Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 89

Rachel Knapp

F, #2201

Family: Joshua Mead

SonJoshua Mead+ (b. 3 April 1774)


MarriageJoshua Mead and Rachel Knapp were married, date unknown
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Henry Mead

M, #2202, b. 1738, d. 16 October 1816


FatherElnathan Mead (b. 11 February 1698)
MotherSarah Lyon (b. about 1701)

Family: Elizabeth Denton (b. 1748, d. 13 April 1810)

DaughterMartha Mead+
SonArtemus Mead
DaughterPriscilla Mead
DaughterBythenia Mead (d. 1815)
DaughterCharlotte Mead (b. 1 April 1774, d. 23 May 1870)
SonHenry Mead (b. 1778, d. 1843)
DaughterLavinia Mead (b. 1788, d. 28 August 1822)


Birth1738Henry Mead was born in 1738.
Marriage10 September 1775He and Elizabeth Denton were married on 10 September 1775 at 2nd Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
Biography25 February 1779On 25 February 1779: On the occasion of General Putnam's ride down Put's Hill, and the Tories' takeover of the town, "The citizens hung about the village as near as they dared, hiding in the swamps and byplaces during the whole day, taking advantage of every opportunity, by some daring feat, to secure prisoners, and even fire upon the enemy.
About an hour after the arrival of the body of Tories, Gov. Tryon with his full force of about twelve hundred men, took full possission of the town. He made his quarters at the house of Mr. Henry Mead, who then kept a public house on the present site of the residence of Miss Sarah Lewis and Mrs. Mason. The soldiers, meantime, separated themselves into squads, and pillaged every house in the neighborhood; a large body of them visited Coscob, where they destroyed the salt-works which were upon Bush's Point, a small sloop, and a sloop's storehouse. A party of them also entered the house of Daniel and Joshua Smith, which was situated a little way south of the present parsonage of the Second Congregational Society."3
Biography1787In 1787: Frederick Hubbard writes, "Lewis and Mason Streets are named after two prominent old-time families. One of the most interesting spots in the Borough, rife as it is with historic memories, is the northeast corner of Putnam Avenue and Lafayette Place, where the Rev. Dr. Lewis lived, and which was subsequently owned by his daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Mason, and his grandson, Theodore L. Mason, M.D.

"Before the war of the Revolution, this corner and many acres besides belonged to Henry Mead. He was the landlord of a Colonial tavern which stood near the junction of the main country road and the road to Sherwood's Bridge, now Glenville. Here he entertained, in such style as the times permitted, Gen. Putnam, Gen. Lafayette and other Revolutionary notables.

"Times were hard in Greenwich after the close of the war and Henry Mead struggled along for a few years and then moved with his family to New York City. As far as is known, none of them returned.

"He sold the old homestead or tavern in 1787 for three hundred and twenty pounds. The land, bounded northerly by the highway and what is now the Lenox House property and westerly by the road to Piping Point, now Greenwich Avenue, was purchased from Amos Mead and Henry Mead, respectively..."

The property was acquired by Dr. Isaac Lewis, for many years pastor of the Second Congregational Church. Hubbard continues, "Upon acquiring the property he at once proceeded to remove the Herry Mead house, and as the church then had no parsonage, he built a fine Colonial mansion about seventy-five feet back from the corner....It was built in the summer of 1786, but was not an old-fashioned sweep-back, because the Colonies had become independent, and the necessity for a one-story house, which is said to have been exempt from taxation by the Crown, no longer existed."

