Lucy Ann Holly (b. 2 March 1773)


Marriageabout 1794Smith and Lucy Ann Holly were married about 17941
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Polly Waring

F, #2087, b. 1782, d. 10 May 1870

Family: Jared Holly (b. 14 January 1775, d. 21 June 1849)

SonWilliam Lorenzo Holly+ (b. June 1804, d. 18 October 1863)
SonOscar Star Holly+ (b. February 1808)
DaughterHarriet M. Holly (b. 4 April 1812)
DaughterMary W. Holly+ (b. 19 March 1816)


Birth1782Polly Waring was born in 1782 in New Canaan, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage24 December 1802Jared Holly and she were married on 24 December 1802 at Stanwich Congregational Church, Stanwich, in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut, both of Stanwich, by Platt Buffett2
Death10 May 1870She died on 10 May 1870 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,3
BurialShe was buried at Woodland Cemetery in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S229] LDS Film Number 4327, Item 3, Stanwich Congregational Church Records 1796-1835, Rev. Platt Buffett: p. 58, (1954). Hereinafter cited as Stanwich Congregational Church Records.
  3. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com

Harriet M. Holly

F, #2088, b. 4 April 1812


FatherJared Holly (b. 14 January 1775, d. 21 June 1849)
MotherPolly Waring (b. 1782, d. 10 May 1870)


Birth4 April 1812Harriet M. Holly was born on 4 April 1812 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Witness1842As of 1842, Harriet M. Holly was mentioned in the church affiliation record of Jared Holly, in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. See record of Jared Holly for further details.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S228] Elijah Baldwin Huntington, History of Stamford, Connecticut, from its settlement in 1641, to the present time (Stamford, Connecticut: Viewed at University of Michigan's Making of America Collection, http://name.umdl.umich.edu/AFK3887.0001.001, 1868), p. 313. Hereinafter cited as History of Stamford.

Mary W. Holly

F, #2089, b. 19 March 1816


FatherJared Holly (b. 14 January 1775, d. 21 June 1849)
MotherPolly Waring (b. 1782, d. 10 May 1870)

Family: Charles Edwin Smith (b. 1811)

SonSon A Smith (b. 7 February 1835)
SonWilliam W. Smith (b. 19 September 1837)
SonEdwin Erskin Smith (b. June 1841)
SonArthur Wells Smith (b. 29 January 1843)
DaughterMary W. Smith (b. May 1850)


Birth19 March 1816Mary W. Holly was born on 19 March 1816 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage19 April 1834Charles Edwin Smith and she were married on 19 April 1834 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, by Rev. Platt Buffett, of Stanwich.2
Witness1842As of 1842, Mary W. Holly was mentioned in the church affiliation record of Jared Holly, in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. See record of Jared Holly for further details.3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), vol 2., p. 223. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.
  3. [S228] Elijah Baldwin Huntington, History of Stamford, Connecticut, from its settlement in 1641, to the present time (Stamford, Connecticut: Viewed at University of Michigan's Making of America Collection, http://name.umdl.umich.edu/AFK3887.0001.001, 1868), p. 313. Hereinafter cited as History of Stamford.

Charles Edwin Smith

M, #2090, b. 1811

Family: Mary W. Holly (b. 19 March 1816)

SonSon A Smith (b. 7 February 1835)
SonWilliam W. Smith (b. 19 September 1837)
SonEdwin Erskin Smith (b. June 1841)
SonArthur Wells Smith (b. 29 January 1843)
DaughterMary W. Smith (b. May 1850)


Birth1811Charles Edwin Smith was born in 1811 in Connecticut.1
Marriage19 April 1834He and Mary W. Holly were married on 19 April 1834 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, by Rev. Platt Buffett, of Stanwich.1
Witness1842As of 1842, Charles Edwin Smith was mentioned in the church affiliation record of Jared Holly, in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. See record of Jared Holly for further details.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), vol 2., p. 223. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.
  2. [S228] Elijah Baldwin Huntington, History of Stamford, Connecticut, from its settlement in 1641, to the present time (Stamford, Connecticut: Viewed at University of Michigan's Making of America Collection, http://name.umdl.umich.edu/AFK3887.0001.001, 1868), p. 313. Hereinafter cited as History of Stamford.