(The date of 1786 conflicts somewhat with the date of 1787 as the sale of the property, and also with that of the deed record.)4
Property Extract17 July 1789Henry was involved in a property transaction on 17 July 1789 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £155, 6 shillings and ten pence New York money||Isaac Lewis, Clerk of Greenwich||Isaac Lewis||in Greenwich, bounded southerly by his own land, westerly by the road leading to Piping Point so-called [note: became Greenwich Avenue], northerly in part by land belonging to Isaac Holmes Jun'r, late of Greenwich, dec'd and in part on land of Capt. John Hobby, and easterly by land of John Hobby, containing ten acres, one rood and seventeen rods.||Abr'm Hays, Amos Mead5
Property Extract15 February 1791Henry was involved in a property transaction on 15 February 1791 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £110 current lawful money of New York||Richard Mead of Greenwich||in Greenwich lying below the Post Road and "bounded North by the home lot of Edmund Mead where Isaac Weed now dwells, East by the road that leads to Henry & Alexander Griggs, South by Seymour's land and West by Amos Mead's land" containing fivie and a half acres||Rachel Mead, Amos Mead
Property Extract25 April 1791Henry was involved in a property transaction on 25 April 1791 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £44 9 shillings New York money||Stephen Holmes of Greenwich||in Greenwich in the West Society containing six acres one rood and sixteen rods bounded Northerly, Easterly and Southerly by his own land, and Westerly by land of Peter Mead in part and partly by land of Jeffrey Felmeter "with the privilege to pass and repass to said land in a driftway from the road from Horseneck to Round hill and George Moor's land||Peter Mead, Jabez Fitch
Property Extract25 April 1791Henry was involved in a property transaction on 25 April 1791 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £189 New York money||Peter Mead||in Greenwich in the West Society containing 27 acres bounded East by the highway leading from Horseneck meeting house to the Round Hill, Southerly by land of Nathaniel Mead Jun'r in part and partly by land of Zaccheus Mead, Westerly by land of Peter Mead and Northerly "by land I this day sell to Stephen Holmes in part and partly by my own land and partly by a drift way of one rod wide, thirtysix rods from the highway Westerly which driftway is adjoining land of George Moor, reserving and excepting to me, my heirs and assigns, the use and improvement of said tract of Round Hill the first day of April next||Amy Fitch, Jabez Fitch
Property Extract2 February 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 2 February 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. in his capacity as Administrator on the estate of his brother, "Know Ye, that I Henry Mead of Greenwich...Adm'r on the estate of Abraham Mead late of said Greenwich dec'd and by direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Stamford and for the consideration of the sum of forty seven pounds, five shillings lawful money received to my full satisfaction of Job Lyon of said Greenwich, do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Job Lyon a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in said Greenwich north of the Mile & half line in said Greenwich and east of the North street road and is in quantity nine acres be the same more or less and the same is bounded west by land of Jeremiah Mead and Jonah Mead, north by Edmund Mead's land, east by Titus Mead's land in part and by lnad of said Job Lyon and by said Jeremiah Mead's land, south by said Job Lyon's land in part and by land of Jonah Mead." Witnesses Jared Mead and Ebenezer Mead.6
Property Extract20 February 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 20 February 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. in his capacity as Administrator on the estate of his brother, "Know Ye, that I Henry Mead of Greenwich...Adm'r on the estate of Abraham Mead late of said Greenwich dec'd and by direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Stamford and for the consideration of the sum of 22 pounds, 10 shillings lawful money received to my full satisfaction of Stephen Mead of Fredericktown in the County of Westchester, New York, do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Stephen Mead the one third part of a certain lot of land" in Greenwich in the West Society, in Cosscob so-called, with the one third parts of the buildings thereon and bounded Northerly by lands of George Lockwood, Easterly by the Myanos river, Southerly by land in possession of Nathaniel Peck and Easterly by the Main Country Road. Witnesses Jabez Fitch, Elnathan Close.
Property Extract5 March 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 5 March 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £50 New York money||George Moore of Greenwich||in Greenwich in the West Society containing six acres two roods and thirty-eight rods, bounded Northerly by his own land in part and partly by land of Abraham Heusted, Easterly by land of George Moore, Southerly by land of George Moore in part and partly by his own land, and Westerly by land of Jeffry Felmette||Wm A. Thompson, Nathaniel Hibbard
Property Extract7 March 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 7 March 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £238 15 shillings New York money||Jared Mead of Greenwich||in Greenwich in the West Society below the main Country road and bounded west by the road that goes from the Main Country road to Pipen point, Northerly in part by the Rev'd Isaac Lewis' land and in part by John Hobby's land, east by Jared Mead's land, south by land of the heirs of John Grigg, dec'd, containing fifteen acres three roods and 27 rods||Ebenezer mead, Isaac Mead
Property Extract22 March 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 22 March 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £38 15 shillings New York money||Nathaniel Finch||in Greenwich in the West Society containing five acres one rood and four rods bounded Northerly "by land I this day sell too Nathaniel Hibbard," Easterly by land of Abraham Heusted, Southerly by land of Jeffry Felmett and Westerly by land of Justus Sackett||Nathaniel Hibbard, Jabez Fitch7
Property Extract22 March 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 22 March 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £40 New York money||Nathaniel Hibbard||in Greenwich in the West Society containing six acres bounded Westerly by land of Justus Sackett, Northerly and Easterly by Abraham Heusted's land, and Southerly "by land I this day sell to Nathaniel Finch"||Nathaniel Finch, Jabez Fitch7
Property Extract5 April 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 5 April 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £22 six shillings & 8 pence New York money||Stephen Holmes||in Greenwich containing four acres one rood and 35 rods more or less and bounded Southerly by land of Peter Mead, Westerly by land of Stephen Holmes in part and partly by land of Jeffry Felmette and Northerly and Easterly by land of George Moore, "excepting and reserving liberty for Jeffry Felmett to pass and repass through said land with teams, etc., to and from his land running up Easterly by said George Moor's land about halfway and then to turn and go Easterly to said Jeffry Felmett's bars, he putting up all bars and fences after him||Lydia Fitch, Jabez Fitch
Property Extract11 April 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 11 April 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £130 New York money||William Bush||in Greenwich containing 2 acres more or less with the buildings thereon and bounded Westerly and Northerly by land in possession of Matthew Mead, Easterly by land in possession of Isaac Holmes and Southerly by the Main Country road, reserving timber that is in the barn and the boards and siding that do not appear to belong to the buildings||William Hawley, Jabez Fitch
Property Extract25 June 1792Henry was involved in a property transaction on 25 June 1792 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £50 nine shillings and nine pence New York money||Jeffry Felmeter||in Greenwich in the West Society containing eight acres and eight rods bounded Easterly by his own land, Southerly by land of Stephen Holmes, Westerly by land of Jeffry Felmeter in part and partly by land of John Mead and Northerly by his own land "with liberty to pass and repass with teams, carts, etc. to and from said land from the road leading to Pecksland in the Driftway reserved in the land I sold to Peter Mead also through my said land lying Easterly of said land in the most convenient place, he putting up all bars and fences||Jabez Fitch,Nathaniel Hibbard8
Directory1810As of 1810 Henry was listed in the New York City, New York County, New York, directory at Walnut. cartman9
Directory1816As of 1816 Henry was listed in the New York City, New York County, New York, directory at 345 Washington.10
Death16 October 1816He died on 16 October 1816 in New York City, New York County, New York,
Obituary17 October 181617 October 1816, New York City, New York County, New York, The Columbian Obituary:. "Last evening, in the 78th year of his age, Mr. Henry Mead. His friends and acquaintance, and those of his son, Dr. Henry Mead, are requested to attend his funeral on Friday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, from the house of his son, Mr. Artimus Mead, between Grand and Hester, in Rundle, street. "
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S113] Abstracted by Spencer P. Mead, Viewed on website of New England Historical and Genealogical Society database., Church Records of Greenwich, CT, 1728-1909, abstracted from the records of 1st and 2nd Congregational, Stanwich Congregational, N. Greenwich Congregational, Christ Episcopal, King Street Baptist, Round Hill Methodist Episcopal, Stanwich Methodist Episcopal.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Churches abstracted by Spencer Mead.
  3. [S235] Daniel M. Mead, A history of the town of Greenwich, Fairfield County, Conn. with many important statistics (Corner Nassau and Spruce Streets, New York City, New York: Baker & Godwin, Printers, 1857), p. 170-1. Hereinafter cited as History of Greenwich.
  4. [S268] Frederick A. Hubbard, Other Days in Greenwich (Bowie, Maryland 20716: Heritage Books, Inc., 1913, Facsimile Reprint 1997), p. 244-245. Hereinafter cited as Other Days in Greenwich.
  5. [S240] Greenwich, CT Land Records: Vol 13, p. 36. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Land Records.
  6. [S240] Greenwich, CT Land Records: Vol 13, p. 77.
  7. [S240] Greenwich, CT Land Records: Vol 13, p. 83.
  8. [S240] Greenwich, CT Land Records: Vol 13, p. 81.
  9. [S273] New York City Longworth's American Almanac, New-York Register and City Directory (: D. Longworth, late 1700's - early 1800's), 1810, p. 265. Hereinafter cited as New York City Longworth's Directory.
  10. [S273] New York City Longworth's Directory, 1817, p. 313.

Elizabeth Denton

F, #2203, b. 1748, d. 13 April 1810


FatherHumphrey Denton (b. 1722, d. 1799)
MotherAbigail Smith

Family: Henry Mead (b. 1738, d. 16 October 1816)

DaughterMartha Mead+
SonArtemus Mead
DaughterPriscilla Mead
DaughterBythenia Mead (d. 1815)
DaughterCharlotte Mead (b. 1 April 1774, d. 23 May 1870)
SonHenry Mead (b. 1778, d. 1843)
DaughterLavinia Mead (b. 1788, d. 28 August 1822)


Birth1748Elizabeth Denton was born in 1748.
Marriage10 September 1775Henry Mead and she were married on 10 September 1775 at 2nd Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Death13 April 1810She died on 13 April 1810 in New York City, New York County, New York,
Obituary13 April 181013 April 1810, New York City, New York County, New York, The Columbian Obituary:. "On Wednesday morning, after a short illness, which she bore with christian fortitude, Mrs. Elizabeth Mead, wife of Mr. Henry Mead, aged 55. Her friends and acquaintance are requested to attend her funeral this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the house of Michael Titus, No. 122 Lombardy Street. "
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S113] Abstracted by Spencer P. Mead, Viewed on website of New England Historical and Genealogical Society database., Church Records of Greenwich, CT, 1728-1909, abstracted from the records of 1st and 2nd Congregational, Stanwich Congregational, N. Greenwich Congregational, Christ Episcopal, King Street Baptist, Round Hill Methodist Episcopal, Stanwich Methodist Episcopal.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Churches abstracted by Spencer Mead.

Martha Mead

F, #2204


FatherHenry Mead (b. 1738, d. 16 October 1816)
MotherElizabeth Denton (b. 1748, d. 13 April 1810)

Family: Smith Mead (b. 15 December 1756, d. after 5 March 1842)

SonDemas Mead (b. 1782, d. 20 September 1855)
SonSelah Mead+ (b. about 1783, d. between 10 March 1842 and 13 June 1842)
SonLewis C. Mead+ (b. 1793, d. 24 January 1867)
DaughterEliza Mead+ (b. about 1797, d. 21 May 1833)
SonDavid Mead (b. about 1799)
SonHenry Mead (b. 1801)
DaughterMaria Mead (b. about 1808, d. 12 January 1877)


Research Note3 May 20063 May 2006. We do not know that Smith's wife was Martha Mead, but several clues point that way. I have connected them here in the database to help me research them, but I have NO DOCUMENTATION for this marriage and IT MAY BE WRONG. HK
MarriageSmith Mead and Martha Mead were married, date unknown1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S242] Spencer P. Mead, History & Genealogy of the Mead Family (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1901), p. 385. Hereinafter cited as History & Genealogy of the Mead Family.

John Marshall

M, #2205


DaughterAbigail Marshall+ (b. about 1725, d. 1787)
Last Edited 22 December 2016

Elnathan Mead

M, #2206, b. 11 February 1698


FatherSamuel Mead (b. about 1673, d. 1713)

Family 1:

DaughterEunice Mead+ (b. 1720, d. 9 April 1803)

Family 2: Sarah Lyon (b. about 1701)

DaughterDeborah Mead (b. about 1725)
SonElnathan Mead+ (b. about 1729)
SonStephen Mead (b. about 1731)
SonAbraham Mead (b. 22 May 1735, d. about 1784)
SonHenry Mead+ (b. 1738, d. 16 October 1816)


Birth11 February 1698Elnathan Mead was born on 11 February 1698 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriageabout 1722He and Sarah Lyon were married about 1722 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S110] Francis F. Spies, Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs (Salem, Massachusetts: Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, 1930,1931, 1997), p. 186. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Hannah Marshall

F, #2207, b. about 1730

Family: Stephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)

DaughterRebecca Holly+ (b. 12 July 1752)
SonElisha Holly (b. 8 March 1755, d. before 22 November 1770)
SonSilas Holly (b. before September 1757)


Birthabout 1730Hannah Marshall was born about 1730.1
Marriage9 October 1751Stephen Holly and she were married on 9 October 1751 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p.250. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.