John Ingersoll

M, #2091, b. about 1774

Family: Chloe Holly (b. about 1781)

DaughterAlmira Elizabeth Ingersoll+ (b. February 1814)
DaughterHarriett Ingersoll+
DaughterCordelia Ingersoll (b. 2 November 1823)


Birthabout 1774John Ingersoll was born about 1774 in Connecticut.1
Marriage9 September 1804He and Chloe Holly were married on 9 September 18041
Witness14 February 1831He was mentioned in a property transaction of Chloe Holly on 14 February 1831 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S248] Stamford, CT Land Records, Vol. W-X, 1827-1835, FHL US/CAN Film # 5582: Vol. X, p. 72., Microfilmed by Church of the Latter Day Saints, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Hereinafter cited as Stamford, CT Land Records, Vol. W-X, 1827-1835.

Almira Elizabeth Ingersoll

F, #2092, b. February 1814


FatherJohn Ingersoll (b. about 1774)
MotherChloe Holly (b. about 1781)

Family: Samuel Augustus Holly (b. 1815, d. 22 August 1897)

SonFrank Corwin Holly+ (b. 22 August 1859, d. 1 October 1897)
SonThomas C. Holly (b. 25 August 1859)


BirthFebruary 1814Almira Elizabeth Ingersoll was born in February 1814 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage8 May 1853Samuel Augustus Holly and she were married on 8 May 1853 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S127] Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm, BKaye cites Stamford Vital Records Vol. 3, p. 43, Marriages 1852-53.

Cordelia Ingersoll

F, #2093, b. 2 November 1823


FatherJohn Ingersoll (b. about 1774)
MotherChloe Holly (b. about 1781)


Birth2 November 1823Cordelia Ingersoll was born on 2 November 1823 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Charles Weed

M, #2094, b. 25 October 1764


FatherAaron Weed (b. 1741, d. 1824)
MotherElizabeth Pennoyer (b. 20 October 1742, d. 1812)


Birth25 October 1764Charles Weed was born on 25 October 1764 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol. 1, p. 152. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.

James Weed

M, #2095, b. 28 January 1766


FatherAaron Weed (b. 1741, d. 1824)
MotherElizabeth Pennoyer (b. 20 October 1742, d. 1812)


Birth28 January 1766James Weed was born on 28 January 1766 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol. 1, p. 156. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.

John Weed

M, #2096, b. 11 June 1767


FatherAaron Weed (b. 1741, d. 1824)
MotherElizabeth Pennoyer (b. 20 October 1742, d. 1812)


Birth11 June 1767John Weed was born on 11 June 1767 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol. 2, p. 53. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.

Aaron Weed

M, #2097, b. 14 October 1771


FatherAaron Weed (b. 1741, d. 1824)
MotherElizabeth Pennoyer (b. 20 October 1742, d. 1812)


Birth14 October 1771Aaron Weed was born on 14 October 1771 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol 2, p. 53. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.

Warren Weed

M, #2098, b. 14 February 1772, d. 10 May 1853


FatherAaron Weed (b. 1741, d. 1824)
MotherElizabeth Pennoyer (b. 20 October 1742, d. 1812)


Birth14 February 1772Warren Weed was born on 14 February 1772 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Death10 May 1853He died on 10 May 1853 in Stamford, Delaware County, New York,
Last Edited 22 February 2018


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol 2, p. 53. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.

Betsey Weed

F, #2099, b. 22 December 1775


FatherAaron Weed (b. 1741, d. 1824)
MotherElizabeth Pennoyer (b. 20 October 1742, d. 1812)


Birth22 December 1775Betsey Weed was born on 22 December 1775 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol 2, p. 53. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.

Rebecca Weed

F, #2100, b. 19 December 1775


FatherAaron Weed (b. 1741, d. 1824)
MotherElizabeth Pennoyer (b. 20 October 1742, d. 1812)


Birth19 December 1775Rebecca Weed was born on 19 December 1775 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol 2, p. 53. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.