Rebecca Holly

F, #2208, b. 12 July 1752


FatherStephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)
MotherHannah Marshall (b. about 1730)

Family: Joseph Benedict (d. 1841)

SonBenjamin Benedict (b. 25 September 1774)
DaughterHannah Benedict (b. 6 September 1778)
SonHolly Benedict (b. 23 June 1780, d. 10 January 1867)


Birth12 July 1752Rebecca Holly was born on 12 July 1752 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage25 March 1773Joseph Benedict and she were married on 25 March 1773 at South Salem Church in South Salem, Westchester County, New York,2
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S230] , South Salem Church, Westchester Cty, NY Records 1752 - 1823, compiled by Betty Matteson Rhodes, South Salem Church Archives, http://the-red-thread.net/south-salem-church.html: Marriages, page 19., (1752 - 1823). Hereinafter cited as South Salem Church, Westchester Cty, NY Records.

Elisha Holly

M, #2209, b. 8 March 1755, d. before 22 November 1770


FatherStephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)
MotherHannah Marshall (b. about 1730)


Birth8 March 1755Elisha Holly was born on 8 March 1755 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Deathbefore 22 November 1770He died before 22 November 1770 because "he was not mentioned in his father's will of that date, nor in the distribution order of the Stamford Probate Court."
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Silas Holly

M, #2210, b. before September 1757


FatherStephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)
MotherHannah Marshall (b. about 1730)


Birthbefore September 1757Silas Holly was born before September 1757 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Probate Record6 July 1771Silas was listed in probate records on 6 July 1771 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Silas made choice of Abraham Holly for his Guardian, although it is recorded as Stephen (which is not possible because Stephen the father was dead and Stephen his brother was younger. Prindle says that there is a £500 bond in the probate file for Abraham, and the Vol. 3 index lists Abraham.)3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p.253. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.
  3. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie, p. 252.

Lois Todd

F, #2211, b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812


FatherRev. Abraham Todd (b. 18 February 1710/11, d. 17 December 1772)
MotherHannah Dickerman (b. 19 May 1709)

Family 1: Obadiah Mead (b. 20 February 1719/20)

DaughterMary Mead (b. 10 August 1757, d. 14 February 1815)
DaughterPhebe Mead (b. 22 December 1758)

Family 2: Stephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)

SonStephen Holly, Jr.+ (b. 12 January 1763)
SonIsaac Holly+ (b. 24 December 1764, d. 9 March 1851)
SonJonah Holly+ (b. 26 November 1767, d. 27 January 1844)
DaughterHannah Holly (b. 11 February 1770)


Birth13 May 1732Lois Todd was born on 13 May 1732 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1
MarriageNovember 1756Obadiah Mead and she were married in November 1756 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Marriage19 April 1762Stephen Holly and she were married on 19 April 1762 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
Probate Record12 May 1772Lois was listed in probate records on 12 May 1772 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. she was appointed guardian, with Abr'm Holly of Stamford, of Stephen, Isaac, Jonah and Hannah. (Stamford Probate Records, Vol. 3, p. 487).2
Death23 May 1812She died on 23 May 1812 at Timpany Family Plot, Cos Cob, in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p. 252. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.
  3. [S110] Francis F. Spies, Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs (Salem, Massachusetts: Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, 1930,1931, 1997), vol 2, p. 101. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs.

Stephen Holly, Jr.

M, #2212, b. 12 January 1763


FatherStephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)
MotherLois Todd (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)

Family: Deborah Ferris (b. 19 July 1753)

SonSilas Holly+ (b. 16 November 1781, d. 4 March 1861)
DaughterSarah Holly (b. 4 May 1784)
DaughterPhoebe Holly (b. 5 January 1788)
DaughterClarissa Holly (b. 27 October 1790)
DaughterHuldah Holly (b. July 1794)
DaughterSabrina Holly (b. 8 August 1796)


Birth12 January 1763Stephen Holly, Jr., was born on 12 January 1763 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Witness12 May 1772He was listed in the probate record of Lois Todd on 12 May 1772 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. See Lois Todd for details.2
Marriage5 January 1780He and Deborah Ferris were married on 5 January 1780 at 2nd Congregational Church in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, (listed as Stephen, Jr.). By Rev. Mr. Murdock.3,4
Probate4 April 1833He had his estate probated on 4 April 1833 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Holly, Stephen, late of Stamford, Apr. 4, 1833, his widow being incapacitated to act, letters of administration on his estate granted to Silas Holly, who was ordered to advertise for claims, page 484. Inventory taken by Selleck Scofield and Isaac Ayres, and filed Apr. 11, 1833, page 484.

Holly, Stephen, late of Stamford, Jan. 14, 1834, account filed by his administrator, and allowances to his widow, page 39. Jan. 18, 1834, estate ordered distributed to his widow _____, and children Silas, Sally, wife of William Scofield, Phebe, wife of Hezron Scofield, Clarissa, wife of Philander Smith, Huldah, wife of Robert R. Barlow, and Sabrina, wife of Levi Sherwood, page 40. Mar. 6, 1834, estate distributed accordingly, page 40.5
Last Edited 8 October 2020


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p. 252. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.
  3. [S220] Lucius Barnes Barbour, GREENWICH, FAIRFIELD CO., CT VITAL RECORDS FROM BARBOUR COLLECTION 1641-1852. (Baltimore, Maryland: republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1911-1934), Vol 2, page 33. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich, CT Vital Records, Barbour Coll.
  4. [S113] Abstracted by Spencer P. Mead, Viewed on website of New England Historical and Genealogical Society database., Church Records of Greenwich, CT, 1728-1909, abstracted from the records of 1st and 2nd Congregational, Stanwich Congregational, N. Greenwich Congregational, Christ Episcopal, King Street Baptist, Round Hill Methodist Episcopal, Stanwich Methodist Episcopal.. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Churches abstracted by Spencer Mead.
  5. [S114] SPENCER P. MEAD, L.L.B., of the New York Bar, compiler, VOL. II ABSTRACT of PROBATE RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, AND STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1803-1848 (, 1919). Hereinafter cited as Stamford Probate Record Abstracts.

Isaac Holly

M, #2213, b. 24 December 1764, d. 9 March 1851


FatherStephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)
MotherLois Todd (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)

Family: Sarah Reynolds (b. 3 November 1767, d. 2 June 1853)

SonPlatt Tyler Holly
DaughterFrances O. Holly
DaughterSarah Holly+ (b. 25 November 1790)
SonLucius Holly (b. 5 July 1792, d. 12 February 1821)
DaughterSamantha Brush Holly (b. 20 December 1793)
DaughterHannah Holly+ (b. 17 April 1796, d. 11 August 1837)
SonIsaac Holly, Jr.+ (b. 9 March 1798, d. 21 August 1879)
SonWilliam Holly (b. 23 February 1800, d. 27 November 1822)
DaughterEliza A. Holly (b. 1802, d. 1 March 1821)
SonStephen Holly+ (b. 23 August 1804, d. 2 July 1853)


Birth24 December 1764Isaac Holly was born on 24 December 1764 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Witness12 May 1772He was listed in the probate record of Lois Todd on 12 May 1772 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. See Lois Todd for details.3
Marriage14 April 1790He and Sarah Reynolds were married on 14 April 1790 at Second Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,4
Milit-War1812He served in the military in 1812. in the Revolution, Conn. Rolls, p. 81.
Census29 August 1850He appeared in the census 29 August 1850 at Stanwich Road in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Isaac is listed as: Farmer, age 84, $9,000 in real estate, with Sarah, age 81, Sarah Hubbard, age 53, Eli Timpany, age 14. Living between Isaac Jr., and Stephen Holly.
Death9 March 1851He died on 9 March 1851 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut, (Francis Spies in Greenwich Inscriptions lists the death date as 8 Mar 1850. Town Hall records has April 1851.)4,5
BurialHe was buried at 2nd Congregational Churchyard, Putnam Ave next to church, in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut.2
Probate Record23 February 1852Isaac was listed in probate records on 23 February 1852 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Order of Distribution: At a court of Probate holden at Stamford in and for the district of Stamford February 23, 1852.
Whereas Isaac Holly, late of Greenwich in said District dec'd. in and by his last will and testament dated the 17th day of May 1849 duly approved before and approved by said Court of Probate and among the files and records of said Court [-?-] thereto being [-?-] did give and devise to his wife the use and improvement of one third of all his real estate during her natural life and did direct that the family burying ground on his premises should be and remain for the use of his children generally and their descendants said burying ground to begin at the east side of the graves now placed there and to run two rods north from the land of William H. Mead and four rods Westerly so that the same shall be four rods in length from East to West and two rods wide from North to South and did direct that said burying ground should not be divided and did give and devise to his children and their descendants a right of way of one rod in width from the highway to and from said burying ground said right of way to be bounded Wouth by land of William H. Mead. And did order and direct that all the rest and residue of his estate both real and personal should be divided into ten equal shares and did give devise and bequeath to his three sons, viz. Isaac Holly, Jr., Stephen Holly and Platt Tyler Holly, each two shares and to his four daughters viz., Sarah Hubbard, widow of John Hubbard dec'd., Samantha R. Howe, wife of Nehemiah Howe, the heirs of Daniel Lyon, Jr. (his son-in-law) and Frances Ophelia Reynolds, wife of Alfred Reynolds, each one share. And did give to said Isaac and direct that he should take as a portion of his two shares the two lots north of his house and bounded East by highway, South by land of Hannah Smith, and North and West by said Isaac's land accounting for the same at the rate of one hundred dollars per acre.

And did give devise and bequeath to his said daughter Sarah Hubbard, so long as she shall remain unmarried without the privilege of taking in any persons or family to reside with her as a portion of her share, the use and occupation of the North chamber in the house in which he then lived, the bedroom in the garret, the one fourth part of the cellar with a privilege in the kitchen and the occupation of a closet in the kitchen with the privilege of using the work house and water from the well.

And did give devise and bequeath to his said son Stephen his homestaed consisting of three lots bounded East by highway, North by land belonging to said Isaac, West by land of Abraham Reynolds and South by land of William H. Mead with the buildings and did direct that he should take the same at the amount it should be appraised at by the appraisers on his estate and all on the same in the settlement of his estate.

And whereas the appraisers on said estate duly appointed by said Court of Probate did appraise said homestead of three lots with the buildings thereon at the sum of two thousand seven hundred and fifty fi-- dollars and their appraisal has been duly returned to and accepted by said Court. And whereas the executors of said last will and testament have resented their administration account to this Court for adjustment which has been by this Court accepted and approved and is among its files by which said account it appears that there is in the hands of the Executors after the payment of the just debts against said estate, funeral charges and expenses of settling said estate the sum of two thousand one hundred and forty three and 64/100 dollars in personal estate to be divided and distributed according to the provisions of said will. And whereas the real estate of said Isaac Holly has not yet been distributed according to the provisions of said will as no provision was made in said will for the appointment of distributors. Therefore this Court doth on motion of Stephen Holly and Isaac Holly, devisees under said Will, appoint William H. Holly, Esq. of Stamford and Ard Raynolds and Ard Knapp, Esquires of said Greenwich, judicious and disinterested freeholders, distributors to distribute all the estate both real and personal belonging to the estate of the said Isaac according to the provisions of said will, that is to say, they are to set out and distribute to the widow of said Isaac dec'd, the use and improvement of one third part of the real estate of said Isaac dec'd during her natural life.

And of the rest and residue of the real and personal estate of said Isaac dec'd, except said burying ground and right of way to the same, as before mentioned, they are to set out and distribute to said Isaac Holly the one-fifth part, to said Stephen Holly the one-fifth part, to said Platt Tyler Holly one-fifth part, to said Sarah Hubbard one-tenth part, to said Semantha R. Howe one-tenth part, to said Frances Ophelia Reynolds one-tenth part, and to the children of said Daniel Lyon Jr., one tenth part and in making said distributions, the distributos will set to said Stephen said homestead of three lots with the buildings thereon as aforesaid at the sum of $2755, and if said homestead and buildings shall exceed the one-fifth part of said residue after deducting therefrom whatever in the opinion of the distributors the incumbrances of the widow's dower on said homestead and of said privileges as afresaid, given to said Sarah Hubbard and the value of said burying ground and right of way thereto may amount to, the said Stephen will pay such excess to the distributors for distribution among the other devisees.

And they will set to said Isaac Holly as a part of his one-fifth said two lots described as aforesaid at the rate of one hundred dollars per acre and they will set to said Sarah Hubbard as a part of her one tenth part the rooms and privileges in said dwelling house as mentioned above and return make of their doings to this Court. --William T. Minor, Judge.

Distribution: to be continued.
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S110] Francis F. Spies, Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs (Salem, Massachusetts: Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, 1930,1931, 1997), p. 20. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs.
  3. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p. 252. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.
  4. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie, p.253.
  5. [S270] Town Hall, Field Point Rd., Greenwich, CT, Greenwich CT Town Records, vol. 1, p. 12. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich CT Town Records.

Jonah Holly

M, #2214, b. 26 November 1767, d. 27 January 1844


FatherStephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)
MotherLois Todd (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)

Family: Lydia Banks (b. 15 May 1773, d. 17 September 1859)

SonAndrew Holly (b. 7 February 1788)
DaughterLois Holly+ (b. 10 June 1796, d. 19 October 1866)
DaughterDeborah Holly (b. 19 August 1798, d. 11 March 1857)
SonStephen Holly+ (b. 1802, d. 6 February 1863)
SonJohn Banks Holly+ (b. 18 May 1804, d. 21 December 1876)


Birth26 November 1767Jonah Holly was born on 26 November 1767 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Witness12 May 1772He was listed in the probate record of Lois Todd on 12 May 1772 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. See Lois Todd for details.2
Marriageabout 1790He and Lydia Banks were married about 17903
Property Extract14 February 1793Jonah was involved in a property transaction on 14 February 1793 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £235||Joshua Mead of Greenwich||on the highway from Horseneck to Stanwich with buildings, 24 acres bounded Easterly by the highway, Northerly by Joshua Mead's land, running to the back side of the ridge, Westerly by his own land, Southerly by Horton Reynolds||David Wood, Jun & John Mackay
Property Extract14 February 1793Jonah was involved in a property transaction on 14 February 1793 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut. £150||Ambrose Reynolds||22 acres bounded Westerly by the highway leading to Clapboard ridge, Southerly by Horton Reynold's land and "by land I this day sold to Joshua Mead, Easterly by land I this day sold to Joshua Mead and Northerly by Andrew Mead's land and land heretofore and still owned by Joshua Mead"(wtinesses not noted)
Census1800He appeared in the census 1800 in Bedford, Westchester County, New York. Jonah is listed as: 1 boy under 10, 1 boy 10-15, 1 male 26-44, 1 male 45 and over. 3 girls under 10, 1 girl 10-15, 1 female 26-44. Neighbors, Joseph Parker, Arnol Baily, Jacob Hait, Millers, Joseph Worden, Peter Fleming, Samuel Toobridge, Samuel Lyon Jr.4
Census1810He appeared in the census 1810 in Bedford, Westchester County, New York. Jonah is listed as: 2 boys under 10, 1 male 16-25, 1 male 26-44, 2 girls 10-15, 1 female 16-25, 1 female 26-44. Neighbors, Holly Benedict, Euel Todd, Jacob Haight, Mary Natter, Joseph Newman, Elizabeth Banks, Millers, Johannah Silman.5
Census1820He appeared in the census 1820 in Bedford, Westchester County, New York. Jonah is listed as: "Joney Holley", with 1 male 16-18, 2 males 16-26, 1 male 45+, 1 female under 10, 1 female 16-26, 1 female 45+, 4 in Agriculture. Neighbors, Shederick Briggs, Jno Todd, Jacob Haight, Abel Mead, Millers, John Banks.6
Census1830He appeared in the census 1830 in Bedford, Westchester County, New York. Jonah is listed as: 1 male 60-69, 1 female 30-39, 1 female 40-49, 1 female 50-59. Neighbors: Clark Newman, James Newman, John Holly, Stephen Holly, Jacob Silkman, Stephen Todd, Edward & John Banks, St. John Reynolds, Banks Newman, Haight's, James Hoyt.7
Census1840He appeared in the census 1840 in Bedford, Westchester, New York. Jonah is listed as: "Holley" age 70-80, with three females in the household: 40-49, 50-59, and 60-69. Next to John Holley and Stephen, and names Purdy, Sarles, Newman, Haight, Banks.4
Death27 January 1844He died on 27 January 1844 in Bedford, Westchester County, New York,3
BurialHe was buried at Bedford Union Cemetery, Plot 3, in Bedford, Westchester County, New York. Bedford Inscriptions says he was buried in "Yard on road to Katonah near Truesdall's."3,8
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p. 252. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.
  3. [S241] Francis F. Spies, Inscriptions copied from Graveyards in Bedford, Westchester County, NY (Hastings on Hudson, New York: Viewed on heritagequestonline.com, 1933), p. 152. Hereinafter cited as Bedford Inscriptions.
  4. [S87] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  5. [S90] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  6. [S89] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  7. [S88] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  8. [S260] Katharine B. Kelly, edited by Donald W. Marshall, compiler, Bedford Historical Records, Vol VIII, Town of Bedford Cemeteries 1681-1975 (38 Village Green, Bedford, NY 10506: Bedford Historical Society, 1977), p. 166. Hereinafter cited as Bedford Historical Records, Vol VIII.

Hannah Holly

F, #2215, b. 11 February 1770


FatherStephen Holly (b. 19 October 1728, d. between 22 November 1770 and 5 February 1771)
MotherLois Todd (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)

Family: James Knapp (b. between 1764 and 1765, d. 3 February 1847)


Birth11 February 1770Hannah Holly was born on 11 February 1770 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Witness12 May 1772She was listed in the probate record of Lois Todd on 12 May 1772 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. See Lois Todd for details.2
Marriage6 January 1791James Knapp and Hannah Holly were married on 6 January 1791 at Second Congregational Church in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,3
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie (New Orleans: Polyanthos, Inc., 1976), p. 252. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie.
  3. [S233] Paul W. Prindle, Ancestry of Elizabeth Barrett Gillespie, p.254.

Rev. Abraham Todd

M, #2216, b. 18 February 1710/11, d. 17 December 1772


FatherJonah Todd (b. 16 December 1684, d. 29 August 1730)
MotherHannah Clark (b. 6 April 1685)

Family: Hannah Dickerman (b. 19 May 1709)

DaughterLois Todd+ (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)


Birth18 February 1710/11Rev. Abraham Todd was born on 18 February 1710/11.2
Marriage30 November 1727He and Hannah Dickerman were married on 30 November 17271
Death17 December 1772He died on 17 December 17721
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S110] Francis F. Spies, Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs (Salem, Massachusetts: Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, 1930,1931, 1997), p. 20. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Hannah Dickerman

F, #2217, b. 19 May 1709


Family: Rev. Abraham Todd (b. 18 February 1710/11, d. 17 December 1772)

DaughterLois Todd+ (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)


Birth19 May 1709Hannah Dickerman was born on 19 May 1709.2
Marriage30 November 1727Rev. Abraham Todd and she were married on 30 November 17271
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S110] Francis F. Spies, Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs (Salem, Massachusetts: Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, 1930,1931, 1997), p. 20. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Obadiah Mead

M, #2218, b. 20 February 1719/20


FatherBenjamin Mead (b. May 1667, d. 22 February 1746)
MotherRachel Brown

Family: Lois Todd (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)

DaughterMary Mead (b. 10 August 1757, d. 14 February 1815)
DaughterPhebe Mead (b. 22 December 1758)


Birth20 February 1719/20Obadiah Mead was born on 20 February 1719/20 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1
MarriageNovember 1756He and Lois Todd were married in November 1756 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut,1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Mary Mead

F, #2219, b. 10 August 1757, d. 14 February 1815


FatherObadiah Mead (b. 20 February 1719/20)
MotherLois Todd (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)

Family: Michael Cox Timpany (b. 23 September 1755, d. 25 October 1811)


MarriageMichael Cox Timpany and Mary Mead were married, date unknown1
Birth10 August 1757She was born on 10 August 1757 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.2
Death14 February 1815She died on 14 February 1815 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
BurialShe was buried at Timpany Family Plot, Cos Cob, in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S110] Francis F. Spies, Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs (Salem, Massachusetts: Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, 1930,1931, 1997), vol 2, p. 101. Hereinafter cited as Greenwich Connecticut Epitaphs.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Phebe Mead

F, #2220, b. 22 December 1758


FatherObadiah Mead (b. 20 February 1719/20)
MotherLois Todd (b. 13 May 1732, d. 23 May 1812)


Birth22 December 1758Phebe Mead was born on 22 December 1758 in Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Rhoda Sherwood

F, #2221, b. April 1784

Family: Silas Holly (b. 16 November 1781, d. 4 March 1861)

SonSamuel Augustus Holly+ (b. 1815, d. 22 August 1897)
DaughterLydia Louise Holly (b. about 1822)
SonCharles H. Holly+ (b. 31 July 1826, d. 16 July 1907)


BirthApril 1784Rhoda Sherwood was born in April 1784 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Marriage28 March 1813Silas Holly and she were married on 28 March 18131
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm

Samuel Augustus Holly

M, #2222, b. 1815, d. 22 August 1897


FatherSilas Holly (b. 16 November 1781, d. 4 March 1861)
MotherRhoda Sherwood (b. April 1784)

Family 1: Phebe Seely (b. 1 January 1817, d. 24 August 1850)

DaughterLois Amelia Holly+ (b. 29 October 1838, d. 30 May 1914)
SonJohn Morton Holly+ (b. 31 May 1840, d. 19 January 1892)
DaughterJane Ann Holly (b. 1844)
DaughterMary Alethea Holly (b. 1846)
SonStephen C. Holly (b. 1848)

Family 2: Almira Elizabeth Ingersoll (b. February 1814)

SonFrank Corwin Holly+ (b. 22 August 1859, d. 1 October 1897)
SonThomas C. Holly (b. 25 August 1859)


Birth1815Samuel Augustus Holly was born in 1815.1
Marriageabout 1837He and Phebe Seely were married about 18371
Census9 October 1850He appeared in the census 9 October 1850 at Hunting Ridge in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Samuel is listed as: age 34, Shoe Making, with Phebe, age 32, and Lois A., age 13, John M., age 10, Jane A., age 6, Stephen C., age 2. Next door to Charles H. Holly, cooper, age 24, wife Sarah, age 19 and baby William, 3 months. All the other Hunting Ridge families on both sides.2
Marriage8 May 1853He and Almira Elizabeth Ingersoll were married on 8 May 1853 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,3
Census14 June 1860He appeared in the census 14 June 1860 at Long Ridge Post Office in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Samuel is listed as: age 44, Wagoneer, Teamster, $600 real estate and $400 personal estate. With Elizabeth A, 46; Jane A,16; Stephen O,12; Frank C. 3 months, and Cloe Ingersoll, age 79. Living between Charles H. Holly, Ebenezer Dan, Harvey Scofield. Silas Holly, cooper, and Rhoda on next page.4
Census16 June 1870He appeared in the census 16 June 1870 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Samuel is listed as: age 54, Butcher and Farmer, with real estate valued at $3000 and personal estate $2000. With Almira E, age 56, Keeping House; Frank C, age 10; and Bouton Jarvis, 15, Farm Laborer. Next to Charles H. Holly and family.5
Census5 June 1880He appeared in the census 5 June 1880 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Samuel is listed as: age 64, Farmer, with Elizabeth, 66, wife, Keeping house. Neighbors Theodore Bouton, W.M. Platt, John E. Scofield.6
Death22 August 1897He died on 22 August 1897 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,1
BurialHe was buried at Scofield Cemetery #3, North side of Haviland Rd., towards Hunting Ridge Rd., in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  2. [S86] , 1850 Census Online, As viewed on ancestry.com.
  3. [S127] Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm, BKaye cites Stamford Vital Records Vol. 3, p. 43, Marriages 1852-53.
  4. [S85] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  5. [S84] , Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.
  6. [S83] , 1880 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Charles H. Holly

M, #2223, b. 31 July 1826, d. 16 July 1907


FatherSilas Holly (b. 16 November 1781, d. 4 March 1861)
MotherRhoda Sherwood (b. April 1784)

Family 1: Sarah E. Searles (b. 1830)

SonJohn William Holly (b. 16 May 1850, d. 7 January 1924)
SonEdward E. Holly (b. 24 February 1852, d. 1932)
SonCharles F. Holly (b. June 1854, d. 1929)
SonWilbur Mason Holly (b. 23 March 1857)
SonOakley Holly (b. 1859)
SonElmer Ellsworth Holly (b. 17 June 1862)
SonMelville Holly (b. February 1864)
DaughterGenevieve Holly (b. October 1876)

Family 2: Harriet E. Waterbury (b. 14 May 1845, d. 27 June 1943)


Birth31 July 1826Charles H. Holly was born on 31 July 1826 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1,2
Marriage2 January 1849He and Sarah E. Searles were married on 2 January 1849 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
Census16 June 1870He appeared in the census 16 June 1870 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Charles is listed as: age 43, Cooper, farmer, Real Estate value $6000, Personal estate value $1500. With Sarah, age 40, keeping house; John W., age 20, works on Farm; Edward, 18, Farmer; Charles, 16 Farmer; Wilber M., 13; Elworth E., 8; Melville, 5; Oakley, 1; William H. Bouton, age 25; Marry E. Ferris, age 19; Rhody Holly, age 77.3
Marriage1891He and Harriet E. Waterbury were married in 18912
Death16 July 1907He died on 16 July 1907 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut,2
BurialHe was buried at Long Ridge Union Cemetery, Erskine Rd. near Long Ridge Rd., in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.1
Last Edited 8 October 2020


  1. [S227] Charles R. Hale, Charles R. Hale Collection of Headstone Inscriptions (: Works Progress Administration, Housed at Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT, 1916-1935). Hereinafter cited as Charles R. Hale Collection of Headstone Inscriptions.
  2. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm
  3. [S81] , 1900 Census Online, Viewed on ancestry.com.

Lydia Louise Holly

F, #2224, b. about 1822


FatherSilas Holly (b. 16 November 1781, d. 4 March 1861)
MotherRhoda Sherwood (b. April 1784)


Birthabout 1822Lydia Louise Holly was born about 1822.1
Last Edited 22 December 2016


  1. [S127] USGenWeb Fairfield County Early Settlers of Stamford, CT Families 1641-1935, online http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_page.htm